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Elizabethofseasons Report 7 Jul 2010 21:33

Dear YG


I thought you might be quietly pleased!!!

Great line up for the final!

Take care
Very best wishes


YG Report 7 Jul 2010 21:34

I will be flicking backwards and forwards with the remote!! And that ............
is the most you can expect of me on Sunday!!


LaGooner Report 7 Jul 2010 21:38

LOL YG. I shall be glued to it . Then it's a long wait until August for start of Premiership.


YG Report 7 Jul 2010 22:08

Please don't remind me!! I certainly won't be watching that!!


AuntySherlock Report 7 Jul 2010 22:13

Good morning to you all. Caulking up the rowboat so Spot and I can join you at your meet. Spot is a rather funny looking sabre tooth tiger right now. We had a few rubbish bins set alight around the neighbourhood. Spot decided to explore the remnants of one. He now looks like he is wearing camouflage paint.

Well I am home. Thank goodness. Spent a very eventful afternoon after losing my keys in the hotel. Felt like a real wally. Had to call the auto association to come unlock my car so I could check if I had locked them inside. Nope. Had half the hotel staff looking for them. Rang OH and he brought my spare set from home.

Went over and over and over where I had been and when I used them. Finally decided they must have been on the bed and when room service did the room they had scooped them up in the sheets and blankets.

What keys, oh nothing important, just car, work and home. All this looking and car opening and key conveying took about three hours. About half an hour after I finally arrived home the hotel rang to say the keys had been found.

Think I'm getting too old for this gallivanting. Should stay home and sit in my rocking chair and just rest. The brain can not stand all these disruptions. De stress, as Maz suggested, is definitely needed.

Just heard Spain is into the soccer final. Not that I care one smidge however Germany was the cause of us being knocked out of the final so that is a good result. Actually it probably shows just how bad Australia were in that first game to be beaten 4-0 by Germany.

My team, the real football one, which was sitting almost at the bottom of the ladder, has a teeny weeny chance of still making the finals. We have been playing really well and are now in tenth place. We have eight more games to play and if we win six or more we might just scrape in. Having said that we do have to beat the teams at the top of the table so it is just a slight chance.

Not taken much notice of our weather for the past few days, having been living in an air conditioned, thermostatically controlled environment. I can tell you it is freezing again this morning. Our day time temps for the next few days will be between 14 and 17 degrees. Cold between 1 and 5 minimum.

Well keep cool all of you. Hope DET is enjoying her excursion and that she has her keys on a chain around her neck!!


AuntySherlock Report 7 Jul 2010 22:16

Sorry forgot. LG is the cause of your screen bouncing the fact that you do not have your compatibility view checked under Tools. If you are using Firefox that comment is not relevant. If you are using IE go to Tools and click on compatibility view and the bouncing should stop.


YG Report 7 Jul 2010 22:22

Welcome back Aunty!!

If it makes you feel the tiniest bit better, I locked myself out of my car a few weeks ago and had to call out the rescue team to retrieve them from the boot for me!!

Thank you for the tip. I have adjusted the settings so we will see what happens the next time I post a few paragraphs!! Up to now all is well!! You are brilliant!!

It's time to go and hide under the duvet now. Was going to have another early night, but feel a bit brighter tonight.

Sleep well everyone and have a good day at work Aunty!


AuntySherlock Report 7 Jul 2010 22:47

Nite YG. By the way I am on holidays. Off to the renovator's nightmare with blocked drain for the day. Will crawl back this evening covered in paint and other noxious substances.


LaGooner Report 7 Jul 2010 22:57

Nite nite YG, I am off now too catch you all tomorrow I hope. x


Mazfromnorf Report 8 Jul 2010 06:37

morning all
well YG york is ok the only near spot is Darlington and its OK for a cuppa but not an exciting town .its only half an hour from here by train ,
aunty welcome back we have a warm muggy one here today ,
we have a herd of travellers horses all over this street today they must have escaped .the police are trying to herd them back they are a real pain

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 8 Jul 2010 10:12

Morning all, it's a bit dull here but still mild.

Maz, how many weeks is it to the school holidays?

I'm surprised you've got enough police left to herd the horses back, I thought they'd all be in Rothbury helping in the search.


Mazfromnorf Report 8 Jul 2010 14:19

whoopee two weeks tomorrow yes !!! could be busy lol cos i have job apps in and one interview next week lol
the horses are a real hazard around here however they are still loose i see they cause so many accidents


YG Report 8 Jul 2010 19:27

Evening everyone.

Just resting my posterior on the throne for a while. Think I deserve it for having to put up with two footie matches!!!


LaGooner Report 8 Jul 2010 20:30

Shift over YG plenty of room for a little un LOL


YG Report 8 Jul 2010 21:18

Ouch ****** that hurt my bottie!!


AuntySherlock Report 8 Jul 2010 22:22

Evening all. Waddyareckon about white as a shade of nail polish. I can have it in either gloss or primer.

Oh goodness my back and shoulders are sore this morning.

Plumber unable to unblock drain so they are going with plan B which involves putting a cement eating acid in the drain. I expect to go back this morning and find the house a heap of rubble. It should collapse without its foundations.

Hey LG is the Fabulous one playing in the soccer final??? I suppose you will be glued to the screen on Monday (our time)??


Mazfromnorf Report 9 Jul 2010 06:36

morning all
well it has been raining here Aunty hope the blond one has loads of milo as a reward for all your hard work concrete eaters sounds like the CPs might be needed will get them back from the seaside
Aunty it would be fantastic if you were here for our meet paddle away


LaGooner Report 9 Jul 2010 10:54

Morning all, hopefully he will be in the active team Aunty. Got my number 2 idol playing in the Dutch team so I don't quite know which lot to support LOL.

I am singing and dancing with joy.... I have at last booked my tour to the Emirates Stadium !!!! I will make sure I sit on my beloved ones place on the bench. Swoooonnnnnn.


Mazfromnorf Report 9 Jul 2010 16:56

hi there its friday 2 weeks until the hols lol these are the hard weeks .we are playing footy in the dale again tonite easy for me cos i will be on the touch line nattering lol there will be no furniture to move etc as we wont need the centre


Elizabethofseasons Report 9 Jul 2010 19:07

Dear All


Hope you are well and okay.

Dear lucky person!
Is this the home of Arsenal FC you are planning to visit?

Try and keep cool folks, its very hot here!

Take care all
Very best wishes