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LaGooner Report 25 Mar 2010 22:25

LOL don't say that YG.


RockyMountainShy Report 25 Mar 2010 22:33

SNOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WHAT IS that ???????????????


YG Report 25 Mar 2010 22:56

I'm not saying it LG!!! The weather forecasters are!!! Check the BBC long term forecast!!!


AuntySherlock Report 26 Mar 2010 07:40

My head did take a pounding on Fanny's brick wall. I was also concerned that she might lose her info if it stayed mixed up with the rest of our nuttiness. You may have noticed she has started her thread!! Wow the researchers on here are amazing. A wave of the magic wand and several questions answered and enough info given to have her running screaming for the padded cell.

My bunged up head is gradually ubunging, too slowly I'm afraid but it'll get there. I can now thread the piece of rope into one ear and out through the other. If I pull on each end of the rope side to side it clears it out a bit.

YG you thinking of doing the gardening yourself. Hmmm I think perhaps we thought there might be another option!!! You lot can not have snow again. Because if it snows over there the world's balance says it must be stinking hot over here. We are in for 32C tomorrow with showers. Even the rain is hot now.


LaGooner Report 26 Mar 2010 09:06

Morning all >>>>>>>>>just >>>>>>>>>zooming >>>>>>>>through>>>>>>>>quickly>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Have a good day/evening all >>>>>>>> and if you can't be good be careful LOL


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 26 Mar 2010 09:44

UK Outlook for Tuesday 30 Mar 2010 to Thursday 8 Apr 2010:

Tuesday will be wet and windy in many parts with the rain heavy and persistent at times. There is also a risk of the rain turning to snow, particularly on northern hills, but there is a smaller risk of snow at lower levels and also further south. The second half of next week will continue unsettled, with further showers or longer spells of rain, interspersed with some drier and brighter intervals. The rain turning to snow on high ground and possibly briefly to lower levels. It will also be windy at times with temperatures generally a little below average. The further outlook continues much the same, although there are signs that it will become slightly less unsettled and a touch warmer.

So you might have warmer than usual weather for the time of year Aunty! We are hoping to take advantage of the dry spells and our NT membership today. Off out a bit later with a picnic, new folding chairs to sit in the car park, and a map - lol

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 26 Mar 2010 10:10

DET, if you're going on a picnic, I hope it's warmer down there than up here, it's freezing again.

I hope that forecast's wrong, I'm full of cold, so I could do without getting the snow back.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 26 Mar 2010 10:45

We can always sit in the car, although I'm trying to avoid that lol!

Before we were married, in the age of the Dinosaurus, we went to Cornwall which in those days was an 8 hour drive. OH insisted on sitting in the car when we went sightseeing, to have a snooze. Now we are both a LOT older, I'm determined that we both get a bit more fresh air...........even if it is only in a car park!!!!!!


Mazfromnorf Report 26 Mar 2010 14:14

hello i am hibernating my garden is so bare at the moment it would be lovely to have it tidy for the wedding it has been raining hard again here however my washing is drying again now . i have known snow at easter though before
why do i need occupying when the wedding is over lol ?A few CPs about the place will not put my frog off lol .When Gizmo is around you would not know the difference lol


YG Report 26 Mar 2010 17:57

Been quite a nice day here, with just a couple of heavy showers this afternoon.

Left some washing out this machine to chance, as the rain wasn't supposed to come this far east, but it had dried when I got home from work. The only problem was >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

some thieving pervert has pinched my unmentionables!!!

Right, you 'orrible lot!! Pick yourselves up off the floor and stop laughing!!!!
It is another yard of knicker elastic short for the catapult!!

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 26 Mar 2010 18:15

Oh YG, bet it's him next door!! .....LOL


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 26 Mar 2010 18:20

Oh dear!

(sniggers into hand then puts on a solemn face)

Perhaps there was a strong gust of wind and they are festooned over someone's garden?? lol

Look out for people polishing their cars or windows with a tasteful rag in the next few days!

Give the police a laugh and ring them. Actually, that's a serious suggestion, just in case they have a new perv on the patch, rather than someone having a joke.

At least you can half see the funny side, although I bet you were proper peed off. You'll have to borrow Spot to guard them next time you hang washing out to dry!


YG Report 26 Mar 2010 18:57

No, there wasn't a strong gust of wind!!

I'm not going anywhere near the police DET!!! Been there and done that many, many moons ago!! They had us on a wild goose chase, staying up half the night watching for him stealing them from the line. We never saw anything, but they eventually caught him and six months later invited me to the lost property cellars at the police station to identify my belongings!!!!

Embarassing!!!! YES!!!! Bags full of mouldy, stinking underwear stolen from half the estate I think!! The policeman never even twitched and he admitted to not having a sense of smell!!! Even asked if I wanted them back!!!

Now, Spot the sabre toothed tiger could well frighten them off next time if I could just borrow him from Aunty for a while!!


AuntySherlock Report 26 Mar 2010 20:41

I am so sorry YG. I can not type while I am laughing.

Oh that is terrible. To lose one's undergarments from the clothes line. I do hope they were your newest ones and not some comfy old tattered drawers you've had for ages.

How embarrassing if the dumbo thought your wardrobe needed updating.

Ring the Police. You really need to. This poor person needs help. Even if it is only a tutorial in that there are better things to steal than knickers. You might be a link in a chain of events.

And if you are an isolated case I would of course be asking him next door if he had seen any stray underwear around anywhere.

Sorry need to go get a tissue to wipe my eyes and blow my nose.

So sad!!

PS. If you have household insurance you should be able to claim the theft.


AuntySherlock Report 26 Mar 2010 20:47

And PS. Of course y ou may borrow Spot. However I must warn you he too has a penchant for underwear and has been known to appear in the lounge room with a mouth full of undies selected from the dirty clothes basket.

You have been warned.


LaGooner Report 26 Mar 2010 20:53

Oh OH Oh my stomach. PMSL so much. Oh YG whatever next. When I pick myself up of the floor I will be back LOL LOL LOL where are those tissues.


YG Report 26 Mar 2010 20:56

You rotten lot!!

You'll all be sorry when you need some more elastic for the catapult!!

I haven't got any left now!!


YG Report 26 Mar 2010 20:58

Worst of it was ...... they were my best ones >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

you know the ones >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

navy blue, with elasticated legs and a pocket on the side for my hanky!!


LaGooner Report 26 Mar 2010 21:04

LOl YG. By gawd I needed a laugh tonight. PMSL so much family thinks I have completely lost it.


AuntySherlock Report 26 Mar 2010 21:06

So from now on anyone who looks you in the eye will be greeted by...

"May I take a look at your undies? I am looking for a blue pair with a pocket for my hanky."

You will naturally start your search at the nearest Fire Station!!!