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Mazfromnorf Report 24 Mar 2010 20:57

lol too few its 15th of may I have a list a mile long over easter to do and clean


YG Report 24 Mar 2010 22:01

You are going to be busy right up to the day Maz!!

It was like that for me, but the day after the wedding was a real anti-climax!! Pleased to have some rest, but it felt really strange.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 24 Mar 2010 23:07

It'll all come together Maz. If you could explain to resident offspring how you feel, tell him you need help. Hopefully he will be willing to give up at least one day each week to do some of the chores under direction.

As we didn't have people coming to the house, we didn't have that problem. But it was a close run thing. OH suggested to his parents on the phone that they should stay here. Strangled Nooooooo came from the other room (me!).


Mazfromnorf Report 25 Mar 2010 06:26

morning all
I have bridesmaids here and a very excitable kitten Frog is going to wedding but is going to supervise cats on the day otherwise it will be kennels for two nights . Naomi is doing the organising but its the cleanig logistics lol .son is a pain lol help he will help with the garden


LaGooner Report 25 Mar 2010 09:01

Poor Maz. been there and done that one LOL. Next rush about for me will no doubt be the Christenings !!!!. there will be a plaintiff MUMmmmmmmm. PMSL. i do hope A is ok Maz.

Morning/evening all others,did you miss me ? I had a very busy evening at Brownies and nodded off LOL


AuntySherlock Report 25 Mar 2010 10:16

Zooming through on a borrowed broomstick. Swiiiiish!! Kerplonk, kerplonk, ouch. Busy seems to be the four letter word of the moment. Busy with everything but what I'd like to be doing, and that's playing here.

Had some catch up work tonight. That's out of the way. Don't think I will last very long, sleepy. We still have temps of about 30C. Yes we are bored with the good weather. Never satisfied, bring on winter!!

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 25 Mar 2010 10:36

It still feels like winter here, it's freezing today - and raining.

Maz, you still have a few weeks left, you'll get it all sorted in time.

I've got to go out again now, catch you all later.


Mazfromnorf Report 25 Mar 2010 14:41

hello well its stopped raining here i cleared one jobs list now creating a second lol . a week today we finish for the eater hols so then i will really get going .

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 25 Mar 2010 16:50

You'll not know what to do with your time when it's all over with Maz. I suppose you could look after the CPs, that'll keep you busy.


YG Report 25 Mar 2010 17:16

What a good idea Pauline!!!


Mazfromnorf Report 25 Mar 2010 18:54

lol dont you think i have enough with rowdy yongsters lol ,
I am going to get stuck into job hunting and studies prior to that get some research done . I am still doing my Olivers
i got my birthday presents and mothers day pressies today through the post .late but lovely .
I am supervising the making of a scarecrow for the local food festival lol .we have hay and staw all over but is fun and they are doing a good job .


YG Report 25 Mar 2010 19:04

BUT you won't have enough to do after the wedding Maz!! You are going to need some company and the CPs are just the thing for you!


LaGooner Report 25 Mar 2010 20:12

Yes Maz, they will keep you out of mischief LOL


Elizabethofseasons Report 25 Mar 2010 20:26

Dear All


Hope you are well and doing okay.

Been having a lot of PC problems.

I could not reply to a post I had put up and then no connection to GR.

My e-mails could not be opened, so the computer 'elf check doesn't seem to have helped!

I vote for a return to carrier pidgeons delivering our messages. It would be easier than throwing a hissy fit at the PC!

Take care all
Very best wishes


LaGooner Report 25 Mar 2010 20:28

Hello Elizabeth,nice to see you. I have been a bit busy so I have not been on very much at all.


AuntySherlock Report 25 Mar 2010 20:33

Good morning all with my apologies. I have hardly spoken for a while. Had some work to sort out and have been sleeping.

I have been thinking about how we can keep Maz busy after the wedding. The Frog will need to get to know the CPs as well so we could arrange some weekend visits for them. That way Maz would be able to spend the rest of the week restoring the house from the chaos they will cause. Frog will need soothing after he discovers what it is like to have a giraffe dribble all over you while you eat your tea, or have boakins crawling around in the bathroom while you shower. He needs to know that the nessiemodo dragons are handy for cooking toast, and they are also why there is a fire station just down the street from any Nut Lodgers house. And we won't mention Sweetpea at this stage.


AuntySherlock Report 25 Mar 2010 20:36

Elizabeth have a look at your address bar and see what GR you are logged into. If it happens to be the version try the address. I am having heaps of trouble with the Australian version. I know you are not in Aus but it is easy to log into other addresses.

Should read etc etc.


Elizabethofseasons Report 25 Mar 2010 20:43

Dear AuntySherlock


Thank you for the advice.

Will do that because the PC has been driving me nuts!

Take care
Best wishes


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 25 Mar 2010 21:57

Evening all.

Sounds as if the CP have decided to visit EoS for a change of scenery!

Is it time to employ the gardener yet YG???? Hint, hint, nudge, nudge.
Hope you enjoyed your birthday and mother's day pressies Maz. Better late than never. Perhaps she was waiting until this semester's loan came through. Talking of Uni's, Problem Child has an interview for an MSc course on Monday -yeh! Fingers crossed she gets in.

Are you are feeling better now AS? Banging your head against Fannybygaslight's brick wall hasn't helped with your 'bunged up head' recovery.

OH has taken to commandeering the PC. Grrrrrrr


YG Report 25 Mar 2010 22:01

Mmm, it's getting near time, but don't know whether funds will stand it for a while. Duffy has put me back on the bread line lol!!

The garden has come through the winter pretty well, and not too many weeds yet so I will be able to sort them myself for the time being!

I am having the week off at Easter so hoping to get out in the garden then!! On the other hand, it could snow!!!