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Florence61 Report 10 Apr 2021 10:35

Unbelievable!!!Snow had all gone last nite and then I get up to find...a winter wonderland.More snow than ever.The trees and hills look very scenic have to say but just wasn't expecting anymore.

My daffodils took a hit too Joan,so demoralising after all the wind bashing.
I haven't been out for a week now and my skin is so dry but it's too cold to go out.I stand on the door step for a few minutes and breathe the fresh air in but it's not the same.

Have a good day everyone

Florence in the Hebrides


Elizabeth2469049 Report 10 Apr 2021 16:54

Sleet showers off and on but not lying here in Northumberland


Gillx Report 10 Apr 2021 17:04

No snow here and it's sunny, I'll send some sun to all of you that have snow ;-)

Sorry to hear the daffs have took a hit, hope the snow stops soon. Although it's pretty to look at, it can do a lot of damage.

Your lentil and bacon soup sounds lovely Joan, that'll help keep you warm.


Linda Report 10 Apr 2021 17:54

Had my second jab this morning more people there this time then there was first time around but think people were there getting first as well just pleased that I have had both of mine now waiting for everyone to have theirs, now for my first hair cut on Monday first one since before Christmas so excited


Florence61 Report 10 Apr 2021 18:45

Well I decided this afternoon to place a bet £1.00 each way on... Minella Times and yippee it romped home 1st.Mr Milarkey pulled up so lost that one but dead chuffed.

Joan your soup sounds tasty.Daughter went on bus to town and bought a Chinese.We have just finished by it and i am so full up but was tasty.
Sun is out and snow melted but a few showers about and sky looks full of it!

Florence in the Hebrides


Linda Report 11 Apr 2021 01:32

No snow here thank goodness but so cold here I keep on coming over feeling vert hot think it might be to do with the vaccine but have not got a temperature . Congratulations Florence on your win nice to see a women jockey winner for the first time


**Ann** Report 11 Apr 2021 14:07

Joan....I could just eat that right this minute :-D :-D :-D


LindainHerriotCountry Report 11 Apr 2021 15:55

We too had a covering of snow this morning. That was annoying as we had to be out at 10am with the local Wombles group for the monthly litter pick. Luckily the sun came up and it wasn’t too cold. The picking wasn’t hard work and between us we collected about forty sacks from a relatively small park area and lots of snickets which crisscross that area of the town.
A few weeks ago, I was part of the local Friends of the earth litter pick. A 5 km circle was drawn on the map and we cleared the verges on all of the country lanes which radiate out from the centre. That was incredibly hard work. There was an unbelievable number of wine and vodka bottles which had been hurled out of car windows, plus all the cans and plastic bottles


Florence61 Report 11 Apr 2021 21:25

Linda you were very busy.well done on all your hard work but sad when there is so much rubbish thrown down and left,disgraceful really.
Wow Joan that toad in the hole sounds huge!

We had more snow yesterday and overnight but the sun has melted it all now.Really hope that's the end of it.
Had very little to eat today as still full from last night's Chinese.

Been very lazy today and not done very much,oh well that's what Sundays are for.

Florence in the Hebrides


nameslessone Report 12 Apr 2021 08:37

That was a surprise. Here I am in my part of what the weather forecasters call the M4 corridor and I woke up to heavy snow.


LaGooner Report 12 Apr 2021 08:47

Good Morning everyone, bright here at the moment but there is a very grey sky out the back.


MotownGal Report 12 Apr 2021 09:31

Good morning.

Pretty grey and dull here, bit nippy too.

Such a difference to two weeks ago.


Gillx Report 12 Apr 2021 13:30

Sunny here today but not very warm, OH said we had a bit of snow first thing but it didn't amount to anything so he's taking yet more rubbish to the tip.

Your Toad in the hole sounds massive, it'd definately fill you up Joan ;-)

That's a shame people ignore your cheerful greeting Dermot. Sending you some smilie faces to cheer you up :-D :-D :-D :-D

Does anyone have anything planned for the first day of lockdown easing?


Island Report 12 Apr 2021 14:29

I can't decide whether to hot foot it into town or observe the week of 'national mourning'. The dog on the sofa will win :-D

We had a layer of snow sometime in the night I'm told.


**Ann** Report 12 Apr 2021 15:40

Tis going to be a very cold night here in North Wales...when that sun goes behind the clouds it is very chilly :-0 :-0

There are queues a mile long here for Primark....the poor kids must have grown out of their clothes...I know my two grandchildren about half mast trousers :-D :-D


Linda Report 12 Apr 2021 20:20

Well my first hair cut since before Christmas how lovely to get all that hair off next one booked for 19 May


Florence61 Report 12 Apr 2021 22:18

A beautiful sunny day here today.Went up town on bus with daughter and it was lovely to get some fresh air, no wind and some sunshine for a change.

Hopefully thats the snow away now for good.

I have a variety of garden birds that feed on the fruit bits and breadcrumbs i put out for them. The usual starlings blackbirds and sparrows, 2 doves, my Mr Robbie and Greedy George the seagull.
But after tea i spotted a pair of birds that have been around a few days and looked them up. I think they are a pair if Red Wings which it says are quite rare?
I looked at a picture on my phone and studied the pair very hard and yes i am absolutely sure they are red Wings.

Has anyone else ever had these birds in their garden?

Bet you feel and look great Linda :-)

Florence in the hebrides


AnninGlos Report 12 Apr 2021 22:23

I have to wait until 1st May for mine.


Florence61 Report 12 Apr 2021 22:34

Aw Ann poor you...but it will be worth the wait

Florence in the hebrides


Kay Report 13 Apr 2021 00:12

Amokovid Please could you tell me your secret of massive yorkshire puddings. When I make them, I have to concentrate very hard to convince myself that it's a yorkie pud I'm eating and not a pancake!!

No matter what I do they're never massive. Some say put milk in, some say don't. I know the fat has to be very hot, but does it make a difference what it's cooked in? I usually put mine in a pyrex dish coz it's easier to clean but maybe a metal dish is better? Also, cooking oil or lard? I'd love some advice if anyone can offer me any. I've tried to master them for 50 years and just fail miserably!!