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+++DetEcTive+++ Report 23 Oct 2010 09:35

Morning All - Still raining here but the forecast is good for this afternoon. Hope Maz got away on time. Its going to be really quiet on here isn't it? LG & Pauline willl have to talk to themselves during the day.

Haven't even thought about the C day yet - there are 3 birthdays to get through first, then who is going where and when, not helped by PC who has no idea of her shifts!!!


LaGooner Report 23 Oct 2010 09:50

LOL . That will send her running for sure, and me !!!


LaGooner Report 23 Oct 2010 09:53

Morning DET. I have to start buying about now as there are so many of the b*****s LOL. I am off out a bit later as usual on Saturdays looking for some more bargains with OH. The sun is out here now so going to risk putting out some washing as there is a good breeze too.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 23 Oct 2010 10:05

Luckily I've only 7 adults to buy for - one each. The in laws always say they don't want/need anything which makes it awkward. OH is either on another planet or down to undies lol


LaGooner Report 23 Oct 2010 10:08

Oh luck you I wish !!!! Lost count but 9 grandchildren for a start , 7 kids and partners ,Oh, and numerous other folk. LOL

I hope Maz got away ok too


LaGooner Report 23 Oct 2010 10:33

Right must be off and away, Catch you all later have a good day one and all. ~ ~ ~ waves as she departs LOL


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 23 Oct 2010 10:39

~~~~~~ Bye LG - don't spend too much; There's a recession on, don't ya know?


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 24 Oct 2010 09:16

Helloooooo?????? Anyone there??? ~~~~~~~~~~~~

Send out the search parties for LG....last seen going on a pressie hunt. Has she been locked in Santa's Grotto building site??

....and where is YG?? Has her lurgy confined her to bed? What about the elusive Pauline? She may well be tied up with domestic issues. Here's hoping no contact is not ominous.

Off line tree now looking more respectable, but still a lot of tidying up still to do. Pity that downloads are taking soooo long; no chance of recording proper census sources.


YG Report 24 Oct 2010 09:24

Boo!! I'm here! But not for long. I have to go into town shopping for birthday presents for my two gds. It is a very difficult task, trying to find something that my dil approves of, so am not looking forward to it.

But, the sun is shining, the sky is blue and it is a lovely day, even though chilly out there, so it's not all bad!

I am trying to keep off the computer as much as I can as my eyes are still very 'teary' at the moment. They were better yesterday, not being at work and staring at the screen all day so just trying to be a little more sensible!

Pauline, I am after you!!!! We were chatting at work the other day and I said I wasn't doing that nasty word and wouldn't be going to all the trouble of putting up decs for noone but me to see, so you are very naughty!!


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 24 Oct 2010 09:43

Hi YG - enjoy your trip out. Hope your eyes get better soon - perhaps you could ask your employers to get one of those antiglare clip on screens for work - quote H&S at them! If your eyes aren't significantly better by this evening, could you perhaps have infection? You did say that you felt as if you were coming down with a virus!


LaGooner Report 24 Oct 2010 09:49

Morning all. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Just flying through to wish you all a good day. Don't spend too much on C.... Presents YG LOL >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Flys of for cover flack jacket on and tin hat firmly on head. Bye all catch you later

ps Just checked last nights lottery ticket and decided there are/were to Hopes in this world, Bob Hope and No Hope !! LOL


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 24 Oct 2010 10:16

Oooo..I'd forgotten about the lottery LG! Knowing my luck, I'd have 5 different rows lol

edit - 2 numbers on 3 lines. Oh well, bread and marg for tea again. :((


YG Report 24 Oct 2010 15:38

Cor, you ain't arf posh darn sarf!! It's bread & dripping up norf!

Have arrived home, absolutely kna**ered after four hours of wandering round aimlessly. Tried Ne*t, Debs & M&*. Eventually chose somethings, but everything I wanted wasn't there in the size I needed ......... as always!!

Oh well, I have got gift receipts for all of them so dil can do what she likes!!

And that's just for a birthday. Another to go next week and then the unmentionable!!

DET, I 've had the problem for a few weeks now and the optician said my eyes were dry so were overcompensating. Have tried the expensive drops he suggested, but no better, so I think perhaps a visit to the GP when I am on hols in a couple of weeks time.

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 24 Oct 2010 16:27

*Pops head round corner* Is it safe to come on?

Go on YG, get the decorations out of the loft, it won't be the same without them.

We had horrible weather yesterday, hailstones most of the day, but it's sunny today.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 24 Oct 2010 17:17

Hope YG has settled down to a nice cup of tea (or something stronger) after trawling round the shops. At least get the tree out of its box and a wreath on the front door in case you have visitors!!!

Had to pick OH off the floor this afternoon - he wants a more formal/smarter top coat. Have you seen the prices?? lol Now bread and dripping - can't get the dripping nowadays, such a shame and no good for the waist line.


YG Report 24 Oct 2010 17:33

I paid almost £100 about 3 years ago for a shorter length top coat for Steptoe. He picked it himself, so he must have liked it, but it has only seen daylight 2-3 times max for funerals!! But then ......... Steptoe doesn't like dressing in nice clothes!

At long, long last I am totally rid of him! No more shopping on Saturdays with him. I've told him I won't be calling round anymore!

And yes, DET, I have had several cups of tea and am now refreshed!

Pauline, you timed that well!!! But I'm hiding in a corner!!


YG Report 24 Oct 2010 17:33

You can still get dripping up norf!!

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 24 Oct 2010 17:52

I've never had dripping.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 24 Oct 2010 17:53

Well done YG - the apron strings have been severed!

We can get beef dripping in the shops for cooking purposes, but don't fancy that on bread/toast. As a child, we occassionally had lamb/mutton dripping saved from cooking which had a different texture...more grainy, served with a sprinkle of salt. Yum, yum, or is that a faulty memory?

M&S prices were about the same as you paid. Not quite sure why he wants one....perhaps he is recognising that his parents are getting on in years? We were window shopping for a smart 3/4 length one for me as well......and that is probably the way it will stay. The one I have now still has a lot of wear left in it, but was bought big to go over suit jackets + I've lost weight.....which I'm slowly but surely finding again. :-(

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 24 Oct 2010 18:03

Stop looking for it DET.