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LaGooner Report 8 Apr 2021 08:47

Good Morning all, I hope you are all well. A very grey chillly day again and thank goodness we have no cause to go out :-D


MotownGal Report 8 Apr 2021 08:47

Morning Chit Chatters. :-)

Ah the dreaded HW! I really don't like that harsh Spring sunshine, shows up every little speck of dust. :-(

If it will make anyone feel better, welcome to my dining room. When lockdown started we decided on a project of sorting photos out of old albums, tins and boxes, and ordered some new albums from the Net.

After a couple of weeks, I had managed to sort them into neat piles, Kids, Us, Holidays, and also a Lockdown pile showing the empty streets etc. Sad innit? ;-)

So gradually this room and table has been taken over with photos, hinges, papers, labels etc. So much so, we cannot eat in there.

BUT..................when it is done, it will look fabulous, and we will have managed to sort the things we have put off for ages. :-D ;-)

I hope. :-D :-D


JustGinnie Report 8 Apr 2021 10:37

Ahh the boxes of photographs. I sorted mine a few years ago when scrap booking was all the rage on craft shows . Did quite a few of various sizes . Now family only seem to take photos on their phones so we don't get so many and the ones that we get sent are all on the laptop and saved that way. Very few hard copies now. I do get my own copies done when I want to .
What will family do with them when I have gone, most likely put them in a skip :-D :-D


MotownGal Report 8 Apr 2021 12:13

I decided to bite the bullet and print up some photos Ginnie.

We had hundreds on the computer, which we put onto a dingle-dangle-dongle. Only because a online printing site was doing an offer, the more you ordered, the cheaper they got.

What will happen to them eventually................who knows. :-D :-D ;-)

Note to them when they arrive, not when you have a box full! :-D :-D


AnninGlos Report 8 Apr 2021 13:09

Good afternoon all, some sun here today a bit of a cold breeze and 12 degrees at the moment. Having a 'can't be bothered to do much' day although I have cleaned the bathroom.

ginnie I have the same problem as you re scrap books. I have 14 12X12 here in mycraft room. I love looking through them although a bit sad with some of them since T died. But what will happen to them when I am gone is anybody's guess. Maybe the parents of the children or the 'children' themselves will want to keep them. I won't be here to worry about it though. I too have loads still not in albums although I have thrown out several old albums that wee just photos of scenery, kept the ones of people and binned the rest. I also have photo albums belonging to my Dad going back to the 30s.


JustGinnie Report 8 Apr 2021 13:41

Ann I did the same with a lot of our photos, threw away lots of scenes and not so good ones.

I envy you your old albums from your Dad, my parents didn't have many photos don't think they had a camera of their own. I do have 2 treasured wedding photos from 1937, mom had a beautiful wedding dress with a full length veil and train.


Florence61 Report 8 Apr 2021 13:53

Afternoon peeps
I sorted out all my photos when I moved here 4 years ago. I had to sort out those that I wanted and others were returned elsewhere. So thankfully all my loose pics are in various albums.
During lockdown I bought a few pen drives and sorted out phone and computer pics into different groups. Its great as i put a sticker on each drive with a year and a title.
I keep all the pen drives in a wee basket beside the comp.

Will anyone want them when im gone? Well i should think my 2 children will as there are current pics of their family down south as well of pics when they were younger as well.

Dermot you do make me smile...ty

Hoping the post would bring something to cheer us up, not even junk mail thesedays to look at!.

Well off to make a cuppa to perk me up.

Anyone doing the Grand national this weekend?
All tips are very welcome :-D :-D :-D


LondonBelle Report 8 Apr 2021 14:15

I inherited a wedding photo taken on my Grandparents wedding day in 1914. The only two people that I recognise are my Grandparents but I think that the others are my Grandpa's brothers and sisters together with his mum and dad.....sadly all those that would have known are long gone :-(. I've added it to my Family Tree on Ancestry in the hope that someone might recognise them lives in hope:-)


Florence61 Report 8 Apr 2021 15:03

Aw London Belle, i really hope someone might recognize the people.
I dont suppose you have any other old fam pics where someone wrote names on the back like my grandparents did?

