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LaGooner Report 17 Oct 2010 14:22

Send me over the laundry fairy LOL. Does she do ironing ??????


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 17 Oct 2010 14:49

Only if she is feeling generous, which is a rare thing lol


Mazfromnorf Report 17 Oct 2010 15:54

thats what i need an ironing fairy if i had a large house i would have a pile of ironing for A but i dont and it is easier to do it as i go along ,the northern men dont do much at home really I always iron as i wash so i dont have a load to do then


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 17 Oct 2010 16:41

It shouldn't be a north/south divide at all. More like a generation thing and as he is the youngest adult generation, you should be training him for his future!

Dump the dried laundry in his room and tell him you'll show him how its done.(one T Shirt/collared shirt/trousers only!) Independence and all that jazz.

If/when he gets into a relationship, his OH is going to expect him to pull his weight as he/she will be working as well.

End of sermon (well, it is Sunday!)

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 17 Oct 2010 16:41

Too true there Maz, not many northern men do any housework.

It hasn't been a bad day today, I got the washing dried outside for a change.

Can I put my name on the list for the laundry fairy please?


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 17 Oct 2010 17:25

You may be waiting for some time Pauline!

I can understand if you are the stay at home carer that the OH doesn't do much, but if you are both working, then it should be more evenly divided. Even when i was a full time mum, it was OH's duty to wash up the evening to set an example to the offspring. Then, when I went back to work (part time) he would occassionaly organise the offspring for a clearing up session. When he was made redundant when the children were young and I was working, he would do a bit of housework while I was out, and he did all the shopping!

Perhaps I've got a good 'un - well, I know I have! His father (nor mine) did very little around the house, as that the way it was. He didn't learn by example.


YG Report 17 Oct 2010 18:10

My ex was brilliant at housework. We always shared all the tasks, including cooking, as he was a cook sergeant in the TAs before I met him.

Decorating, gardening, you name it, he shared it with me.
(and I'm not talking about Steptoe, he was useless!)

Can someone please remind me why I left him??


LaGooner Report 17 Oct 2010 18:30

Sounds like mine YG. But I don't expect him to do it all the time as he works long hours. I am home all the time so I do it


YG Report 17 Oct 2010 18:40

We both worked full time so it was a fair division of labour! In fact, not too long after we married I worked 9-5 and then did three evening shifts a week from 6-10pm in a friend's cafe! Don't have that sort of energy any more!


LaGooner Report 17 Oct 2010 20:38

Should have added I am speaking of present OH not my @@####****#### ex !!!!!!. He was as useless as a chocolate teapot but most definately not as sweet.


YG Report 17 Oct 2010 21:33

It goes without saying LG!!


LaGooner Report 17 Oct 2010 21:35

Evening how are you, I am dodging back and forth trying to find some more tree info.


YG Report 17 Oct 2010 22:22

I'm ok thanks LG. Been busy today and managed to give the grass a last cut and clean the mower ready for the winter.

I have had a very relaxing evening on the settee watching tv with two furry friends, but it is time I wasn't here now as the unmentionable calls again tomorrow!!

I'm off under the duvet, so sleep well. Nite nite xx


LaGooner Report 17 Oct 2010 22:59

Probably missed you by now,Sorry. Nite nite,sleep very well X


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 18 Oct 2010 00:12

Evening Lg if you are still about..
...Morning Maz if you aren't!


Mazfromnorf Report 18 Oct 2010 07:09

morning DET A can do it while i am away next week he will do the chores ,His father did nothing when we came home but when i was ill he did ,when i had my hips done A did a lot then ,N did less than him she was bone idle, A is out from 7am until 5.30 pm ,
the women around here do it all mum didnt there was a split women in the kitchen men did the DIY , A knows if my shift pattern changes he will have to do some chores .Froggy is reasonably trained tadpole is being trained irons on demand lol

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 18 Oct 2010 09:47

I can't complain about doing everything in the house because I don't go out to work, and hubby works 12 hours a day. He does a lot of gardening as well......but no decorating. None of us decorate, we get somebody in to do it.

It's another horrible day here, wet and cold.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 18 Oct 2010 11:24

Moring all.

Before we drop this hornets nest I've stirred up, you must listen to this ancedote.

A few years ago I was on medical 'bed rest' aka lying on the settee. OH and offspring were told they would have to do their own ironing. OH sets to on his shirts and was making a terrible hash of it. BM got so frustrated watching that he took over and did OH's as well as his own!

Not sure what we have lined up for today, certainly not the ironing! It is dry, but quite cloudy.


LaGooner Report 18 Oct 2010 11:41

Morning all, no divides in this house LOl. If it's house***k,decorating or whatever it's me LOL

I emailed Aunty ,she is fine and missing us all


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 18 Oct 2010 11:48

Morning LG. Good to hear that Aunty is still alive and kicking. Is she intending to rejoin us, or has the moment passed? Scrub that, just got an email. :-0