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YG Report 19 Sep 2010 21:23

I'll keep my eye on it and see how it goes on over the next week or so. If it starts to grow again, fine, but otherwise I will have to take him to the vet. Can do well without the expense at the moment, but if needs must, so be it.


LaGooner Report 19 Sep 2010 21:41

I had to take ours last Sunday of all days !!! She had cut her face open it cost us £104. Eeeeeeek.


YG Report 19 Sep 2010 21:53

They certainly know how to charge. It cost me a fortune last time and I have lost confidence in what they tell you.

I'm off now to let them in and get ready for bed.

An early start tomorrow and a very difficult couple of days to face at work. One of my managers didn't do something he said he had done and two of us had to sort out the consequences last week while he was on leave, so he is in big trouble this week. I have to work with him tomorrow and Tuesday if he doesn't go off sick, so not looking forward to it.

Sleep well LG, catch you tomorrow x


LaGooner Report 19 Sep 2010 21:58

Nite nite,YG Sleep well and catch you tomorrow if I get back from my meeting early enough. Take care xx


Mazfromnorf Report 20 Sep 2010 06:23

morning My cousin supports the gunners too LG hence she was moaning mind the black cats are usually bad but Andrew is a fan lol
well its very dark here this morning am doing the washing though as its quite an encouraging forcast
vets are really good business folk Gizmo had his jab saturday tramp is a bit sniffly today but he gets this sometimes .a lady i know who has a farm says she always tries Iodine before the vets as its cheaper


Mazfromnorf Report 20 Sep 2010 06:37

Before i forget my cousin is having a rough time her hubby has been in hospital for a pacemaker ,and she is booked in for an operation while we are in the south so i am going to help her .this may make it difficult to be able to meet up ,so i dont know what to suggest


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 20 Sep 2010 09:57

Morning all.

Sorry to hear about your cousin, but family comes first. Unless YG can get time off, both LG and I get normal cheap rate tickets after 9.30, so unless we have pre-existing arrangements, there isn't any advantage in booking in advance.

As you know, I'm not a cat person. However, eldest's 2 cats get a skin reaction and go bald on their underbellies ever spring into summer. They've put it down to a flora allergy. Could yours be brushing under a particual plant now in seed perhaps?


LaGooner Report 20 Sep 2010 13:45

Oh Maz sorry to hear that news but of course family must come first. As DET says no problems with tickets for us so lets wait and see what happens.

ps. twas me that deleted I got trigger happy again LOL

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 20 Sep 2010 13:57

Hi all.

Sorry to hear about your cousin Maz, hope they both have quick recoveries.

YG, my stray cat had that problem last year, we never found out what caused it but it did grow back on it's own.


Mazfromnorf Report 20 Sep 2010 14:20

afternoon right will play it by ear then My cousin is my only close relation apart from my mum so I think I should make an effort she had a nasty fall at christmas and now needs a hip replaced and a knee so .her hubby will be alone ,so will probably go over and do some chores for him ,thye are both much older than I am


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 20 Sep 2010 14:38

I'm sure they will appreciate the help. Who knows, in 6 weeks time, her hubby could be up and running again, although she may well appreciate you being around to keep an eye on him. One less thing for her to worry about.


Mazfromnorf Report 20 Sep 2010 16:25

i think they will he has Parkinsons and has had a stroke so he is a bit of a handfull at the moment
I am trying Internet explorer this afternoon I have no bouncing page no srambled tree and no delay in the typing .
cats are prone to allergies i am told because of the grass etc there is always an expence of some kind around a corner


YG Report 20 Sep 2010 17:27

Maz, sorry to hear the news but I know you will do what you think you should.

Thanks everyone for the suggestions for Duffy. It looks as though a couple of small sores have developed, so have given both cats the flea treatment again and will get some iodine tomorrow to put on. I am sure that will sort him out. I have heard of people using iodine before on animals so it's worth a try. There's nothing wrong with him otherwise, so hopefully I won't need the vet. They charged me enough last time!

Well the interviews for the post are set now for 7th October. They will most likely make a decision on the 8th. It depends now on the notice that he/she will have to give. Will keep you informed.


YG Report 20 Sep 2010 21:33

What an opportunity to pinch the crown again!!

I'm the Killer Queen!!

The throne is mine, so feet up, a cup of hot chocolate, a few biscuits and a lovely long snooze zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


LaGooner Report 20 Sep 2010 22:55

Oh no you are not !!!!!!. You little usurper LOL.
Evening all just got back from my meeting and wrote up my notes so that I can understand them LOL. Off now as it has been a very long day but I just slipped in quick to say nite nite.

PS. Don't forget everyone get some broomstick flying practice so we can form our display team we will be miles better than the red arrows LOL


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 21 Sep 2010 00:03

Parks broomstick against the wall...Shakes icicles off the end of nose.....Tip toes in through the door.....nudges LG up and settles down on the throne. Ah! Bliss........zzzzzzzzzzz


Mazfromnorf Report 21 Sep 2010 06:22

morning all well I am looking for games again for tonight for the live wires
I have a puddy that is wheezing a bit so i am hoping that is nothing to untoward will monitor the situation


Mazfromnorf Report 21 Sep 2010 14:18

its mine all mine sits down quick sticks feet up bliss


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 21 Sep 2010 14:20

As you've been on your feet, hard at work, we'll let you get away with that - lol. Hope you took your shoes off first!


Mazfromnorf Report 21 Sep 2010 15:19

hi yes i took my shoes off but dont stand too close lol ,I have just done a bit of gardening before the youth group tonight