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Wattle Club Number 4 for the Aussies and anyone wh

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Zack Report 29 Oct 2010 06:20

Hello one & all, I am wondering where everyone is
,Hi Tony, Fred ,Mary ,Hz by the river,Mel75, June, Merle,and Amazing Grace 08.
This is very boring you cant all be away on holidays, Please come back.

The organizing of the Hayward Family is going ahead we have set a time The first week in October 2011.

As I have never done this before or even been to a reunion, I could do with some suggestions as to the procedure on the day.
Should we hire a hall??
I am going to ask all to bring Photos & Charts on their own branch.
I hope to have a large chart with the earilest Hayward names on it so that they then can add their branch to the tree.

Sorry I have to go as the phone is ringing

Regards Marie


badger Report 29 Oct 2010 08:26

hi Marie ,yep Fred & the missus,plus the grandson Chris are indeed on holiday ,until Saturday,in sunny [not ] Blackpool,where ,despite Liz not being too well [but getting better] we are enjoying ourselves..We managed to get Chris out for a while yesterday ,and got him on his tram ride round the system and then onto Fleetwood where we got off and transferred to a bus back to the holiday park..By three oclock Liz had had enough and was very sore across the back ,so poor Chris never got to see the lights he was looking forward too .
This lad is wise beyond his age ,lol,despite being part autistic,,he took one look at the prices to enter ,and go up the tower ,turned to his Nana and said ,no Nana ,i will wait until next year when entry to the tower is going to be free.
We got to meet Brenda from Manchester while we were here,by going to the famous Bury Market to have a look around there.
What a lovely lady she is ,taking time to show us around ,at a snails pace ,to make sure we saw all the important stalls ,like the cheese stall,really a small shop set in the wall,i have never seen so many cheeses ,from so many countries in one place in my life ,lol,by the time i walked away ,i was drooling he he.
The fish /meat market was a revelation so many meats,from beef skirt ,for the pasties ,to salmon cuts for the Sunday roast all a lot cheaper than up home.
Ditto with the fish ,from Swordfish steak at £7 a kilo ,less than half price than i have ever seen it in Newcastle,though to whole Salmon at £ 8,cor, ,these mancunians and lancastrians are spoilt for choice.
Have to go now,and take the boss her morning cuppa, i will catch you all after getting home as i will be packing for the return trip.
the car gets better by the week ,it took all of three gallons of diesel to get down here ,oh the expense ,lol.
Catch you all later Fred.


Joy Report 29 Oct 2010 14:45

Still reading, and enjoying reading :-)


Zack Report 30 Oct 2010 07:22

Hi Fred, so pleased to hear from you and you sound as if you are having a great holiday, I have a lovely piece of salmon in the freezer I am saving it for a special day I dont know when but it will just come to me one day.

I had a lovely trip to Italy, we saw all the wonderful sights of Italy tasted a lot of very nice wines we had some very nice meals, one at a vineyard which was delicious + music and singing and we had a strawberry wine ,it smelt and tasted like strawberry but it was from grapes superb, I would have liked to buy a bottle of the wine however we had to leave before we had a chance to ask if they were selling that particular wine.
I am busy in my garden getting all my vegies in, rain is predicted for tonight & to-morrow.I will close but imust say hello to Joy (AKA Maid Marion & Joy Kentish Maid ) thank you for looking in.
God Bless you all, Marie from OZ.


TonyOz Report 30 Oct 2010 08:22


Thought i best pop my head in and say G'day.
Working 6 days a week as we head towards the festive season and summer, so only get the oppotunity to get on-line occasionally, and normally there are pm's waiting for me to do look ups. Keeps me busy.

Marie. Nice to hear you had a great holiday, and welcome back home to the sunburnt country......although, it aint to sunburnt at the moment. Well....not down south More rain happening in the far south east over the last few weeks( Melbourne ) than Noah's ark. At 6pm its pouring down. But this can only be a good thing for our water catchment, because somehow i feel we are going to need it come Dec ( summer )

Have planted out my summer Vegie seedlings ( twice now ) as the first lot were destroyed by a freak hail storm two weeks ago. Planted a new lot to-day, and now they are getting a good drenching. Hopefully my garden bed dosent turn into a small running river...( sob ) else it will be 3rd time lucky.

