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25 Apr 2011 04:49 |
Hi all,
Well my fb friends have been exposed to my short holiday in Malaysia, which was wonderful- well for me anyway. OH spent the last 3 days in bed sick with an awful flu. I had considered using the insurance to stay longer because I truly didn't think he was going to manage the trip home. Dosed him up with a pile of stuff from the chemist, but would he go to the doctors- o no. The very modern medical center was just up the street and hes still on the lounge.
I got to see the sites in Melaka on my own, I actually prefer wandering about by myself but felt bad that I had to leave his lordship in his misery. I loved your home town Mary, a wonderful mix of old and new, the people were so friendly and there was stacks to look at.
My garden is not looking too hot, still haven't pulled out the summer crops and we have a huge mulch pile from where we had a tree cut down.
My eldest will be moving into their new house in 6 weeks time and I said I would do all their gardens for them. His partner wanted rocks in all the beds, but with the baby due in August , I think they will have to be grateful with beautiful gum mulch instead - beggars cant be choosers.
I have seen my cousins in the south of England are starting to moan about the impending heat . Poor things, suppose at least there is a taste of spring this year. I would gladly live in summer all year although I cant wait to get back on the plane to the UK again and see them all.
Being ANZAC day, I did a little family history for my boys this morning and printed up their grandfather's service record + back ground history on the places he served. He fought in the Middle East,New guinea and Borneo. Was wounded in action at Milne Bay. I cant believe that as soon as he recovered he was trudged off to Morotai, then Tarakan where he was wounded again before subsequently being discharged. If the war hadn't ended he would have no doubt been shipped off somewhere else.
Amazing people remembered on this ANZAC Day 2011. Lest we forget. Yvette
29 Apr 2011 08:51 |
Morning all you people over the pond,and other places around there ,such as Tassie and New Zealand,wow ,what a change in our weather now ,warm during the day for the most part sunny ,and old Fred has his tan back,at last. Been very busy in the garden this last week ,and have now got the front more or less sorted for this season. The empty plot where the Willow was ,is now taken up with a Tulip Magnolia,and the barrels are re sited behind the shed ,and now have the tatties in . The back sees Marys chalet ,all tomato's through,the cucumbers well away,the six pots with the herbs in all through apart from the mint,and the garden itself now has the courgettes showing ,the 6 brussel plants in ,and the 16 Runner Beans in their growing position.. All the other stuff for the garden is nearly ready to go out too ,so by next week end the chalet will be nearly empty,and i can get the peppers into their growing positions. I found a nice ,square portable B B Q which folds up like a case for putting in the car boot for holidays ,and put it up to see how it unfolded,and noticed that the foil sided instant B B Q 's for picnics go inside a treat ,wahey ,no having to clean the barbie ,after use ,lol,just remove the foil tray and fold it up after use ,Result. We are due off on our travels on the 9th of next month back down to Lancashire where i can try out the new camera on Southport's sights like the Victorian shop fronts ,and arcades,the lovely parks and lakes ,as well as the sea and promenade,a nice four day break lovvvverly. Forgot to mention, i did at last get the fence out front replaced ,and have to admit ,it does look a lot better,have to pop out now ,and get another lightweight hedge trimmer for the front ,long hedge ,the big one i loaned to the daughter is far too heavy for me now ,he he ,by the time i get to the other end i feel like i have been chopping logs with a heavy axe ,this getting old is no good to me . Hope every one is having a nice weekend,take care all ,Fred.
3 May 2011 05:36 |
Hiya everyone . . long time no see :) Hope all are well and giving the grin gear a good nudge
Been on here helping with some research so thought I would pop in and say hello
We had a lovely time up on Bribie Island with the kids for the Easter/Anzac holiday. We both went along to the march, and before the march fell in we met up with a guy who was on the same ship as TLR on the Vietnam tour, and had worked with me at the relay centre in Canberra, so had a lovely time with him and his wife after the march.
My Anzac project has turned into a doozie . . I decided this year to do an in depth into Gt Uncle Harold, somehow his record of service was lost, and officially only begins 22/4/1916. But I have a hand written account of his service before then from his file, he wrote it in 1962, and I have been researching to follow the official accounts of his unit. He was a member of the 3rd Field Ambulance, collected wounded and dead from Gallipoli and transported them to Egypt on the "Warilda", came with a ship load back to Melbourne aboard the hospital ship "Port Lincoln" then went back to Ismalia, then to France. He was discharged, permanently unfit for duty in London 26/10/1917 after being wounded in France. He married a little nursey who was looking after him, and lied to the Army . . telling them his parents were residents of England so that he didn't have to come back :) Must have changed his mind because at the end of the war, the army brought him, his wife and child back to Oz :)
:) Wonderful to have the hand written account . . easier to make sense of than the offical record.
