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LaGooner Report 18 Oct 2010 11:50

LOL DET that was good timing from me . Don't expect such efficiency all the time will you LOL


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 18 Oct 2010 11:56

Lol - well, you 'have a life', I haven't - lol


LaGooner Report 18 Oct 2010 11:59

LOL DET. I sometimes have too much of a life. I only got back in at 11.15 and I have had 2 texts,3 callas at the door and 5 phone calls. Oh and 6 emails to read.

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 18 Oct 2010 12:33

Well at least it shows you're popular LG, look how many people want to talk to you.

Is Aunty coming back then?

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 18 Oct 2010 12:35

I've been out cutting bushes back and when I came in there was a baby frog sitting on my shoulder. No idea how it got there, do frogs climb up bushes?


Mazfromnorf Report 18 Oct 2010 14:26

hi folks well am awaiting a surveyor to come to price this grant work up he was told that i would not be around until two so hope he has not tried early i was home well before time so will see


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 18 Oct 2010 15:25

Hope the surveyor turns up for you Maz. There's never knowing but as they are 'Proffessionals' one would hope they are more organised!

Hope you didn't scream too loudly Pauline - what a shock it must have been! Can't seem to find anything about the behaviour of frogs once they leave water/return to spawn. One site said something like 'No one knows what they do when they are on land'. Why not write to a natural history org, or a Uni or something?

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 18 Oct 2010 16:29

DET, I think I must have catapulted the little fellow onto my shoulder when I pulled some branches up that were trailing the ground. He might have been sitting on one of the branches that was on the bottom, that's the only way I can think of how he got on my shoulder. We've got loads of frogs (of all sizes) in the garden, they're all over the place.

Maz, he might not arrive till about 5pm, he might have put you on the end of his list. I hope he turns up, it's really annoying when you're waiting for someone and they don't turn up.


Mazfromnorf Report 18 Oct 2010 16:54

am still waiting phoned the office number they cant find him at all ,so uless he arrives tomorrow afternoon i am not able to be around again


YG Report 18 Oct 2010 18:32


Possible snow forecast on the North Yorkshire Moors tomorrow night!! Am I pleased that I am not near enough!!! BUT, a very heavy frost is forecast. Maybe we will miss it all as we are in a valley!

Glad to hear that Aunty is ok. Hope she is back soon and hasn't forsaken us all!


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 18 Oct 2010 18:34

Frost? Oh dear!! Hope you've brought your 'delicates' indoors :-)


YG Report 18 Oct 2010 20:08

They are in the growhouse that I have now put in the shed for the winter. There are windows, so the plants will get light and when it gets really cold I will give them some extra protection with some bubble wrap. I need a new shed as there are gaps in places, but it will have to wait. The plants all survived last year, so fingers crossed!


YG Report 18 Oct 2010 22:08

I'm talking to myself again!!n You are right about the arguments DET!! I can always win them!!

Am cuddling up on the throne now. Freshly washed cushions for my tired feet to rest on, a lovely cup of Horl***s and a huge great slanket!! I am very comfy and ready to doze off zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 18 Oct 2010 22:17

Is there room for one more under the slanket? Might get one of those for OH as he complains he is cold earlier than me lol

Just heard that the Ark Royal is going to be scrapped - glad its not the Arsenal Ark Royal or we'd be up the creek without a paddle.


Mazfromnorf Report 19 Oct 2010 06:35

morning all we have snow showers forcast for the high ground today froggy is on the high ground ,the long range forcast is a chiily one too


LaGooner Report 19 Oct 2010 08:59

Morning all. Arsenal ark royal is in dry dock at the moment getting skis fitted ready for the snow oooop norf. Just shout if you have problems and I will get her launched pronto !.

Dry and sunny here at the moment but who knows what it will be doing by the time I have washing ready to go out. Bit late putting it in this morning as I still have a cracking headache that started yesterday afternoon and has not let up yet. Hence a very short time on here as I don't want to make it worse. Have a good day one and all x


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 19 Oct 2010 09:53

Sorry to hear about the headache LG. Its probably caused by all the banging fitting the skis. Rather glad we don't live opp norf if you have snow expected, even though its not unusual in Nov....we haven't got there yet!

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 19 Oct 2010 10:08

I've just lost my post again, can't remember what I'd typed either.

It's dry and sunny here as well LG, but it's freezing. Haven't looked at the forecast Maz so I didn't know snow was forecast. Guessed it wouldn't be long though because we've had a heavy frost the last few mornings.

YG, if your plants survived last winter they'll survive anything.

DET, the people up here are very hardy, they walk around in vest tops when we have a foot of snow. Don't know what happened to me though because I'm a wimp, I need a coat ............just a little one.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 19 Oct 2010 10:36

Sounds like BM, Pauline. He went to uni in Leeds. When I went to visit once, there was snow on the ground. He met me at the station in a T shirt, while I was in my cold weather puffa jacket + gloves, hat, scarf etc - lol


Mazfromnorf Report 19 Oct 2010 15:49

lol they do it all the time around here it is wet and cold now ,i have to go out in a moment too