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LaGooner Report 9 Feb 2010 23:19

Oooooooo I had forgot about the gardener LOL. Oh do tell YG. LOL


LaGooner Report 9 Feb 2010 23:37

Right I'm orf see you soon x


Mazfromnorf Report 10 Feb 2010 06:42

morning all LG things cant get much worse then sorry but at least he is reasonably OK lets hope his back is ok
goods news on the little man though


AuntySherlock Report 10 Feb 2010 07:13

Hi All. Any accident you walk away from is a learning experience. So glad he was not hurt. Good to hear the small one is getting better also. Sit them together and they can swap horror stories. Hope the insurance is up to date!! Sorry I'm not unfeeling, that's what question my personality type asks. I know the individual is OK so the next important question is the car, it's had the royal order of the ceremonial sausage, so let's hope the insurance is paid.

Guess how I got home from work today. I was in my car but I didn't need to turn it on. The wind blew me home. It was so much fun driving in 37C heat and a force 10 gale. Tree branches coming down and leaves and dirt and stuff blowing all over the place.

Has the gardener been around to fix the fence YG. And speaking of fence how goes that structure.

DET. You are so right about the pip pip tally ho yoiks type conversations on Sunday. Them with their Jags, and Bentleys and Rollers and MGs and Daimlers, and us peasants with our scruffy Land Rovers. Ow yer goin' mate?? Watcha been doing to the truck?? Lowers the tone of the gathering no end. You are both correct about the toffy nosed lot. They bring their tables and chairs and wine glasses and have chicken and champagne. Us lot have snags on the barbie. Well we have sandwiches, but the rest have bbq.

Hi RMS. How's the research going?????? Ducks, weaves and runs away. Nope you need the catapult to throw custard pies at me.


LaGooner Report 10 Feb 2010 09:09

Insurance is fine they are sending a courtesy car today so at least they will be able to get around. It was not his fault so other driver who has only been driving 2 weeks !!! will have to pay up. I would not want her next insurance bill LOL


AuntySherlock Report 10 Feb 2010 10:01

Other driver not badly hurt I gather. That is even better. If a novice driver is involved in an accident which is serious enough to shake them out of their complacency, that experience is worth a week of lectures and driving lessons. Better get off the soap box again. Comes from living with OH for so long.

Just back from fitness. Now I really am a melted puddle. Look a bit like a jockey who has been in one of those sweat boxes; only larger.

Off to climb some trees. Catch you later.

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 10 Feb 2010 10:25

LG, that run of bad luck has got to stop soon, it can't go on for ever. Maybe it has stopped - he wasn't seriously hurt!!! Hopefully nothing else will go wrong.

It's very cold here, there's a sheet of ice on the roads and paths.

I notice YG is keeping tight-lipped about where she was last night and who she was with.


Mazfromnorf Report 10 Feb 2010 14:05

hi folks this morning at rush hour just about every road into Bishop was closed off due to crashes and the ice it is better now but still cold ,there is more snow around us again so we have been lucky
Aunty what are snags lol a sand storm or the dust everywhere sounds awful


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 10 Feb 2010 17:39

Ooo dear - take care all those with inclement weather. We've had some snow, but it's more like icing sugar, and we *think* we are too far west to catch the heavier snow fall predicted for the SE overnight.

Nasty winds you have very far down south there Aunty. Any bush fires would be very wild indeed.

I would take issue with aunty re the apparent complacency of novice drivers. Speaking as a parent of one who has her car in the body shop as we speak, she is not complacent and v upset over her most recent low speed prang. Come to think of it, all 3 of her prangs (in 9 months, heaven help us) have been at low speeds!


YG Report 10 Feb 2010 18:54

Pleased to hear that noone was hurt LG and that your son in law is at least still mobile with a courtesy car. It is all the inconvenience that goes with these bumps that is a pain in the rear end!!

