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Wattle Club Number 4 for the Aussies and anyone wh

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YvetteDD Report 15 May 2011 03:04

well that works, I haven't managed the 'researching names' very well, but I'll fix it up later.
PS, Marie, The boys did like their piece about their grandfather. Later that day their father told me some more about his dad, and how the war had affected him greatly. very sad

Cow Girl

Cow Girl Report 15 May 2011 08:51

my sincere and heartfelt apologies to any and all Wattlers i may have upset with my (now) deleted post. I was just trying to be as open as possible with as many Wattlers as possible and only succeded in confusing and upsetting people.
will go and stand in the corner for a while
sorry Tony, Mary and others :S


Persephone Report 15 May 2011 11:28

LOL Cowgirl

I am just a Rimu amongst the Wattlers and wondered what had happened.

This is a lovely thread by the way even tho I don't come here often.

Persie xx :-)


DIZZI Report 15 May 2011 11:36



Joy Report 16 May 2011 18:46

"This is a lovely thread by the way even tho I don't come here often."

Ditto :-)


Zack Report 17 May 2011 04:37

Hello all ,
Cow Girl ,I for one, are never offended by what anyone say's, I just thing it's lovely to see you all posting.Please do pop in again it's been so long since we have heard from you. Have you heard from Merle the Pearl?

Joy I like your Photo,Lovely smile.You obviously live in Kent they tell me it is a lovely place.
Dizz, is that you as a baby?and you are right I like Perisephone's Picture very Old world.
What about Sir Tones Picture !!! Woo Woo a large Red Roo
I have a picture in Mind but I havent had the time to scan & post.I am waiting for BADGER to put his on.
I think he is off on another little break,I do hope you are well Fred and also your good wife.
Mary where are you Cooee I am still waiting for you to call in and have a coffee ;-) ;-) I hope that all is well and that your husband is ok :-)

<3 I must leave as I have more washing to hang and I am off to the doctor to have a flu injection :O later to-day LOL :D
Take care watch the bug's :-( :-(

Love & Hugs,

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 :-)


DIZZI Report 17 May 2011 09:07



DIZZI Report 17 May 2011 09:34



Persephone Report 17 May 2011 10:25

Cheers Gwen.

My mother threw my first layette away when they moved in the late sixties and what I was most upset about was she also chucked my dad's little leather slippers with pompoms on, He didn't know she had until I was looking for them.

Re my Avatar:
Well I did have red hair once, but like me it's faded and has streaks of white hear and there. One of the hairdressers at the salon asked me if I had colours put through it. I have never ever put a colour of any sort through my hair. I'd like to say it grew old gracefully like me but there is nothing graceful about me.

This was the nicest one I could find of Persephone on the net.

We will look forward to a pic from you Marie.



badger Report 17 May 2011 10:27

Morning Marie.Mary [when you come back] Tones[who is no doubt busy planning the yearly family migration] he he.and all you other lovely Wattlers ,no matter where you are.
Marie ,Fred was on holiday ,but came back last week ,since when ,he has been ultra busy in the garden ,front and back ,and ,thank goodness is now up to date.
All that is left to go out now is the winter cabbage,which hopefully i will get out before the weekend.
Looking at the threatened drought here ,after the driest spring in 250 odd years,that has cost the farmers dear already ,i think i may have to get the shotgun out later in the year and sit on guard over the veggies,he he ,joking apart though, i mean what i say ,we have a load of migrants in the area that have already cleaned out the local parks of lake fish ,swans ,ducks and other wildlife and if they think they are going to strip my land ,they will find wilder life yet ,lol,wildlife with a 12 bore ,loaded for bear.
My new Nectarine tree was so badly diseased that it died within days of delivery,and i contacted Bakker who i have dealt with for years ,letting them know that i was far from pleased with what they sent me,sending them pics of the plant before i burned it,not wishing the disease to spread to my apple ,and plum tree.
Anyway ,there is another in the post ,and i will make the courier wait while i open it to make sure that this one is as it should be .
The break down Lancashire was fine apart from the weather which was terrible.thunder storms ,freezin' cold winds,and plenty of showers ,lol,but at least we did get out ,and i got a few [very few pics of the ongoing work in Fleetwood ,and Blackpool .,which ,by the way is a ruddy mess.
Got into Blackpool at 9.30 am ,and spent no more than 20 minutes ,before we hopped a bus to Cleveleys ,you couldn't even cross the road to walk on the sea front ,all the shops were being gutted ,and new shop fronts being erected ,the whole [place was like a war zone] ,rubble every where,even the tram lines ,being taken up again in places towards Fleetwood because the space between the rails was wrong [someone is now into the penalty clause ] ooooops, he he ,they reckon it will all be finished by July ,yeah ,next year maybe,not this year ,that's for sure.
Pic Marie ,what pic? oh ,i reckon you mean the Avitar ,Humph i isn't as clever as you lot .lol ,tried loading it for four days ,and gave up in disgust he he ,like Tones roo though ,lol.But i hope it is drinking better Lager than that Fosters though ,you lot only send it over here because it's rubbish,he he.
Time to go for now ,things to do and all that.
Making a curry today for dinner to warm us up ,lol, madras ,and Biriyani with saffron rice ,naan breads ,and a nice home made Bombay potato.
Catch you all later Fred.