Hi Cousin Joy~~~~~~~ Hope all is well with you.
For those who may not know, Joy and myself share a common ( or not so common ) surname in our tree ( SADD ) and possibly connected a way back by county boarders, but cannot at the moment prove a blood link. My lot being in Essex and Joy's in Suffolk ( i think ) There were surnames seen as "SAD" but ours were SADD "Double D" its a SAD state of affairs we cant find that relo connection without
Perhaps one day?

G'day to Fred also, and hope you and Liz are well.
Safe journey home.

3rd eldest daughter tels me she is booked and paid for her European holiday coming up in June next year. London,Amsterdam,Paris,Switzerland,Italy,Spain, and back to London for some more touring ( 4 weeks in all)
At 33 now, and her first trip out of Australia........i can only wish i was going too.....hee hee
Hubbie is looking after the kids, and daughter and her childhood girlfreind ( who lives in London ) are off on the trip of a life time.

Making up my favourite curried suasages & mash for her n' me for tea better get on with it as the stomach is telling me i'm hungry......again....:>))

ps. best mate is a Hayward
Born in Melbourne late 1940s, and we grew up to-gether remaining good mates, and still are. Best man at my wedding in the 70s
pps. Hire a Hall......Only the best for the Hayward clan....;>))


Zack Report 31 Oct 2010 21:35

Hi All,
I have just popped in for a Quick look and their you are Tony, yes I had a great time, and I am now busy with the reunion.
You will have to tell me about your mate, as he could be one of the many Haywards that belong to our lot, especially if his Ancestors come from West Coker.
Your Daughters Husband must be a good man, my Husband would not even let me go to the Centenary of the arrival of my fathers Family in Australia (The Zackeresen family from Sweden)Dad's mother was Danish.she was a Nielsen. I hope your Daughter has a great trip.
I must close,as I go to Gym this morning,
Hugs to you all,
ps.I hope you are nowhere near the flooding.M


badger Report 1 Nov 2010 09:18

Morning everyone ,from over the big pond ,in the frozen north.
I have had a pretty busy Sunday ,clearing out the greenhouse ,the veggie patch ,of all the haulms an dead plants,and got the lawn edges done ,the garden recycle bin is so full it'screaking on it's wheels,lol,the bin men are going to love me tomorrow morning ,He He.
Please Father Christmas ,can i have one of those incinerators for Christmas?,i could then have loads of lovely potash for my veggie patch.
My parsnips are looking good and are a decent size ,the brussels are coming on a treat ,and my red onions are now ready to hang in the greenhouse once i have bombed it to kill all the pest that may be lurking around.
Looks like i will want for little around the festive season,apart from a cauli' that i will have to buy.
A sign of the times perhaps ,with so many perv's around maybe ,or maybe too cold ,but we had no little visitors last night asking for trick or treat,or saying the old fashioned rhymes of England on Halloween and we were disappointed to say the least ,this is the first time in over forty years of marriage this has happened ,looks like the grand kids are going to score for a few pounds of sweets and biscuits when they come next ,lol.
I can't make up my mind what to do for dinner tomorrow ,wether to try out the new halogen oven ,after i go to the post office to pick up the cook book and crisping tray i ordered last week ,or to go for a slow cooker ,hotpot sort of dish,i will ask second cook what she thinks.
Well ,time to hang the washing out to give it a chance to dry ,before the weather closes in again ,later this week when the dryer comes ,this will become a thing of the past ,making it easier to stop the damp in the house caused by washing hung indoors,i could do with a glassed ,long lean to like the bro- in law has ,he bangs his in there ,so dosn't have these problems,with his dryer and big freezers,and tomato plants in the summer too [sniff] some people have all the luck,but,we don't do too badly considering .
Time to go ,shopping to do and then get on with the second bedrooms window ,which still wants sorting ,if it's anything like the others were ,with over half inch gaps between the plaster and frame in places,grrrrr ,tradesmen these days ,it is a good job i wasn't living here when they were put in ,i would have condemned the lot ,and told them to remeasure,better still ,i would have measured them myself ,some craftsman measured the frames from the inside ,instead of out ,probably to save climbing ladders in the cold ,.
Still they are secure ,and i have brought some expanding foam ,and tubes of mastic silicone sealant ,which should cure the howling gales we get when the wind picks up.
Catch you later all ,have a good week,Fred.


Joy Report 1 Nov 2010 11:03

Hello :-)

Still enjoying reading across the miles.

