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The Chit Chat thread

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AnninGlos Report 17 Sep 2022 14:44

Good afternoon all. I am so sorry to read about your sister ginny. so sad to lose family members. I hope all is going well with all the arrangements you have to make.

Linda oh dear your poor sister in law I bet she was very shocked as well. Not a nice end to a holiday.
That was a nice break that you had. But cleaning the cinema I assume it is community owned?

Florence Yes it is always good to have my hair cut, it is so thick it starts to 'do its own thing' when it gets near to cutting time.
shame you have to wait so long between injections for your knee, not nice to go from pain free to lots of pain again.


LindainHerriotCountry Report 17 Sep 2022 14:58

The cinema is totally volunteer run Ann, but it runs as a commercial cinema as far as the public are concerned. We have a showing every evening, then sometimes a Wednesday afternoon matinee for those who don’t like going out on an evening, if the film is suitable. We also have some weekend matinees for children. As well as doing an evening shift every two weeks, I also do most if the admin. OH is on the board of directors, that sounds posh, but he actually just looks after the maintenance of the building


AnninGlos Report 17 Sep 2022 15:07

An interesting voluntary job Linda I would think and a great facility for the town.


Florence61 Report 19 Sep 2022 17:40

Evening peeps.
Well that was the day that was! As like most on here, I was watching the whole service for most of the day on the tv.

I did feel sorry for those in the parade that were walking for miles, their feet must have been getting sore i'm sure.

It actually bought back memories of when Diana died. My daughter was born 17 Sep 1997 so today was the first time she had ever witnessed anything like a state funeral.

Hope everyone else is ok today

Florence in the hebrides


LindainHerriotCountry Report 20 Sep 2022 12:38

We watched it on and off all day as well Florence. The girls watched the funeral on the morning.
Esme was playing schools with her dolls at the same time. She does circle time with them, they all sit in a circle and sing the good morning song, then she has a box she puts a different item in every time for them to play with.

We all have to sing
“ What’s in the box?
what can it be?
What’s in the box,
Let’s look and see,”

So yesterday we all had to sing it and as we got to the end, Esme chimed in with “ It’s the Queen” Highly irreverent, but we all laughed.
I could imagine little Louis coming out with something, like that, probably why he was left at home


Florence61 Report 20 Sep 2022 14:47

Oh Linda thats so funny. When i worked in the P 1-3 class, we had newstime every morning. All children sat in a circle and lolly sticks with their names on was put into a pot. Teacher would ask someone to take a stick and then that child would say their news say what they did over the weekend.
Some were hilarious as they would tell things about their parents which perhaps we shouldnt have heard about lol teacher and myself sometimes raised a few eyebrows but quickly moved the child along.

Some gave a blow by blow blog about how they got up, brushed their tetth and so on and it took ages so we had to say, just tell us 3 things of interest you did between Fri & sunday. Some were hilarious!

Sadly some had absolutely nothing to say. They didnt go outside to play or anything...very sad that to hear.

But Louis would have been a wee monkey Im sure but this occasion wasn't the place to take him, the Jubillee celebrations were different.

Home alone again as daughter once more has gone elsewhere.

Not had the greatest day so far as had problems with my prescription deliveries(see my other thread) but have just found out that they may be a solution and have been told, i wouldn't be left without so that has cheered me up.

My grass cutters came today and i think last cut will be in 2 weeks as grass has slowed down now and also its very damp and dismal here today.

I have a pile of ironing to do so trying to drum up some enthusiasm to do it lol

My laminating paper has also just arrived in the post so may try a few things out later with that.

After my ironing, think i shall make some soup for later. I shall grate the turnip/swede and carrots plus lentils and chopped onions. Ive a few new pots i could chop into cubes too to use them up.

So off to be busy whilst i'm in the mood lol.

Florence in the hebrides


Florence61 Report 22 Sep 2022 11:25

Well, what a day here! It's absolutely pouring hard. Earlier it was a lovely morning so was going to hang out some washing, but so glad now I didn't.