Weather has cooled off a lot here . . wont worry me next week . . I'm back off to QLD on Friday for some Grammy time :) and some warmer weather (fingers crossed)
Take care, stay well and happy :) L xo
3 May 2011 11:36 |
What a lovely suprise, to click onto this page and see all the old names. Laurie it is lovely to hear from you and to read the story about your grandfather they were made of stearn st. God bless them all for what they did for us
.Hi Fred you have been busy, I have been cut down by a virus had to go to bed for 3 days ,to-day is my first up and about very sore ribs from all the coughing and I still have a temp,. hopefully better to-morrow.have a nice time away Fred say hello to Hissy and to your wife from me.
Hi Yevette , It sounds like you have been busy as well. Did your boys like the story that you put together of their Grandfather.? I am sure they felt proud of him.
I must close as I am fast Fading and my bed is calling me.
Before I go I must say hello to Tony and Barbara I hope you are both well Good old Collingwood for ever , Yeah!
Kindest Regards Marie Marie
5 May 2011 01:27 |
I'm back again . . . :) I'm enjoying getting my teeth into other peoples brick walls . . . been too long. I have been stuck re-entering my entire tree thanks to a numbskull puter techy who wiped my back-up . . taking me soo long . . still got a long way to go :( The plus of all that is I have gone over old territory and found stuff I missed before so maybe my own brick walls will get a nudge :)
Hi Marie, Hope your feeling better today . . the coughing and spluttering takes it out of you doesn't it.
Hubby off to the States tomorrow and I'm off to QLD . . . I get the better deal . . grammy snuggles :)
Hope all are having a fantabulous day . . .
Off to get the hair done . . .
Take care, stay well and keep the grin gear working
L xo
5 May 2011 08:30 |
Morning to all [and a gentle slap on the wrist for Laurie] who should get an external hard drive ,and backup all all her files on there ,tsk Well ,the wifes big 65 o birthday went off well,she got a lot of flowers off all and sundry,and a load of cards. I brought her a few plants for the garden too ,and a few i suprised her with ,12 new strawberry plants,her Nectarine tree,and a nice little Rosemary bush,plus six nice flower corms and roots ,which i am going to put in up the top of the front garden where the barrel used to be. I have a pretty busy schedule today,i got the bag of cement and will now repair the front step just inside the gate ,before some poor B****r falls over it [probably me with my clumsy plates of meat] ,lol. I brought a bag of limestone chippings too ,which i will spread over the surface where i have put the Nectarine tree ,to keep the weed seed from germinating,and then clean the greenhouse out ,most of the seedlings now out in the garden. Nothing from Tones for a few days ,bet what you like ,he is working like a beaver getting the pennies together for the coming holiday in Phuket,lucky blighter ,lol. Garden is nearly onto maintanance only ,with only brassica and broad bean left to put out ,plenty of sit down in a patio chair coming,yippee. My sugar ration has been used up for the next two weeks in one fell swoop ,he he,with a laaaaaarge slice of chocolate indulgence birthday cake that the daughter brought her mum , Hmmmmm, the sugar reading dinner time could be interesting ,oooops . The missus says the birthday meal can wait until next week ,when i can take her to a Carvery down in Blackpool,which sounds good to me too. Looks like time for me to go for my morning coffee on the patio ,the boss [cat is sitting by the patio door staring at me ,and if i don't move shortly she will come and paw at my leg until i do,lol,, 'ere, come to think of it ,these females can be very demanding at times,he he. Catch you all later,Fred.,of the tanned knees.
5 May 2011 14:09 |
Cant find General Topics??
Cant find "My threads"!!!!
scrub that last bit.....i can find "My threads"....but where is the "Records Office" and the "Tips board " gone!!!!
5 May 2011 14:09 |
O'oooooo lookey...we got emicons.. :D :P 
STREWTH!!!,,,,its even got a picture of me.... :S :S
Now everyone will know what i look like :D
5 May 2011 15:39 |
I have spent ages trying to find everything . . . think I have it sussed out now . .
Did you find the boards Tones . . all mixed in together . . .
Fred . . it was my external back up that my techy lost everything off . . 
He did an upgrade for me . . thought he had restored everything off the external . . . turned it all off . . re booted with external attatched . . I had it set to do a back up when turned on . . of course, he hadn't checked to see if it everything was on the puter . . hadn't put my FTM program back in . . So . . when he turned it on . . the puter did a back up onto the external, overrid what was there in backup . . and when I discovered it . . it couldn't be retrieved . . had 3 seperate techys try to find it all . . but to no avail.
Now I have two externals . . . and no techy will ever get his greasy mits on either of them 
Past my bed time . . TLR off to Vegas in the morning and I am off to QLD . . WOOOOHOOOO
Nigh nite L xoxo :D :D
6 May 2011 10:43 |
Evening and morning to those oop the other end of the
Loz. Yes ta, i did find where my "tips" thread and "Records" threads were.....they are amalgamated into the"Genealogy chat" forum.
I had to nudge them up to see which board they were on... 
Still trying to work out where everything has been moved to,but it appears Chat and General are now one forum, so the board will move very quickly now. "Trying to find" board is now "Find Ancestors"....but i'm sure we will get used to it as we have for the last 7-8 years of changes since iv'e been a member.
