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AuntySherlock Report 19 Apr 2010 21:37

Thank you for the milo on tap and the soothing words. And the chocolate biscuits. Hope all your refurbishments are successful and the noise levels return to quiet very soon.

You are correct about the airline problems having an impact on the certificate trade DET. Have to wonder why they don't email them out to people. Then I suppose most want them on the pretty coloured paper.

Is Derek hiding again. Have you lot been overwhelming him with questions. Maybe we should pay another visit if things are quiet on his thread. Need to make certain no one needs any answers first!!!

You see this is what happens when I have an early night. I remember lots of things I need to say.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 20 Apr 2010 00:05

Ah - poor Aunty all alone and having to resort to talking to herself. At least she will have got a sensible answer and time to have another go at FWH.

Think i may need to join you on the sugar free diet shortly. After a 'healthy' evening meal, OH says he fancies chocolate fudge cake.

'Go on then. The shops are still open' says Problem child and I, expecting him to do the normal ie nothing.

BUT, off he dashes, wallet and car keys in hand and comes back with.......

Strawberry Cheese Cake
Box of Chocolate Truffles
Packet of Cashews
and a packet of Hobnob biscuits!

He couldn't find the chocolate fudge cake, so bought those instead - lol (knew I shouldn't have indoctrinated him into the art of food shopping!)


RockyMountainShy Report 20 Apr 2010 04:44

Are you still waiting for certificates too !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*wipes forehead*

thought I was the only one, If I don't get them soon I am going to explode !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OH DET those all sound yummy


LaGooner Report 20 Apr 2010 09:08

Morning all, lovely day here but the noise and dust are awful LOL. Trying to do accounts but can't concentrate very well LOL. Well that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it !!!


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 20 Apr 2010 10:37

Morning - do you think Maz over slept and had to rush off to work this morning lol

I think GRO have a backlog anyway, because of the rush before the price increase. Royal Mail probably have priority on out going flights....when they happen. Don't know about snail mail, perhaps they ought to introduce a turtle mail as well :-) Did the transatlantic Cookies ever arrive in the UK, or are they held up as well?

Up early today, trying to get my body clock back to a more sensible bed time - ironing done and washing on the go. Still not dressed, but that's my choice lol. Even OH has voluntarily got up!

Have fun with the builders. Any hunky ones amongst them????


AuntySherlock Report 20 Apr 2010 11:09

I am here. But I am searching for FWH. I might need to sneak back here for sanctuary and a milo and some of those unhealthy articles of food you just should not be eating.

Hey DET. Did I say I'd made Janey's meatloaf. Unfortunately it looks more like a plank than a loaf. I'll have to use a smaller loaf tin next time or not halve the ingredients. Meat plank smells delicious. Have frozen it so can't report on its edible rating at this time.

OK I'm off on an Aunty Sherlock hunt!!! Now what was that dratted man's name?????????


LaGooner Report 20 Apr 2010 11:41

Hi there, no hunky builders LOL. One very old, one cocky little **** and one normal geezer LOL. They have just ripped out all of the plumbing lucky I have filled kettle and large water bottle or there would be no coffee Groan !!. Thank goodness for downstairs cloakroom or would be crossing my legs and praying PMSL oh better not do that !

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 20 Apr 2010 11:51

Hi everybody, I've got the workmen here as well, one normal, one very young and one quite dishy.

I'm freezing with no heating on and all the doors open. We'll have no heating or hot water for 2 days.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 20 Apr 2010 12:10

Water shortages? What ever next! Perhaps if Aunty sends her meatloaf over, you can heat that up and use it as a bed warmer. Don't fight over it, you two. I really don't under stand why workman insist on leaving outside doors open if they are working inside.

Any joy with the carpet(s) Pauline?

Had an email from she who lives abroad.

Quote *The US news has been saying that the US govt is demanding all delayed US citizens are put back on the next US bound flights, irrespective of whether they were booked on those flights or not. * end quote.

Splutter, splutter &(^^$%%*8) If it's true, and a big if, it's not going to do their reputation much good! I could go on, but........ .

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 20 Apr 2010 13:59

DET the manager came out and had a look at the carpets, said he didn't understand how the fault was still there because it was from a different roll. I got a phone call later to say it was now up to the manufacturer to do something about it. They want to inspect the carpets themselves. I'm sure they'll be trying to get out of replacing them again.

I'm sitting here freezing and I can't get into the kitchen to make myself something hot to eat. I'd been really good and gone 2 days without chocolate, but now I'm eating chocolate because it's all I have in this room.

Honestly Aunty I'm not making it up, it's all I've got to eat.


Mazfromnorf Report 20 Apr 2010 14:25

hello i am here was doing chores today and the time got whooshed away first shift over very easily .had to make a phone call to the tax office they taxed me a weeks wages lol but i will get it back so no probs there .I have a wee list of chores before i go to livewires so am nosing in quickly .Naomi is doing my head in with the wedding she is beginning to panic now .and communicate at long last


YG Report 20 Apr 2010 18:48

Oooh all those goodies DET!! Shame on you!!!

LG, I'll send Kenny down to steam clean everything for you when the workmen have finished!

Pauline, you can send the dishy one to me, thank you!


Mazfromnorf Report 20 Apr 2010 20:24

booo any one home


YG Report 20 Apr 2010 20:25

I'm home!!


Mazfromnorf Report 20 Apr 2010 20:28

hello how are you


YG Report 20 Apr 2010 20:32

I'm not too bad thanks Maz. How are you keeping up with the wedding arrangements!


Mazfromnorf Report 20 Apr 2010 20:34

well i am doing what i am told lol


YG Report 20 Apr 2010 20:40

Oooh err!! Well, at least you can't get into trouble!!


Mazfromnorf Report 20 Apr 2010 20:44

thats it they are steering the show from stoke lol i get instructions to carry messages .that way i cant get it wrong lol they arrive on the 8th May so then i will be busy catering and washing i expect lol


LaGooner Report 20 Apr 2010 20:46

Helloooooooooooooooo xxx