I'm waiting on my Tesco delivery, should be here around 12 so not long to wait. Not such a big shop this time as did a huge shop 2 weeks ago and freezer quite well stocked. Only 2 substitutions and Ive scored there. Ordered a large family tub od mushrooms for £1.80 but out of stock so been given 3 x medium pack which are normally 90p each=£2.70. Love it sometimes when that happens, and I love me mushrooms.

Not sure what I shall do after lunch as all up straight with chores etc but I have a family tree I should crack on with, some knitting and some crocheting. Also got 2 letters that need a reply....choices Such an interesting life I lead.

Oh my the rain has stopped now and the sun is shining!

Had the last of my soup last night and was so tasty I just might make some more tomorrow but with leeks for a different flavour.

Hope everyone keeping well

Florence in the hebrides


Florence61 Report 25 Sep 2022 15:18

Good afternoon peeps
Well, nothing good about it really as it's blowing a gale at 48 mph and torrential rain. Yesterday in preparation, I tidied up the pots outside and moved the smaller ones to shelter. However, on looking out the lounge window, one is laying on its side, a dahlia one but I am not venturing outside, it's far too windy!

I have just typed a long letter to a cousin of mine in Australi8a as with the problems of post, we now type letters and then email them to each other. I print theirs out this end and read with a coffee. makes it feel like I've had post lol.

However, yesterday, I changed something in my word pad and the margins have all gone stupid!! I was making a bookmark for my nephew for xmas so I guess must have pressed something? I shall look in awhile and see if I can sort it.

I typed the letter in word2019 in the end instead of notepad but was a nuisance.

Yesterday was lovely day. I threw lots of wild bird seed out the back and had about 100 starlings & 12 pigeons who enjoyed a feast. Funny though the large 6 crows and 1 seagull never got a look in as the little birds scared them off lol

Can't decide today what to make for tea? Don't feel like a big dinner but getting rather peckish. I do have some baguettes to bake, and selection of cheeses so may have that. Tinned fruit and ice cream for desert too, all quick and easy as you say sometimes Joan.

A friend messaged to ask me out for a lunch later this week, so I'm really looking forward to that, probably Thursday or Friday. A chance to put on something nice and some makeup. well lipstick and perfume. Haven't been out since the 8th of August so I def have cabin fever.

Hope everyone else is well and ok

Florence in the Hebrides


LindainHerriotCountry Report 25 Sep 2022 18:21

It hasn’t been a bad day here, a bit autumnal, but not too cold. OH and Imwent for our Covid booster jabs this afternoon. I hope we will be OK because Eve had hers yesterday afternoon and she was I’ll through the night and for most of today. She has had a high temperature, so she has had Calpol and Ibuprofen alternate two hours. She seems a lot better now, so hopefully will be fine for school tomorrow

It was chicken dinner this evening, Esme won’t have any other meat on Sunday. When they go away, it is nice to hav3 some beef or pork for a change


Florence61 Report 26 Sep 2022 11:58

Good morning chit chatters
Well hardly slept for the wind & rain until after 5am so I woke with a start at 10.30 am!!! I was so tired, I obviously dropped off then and zonked.

Just realised too it is bin day, so donned a waterproof and scarf as its chilly and battled the wind to drag my 2 black bins from their standing to end of my lawn. The rain stopped but it is still blowing a hooley but at least the bins are full and so heavy they are not moving.

So, I'm keeping an eye out for the lorry so as soon as they empty, I need to drag them to "safety" otherwise they will end up who knows where, Isle of Skye maybe lol.

The postie just came and delivered a package to me. It was my charity xmas cards I ordered from a little-known charity called Quarriers. They are based in Scotland and help young people by fostering or helping them to live independently if they are disabled etc. They in return send me regular newsletters about things they have achieved. I tend to support smaller charities including the RNLI.

