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LaGooner Report 2 Jan 2010 20:01

Same here I ache like hell tonight as I am due for some more painkillers soon. I will take them when I finally get my tea,I was late putting it in LOL


Mazfromnorf Report 2 Jan 2010 20:04

lol I am getting my act together before work on tuesday ,I hope its a bit better by then although the forcast is not good still
I am have ing a break and enjoying the PC while Andrew is out


LaGooner Report 2 Jan 2010 20:06

I will have to get of this one soon as OH has bought me a new wireless printer and will be seting it up for me after tea,


Mazfromnorf Report 2 Jan 2010 20:07

that sounds handy


LaGooner Report 2 Jan 2010 20:10

Oh it is I can sit down here on Lappy talking to all of you and print off stuff at same time,while printer is sitting on the desk in upstairs office well out of the way of little fingers and cat hairs LOL


Mazfromnorf Report 2 Jan 2010 20:14

cats lol
one cant stand the snow and gizmo cant keep out of it lol ,i have footprints everywhere


LaGooner Report 2 Jan 2010 20:16

Fenix loves it she goes out and rolls in it. She is the one who lays in the edge of the pond in the summer. She has aspirations of being a tiger LOL. Fuzzy hates it only goes out to do what a cat has to do and straight back in LOL


Mazfromnorf Report 2 Jan 2010 20:17

with having the litter in for gizmo tramp is not even going out lol


LaGooner Report 2 Jan 2010 20:19

No litter around here LOL. A quick nudge out of the cat flap works. LOL. Anyway tea is now ready and I will hopefully see you in a while when OH has finished swearing at the new printer LOL x


Mazfromnorf Report 2 Jan 2010 20:21

take care enjoy tea


AuntySherlock Report 2 Jan 2010 20:52

Morning all. Come on cheer up. The mushy weather can't last for too long. Just take every opportunity to go outside in whatever sunshine you can. I know you might not have any sunshine. However, even if you just stand outside occasionally can be a help. Lack of sunshine brings depression and those winter blues.

And no you lot I do not want to see newspaper headlines. Strange group from Nut Lodge seen cavorting naked in snow drifts. Bare arms and faces is enough. That's why us Aussies are such happy people. We spend more time in the sun!!!! Bet you didn't know that.

I've noted your change in direction YG. Air Sea Rescue crews it is. Well apart from rough seas, mal de mer, and soggy wet blokes, it seems a reasonable enough fetish to pursue. We will be able to have Neckie and Nellie tow the rescue boats up to the top of the Nut Lodge hill. All they have to do is navigate the creek first. You will also need to become fluent at talking in nautical terms.

I suppose we will need quantities of rum, and of course we need to put spinach on the menu, for after all they are popeyes.


David Report 2 Jan 2010 21:31

Wishing you all a Happy New Year 2010


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 2 Jan 2010 22:58

You've found us David!

And Happy New Year to you

So Frog can cook as well! Is there no end to his talents? Don't let this one get away - lol Hope both he and A arrive safely. You could always keep your fingers crossed and hope the school boilers have broken, or pipes frozen up/burst. That would mean a few more days off.

Glad you are getting around LG, and the adults at least nearly mended. I;m sure the littler ones will improve soon. Aunty is right about the light levels during winter. If you can bundle them up and take them out when it's shining, it might lift their spirits.
Hope the wireless printer works. Shout upstairs if someone is there when you start printing.......its a heck of a shock otherwise - lol

We will have to genetically alter one of the CP to create a carbon neutral form of aircon for Aunty's caravan, something cooling and breezey. Any ideas?


AuntySherlock Report 3 Jan 2010 02:23

Love the idea for a cool breezy CP to wave it's carbon neutral presence to keep me cool in the caravan. Let me tell you it's a mild 25ish here today and inside the van is very warm. Hopefully as we will be beside the sea it will be a little milder.

Have just sorted it out and packed half the house into it. Dunno why OH keeps saying, I hope you're not making it too heavy. I won't be able to tow it down the highway. Fergoodnesssake, I'm a woman going away for about 6 days. I can't survive with one change of jocks, a second pair of jeans, a tshirt and half a dozen stubbies of beer.

We leave very early Tuesday morning my time. It will take us about 7 hours to get there, that's in OHs estimation. If I am allowed to drive we will probably do the trip in about 5 hours. Spot has his bag packed and is not letting either of us out of his sight.

Greetings David. Good to hear from you. How's the research going??

I always get a giggle about this. I come in look at the last post, reply to it, click submit and then look at the screen. Oh gee golly it's only after two AM over there on a dark cold wintry night. I'm sure they are all sitting up in front of their computers typing away madly. Duh! Never mind will give you something to read while you are having your breakfast


Mazfromnorf Report 3 Jan 2010 08:16

morning aunty welcome david
we have about ten inches of snow again , with a very white sky
both fellas arrived at their destinations however sons car is slightly hidden by snow outside so church may not be possible
DET if we are off we wont get paid sadly , The highest pub in the uk is not far from here the folk up there have ben trapped since new year


YG Report 3 Jan 2010 08:16


Nobody up bright eyed and bushy tailed this morning!!! It must the cold weather keeping them all under the duvets!!

What am I like!! The last chance for a lay-in and I'm up at the crack of dawn! Washing sorted, tree half stripped and now tea break and brekkie time!!!


Mazfromnorf Report 3 Jan 2010 08:16

boo YG


YG Report 3 Jan 2010 08:25

Hello, you!!!


AuntySherlock Report 3 Jan 2010 09:25

Morning you lot. Any sympathy going around there. Probably not, you've used it all up.

I did a fitness class on Saturday morning. Done it half a million times before. Sometimes slight soreness in the legs, never anything to make me say ouch. Well dang blammed "ouch". Heavens to murgatroid I am in pain.

Tops of legs above the knees. Muscles are sooooooooooooo sore. I can't kneel or squat down. Packing the caravan was a sooore delight. After sitting at the computer for half an hour I have to unbend my legs so I can teeter my way out of the room. Goodness knows what I've done. Could be I've final managed the exercise correctly and this is how it should feel. Tried a half hour walk to even the pain out. Oh haaaa haaaa. Waaaaaaaaaah! Oh well look on the bright side get to go back again Monday night to do it all again.

Other that that I've had a very lazy day filling in my tree and watching the Australian Cricket Team being annhilated by Pakistan in the second cricket test. Australia all out for 127. If it wasn't for the tailenders we would have scored about 80. Hope they do better tomorrow with their fielding.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 3 Jan 2010 11:10

Morning YG and Maz. It's probably just as well you are up early...helps to sort your body clocks out ready for the working week. Mines really off kilter - probably because the workman at the house opposite are on holiday.

You Northern and Midlanders must be really fed up with the white stuff, and there is more to come. Think we will miss that forecast for down here.

Hope your legs ease up by Tuesday. Not hope, I know they will! But I'd give the exercise class a rest on Monday! Perhaps OH has factored in milo breaks and walking Spot for his travel time estimate?