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+++DetEcTive+++ Report 24 Aug 2010 09:05

Morning all. Glad that something good may have come out of something sad. Hope you are bearing up. LG. Internet/laptop problems sorted now?

You'll have to be quicker off the mark YG, next time.

Are you going to let us know how Tadpole gets on with his results today? Will there be a celebration or would that only be for his close family? I always thought they came out on a Thursday, but obviously I'm mistaken.

PC is off to Reading-on-mud tomorrow for the Festival. That will be fun (not) for her - lol


Mazfromnorf Report 24 Aug 2010 10:03

am waiting to hear about tadpole he is hoping for high grades to make his chosen spot in Durham .we will celebrate separate probably i will do a bbq if the weather allows .it is showery here


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 24 Aug 2010 12:51

Hope the weather is kind to you Maz.

I asked for more details about why the Ask the Nutters thread was deleted and had the following reply -
Thank you for your email.

As part of our terms and conditions, we do not allow look up postings on the site, this is why this thread was removed. It will not be re-instated.

Other posts are being removed with look up information.

Best regard

What for the screams of anguish when virtually all the 'helping threads' are whooshed - they are cutting off their nose to spite their face.

edit - there is a discussion on another thread about this, as a one of Jonesey's threads has been deleted. We can not find anything in T&C disallowing 'look ups'.


Mazfromnorf Report 24 Aug 2010 15:21

fun lol we will all have to email each other then ,The only hitch is as i can find is the 1911 census as that is still copyrighted by FMP .
well Tadpole is a clever boy 7xA* , 4x A and 1E so he has his place easily we have hiccups again then


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 24 Aug 2010 15:37

He IS a clever boy, isn't he!! Well done Tadpole. Of course, you can always say that it is down to inherited genes with 50% from Frog!

Apparently, several threads have been deleted, one with a reply that posting 1911 results is *not* against T&C!!!!!
I suppose we could get round it by posting the ref no on the thread then PM or emailing the full result. Personally, I'd carry on as we were, and as long as whoever asks copies the info down, if it get's whooshed, so be it.


Mazfromnorf Report 24 Aug 2010 16:20

that is the best way i was looking for the threads but to no avail lol I have been trying to master the art of finding relations on the census they seem to disapear at the 1881 and 1891 for some reason unless the areas change on them


LaGooner Report 24 Aug 2010 19:26

Evening one and all. Have not tried lappy out yet as too much was going on. DET the other problem was solved it only took 4 days. Letting them stew works LOL. Now it's grovel grovel !!!

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 24 Aug 2010 19:35

Hi everybody, just a flying visit again.

Hope you're all keeping well, haven't had time to read all the posts.

Well done Tadpole, those are great results.

I went to get my niece's results today (she's away), she did well considering she was sitting watching over my sister before each exam. She got...

A* = 4
A = 8
B = 2

The 2 Bs were the ones she sat the day after my sister died, so she coped quite well.


LaGooner Report 24 Aug 2010 19:40

Oh what brilliant kids.

Flying again Pauline ??? my you are keeping your broomstick busy LOL


Mazfromnorf Report 24 Aug 2010 19:52

broomsticks o not again lol keep my widow shut
your neice did really well didnt she Pauline hope your holiday is going OK


LaGooner Report 24 Aug 2010 19:57

LOL Maz it's not the broomsticks you have to worry about , it is the catapult.


Mazfromnorf Report 24 Aug 2010 21:33

lol thats how all the threads get whooshed then lol


YG Report 24 Aug 2010 21:50

Evening everyone.

Am I thick, or just missing part of the plot, because I don't understand why DET's thread has been whooshed due to look ups being posted when GR freely ask people to post lookups on the Records Office thread


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 24 Aug 2010 22:11

YG - you, me and quite a few other people can't understand what is going on either!!!! One person who's 1911 thread went, was later told that it was permissable. GR's employees need to be singing from the same hymn sheet.

Pauline's neice did really well, despite the tragedy unfolding at the time. Well done to her.

Big grin for LG. It's cold enough for stew!!!! - lol .

Thought you'd locked the shed door on those broomsticks Maz, tut.

Back to the TV - Grumpy holidays, BB2 - OH is laughing his socks off. We are definately in that age group. :-0


LaGooner Report 24 Aug 2010 23:57


Where does everyone keep hiding. I have been popping in, looking who is about all evening and not a soul in sight.

I am off to bed now so nite all catch you tomorrow x


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 25 Aug 2010 00:58

Pops head round the door. Right, it's safe to come out. Mmm - no LG or YG on the throne tonight.

Sigh...these cushions are so soft...zzzzzzzzzz


LaGooner Report 25 Aug 2010 09:23


Morning all just off out but have popped my head round the door and spied the usurper on my throne LOL


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 25 Aug 2010 10:07

Mmm??? Rubs eyes. What was that?

Oh look, an email from GR.

Dear D

Thanks for your email

Please accept our apologies, this was our mistake. I have now checked with our management team and can confirm lookups do not breach Genes reunited terms and conditions. Some members are reporting this threads as abusive when they are not. I have emailed the genes team with our management's decision and asked them not to remove these threads in future.

We are so sorry your thread was removed - this will not happen again.

Best regards,

So we're in the clear and business can resume as normal.


Mazfromnorf Report 25 Aug 2010 10:49

where does time go I have been using the phone and letters etc it is a lovely day here quite warm am having a quick cuppa then to see if i can get my hair trimmed its like a thatch here .i will try and get some gardening in too
i have a man coming to look at my window as one of the seals has gone he is going to see if it is repairable there is a new technique out apparently


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 25 Aug 2010 10:55

Morning Maz. Glad you've got some of the correspondence out of the way. The difficulty we have, neither working, is there is always tomorrow! Although I'd have withdrawal symptons, losing internet connection would at least make us get on with the bigger chores.

Hope the window problem doesn't work out expensive. We're expecting heavy rain later today and overnight, so OH has been told to get the wheelie bins out earlier then normal for tomorrow's collection!!