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Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 23 Sep 2010 09:41

We've had rain since about 4pm yesterday but it's just stopped and the sky's starting to brighten up a bit. Might be able to get on the roof later and get the boakin.

Pleased to see your cold's easing off Maz, nobody will notice if your nose drips on your broomstick.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 23 Sep 2010 11:53

Morning all - pulled a late one last night practising my ducking and diving to avoid incoming lol.

I'm SO annoyed as a poster I tried to help said she'd already found that - grrrrrr.


LaGooner Report 23 Sep 2010 15:59

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.afternoon all just flying through whilst doing some admin>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>. catch yous later >>>>>>>>>>> xx

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 23 Sep 2010 16:07

Would you believe it?...........It's pitch black here and we're having a hail storm.

Can't go out practicing in this.


LaGooner Report 23 Sep 2010 16:57

Why not ?LOl a bit of rain won't hurt you. But thinking about it I best not as it will short out the laser


YG Report 23 Sep 2010 17:11

Pleased your cold is getting a bit better Maz. Several people at work are suffering too. I hope they keep it to themselves!

Haven't had chance to practice today, but will get some training in tonight. It turned very black here and we have had a shower, but not bad at the moment.

An horrendous day at work, so stuff the diet tonight. I'm having a treat, then my practice will work off a few calories. Got my loops and figures of eight sorted out, but I keep losing my gnashers!! Anyone got a king size tube of that P***yg*** stuff!!!

Given the cats Drontal LG, but our vet charges a £25 consultation fee just for seeing them, so it would have been another £50 gone before I walked out.

Duffy seems much better today,no more licking thank goodness!


Mazfromnorf Report 23 Sep 2010 17:23

clonk phew i have just zoomed in as it started raining have just met my line manager and it looks promising so I now begin an induction process and its hoped i will pick up a fair ammount of relief work which will be afternoons out on floating support in the community
he is very pleasant and i will enjoy working there i think ,also I am going to be on the books for some flats in Darlington supported housing and it sonds promising it is a changing clientele due to needs and referals there is a lot of training to do .but i can handle that and i can do it around school hours then hopefully transfer fully by next year


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 23 Sep 2010 19:54

Sounds really great Maz. I was concerned that they would promise you work then not deliver. Pchild was in that situation as a care worker when she 1st left Uni.

Whizzed down the village this afternoon. The broomstick made it much easier to park - lol

As eldest says re dieting - tomorrow is another day. No one will blame you for a lapse into comfort food YG!!!


LaGooner Report 23 Sep 2010 20:05

>>>>>>>>>>... Evening all>>>>>>>>>~~~~~~~~whoops had a bit of a wobble there LOL

Sounds good Maz well done


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 23 Sep 2010 20:45

Ah, so it was you who caste a shadow across the face of the moon???

If anyone has Sky Sports, could they look and see if a RU game of Saracens v someone else is being broadcast on Sunday (26th)? BM has been selected to take part in their 'hit the cross bar' competion at half time. If it is being shown, we will have to find a pub showing it. Oh, what a hard ship! (He'll probably miss, tee hee)


LaGooner Report 23 Sep 2010 20:52

But of course ust ran in for cover as it is now pouring with rain and I don't want a short out LOL. Plus of course the flag is a b****r to dry !!


YG Report 23 Sep 2010 21:21

According to EOS, it's a full moon tonight!!


LaGooner Report 23 Sep 2010 21:27

Howlllllllllllllllllll. Ah now I know what is pushing my tin hat off . It is all the extra hair LOL


YG Report 23 Sep 2010 21:56

You'll have strong muscles though and have a good grip on the broomstick!

You'd best be back before daylight though or you'll scare everyone.

Am off now, to have a bit earlier night! We oldies need our sleep and all that practice has worn me out tonight!

Sleep well LG. Nite nite xx


LaGooner Report 23 Sep 2010 22:22

NIte nite YG sleep well. us youngsters are still up and about LOL x


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 24 Sep 2010 00:14

But even us youngsters need our beauty sleep - night all


Mazfromnorf Report 24 Sep 2010 06:57

morning was that the wind howling all night or the broomstick killer lol
DET time will tell with the job cuts and funding will be an issue ,however i am likely to get a reduction in hours in the kitchen so it will even out i hope


LaGooner Report 24 Sep 2010 09:08

Good morning from the beautiful one LOL. I have had my sleep and it worked (NOT !!!!!) . It will take a shovel full of filler and a good thick coat of warpaint to make me look good. Got horrible fine rain here today so I am shutting myself indoors and tackling the dreaded h*******k !!!!.

No broomstick practice until rain stops ,although I am thinking of finding a large fruit bat to use as an umbrella whilst flying as it could hold onto my tin hat and open it's wings to keep me dry.
Hmmmmmmmm now where is that map so I can find the nearest Forest .


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 24 Sep 2010 09:53

You may need to find a Jungle or Zoo for a Fruit Bat - lol.

Morning all - It's stopped raining now, so I'll use the broomstick to tow the weekly shop home. Hope there is enough power to lift off!


LaGooner Report 24 Sep 2010 10:48

If your broomstick needs supercharging send it over to OH he will tune it up and service it for you LOL. I pay someone else to bring my shopping home

I'll go to the rainforest seeing as I want one for an umbrella LOL LOL LOL. My I am so sharp this morning I will have to be careful I don't cut myself !!