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+++DetEcTive+++ Report 13 Aug 2010 16:51

Now you are both safely home, I can stand down from the watch, and go and scrape the chicken carcass for dinner- lol


Mazfromnorf Report 13 Aug 2010 16:53

lol well pauline is very Petite and lady like and also easy to talk to hence the length of stay in the coffee shop .I was goingto have a look around the market but it was all packing up


YG Report 13 Aug 2010 18:29

Hi everyone.

Pleased Maz & Pauline had a good day out, even it was wet! Not much different here I'm afraid. Wet, gloomy and cold!

Been invited to son & dils tonight for late birthday supper and pressies, so am off shortly.

Went into town this afternoon and treated myself to some new trousers, top and necklace! Will look dolly posh tonight!!

Might catch someone later when I get back.


Mazfromnorf Report 13 Aug 2010 18:59

yg we wont know you mind you deserve a treat hope you have a lovely evening

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 13 Aug 2010 19:10

YG, will they recognize you if you go all posh? They might not let you in! Hope you have a good night and lovely prezzies.

Maz, I've just googled the station and it's easy to find. There's a street goes from that pub, The Lambton Arms, right up to the station. It's actually called Station Road, don't know how we didn't notice it - we walked across it.


Mazfromnorf Report 13 Aug 2010 19:25

so its nearby too thats good they can all zoom up on the broomsticks lol


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 13 Aug 2010 23:18

Are you planning next years holiday for us all? Is Chester le Street ready for so many nutters? lol. sorry if I've got the place wrong.

How was the meal YG. Did they recognise you? You'll have to change your name to Glamorous Grannie and put the rest of us to shame.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 14 Aug 2010 09:20

Bangs saucepan with wooden spoon.....

Wake up you' orrible lot, rise and shine! It's a errr lovely day (for ducks) so put on your wellies and enjoy the puddles. Get in touch with the child within.

On second thoughts, just roll over and go back to sleep, lol

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 14 Aug 2010 09:36

LOL DET, I did go back to sleep when I saw the weather, it's just as bad as yesterday.

Maz, did you put those balls in water? I put mine in and they're amazing, they're over an inch in diameter, I'm going to do the purple ones tonight.

Just in case anyone is wondering what I'm talking about..........we were talked into buying some tiny little beads (so small you could hardly see them), they stand in water overnight and swell up. They can be put on top of plant-pots so they slowly water the plants for weeks or the coloured ones can go into bowls for decoration. The woman said that after the water has gone out of them and they go small again - you just put them back in a bucket of water overnight to swell up again.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 14 Aug 2010 10:08

Morning Pauline - glad you explained about the balls, the mind was boggling! Sounds a really good idea if you're going away, or just black fingered.


Mazfromnorf Report 14 Aug 2010 10:11

i am awake I was at Asda lol
I havnt done my balls yet I aws going to do them later how big a wotsit did you put yours in Pauline ? will do mine when i have cleaned the bucket out
chester le street is not very big but if you like charity shops and Durham its good to go out from I would think lol


Elizabethofseasons Report 14 Aug 2010 11:21

Dear All


Hope you are okay.

Right, its the start of the football season today.

This means mutiple tasks as I have to be referee in the abode!

Divided loyalties amongst the folks!

Take gentle care
Very best wishes


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 14 Aug 2010 11:32

Send them to their rooms, if they can't behave, EOS!


YG Report 14 Aug 2010 20:16

Evening everyone!!

My brain was doing somersaults with the conversation about the balls. I'm so pleased Pauline offered an explanation!!

Well I did have a lovely evening. I can't compete with the dil though, as she has an LV bag so I am still the cinderella of the family lol!!

I had a digital photo frame, already loaded with lots of pics of son, dil and gchildren. Got to study the intstruction book now to add some more!!

And I also got a mini 'growhouse' (a glorified cold frame, three tiers with a PVC cover) and a starter pack of carrots!!! Could have been worse, it could have been cucumbers lol.

Actually I am thrilled with it as I am always in the garden and messing about growing cuttings and seeds. Just succeeded with my first tomator plant and I have two tubs of potatoes and a pot of salad leaf growing at the moment. Perhaps I should think about setting up a market stall outside the gate!


LaGooner Report 14 Aug 2010 21:12

Evening all. Instruction book YG ??? I can't get on with those things LOL. Got OH and kids to do those tasks for me


YG Report 14 Aug 2010 21:39

I've got to get on with it LG!! There's no-one to help me!!


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 14 Aug 2010 23:48

Sounds as if they put some real thought into their gifts to you, lucky lady :) Forgive my ignorance, but what is an LV bag?

Well done with the potatoes. We tipped out the one and only plant (grown in a bag) that has survived today. Probably enough for 2 meals (4 people) but the satisfaction for some thing 'free' feels good. Our garden is north facing and surrounded by trees, which means v little growing room in sunlight or in soil not depleted by the tree roots. Anything I try to grow to eat has to be in pots! Problem child and BM forgot to water the 1st attempt at a courgette in a pot, and we've had a grand total of one 'fruit' off it- lol. At least the tomatoes were well looked after - they'd been threatened with unmentionable punishments if they'd been ignored.


Mazfromnorf Report 15 Aug 2010 07:25

morning all i have the ground space but dont grow anything its too hard doing the digging . It is over cast here but am still doing the washing as it needs doing
Have made a start have froggy and son coming to lunch so have to be organised lol i hear he is picky so will have a good variety available .
Not met son before so am hoping he copes Andrew is around so will see ,


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 15 Aug 2010 10:14

Hope things go ok, and Andrew will be able to put him at ease. Perhpas he can take him off and play on his games machine! BM used to be v picky until he went into 'Halls' at Uni. it was a case of eat what was available or starve. Now he is just a little bit picky, which is an improvement!

We have guests for this evenings dinner- old school friends from at least 50 years ago. Good grief! Are we that old? But we email every week and see them once a year so they aren't 'strangers'.

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 15 Aug 2010 13:56

It'll be nice to have a good catch-up DET, it's not often people stay friends for so long, it's so easy to lose touch.

Hope it goes well today Maz, let us know how you get on with him.

We've got a big garden but only one corner of it is used for fruit and veg.

LG, you sound like my hubby, he doesn't believe in instruction books, he just presses buttons and hopes for the best.

You did well with your prezzies YG. Never mind about the bag, you might get one for...........that word beginning with C.

It's Louis Vuitton DET.