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LaGooner Report 1 Jan 2010 21:54

Thats not too bad then. None here only a small sleet shower late this morning. Just as I went out of course ! LOL


LaGooner Report 1 Jan 2010 21:55

Hi RMS how are you ?


RockyMountainShy Report 1 Jan 2010 22:00

Hello there

I AM FINE I think


YG Report 1 Jan 2010 22:11


Winter tyres are virtually unheard of here, other than about 10% of users in Scotland who usually have much more snow than the rest of the UK.

I think tyre manufacturers are trying to come up with a cold weather tyre that may stimulate drivers' interests more, but as they would only be used for perhaps three months of the year before having to be stored for the summer, i can't see anyone taking them on. They would certainly be costly as they recommend changing all four and in the times of the credit crunch it is jut a nice pipe dream.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 2 Jan 2010 00:05

Good evening RMS.

Nibbles and a drink - check
Rug - check
Wellie boots - check
Shovel - check

but as YG says, winter tyres/chains - nope

She is right. Apart from the more Northern areas of the UK, we don't have snow that hangs around for long, or is particulary deep ie more than an inch. The Midlands and the North of England seem to be getting more than their fair share this year...and it isn't even Feb yet, when we would normally expect it!


RockyMountainShy Report 2 Jan 2010 00:21

I know !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just like teasing you people.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 2 Jan 2010 00:33

Fell for that, didn't I - lol!


AuntySherlock Report 2 Jan 2010 05:46

Hi There! You are all still in bed. I am wrestling with an 'orrible family history mess. I have about ten too many rellies to match together. Just about ready to put it all in the bin.

Deleted that bit.


Mazfromnorf Report 2 Jan 2010 08:33

morning all
well we are floating still 6 inches above the ice lol ,more forcast later ,
the custard pipeline is the bright pink one and it has a wheel to open the valve ,I have just unblocked it there was a fat boakin in the pipe ,
In Germany we had snow chains in the boot if we got stuck they were easy to fit too ,very useful not good for long term use on tyres though ,Sons car is poorly sick waiting for the mum !!! can I borrow lol
I am waiting for son to go back to work so i get this back llol during the day
Marilynn welcome to the lodge

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 2 Jan 2010 09:49

I was hoping some of the snow would have gone today but it hasn't. Are you coping OK with driving Maz? I haven't been out for over a week, my husband has just gone to the shops but he was on ages just trying to open the gate. The snow has frozen and he had to hack it away before he could get out.

I'll send some of the ice over to the lodge, it'll do to put in the G&T.

Marilyn, leave that pink custard alone - you know what the doctor said.


Mazfromnorf Report 2 Jan 2010 10:09

i cope really well lol as i dont drive ,lol we are on such a good bus root that i manage really well ,I do wish I had finishd my tests years ago but now i have no confidence ,and its just another expense to worry about


YG Report 2 Jan 2010 11:11

More snow is forecast here for today and Monday. Not deep by any means, but the side roads are treacherous. i hate driving in it, but take my time until I get on the main roads that are clear. The only problem is the maniacs riding up my backside!!

Have to take Steptoe shopping later. What a pain that is lol!! then the decs are coming down. I have already ventured up the steps to the loft to get the boxes down. I'm sure it will be much more fun trying to get them back up there!!


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 2 Jan 2010 13:04

Hope the clearing up goes OK YG. Why can't Steptoe do his own shopping????

Have you been housebound Pauline? Your son must be getting cabin fever.

Beta Male came home last night, but missed a call while he was driving to say that the father had died shortly after he left. He was gutted as he wasn't there for his friend and his family. The parents come from Bangladesh and BM go the impression that it was customary for the extended famly and friends to gather at the bedside. The extended family still live there, so only the nuclear family (2 sons) to be around to give support.


AuntySherlock Report 2 Jan 2010 15:31

Well this is certainly a first. Just on two am and I'm up typing on the computer. Was trying to do some research earlier and kept falling asleep. So I went to sleep and now some 4 or 5 hours later I'm wide awake.

You all sound like you have had enough of your snow. It always looks so beautiful in movies and on TV. I can't imagine not being able to go exactly where I want to and when.

Now I think I'd better try for more sleep. It's packing to go away day tomorrow. Catch you all later.


YG Report 2 Jan 2010 16:56

Oooh don't even go there DET!!!! I think it is the only thing he has to hang on to now!! It is the first time I have seen him since Christmas Eve so a big, big change from when I first moved into the bungalow and I'm loving it!!

He has made friends with a guy across the road from him now and goes out and about with him. Why he can't take him shopping goodness only knows!!

Got most of my decs away now, just the tree to go at and it is always the last thing. I don't like parting with the lights!! I may do it later, or tomorrow.

I've been feeling pretty awful for the last few days and no, it is not over indulgence or too much alcohol!! Believe it or not, a drop has not passed my lips, but it may tonight as long as it doesn't upset my stomach again!!

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 2 Jan 2010 17:18

Have you caught a bug YG? Hope it didn't spoil your holiday.

I've definitely over indulged with food and alcohol, nothing much to do but eat, drink and watch DVDs.

Aunty the snow does look beautiful - but only if you don't have to go out in it.

I didn't realise you didn't drive Maz, you probably wouldn't want to in this weather anyway.

DET, we've all got cabin fever, we can't get my boy out and can't leave him alone. I think we may be stuck in all next week as well.

RMS, how do people who are wheelchair bound get around when you have deep snow over there?

LG, are all the family OK now?


YG Report 2 Jan 2010 17:25

I don't think so Pauline; no sickness, just feeling generally 'grotty'. Chemist has given me some tablets this afternoon so hopefully will be ok soon enough!!

tbh, I've been bored to tears. I don't mind being home in the summer when there is plenty to do in the garden, but I can't cope with just sitting around!!


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 2 Jan 2010 17:49

Sorry to hear of everyone's woes.

Nothing worse than feeling grotty with no one to care for you. If you're up to it YG, could you get yourself out to a local beauty spot or place of interest and have a stroll? On the occassions when I've been out by myself, I tend to put on the 'dotty (old) woman' act and attract loads of other similarly affected people who come up and chat.

You might already have considered this Pauline. Have you tried to use sacks or rugs to lay over the snow for the wheelchair...just as far as the car. Not knowing the type of chair he uses, or the combined weight, it may not work.

Hope Maz has had a good time with Frog, and not landed on her behind too often :-)

OH has been complaining about the lack of anything interesting to watch on TV. Of course, we should all be off skiing in Switzerland, like the TV executives. OH says he would rather be in Australia with Aunty's 39C weather - lol


Mazfromnorf Report 2 Jan 2010 19:11

helllo YG hope you feeel better soon we have a very white situation here snow been falling all afternoon so the frog has gone early as he is gong to the pictures in morning with his son ,was half thinking about staying as its really bad but hopefully will take it steady ,he brought some homemade soup over its lovely am finishing the last bit off now


LaGooner Report 2 Jan 2010 19:28

Evening all, what a lot full of woes LOL. Never mind I am sure 2010 will be better than 2009. Well for me it has too cos it certainly could not be any worse.