One day, hopefully, cousin Tony, we shall find positive records showing that we do connect - until that time, I feel 99% certain that we are cousins :-)


Aussiegirl Report 2 Nov 2010 00:20

Morning all we have had some lovely rain..

Hi Joy.. Nice to see you.. hope you are well..

Marie Sounds like you had a nice holiday..good for you..I loved Asissi the best.. So old and quaint..

Fred.. Time you make me tired just reading your post..LOL

Tony Hope you have a nice Melb. Cup day and win a bit of moola..and it dont rain on the race...LOL

Hope all are well

Love MAry xx


YvetteDD Report 2 Nov 2010 06:14

HI there, squezing in a visit between making dinner, cooking mulberries and going to work.

Had the best time in the UK with friends and relatives, was brave and organised my itenerary,even if it was only for a short amount of time. Also got to do mini meets in QLD before I went. Walked my little legs off and ate, drank and was generally very merry

Was hard to believe that I was walking the streets where my ancestors had lived 200 years ago, but also seeing the places where I lived over 44 years ago.

I dont do Melbourne Cup, I might leave it until I retire and then I'll be well and truely ready for it. Best go before the mulberries catch



TonyOz Report 5 Nov 2010 23:48

Morning from a reasonably sunny Melbourne city.
Can walk around outside with short sleeved shirt on.

Amazing walking around the shopping centers and seeing all the Xmas decorations up and in full swing.
Makes me wonder where the year went?
Only seems like last week i was taking down the decorations, and now its nearly time to put them back

Won nowt on the Melbourne cup racing, although i did back the field $24.....but the payout was less than the winner paid.....:>((

Think i needed a 100 to one chance to win it, to get a reasonable return.

"Americana"......owned by Aussies, trained in Italy, and ridden by a french jockey. Talk about a multicultural country this is....hee hee

Down at the local garden centre this morning to buy up a few punnets of Cherry tom's and Spring onions to plant in my Vegie patch which appears to be coming along at the moment. Only have to keep the pesky grey possums at bay, and we will have our salads for upcoming summer months. Damn pest they are, but protected by Australian laws. Try telling that to a New
Think they dispose of as many as they can and make Davey Crockett hats out of the fur skins, or moccasins, and are clasified as a pest over in the land of the great white cloud.

Front Lawns need mowing after all the rain we have had, and where i live the lawns are 60 metre's long by 3 metres wide up one side of my house, and 30 metres by 3 metres across the front, not including inside the boundary ( front garden ) 30 metres by 20 metres, and the back garden 30 metre by 30 metres.....and a tank of petrol in the mower is short

Wishing all a great weekend...whatever your doing.



Aussiegirl Report 6 Nov 2010 04:27

Hi everyone We have rain...yyaayy...

Tony With all that rain you have had it is a wander that you dont have a swimming pool instead of a lawn...think of all the laps you could do..LOL..

HAving a quiet weekend..Its raining again and that is a good excuse to stop indoors..makes me feel very lazy though..

Yette You had a great trip to the UK,,one day I will make it..

The Aussies are having a touch of global cooling as well as the friends in the keep warm all..

Love Mary xxx


Zack Report 6 Nov 2010 08:33

Hello all, you sure are right Tony, it is a multicultural place, I just wish the world were a bit more like us.I didn't even get a ticket in a Melbourne cup draw I thought they would have had one at the Gym but no one had organised any, never mind I wouldn't have managed to win.

Our weather in Bathurst is continueing to be overcast with rain and very cool.

My beans are up the Bok choy is in also lettuce,beetroot Eggplant,cucumber,and Pumpkins, some are already flowering,I have to plant some Carrotts.

I am off to the coast to visit my daughter and then spend a few days at Shoal Bay, I hope we get a bit of*********Sunshine***********while we are there. Next Page


Zack Report 6 Nov 2010 09:04

Sorry about that but the page keeps dancing up and Down.

Hi to Yevette I am pleased your trip to England was successful

my holiday to Italy was great Lovely food and wine and Wonderful sights to see .I loved the top of Italy, Milano, Verona .Florence Pissa the lakes district was Beautiful.

Hello to Mary, & Fred I hope your weather isn't too cold yet,I wish ours would warm a little. How is your new Oven I guess you are giving it a work out and has your new Dryer arrived?

