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LaGooner Report 22 Sep 2010 09:17

Nothing unusual me mispelling after an evening with my new Brownies LOL. I am still getting to know them and what they like etc. so running evenings is a bit trying at the moment.

Good luck with what you are doing Maz.

I am jumping on the broomstick now to go to the bank and will do a bit of flying practice on the way LOL. I will sure get some funny looks as I fly over the town looping the loop with a large red and white flag flapping proudly behind LOL

Catch you all later , have a good day one and all x


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 22 Sep 2010 18:20 It's awfully quiet here!

Hope you feel better soon Maz, and good luck with the new job. didn't hear of any traffic reports or UFO sightings in your neck of the woods LG, so you probably got away with it!

Saw a piece of jewelry in a shop window and thought of YG. It was a broach, about 4 inches across of a


We made the most of the last day of summer and went to Petsworth House. Lovely grounds to sit and eat our picnic, and many 'old master' pieces of art in the House. Our NT membership runs out at the end of the month, so we were determined to get our monies worth. We ought to be able to fit in one last visit next week.


YG Report 22 Sep 2010 19:30

Another unmentionable word DET!! I hope you have some comfy cushions for the norty step cos you are going to be on there for quite a while.

Haven't you been practicing for the display team either!! It'll be down to LG, Pauline and moi if we're not careful!


LaGooner Report 22 Sep 2010 20:28

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>..I'm still practicing>>>>>>>>>>Just trying to avoid knocking into to many chimneys. I have got 3 sky dishes dangling behind now and they keep tangling up the flag. LOL


YG Report 22 Sep 2010 20:54

Get them wired up and we can watch tv while we're doing the display. Womed are supposed to be good at multi tasking lol!

I've been loops and figure eights but got tangled up in some telephone wires. Hope yours is still working ok LG!!

At this rate, there'll only be you and me!!


LaGooner Report 22 Sep 2010 20:56

I think you are right there YG. Still I am sure we could make up a good show LOL.

How is the miffed moggie tonight has he got over his bath ??? or has he still not forgiven you


YG Report 22 Sep 2010 21:29

He's got over his sulks, but to add insult to injury I brought worming tablets home tonight. I managed to get Duffy's down, but no chance with Muffy unless I want to finish up looking as though I'm self harming!! He's a vicious little so and so if you try to restrict him in any way, especially his claws. My hairdresser gave him the last ones as she is used to handling cats, but I'm not quick enough!!

Duffy stayed dry all night with no licking, but has started again tonight down his left shoulder. Now he is sleeping! I've tried several places for tincture of iodine but noone has any in stock. One pharmacy assistant had never heard of it!! That must be showing my age lol!!


YG Report 22 Sep 2010 21:31

Are you trigger happy again tonight LG??


LaGooner Report 22 Sep 2010 21:59

LOL YG . I am getting in practice for firing the laser when we do our display My son has just been round so that is why I disappeared for a while .

Worming tablets don't even go there !!!


YG Report 22 Sep 2010 22:25

And again!!

I'm off now before my eyes shut completely.

Hope to catch you tomnorrow LG. Sleep well xx


LaGooner Report 22 Sep 2010 22:40

It's this damn lappy it seems to go through phases of doing it. Nite ,nite Yg sleep well catch you tomorrow. and keep practising that flying LOL. Sleep well x


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 22 Sep 2010 23:01

Sounds like my car battery this morning, just before it died. Think that too many attempts to jump start the broomstick had a detrimental effect. :(


LaGooner Report 22 Sep 2010 23:18

LOL DET I think you are right about the jump starts.

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 22 Sep 2010 23:47

I'm a bit late getting here because I've been practicing how to do back flips and cartwheels without showing me knickers off.

Think I've got it just about perfect now, just need another couple of safety pins.

Me hat keeps falling off though.


LaGooner Report 22 Sep 2010 23:51

Hi Pauline, sure cure for hats tie a boakin around it they are now long enough to make a lovely bow.

Just signing of now but hope to see you about tomorrow. Nite,nite sleep well x

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 22 Sep 2010 23:53

Nite LG, better send me a couple of boakins, just in case one falls off in mid-flight.


LaGooner Report 22 Sep 2010 23:55

Will do I will load them in the catapult know just before I climb the stairs Nite XX

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 22 Sep 2010 23:58

Thanks, got one of them, but the other one went a bit high, it's stuck on the aerial, too tired to climb up for it now, I'll get it in the morning.

Off to bed now........night.


Mazfromnorf Report 23 Sep 2010 06:27

morning all
i got the iodine in our local chemist ,3 quid
,My cold is easing thanks still runny nose but its out of my head if you know what i mean
It has been pouring all night here , and is very dark lol .
I have just picked a broken broomshank up from my gate so i guess the flying lessons are still happening then
worming cats yuk i use the two in one Frontline stuff they are put on the necks where thye cant lick .easy no fights with towells etc


LaGooner Report 23 Sep 2010 09:23

Yes flying is still in progress ready for an aerial display.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Only trouble with frontline etc is that they do not kill tapeworm so they should be given Drontal or similar as well. I take mine to the vet to give tablets. Only costs me a pittance and it saves my flesh LOL. Right must fly off and face the days chores be back later >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>