Joy Report 17 May 2011 22:14

Fred has been very busy :-)

My photo was taken on our honeymoon, thus the happy smile :-)

I was born in Kent, the "garden of England" :-)


Persephone Report 18 May 2011 05:09

I got stung by a hornet when I was on my honeymoon, it nipped me on the wrist and I was swollen from just below my elbow to where my fingers join my hands. i had to take anti-histamines and the tablets made me dopey..... well dopier. Nearly had a divorce before we had hardly started. LOL :-)



badger Report 18 May 2011 08:26

Boooo,a photo at last [hangs head in shame for trying to load for days using Google] he he.
Amazing what trying via I,E does aint it ?
Fred now happily goes into the garden singing ,Come into the garden Maud[or ,in my case] :D


TonyOz Report 18 May 2011 08:58

Evening :-)

Much cooler days and cold nights for Melbourne.
Trying hard not to turn on the heating to early, but when i cant feel me toes any longer, it goes

June ( Cowgirl ) No offence was taken by me either mate.xox
Thanks for removing your post. Its just that i felt it was irellevant to GR Wattler club. I was talking to Lara Linger Longer ( thread holder ) who with a few others started this thread/group back in 2004, and its been around now for 7 years, and holds some good memories in its archives that i have saved throughout the years since 2004.( my threads ) Many Wattler members and o/seas posters have come and gone since then, and in 2006 most had not renewed their membership with GR, for whatever reason, and started up on different web sites.
There are now 3 or 4 seperate Wattler club groups ( 99% on Face Book ) and only a few drop back here on the odd occasion to post now or do FH.
Speaking for myself...i have always enjoyed the GR Wattler Club as it allows me to do my FH........ and have a friendly chat with peeps all over the world.

Dizzi. Yes, the first 36 pages of this thread are blank. It happened when GR changed/upgraded there web site back in 2008 and all our posts dissapeared up to page 36!!!
It happened also on the Wattle club number 3 thread too.

Persie. I also like your Avatar, and Joy's as well..... :-)

Fred. Looks like you have been busy. I never drink Foster's
Being a born and bred Victorian,there is only one beer for me, as was my father.
V.B ( Victoria Bitter ) ;-)

Time for Tea...and home made Pizza will go down well.... ;-)

Av a good un

Tony... :-)


TonyOz Report 18 May 2011 09:15

Fred. I was 99.9% sure if you added an was going to be a



Persephone Report 18 May 2011 09:28

I thought he was going to put a badger up as well. LOL


badger Report 18 May 2011 11:48

Nah peeps ,i got the nickname from childhood where i spent most of my time wandering the local woods [Kingswood] in Bucks ,lol.
I spent hours in a single day watching the badgers coming and going ,and after a good while ,i was able to get pretty close to them,whistling as i got near ,so that they knew i was approaching ,ahhhh ,happy ,innocent days Fred. :P
Might just think of that for Christmas though ,he he.


***Shaz*** Report 18 May 2011 12:29

Evening still trying to figure out this thread... :S, funny, I havent had any hot matches for months..., looks like I may have found all my lost rellies after all these years
Honestly, we have the telly on Channel 1, USA COPS show, no wonder these kids get into trouble, No respect for the police, and full of obsenities, cheeky little gits... :-(


***Shaz*** Report 18 May 2011 12:53

Aggggghhhh, Ive been having nothing but problems, since this site was updated, driving me B....Y crazy


TonyOz Report 20 May 2011 15:12

Evening... :-)

Another cold ol day in Melbourne.

Picked up our paperwork today for upcoming trip to Thailand, and looking forward to having a nice relax away from the concrete jungle of Melb city.

The large Pin Oak's have covered the footpaths and roads with autumn leaves and the council truck sweeper is coming every 3rd day now to clean up with its big rotating brushes as it works its way up and down the streets sucking up the leaves. Not before i grabed a few hesian bag loads first for my vege garden,as it makes great mulch..... :-)

Wishing all a great weekend.

Tony :-)