I must away,
Kindest regards to you all



badger Report 7 Nov 2010 11:32

Mornin' all from over the pond ,in the frozen north [not too bad yet].where old pest Fred ,and the wife are havin' the day off ,after a marathon soup cooking day,made some traditional north country soup ,with lentils ,leek ,peas, carrot and sundry other ingredients,which we had a sample for tea last night ,[very tasty,and the rest is in the freezer for later use.
we also did two other soups which have also been put down for future use,so we are doing okay.
Liz seems to be responding to the new tablets ,and had a far better night last night ,and seems a lot better than of late ,so i have my fingers crossed.
I am going to start the three doors on Wednesday this coming week ,which shouldn't take long with the little electric sander and the low odour ,quick drying paint ,and then it's away with all the decorating gear until after Christmas.
The basis of the pea and ham soup ,and the country soup came from the piece of bacon we found on offer at Morrison's ,a nice piece of smoked fillet of gammon ,on offer at £4-50p from which after i had roasted it in the oven in a sealed container with added water ,did us a tea ,of bacon ,roast tatties ,parsnips ,cabbage and carrot .the juices kept for you know what.
After slicing the rest up ,i was left with four meals of thinly sliced bacon ,six slices in each ,and a piece left which was uncuttable without ruining my good ham knife on the spikes of the carving dish,so that's earmarked after going through the grinder,for a ommlette[bacon ,cheese and onion] and enough left for tea done as mini pizza [muffins cut in half with the bacon ,laid on tomato concentrate,chopped onion and black olive ,sprinkled with cheese ,banged under the grill,for two minutes and put on a plate with the fried tattie pieces left from yesterdays dinner .
hows that from a smallish piece of bacon ,a real tight assed scot ,that's me ,lol
Havn't tried the new oven yet Marie ,but after swapping the new oven frying tray when it arrived [too big ] for my cooker ,for the one from the microwave ,which fits great i have it sorted fine.
Glad to hear that the holiday was good ,i only ever flew through Italy on the way home from the middle east once ,and to my disgust ,wasn't even allowed to leave the terminal ,grrrrr but that's life ,i can't complain ,seeing lots of the world that others only dream of ,some good ,and great ,others i would rather forget ,again ,that's life ,lol.
I hope you do at last get something sorted for John Mary ,it's about time your fortunes changed for the better .
Nice to hear that Tony is at last getting his garden under way after the disaster earlier with the heavy rain ,the gardening news from over there makes things more cheerful for me ,us rapidly sinking into the depths of winter yet again,and ,after the hedge tops ,which i may get done this afternoon ,is about it for me till spring ,other than the odd bit of weeding when the rain and frosts let up for a few days ,he he.
I need to get a builder in come early spring too ,i have that cooker hood to the outside wall to see to because all the steam of the cooking is going nowhere,and i can see no point in having a new double glazed unit fitted with a fan put in ,when there is a fan already in the hood.
Plans are already a foot to put in new bench tops in said kitchen along with a new free standing halogen cooker with a double oven ,to further reduce energy bills,but i did the right thing in renewing a two year contract with british gas for electricity and gas until September 2012,.lol.just in time too ,as it looks like another 10% hike in the fuel costs this winter.
The new dryer arrives Tuesday after which there will be no more hanging washing indoors to dry if its' wet outside,and if the washing comes in just a tad damp ,into the dryer it will go,and the steam vented into the garden ,yippee ,no more soggy bread in the toaster ,lol.
I was sooo ruddy fed up of the acer laptop freezing on holiday that i went out yesterday and treated us to a new 3 gig laptop with a 350 gig hard drive ,on offer at Currys reduced to £390 from £500,a nice little Toshiba Satellite which should do us well,the old acer ,i have shoved all the important files onto ,and it's upstairs in reserve ,ho hum ,the first early Christmas present to us both ,he he..
Time to go ,i think i will do this hedge top before it rains again ,lol, catch you all later ,Fred.


