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AuntySherlock Report 11 Feb 2010 19:36

Good morning. Cold here this morning. And you think I'm joking. Must be about 20C. Nice to be a bit more comfortable.

Had my hair painted and run over with a lawn mower yesterday afternoon. I'm sure it's taken about 3 months off my age. Oh well at least it's tidy. Now if a knight on a white charger would gallop up and ask me to the ball it would make the hairdo worthwhile.

Have you noticed when you have your hair done everyone assumes you are going somewhere or doing something exciting.


LaGooner Report 11 Feb 2010 19:50



AuntySherlock Report 11 Feb 2010 20:22

DET you've been practising your squiggles. Or is that a fly speck at the end of that sentence!!!


LaGooner Report 11 Feb 2010 20:25

DET Ooooooooo most definately LOL. Have you seen homepage on Ancestry Grrrrrrrrrrrr.


LaGooner Report 11 Feb 2010 20:31

Might as well hang on to it until we meet. I'll probably mislay it LOL


Mazfromnorf Report 11 Feb 2010 20:39

hello well home again the fire brigade gave them a shock we had to do a roll call half of them change their names lol they would be unaccounted for
I do reception to give the staff a break much more fun lol


LaGooner Report 11 Feb 2010 20:53

Tickets to the football perhaps LOL


LaGooner Report 11 Feb 2010 23:15

I'm the killer queen, dynamite with my laser beam LOL. On the throne for the night.


RockyMountainShy Report 11 Feb 2010 23:16

Ok I now have 14 days to zoom around So what am I looking for ? All Johns with a wife Sarah?? but what she died, or left him, or ................. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

I apologize to all who don't want to hear my troubles. Can I just shoot myself now? It would be self defense (for you)


Elizabethofseasons Report 11 Feb 2010 23:25

Dear All


Good evening from a very cold east end of London.

WC Seasons is moping......I think he's in love!
Well, it is St Valentines day soon.

He needs to go back with the pets. He's fully housetrained and has even brought his own ecualyptus leaves and borrowed a sun hat.

Take care all
Best wishes


RockyMountainShy Report 11 Feb 2010 23:54

Olympic Games ! ------------- are they on ???????????? };_)))))))))))

Cross country skiing, figurer skating & hockey, are all I'm interested in & I should be able to work around those okay. If I don't shoot myself first.


AuntySherlock Report 12 Feb 2010 02:54

Sending this while you are all asleep.
OK three paces back from your computer screens. Germ sprays, one two three, spray.

No, no!! LG I said germ sprays, not laser guns.

Now look at my new monitor it has a big hole in the screen.

Aunty is crook. Crook is an Australian term for ill, sick, unwell.

I thought I told you to keep your germs over there.

I feel like a pile of unmentionable. And I think it has just started.

Why should I be the only one around the place not to catch whatever it is everyone seems to have. Is there a new strain of flu. I never get the flu, just colds.

I am not going home. I can be just as miserable here as I can at home. Anyway tomorrow is Saturday.


AuntySherlock Report 12 Feb 2010 06:07

Reply button wouldn't work. Seems to be working now.

And I feel a bit better. Took a couple of Asprin and drank lots of water.

Oh bother this is giving me the woooooops. Jumping all over the place and when I type faster than a speeding bullet nothing happens.

RMS GRO have replied. They are sending me a reply paid envelope so I can return the certificate. I've told them not to bother with the envelope, we do actually have them here in Oz. And I'm pretty good at printing. Although my running writing is a bit untidy.


Mazfromnorf Report 12 Feb 2010 06:37

morning all
RMS is that a free trial , i am going to do that when i have time You have Johns ,I have Henrys and worst of all my maiden name was Head so i google to see what i can find lol all i get is Head random name of household lol grrr! i have a grtx 4 grandad who every one else has had bother with over the years and the stories or guess work on his family are so annoying .I need to retire rich and travel around sussex records office ,I have a cousin who is tightlipped so there is obviously some scandal lol .She was asking if i had got her parents yet and marriage she denies having cousins and she has cos mum knows them lol
aunty hope you feel better soon my throat is now a cough ,annoying but less painful
.last shift for a week have plenty planned but with all these rellies lol its too tempting to get a 2 week trial lol by the way what is best find my past or ancestry for records ? most of my lookups are for the 1920s ish

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 12 Feb 2010 07:20

Morning all.

I don't know what's best between the 2, Maz, because I've never been a member of FMP, I've only been in Ancestry.

I'm going to have a read of the thread now, see what I've missed.

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 12 Feb 2010 07:29

This doesn't seem to be working properly today, it keeps jumping back to the first page instead of the previous page.


LaGooner Report 12 Feb 2010 09:02

Morning all. Is the page jumping I thought it was my eyes LOL.
Hope you are feeling better Auntie have a good stiff drink that should work !!!


AuntySherlock Report 12 Feb 2010 09:21

Maz. I have tried both Ancestry and FMP. FMP are good for looking up strange things like census addresses and overseas bdms.
However the way they do the BDM drives me crazy. They give you little hints, alphabetical one liners and you have to select one and go see if your rellies are in the one you have chosen.
Ancestry just give you the info straight out, and then you have to decide which one is yours.

I suppose it is what you get used to. I also cross check my stuff in the free LDS and BDM sites and also use the free RootsWeb site. RootsWeb is worth a look because it is tied to Ancestry and has quite a few records.

If you go for Ancestry judge very carefully which level you pick. If you know you do not have rellies in USA or foreign countries think twice about the highest level. If you need an occasional foreign search you may find some kind person, thanks DET, who will help you a bit.

I am feeling a bit more weller now. I still think I am trying to catch something, time will tell.


LaGooner Report 12 Feb 2010 09:29

LOL Aunty I feel the same I wonder if you sent your germs here ? I really can do without being ill yet again I have not felt good since November.


LaGooner Report 12 Feb 2010 09:30

PS... Maz I like Ancestry I find it easy to use . Except when my rellies hide from me LOL