Tis 7:30 pm in Melbourne, and just waiting for the Footy to come on tele at 8:30..........a quick nick up to the local Chinese restaurant for some take-away, as her and me are on our pat malone to-night, and its cheaper on me wallet if the kids are not here.... :D
Wishing all a great weekend.....and only circ.100 sleeps to go till i get to taste my Red,Green, and Yellow Thai curries again
Av a good un.
Tony "The Bush Kangaroo".... :D
9 May 2011 10:54 |
Hello Tony, Lucky bugger off to the warm north , while I freeze my butt off in Bathurst .
Laurie off to Qld, I hope you have a great time, but dont spoil those Grandkids too much or you may not get invited back,LOL
Well folks I haven't been well for the past 10 days I have a viral Infection and it is taking me some time to get rid of it.I am no good until after lunch I spend most of the morning coughing and spitting , and then can only do a little bit of work. I can report that the 4 frosts we have had has wiped out any Summer Veggies I had left. Badger seems like your weather is improving it is good to hear. I also did a month's suger ration on Sunday,I was supposed to go to brunch with my 2 girls and their familys for mothersday but I wasn't up to the task so they brought me back a nice coffee and a cheese with chocolate pieces , there goes all the sugar allocation for a month, oh well it was very nice. I must away as I have a phone call to make Love & Hugs to you all Marie.
Researching :- John O'Brien bc 1847 from Castlehaven Cork Ireland, Annie Moloney bc 1847 Wesr Meath, bc 1820 John Moloney Meath, Mary Brennan bc 1820 Meath Ireland
9 May 2011 11:00 |
10 May 2011 01:31 |
Hi Marie.
Yes, looking forward to our yearly holiday to Thailand. There are 16 of us going in my own immeadiate family, and it appears to be growing each year When we first went over 3 years ago ( Phuket )there were only 6 of us, but our numbers have grown.  Sorry to hear you have a viral infection......take care 
Dizzi. Yes, i think we have researched our HALES before. My lot are my greats. Mary Hales 1813 is my 2x great grandmother and bapt in Earls Colne, Essex........daughter of Bernard Hales and Susanna SADD
Joy ( Kentish maid ) and myself have been looking for a blood connection between our SADD family name for sometime now. Some of her SADD family came to Aussie as well.
Winter in Oz is on its way, and this morning we had ice on the car roofs for the first time and a temp of 8c at 8-00am this the heating is on at night now. 10-30 at the moment we are 11c........but at the least the sun is out and defrosting my body... :S :D
Av a good un
Tony * who hates the cold and probably wouldnt survive in the U.K in winter*....lolol
10 May 2011 07:32 |
I was a bit of a dummy - I went to go on a thread and entered the realms of genealogy chat instead of general and wondered why I couldn't find it.
That genealogy one is a real amalgamated one now!! I used to always look at tips and records office - sometimes there would be a NZ question in the records office.
And ... a little brown kiwi has somehow ended up in Russia.... tottering around a park there. Not bad going since they can't fly only like the dark really and didn't have a passport. He is not a bird that people usually try to smuggle out of our country.
Persie xx
11 May 2011 12:23 |
Hi Persie.
Strange why anyone would want to smuggle a Kiwi out of N.Z.!!
Not as if its going to blend in with other native animals in
12 May 2011 05:22 |
Hello to you all, The weather is also very cold here, my toes are frozen :S I had my 72 nd birthday yesterday had a lovely day despite the sleet and rain I went to lunch with my 2 best pals, then had Dinner with Kathleen and family also Barbara and her 2 girls lots of cuddles :D.
Still very cold here to-day the sun is trying to poke his nose through.I have been working flat out on the Hayward reunionI managed to buy the name tags yesterday ,I will come up with something fancy to put in them. 
I am having terrible trouble with the Renes Reunited site .If I manage to get the site when I click on., to what I want, the green line takes for ever & then stops dead in the middle to where i want to go. I have tried clicking the refresh at the top of the page but the same thing keeps happening. I have been trying to get on to the boards for over an hour and this post is my first success, It is so frustrating, Grrrr.  Stay well hugs Marie
12 May 2011 11:25 |
You are sounding a lot better Marie..
After yesterdays absolute weather from hell - buckets of it belted down. We have had a sunny warm day here today. It's a nightmare all this chopping and changing of clothes to suit the weather. Went out the other morning - it was cold - all wrapped up and then the sun came out and had to start stripping off and go for a cold drink. I could have downed a schooner or two of what that Kangaroo is drinking.
12 May 2011 11:34 |
I have some Hales in my tree... back in the 1700s
They "haled" from Bekesbourne'
Sadly no Sadds.
I have so many Ancestors from Kent, they go back to the 1400s. Didn't get out much.
14 May 2011 13:00 |
Evening All, Im still trying to find my way around the new setup.Boo Hoo, this old girl doesnt like :D
Downloaded new version of Firefox last night, grrrr, supposed to be faster, But I dont think it is.. :P
15 May 2011 02:48 |
hi , I'm still trying to find my way around too. I dont like the little pics, so testing with this post to see whether you get them regardless.
nice and sunny, I'm back on the mulch pile xox