Merle Report 11 Nov 2010 08:18

Hello everyone!!!!!Oh, how good is it to be able to say that at long last..
Am sitting at a wonderful new puter,a laptop,which a kind,generous friend bought for me.A bit embarrassing, don't know what I could possibly have done to deserve it.
hello fred, great to be greeted by one of your "small" missives.I have missed you all.
Mary darling please say hello quickly.
I now live in a brand new two bedroom unit a couple of streets away from the old place.Moved in on August 27 andisn't it funny, the smallest house but the largest kitchen I've ever had. Theres plenty of room,all wheelchair access, lotsof security stuff,when I finally get it all to work. Didn'tstop some kind soul smashing my gate last weekend though,I guess some of our little coloured brethren have finally found where I live.Ah well,got to have some excitement New address is unit 4/ 82 David st , you know where. Two of my old neighbours died a couple of days after I left.. not a healthy place right now............i lost everything when the puter blew up so need a new list of names etc please. Have skype on too boys and girls hint hint.
It's three years since dear old himself died and I miss him very much. Am happy enough with my life, there's just a mighty big hole in it.
Am a care attached to the hospice grief support team andjoined the prison fellowship. Visit once a fortnight to help with service. .alsopart of the Cycamore tree group who go in and run courses at the prison.Sorry if I already told you thatbefore. Little Casey went to doggy heaven and I have an eight or nine year old papillon/cavalier cross. and we're in love.He's the gentlest thing and a face to melt the hardest heart. We walk each other every day and he lets me know if I look like forgetting. like today. It freezing and I ain't goin I'm being glared at.
Anyway, that should be enough for a start,see ya, luv me


Aussiegirl Report 11 Nov 2010 09:57

Hi to our lovely Merle..We have missed you and was starting to worry a bit..What a lovely friend you have supplying a lappy.. Give him or her a big hug from me..
You sound busy and in good spirits.. how are the knees,,do hope they are not giving you any gyp..
The new place sound great and when there is only one you dont need a big place,,I always think of the housework,,which is one thing I dont like to do ...Even this unit is a pain sometimes when you have to do everything..Good to see you have a lovely dog to keep you company, and to keep you fit with lots of walking..LOL..I need something like that but at the moment it take me all my time looking after OH..
Will send you a list of email addys is a old list but all that I have on my your email addy the same..let me know before I send me through GR..

Fred You are the best at managing food that I have ever have so many ideas, and seem to make so little go such a long do you do it..think I need a few lessons from you..Glad Lizz is feeling better on the new tablets..hope you dont get a cold winter again.. perhaps we should pray for global warming,,,LOL...

Hope Marie is having a nice visit to her family..

Tone Thanks for letting us know our lovely Merle was back..

Take care all

Love Mary xxx


YvetteDD Report 13 Nov 2010 08:37

you have mail Merle, re the list . Nice day here but overcast now. Splendid for attacking the vege patch and the feral date palm



badger Report 13 Nov 2010 15:55

Evening to all,finished the doors at last ,and am having a sit down before i start the tea.As Edith off the other thread has said ,after the news i got from the docs ,i need to keep mobile ,now having arthritis in both hips and osteo porosis in the lower back ,i can't afford to let my bones stiffen up any more ,so it's on with the morning exercises and keeping on the go ,lol.
We had a nice dinner today as arranged [the cobbler] but the son never turned up ,so there was a load of mince left ,so ,we will convert this into tomorrows Shepherds Pie and have put the mince intended for this ,into the freezer ,so Mary ,this tight assed scot has two mince meals frozen down ,not one ,lol,
I just ternd to buy enough meat for two meals at a time ,and save a load of cooking time the following day by doing two days veggies at a time ,just saving time to do other things .
The wife found me two lovely large Sardine at the shop yesterday which i will have for brekkie tomorrow ,pan fried in olive oil with a couple of slices of fresh bread eaten in the native Greek method ,the flesh slid off the bones with the fingers,lovely.yum.
Well ,the doors are finished and the painting is suspended for a few days,while i catch up on the garden which is upside down after the gales these last two days.
Nice to see Merle back ,and in a new place yet,hope you get sorted soon and hope you find it easy to manage ,
Have to go now ,Hissy is walking over my computer because she knows it bugs me ,and so lets me know that it's time she was fed.
Back later ,Fred.


Merle Report 16 Nov 2010 11:59

Hi all,thought I'd continue on bringing you all up to date.Noeline planned and organised a Sandells cousins reunion which was held over grand final weekend.There were about 40 present including me.Why was I there?cos I refused to be banished to the oldies brigade.It was a very full on weekend but everyone got on so well and a great time had by all.Even my grumpy son found that he had a lot to talk about to all his cousins and enjoyed himself Theycame from qld.nsw,perth.bunbury, the pilbara so wa had a good sprinkling of people.Only three didn't make it I think. My beloved baby brother and favourite sparring partner from Maroochydore died last month. Totally out of order,he was the youngest and had no right to .die out of line.Typical Fletcher.Always had to be first at everything.1Can't stand it, gotta go watch the chefs catchya, luv me