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+++DetEcTive+++ Report 31 Mar 2010 09:51

Give it a gentle clonk with the end of a broom - that sometimes does the trick. Failing that, take it down to the local hardware store and get a new one. There are loads of different sizes, so you need to know exactly which one you need. If you bought a new motor at the same time, you could change that in, then depending on what the problem was, take the superfluous component back.

Good news! Problem Child has an unconditional offer for the part time MA course!

Is the camping/caravan trip for Spot and his servant instead of or as well as the cross country trip? Enjoy the peace and quiet, but now you will have to do your own catering - lol

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 31 Mar 2010 11:45

Hi everyone.

It's gone black here, looks like the rain's going to start any second now. I don't think it stopped at all yesterday, parts of my garden were flooded. I suppose it's better than snow, wonder when we get that.


Mazfromnorf Report 31 Mar 2010 14:28

thanks DET lol will give sweet pea a clonk too i have a leak on a radiator too .the plumber was coming tomorrow but has gone sick so have to wait until tuesday now lol


Mazfromnorf Report 31 Mar 2010 16:15

now its my printer lol gr!!!!!!


YG Report 31 Mar 2010 18:10

Ha-ha!! He hasn't escaped at all Maz!! He's in hiding somewhere determined to cause havoc!!

LG, what is this strange liaison with Derek!! You kept that quiet!!

We ALL know what you will be doing tonight!!


Mazfromnorf Report 31 Mar 2010 18:38

ooer i am slow well thats the focus off my liasons then lol Derek eh !!


YG Report 31 Mar 2010 18:50

Oh no it isn't!! We will still have our beady eyes on your frog!!


LaGooner Report 31 Mar 2010 21:03

Damn my secrets out LOL. Evening all


LaGooner Report 31 Mar 2010 21:04

I was trigger happy again


AuntySherlock Report 31 Mar 2010 21:19

Morning I'm here. After being awake for 17 hours yesterday I decided I'd better catch up on the sleep.

Hi Derek. If you could see LG's timetable you would notice the following:
Brownies Prep - 2 mins
Arsenal Game - 3 hours (that includes dressing in red and white, watching the pre-match interviews, watching the match and then the post match programs and then either celebrating the win or flying around on the broomstick terrorising us lot.

By the way if you are looking for some family research to do we could all provide you with enough challenges to keep you occupied for the next ten years!!

OH and Spot are going about 450 km away on an annual car club trip.This is as well as the cross country rellie visiting which takes place next week. Spot isn't going on that one.

I am coping quite well on my own. I have managed to work out how to turn the taps on to water the garden. Of course I left the hoses in a tangled heap. I'll sort that out before OH comes back.

Have to work out something easy for tea. Cooked myself an omelette last night, chucked in some prawns from the freezer. Trouble with doing that is I have to wash up after. I think I go get a collection of frozen dinners.

Do you know what is really weird??!! I keep looking for the dog all the time. When I come home I expect to be greeted at the door by this big furry panting lump, no not OH, the dog. And I usually have to step over him ten times a day because he sleeps in doorways and in front of cupboards. But he just isn't here. And no, don't you dare send the CPs back. I'm becoming used to this quietness.


LaGooner Report 31 Mar 2010 21:29

Watching the match as I speak Aunty 2 all so far


AuntySherlock Report 31 Mar 2010 21:38

Why are they playing Barcelona. Isn't that in Spain. Don't you lot have enough teams in England to play. The only thing I know about Barcelona is that Manuel from Fawlty Towers comes from there.


LaGooner Report 31 Mar 2010 21:50

LOL Aunty. Match has finished at a draw. Got to play them again though so we shall see what happens then


AuntySherlock Report 31 Mar 2010 21:56

Did you remember to feed them their meat pies before the match? Next time I'll catapult a few dozen over, just to make sure.

Finished watering the garden. Managed to accidently knock two leaves off the frangipani plant. Wonder if I could glue them back on. It's only a very new plant and I'm sure OH counts the leaves each day.

OK. Off to get ready for work. Cach you all later.


LaGooner Report 31 Mar 2010 22:06

Lol Aunty I will keep you to the offer of the pies. Have a good day, catch you later


Derek Report 31 Mar 2010 22:25

as`the only guy on here..I feel obliged to salvage Gooner's respectability (.if that is at all possible)..she pesters me beautifully.almost to the extent of stalking me..and i love it..........but its not for my body its for my mind.and my brilliance in respect of has been said before..we have a definite thing going on in derbyshire.......and maybe Lancashire or notts or Yorks........



Derek Report 31 Mar 2010 22:27

Aunty Sherlock..I'm up for any challenge!!........



LaGooner Report 31 Mar 2010 22:27

LOL Derek, these lot will twist every word you say. Will probably be bombarding you with questions soon as I will be starting recording the dreaded 'M' family again very soon.


Derek Report 31 Mar 2010 22:31

I only popped in cos you're my girl..might stick around to see what this "monstrous regiment of women" can throw at me....


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 31 Mar 2010 23:11

Dangerous words there Derek, Dangerous words! The rolled socks are back where they should be, in the drawer!

In your own best interests, you'd be best to retract your statement before Maz boils up a new vat of pink custard and YG replenishes the elastic for the cataplut from her stock of replacement unmentionables.

Never been drenched in school quality custard? Not a pleasant experience - lol But if enjoy mushroom omlette, you are more than welcome to stick around. The Nut Lodge guest room is always made up for visitors. If things get too much, it has it's own private entrance to the padded cell!