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YG Report 17 Aug 2010 18:37

Strangely enough, there was an article on the BBC website yesterday about 'Where have all the launderettes gone'. I didn't read it though, so cannot help lol!!

First day back over and done with. Have I had a holiday because I don't remember!!


Mazfromnorf Report 17 Aug 2010 18:56

Aww yes you did we met up lol ,there is a business plan a launderette with wi fi connections
Its OK plodgeing the quilts but then you have to dry them lol Pauline my purple balls are not quite as big but they are still lovely


YG Report 17 Aug 2010 19:05

Oooh you should be so lucky Maz to have purple b***s!!


YG Report 17 Aug 2010 21:36

Good grief! I've got the throne room all to myself again. I'll be grabbing the title soon!!


LaGooner Report 17 Aug 2010 22:19

Oh no you won't LOL.


YG Report 17 Aug 2010 22:30

Spoil sport!!


RockyMountainShy Report 17 Aug 2010 22:46

My Mummy is all tired out! To many parties I guess.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 17 Aug 2010 23:39

Aww...bless! Is she back home then, or at the rehab place? At least she looks comfortable.

Managed to squash the duvet in the washing least it is a little fresher. Half dried on the line, and now on the banisters.

I used to puddle the single duvets, but the doubles are too heavy for me, and it's sooo tiring. There might possibly be a launderette about 4 miles away, on the edge of the town.


Mazfromnorf Report 18 Aug 2010 07:56

morning all lovely day again here washing and chores lined up have a leaders meeting here so need to de fur my house lol
Aunty we miss your postings hope you are OK , I am washing etc so will be in later the sun is lovely here


LaGooner Report 18 Aug 2010 09:04

Morning all, clouding up here. Typical just as I am about to go off out. LOL. Catch you all a little bit later. Glad Mum is feeling better RMS how is Dad doing?


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 18 Aug 2010 11:48

Hope it didn't rain on you LG, although it is looking a bit dark at the moment. And to think it was sunny earlier. Lets hope it holds off until the washing is dry and OH has been 'persuaded' to cut the grass- lol

You never did tell us about your day out to the Holy of Holy's, or your break from home, come to that...come on, spill!


LaGooner Report 18 Aug 2010 12:03

Wonderful day at the Emirates,sat in my idol's seat (got the piccies to treasure LOL)and spent loads in the shop. Unfortunately I could not get a snippet of pitch as they guard it carefully. Even OH was impressed but I could not persuade him to wear one of my spare shirts. I would recomend the tour to anyone even if not a footie fan the place is really awesome. Took a trip to Imperial War Museum in the afternoon as OH has never been , completely cream crackered by the time we got home. Did some good though as I have just been to Slimming World and lost 1 1/2 pounds over my hols. I was quite honestly dreading going as I sampled a lot of the local delicacies,pasties, scrumpy and scrumy sweets LOL.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 18 Aug 2010 14:25

Wow - sounds as if you had a fantastic day...and such good news with your diet. You probably did more exercise while you were away than you thought. :) We didn't lose any weight, but then we didn't put any on, which is something.


Mazfromnorf Report 18 Aug 2010 15:25

afternoon all have been busy ish this afternoon have discovered I can get in and out the attic and what a treasure store I have found up there lol .
have placed a question on the ask the nutters thread for some help please


LaGooner Report 18 Aug 2010 15:29

Afternoon all, just attempting to do a little research while I have the internet running ok. Hopefully laptop will be 'living' properly again later so will be able to do lots more.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 18 Aug 2010 18:36

I've added to the Nutter's thread Maz. It's up to you to decide if they could be the correct family - lol

Our loft has been inspected as well...shudder, shudder. Why do we bother keeping 'useful' tings for when the offspring leave home, only for them to turn their noses up??

Dinner, me thinks.


Mazfromnorf Report 18 Aug 2010 21:56

thanks am still up cos have had a meeting here so waiting to clear up again nigt all and waiting for Gizmo to come in

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 18 Aug 2010 23:51

Well, I walked for England again today, had to sit with my feet up for hours when I got home. Just sat looking at the TV till I fell asleep. I'm not used to all this fresh air.

The only thing I keep in my loft is the Chris**** decorations. The hatch door is so small that I wouldn't be able to get anything up there if I wanted to.

My purple balls were the same Maz, very pretty but a lot smaller than the clear ones.


LaGooner Report 18 Aug 2010 23:58

Evening all. Think the internet problem is sorted now although OH is swearing at Lappy LOL.
Off to bed now so nite nite x


Mazfromnorf Report 19 Aug 2010 08:01

morning all am tired today so a good excuse to do tree stuff although my oven needs cleaning really
Det you are a whizz there is loads there to nosey through