Florence in the hebrides


LondonBelle Report 8 Apr 2021 15:25

Sadly not, Florence :-(


Gillx Report 8 Apr 2021 17:51

Your meal sounds lovely I've never heard of breakfast potatoes before :-S

I like to keep on top of the housework but with just moving it's not happening that much at the moment, I've still got a lot of packing boxes everywhere and I'm not dusting those lol :-D

Loved your comment on the dust coming back after dusting Island and not falling for that again. :-D :-D

Good luck with your research on your 2x granddad JustGinnie, I hope you find the date you need.

How lovely a new grandchild Joan, sounds like you're really busy with the knitting, much better than housework. Not long now before the new arrival.

I watch the birds outside our bedroom window Florence, with living in a quieter place now there's more to see. There's a cat next door who doesn't seem bothered by them, he's such a cutie and very tame.

Shame you can't buy liver in the size you need AnnG, maybe you could cut it in half and freeze the bit you don't use straight away, then you'd have the best of both worlds.


Allan Report 8 Apr 2021 21:56

I mentioned on here the other day that there were two potential cyclones just off the coast of WA; well, one is now a cyclone the other a deep low which now looks set to combine with it, and just to add to the fun, another deep low has also arrived for the party.

All tourists in the North-west have been advised to leave immediately. Given that many people are holidaying at home and that we are in the middle of school holidays that will be somewhat chaotic.

The weather effects are expected to be felt as far south as Perth, which means that we also cop it here :-(

It's going to be a wild weekend


Florence61 Report 8 Apr 2021 22:12

Oh Allan, i feel for you. We are having gales(50 mph) just now and torrential rain but at least the snow has gone. Last week we had a power cut for 5 hours but we just sat by candlelight and chatted as you do.
I really hope you keep safe and dont suffer any damage. Its awful when you know a big storm is coming and you are just waiting for it to arrive...nothing worse.

Stay safe & take care


Allan Report 8 Apr 2021 22:43

Thanks, Florence, we've got the candles )and the buckets) ready. I just hope that we don't need them :-D


Allan Report 8 Apr 2021 23:01

We know that if the rain blows in from the wrong direction that we'll have a few leaks, Barbra.

Still trying to decide whether to have the house repaired or move to a smaller place.

Apathy reigns supreme :-D


Linda Report 9 Apr 2021 01:08

I had a wonderful chat with my 8 year old grandson on facetime today my daughter and family live up in the north west so in the past year I have only seen them once so facetime is very important anyway this is how it went nanna can I ask you a question yes sweetheart when did the Spanish flu start and how many people died I had google some of the answers but when I got back to him I said is there anything else you want to know no nanna but if there i'll just google it. don't you just love them


Gillx Report 9 Apr 2021 01:09

Hope things aren't to bad for you Allan. Keep as safe as you can.


AnninGlos Report 9 Apr 2021 07:58

Linda they are lovely aren't they, keep us young.

Allan, I hope the storm you expect is not as bad as you think it might be. Please stay safe and let us know you are OK.


Florence61 Report 9 Apr 2021 11:20

It's back again Grrrrr. Yep the snow came back overnight and is snowing heavily as I type this!
Maybe I should put the Xmas tree back

Joan,I'm sure you have a lot more being on the East side?

Hope Allan and his wife are safe..such a worry waiting for a storm.
I was going uptown on the bus for a quick jaunt with daughter but given the weather and it's freezing,decided to stay put.
Daughter washed her fleece blankets yesterday and so they all need drying off.
Hope everyone else ok and staying safe.

Florence in the Hebrides


AnninGlos Report 10 Apr 2021 08:29

Oh dear Joan what a shame that your lovely garden is spoilt by the snow. I hope that you are soon going to get some warmer snowless (is that a word) weather.

My exercise is walking to the post box and back about a quarter of a mile. Hopefully next week when daughter is here we will venture a little further.

only 2 degrees out there so far so not getting any warmer bright with cloud cover. we did have some heavy rain yesterday but not lasting long. Actually the garden was needing it as, despite being very cold it had been dry.