We have had snow here today, but only a sprinkling has settled, like a coat of icing sugar!! The roads are wet though and it is freezing, so should be fun tomorrow morning!! Oh well they haven't mended the fence yet so they might as well carry on hitting it while it's down!!

And NO, it wasn't the gardener!! I haven't seen him for ages!! And it wasn't a fireman, much to my disappointment! In fact, it wasn't a man at all, but it got you going!!


AuntySherlock Report 10 Feb 2010 19:10

Morning. Very warm here this morning. Still dark. Just walked outside to see if it had been snowing. No snow, just a warm still Aussie morning.

Maz, snags are sausages. I don't like sausages but they are the required ingredient for barbecues.

A good proportion of younger drivers have the attitude, "Now I have my licence, I know it all, off I go." In Australia the younger drivers are over represented in vehicle accident statistics. Young drivers and country road crashes. Accidents do teach them they are not invincible. Just pray that the accidents are minor. We have had some truly terrible crashes here lately, one with five young men killed in the one car.

YG!! You've been going out with Sweetpea!!! Oh isn't that wonderful. When did you two get together and decide to start dating. Has he moved in with you yet. Everyone is so pleased, because now he can spend all his time working on your electric equipment.


RockyMountainShy Report 10 Feb 2010 19:41

OK AUNTY I will get youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.

I have 5 Johns that died between 1851 - 61, I can only buy one, so How do I chose??????????????? Throw a dart at the screen and see where it lands, go eenie meanie mynie? close my eyes and type in some numbers????
Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :_))))))))))


YG Report 10 Feb 2010 20:20

Ooooh Aunty, how on earth did you guess!! But he is banned from going anywhere near my electrical stuff!! I have enough problems without any more, thank you!!


AuntySherlock Report 11 Feb 2010 01:58

RMS. Sit down. We need a thread. Did you completely trash the last one. We and by that I mean you, need the census details of each of the John types. You should be able to get 1841, 1851 and 1861. For each of them. Then you need to look at their spouses and children and that should narrow the search down a bit. Then you need to look at where each of them was born and rule out the least likely.

Then we can go and look at their home addresses.

Can you retrieve your old thread. Sorry I am old and can't remember how we conducted the last amazing search and destroy mission.

Then when a certain GRO gives me the info I need and I work out what I was thinking about we might be able to put it all together.

Now before her Maj arrives and lasers me for putting family history on this thread, or my boss walks in and tries to find me hiding under all these papers on my desk, I must go.


Mazfromnorf Report 11 Feb 2010 06:23

morning all freezing here but no snow its too cold lol .I have a bad throat but its more a thirsty one than sore if that makes sense lol

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 11 Feb 2010 07:27

Morning Maz and everyone who comes on later.

It's freezing here as well - with NO snow. It's horrible but at least I don't have to go out with my shovel.

LOL Aunty, I wondered where Sweetpea had been sneaking off to, he didn't even come home last night!!


LaGooner Report 11 Feb 2010 09:18

Morning all, cold but bright here but there are some grey clouds lurking !! LOL

Oh that little stopout Pauline !! Hope you put him on the naughty step when he gets home LOL


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 11 Feb 2010 09:58

Morning All.

That Sweet pea gets every where - lol We didn't get anymore snow overnight, so just the light dusting....although it's pretty cold.

Hope your sore throat/cold gets better soon - every one bar me has the sniffles here; Can't see how I'm going to avoid it.

YG - remember that trial test we did? Of the 14 students who did it for real, only 2 passed. 8 attempted the level 2 yesterday (equiv A-C). I doubt if they will have a better pass rate.


Mazfromnorf Report 11 Feb 2010 18:34

ooer its quiet not !!!
Yg where were you the fireengine has just been the young monkeys have set the alarms off lol
so i can pinch the crown then


YG Report 11 Feb 2010 18:42

No you can't Maz!! I'm here, so budge up a bit!!

DET, oooh aren't we brainy!!

I must try another one when I have half an hour to spare.

Pauline, you can have him back, forthwith!!! What a naughty little chappie he is!!