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LaGooner Report 14 Feb 2010 00:05

Nite all. so quiet on here I nodded off LOL.


Mazfromnorf Report 14 Feb 2010 06:19

morning all coughing well so i have got up to get some chores done then will rest later on .We went to Seaham yesterday very bright and sunny had fish and chips .then came back here after a hot chocolate in a farm shop and a peice of caramel shortcake all those calories but yummy
Well its valentines day got two pressies and a card opened them ;ast night though norty girl i am lol but i wont se him today lol
found a new website yesterday for hastings didnt know existed so have been nosing through the all the records mainly lists but names on i recognise


Mazfromnorf Report 14 Feb 2010 08:12

got pc probs am being careful until frog catches up with me we have a pop up i cant shift trying to sell inti viral stuff it wont go away so a bit scared .I have tried blocking but it wont budge so letting AVG scan at the moment .


AuntySherlock Report 14 Feb 2010 08:45

Hi There, I'm home. After a death defy drive up and down a narrow windy road, a day in the sun, and an OH who wanted to buy........!!! Well we won't talk about that.

Hope your young fellow is OK DET. Nasty experience. I think he should be able to recover the money taken out of his card. I know we had a phone call from our bank to ask if we had made an overseas transaction, and we had not. Ask about it anyway It's worth a try. Althought I'm not sure how your credit card rules are in your neck of the woods.

Fish and chips, hot chocolate, caramel shortcake. Oooooh Maz I am drooling. I had a very ordinary wholemeal and grain bread and ham and salad and fruit for my lunch. Yours sound much more exciting.

I'm off to have a look see and catch up on the news. Be back later.

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 14 Feb 2010 09:19

What a horrible thing to happen DET, I hope he gets the money back from the bank. I've heard a few people say the bank refunded the money that was taken out of their accounts. I'm always worried about pickpockets when I'm in a crowded place.

Maz, my brother lives at Seaham, we found a great fish shop there - little old corner shop but made great chips.

Yep, Maz's lunch sounded much better than yours did Aunty. Better than mine as well!!


LaGooner Report 14 Feb 2010 09:21

Morning all.
Oh DET poor fellow that sort of thing really upsets,I do hope he is ok.
Maz. I had a nasty trying to invade through a fwd email from someone luckily enough my security system caught it and exterminated it. I gave it a zapp with the laser just to make sure it was dead LOL.
Aunty oh do tell what OH wanted to buy??? Did it have 4 wheels LOL??


LaGooner Report 14 Feb 2010 09:22

Morning Pauline, you hopped in there whilst I was still typing LOL. How are you ?


AuntySherlock Report 14 Feb 2010 10:01

Oh LG!! You have it in one.

Does not do the image good to stage a down and out hissy fit in front of around a 1000ish people. Rolling around on the ground kicking and screaming "over my dead body" is also not an appropriate action.

I just asked where he was going to keep it and what he intended to do with it.

He's currently sulking!! Ah men, can't live with 'em, can't shoot them!!


LaGooner Report 14 Feb 2010 10:06

LOL Aunty I take it he has thrown his rattle out of the pram then !!! PMSL. Never mind he'll get over it( eventually that is )

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 14 Feb 2010 10:14

LOL Aunty, are you sure you can't get away with shooting him?

You'll have to lend your laser to Maz, LG. It comes in handy having someone on the thread with a laser


LaGooner Report 14 Feb 2010 10:16

Oh it most certainly does Pauline. Just had another one blocked on a site I googled. Thank goodness for a good security system !!


LaGooner Report 14 Feb 2010 10:29

Hi DET. I just looked back in quick to say bye as the chores beckon, got company this afternoon so going to toddler proof the place LOL . I am still on the hunt for rellie and just updated records office post. Oh why are my lot from Wilts so elusive LOL.

Anyway must up and at em. Catch you all a bit later have a good day/evening/night one and all x


AuntySherlock Report 14 Feb 2010 10:34

Yes, I suppose men must have hobbies. Some collect stamps, some collect coins, some collect women, some collect empty beer bottles, mine just happens to collect motor vehicles.

I'm off to bed. Catch you later. Need my beauty sleep.


YG Report 14 Feb 2010 10:53

Morning everyone.

DET, so sorry to read about your son's experience. It is definitely one we can all do without. Poor you and OH having to subsidise, but that's what parents are for >>>>>>>>>>>>>> isn't it!!

I'm hope the bank will repay the money for him as speedily as possible.

Maz, sounds like you had a good time with frog!! We must be getting closer and closer to buying that fascinator now lol!!

D'ya know, I could hardly get my front door open for all the cards behind it >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NOT!!

But then, if they are all into collecting all these strange objects, I think I am better without one!!


Mazfromnorf Report 14 Feb 2010 15:25

hi there got the nasty pop up gone we had to disconnect the router scan from the AVG data base which came up with no threats so this thing is called AV and was trying to latch on it would not delete at all it was insisting we had 29 threats and was wanting an internet connection so son quarantined it in the end and its not been seen since so perhaps that was sweetpea as well lol nasty thingy .
DET sorry to hear your lads misfortune but at least he is safe
my lunch was lovely fattening but lovely He made me another spice cake as they call them here too yum yum


Mazfromnorf Report 14 Feb 2010 19:04

well i can rest and eat my supper and use the throne even the laser is here hmmm!


AuntySherlock Report 14 Feb 2010 19:56

Morning all. The nights are getting longer now. Still dark time over here. Well almost daylight. Hope everyone's sniffle are disappearing. I'm off to work shortly. Only six more weeks till holidays, or is it five, can't remember. Whenever Easter is.


LaGooner Report 14 Feb 2010 20:11

Hellooooooooooooo all

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 14 Feb 2010 23:53

Well I hope the credit card company pay up DET, they should, as long as he can prove it wasn't him who took the money. At least the bank are going to give him the money back, so that's something.

Maz, he makes spice cake? Where did you find him???


Mazfromnorf Report 15 Feb 2010 07:26

morning all well got a bit of a lie in the kitten got my son up to get fed lol ,but i need to get my act together as i have a workmen arriving about 9 ish to clad my loo then i have a doctors appointment as i am being advised to look at going disabled but still not sure
because i cant do housework it would be a waste of time today going to do some admin so will be here on and off .but the hot matches are sat there i am too nosey just to disguard them .