Bigger charities get money from the government, and I feel more to support smaller ones should be done.

Gosh bin lorry is late today, so wish they would hurry up so I can take off my jacket and scarf!

Linda, hope you are feeling ok today after your booster. I haven't had my 3rd yet as was late in starting them but I am due. I have to wait until Community Nurses can come to my house and give me the booster.

Joan, hope you and hubby are ok and everyone else looking in.

Take care
Florence in the hebrides


nameslessone Report 26 Sep 2022 12:28

Fingers crossed the bin men didn’t have an early start.

I’m trying not to imagine the chaos if one misses the bin day when your pickups change - twice a year wasn’t it ;-)


AnninGlos Report 26 Sep 2022 13:24

Good afternoon all. Had to go for the annual blood test today, she couldn't get it from my left arm but had not trouble with the right.

I then went, with the neighbour who took me, to the community centre cafe for lunch and had a rather nice panini (Bacon brie and cranberry) so that was a nice change. I had not been there since before Covid. a bit sad remembering as it was where my OH and I used to go quite a lot, but I get used to that, so many places we used to go are being re-visited.

It is breezy here but a weak sun, it rained overnight but not since and it is 13 degrees now.


Florence61 Report 26 Sep 2022 15:23

Haha names :-D :-D :-D
Thankfully they came at 12 and goodness me if I had missed them, i would have not been happy as full of grass cuttings etc and a few slugs...eeeek

As I took in the bins, my lovely neighbour asked if I fancied company for an hour, so I put on the kettle, and we put the world to rights. Has brightened my day and also feel so much better just for having a visitor.

Ann love Brie & cranberry although not the bacon but good you were able to get out. I guess you will feel like that for a while to come going places where you and OH have been. But remember the memories of those times and it will make you smile -)

Joan, I don't know how you manage with your bins so far away. I would be panicking about where they have flown away to in windy weather. It's still wild here with hefty showers and many ferries disrupted so the shelves will be empty today in the supermarkets.

How is the milk today, Joan? Did it survive the weekend, or did it go off the same way as all the others?

Well better crack on as we sleeping so late, I'm way behind with the chores and daughter is coming back tomorrow, so typical as house has been spotless all week!

Florence in the hebrides


AnninGlos Report 26 Sep 2022 16:00

Florence yes the memories do usually make me smile, they are good memories/


nameslessone Report 26 Sep 2022 16:18

I know I was making fun of the problem but there is a serious issue with the huge gaps that are being proposed.

What will happen if one misses the collection? Most of us will have done that at some time, holidays, hospital (hangovers ;-) ). The wait for the next collection would be nigh on impossible.


LindainHerriotCountry Report 26 Sep 2022 20:25

I have never heard of that milk Joan, it must be a local one.

We are not feeling well today, we both had our Covid booster yesterday and feel achy and tired now.

Eve had hers on Saturday and she had a very high temperature for twenty four hours. She was well enough to go to school today, but she is tired, so after finishing her homework, she is snuggled up in bed with her water bottle and her iPad


Florence61 Report 27 Sep 2022 10:22

Morning all
Still another wet & wild day here with no ferries again! I'm glad I'm still stocked up with last week's delivery.
Had a nice hot shower and washed hair so feeling all refreshed today and also slept through from 1am-8am! yes, I actually got a full night's sleep without waking up and that doesn't happen very often.

Linda, I hope you & hubby are feeling a bit better. I do remember my 2nd jag made me feel awful for a couple of days and then it passed.

Yes Joan, you can buy Grahams milk here in local shops. I think it's produced locally in Aberdeenshire somewhere so maybe not available down south? But glad for you the milk was ok. I actually think it was the shop and not you and they probably left it out of the chiller too long. By the time they sold it, it was on its way out, I'm sure.

Daughter coming home this afternoon and within 10 mins, her bags etc will be emptied and covering the floor plus the washing machine will no doubt be on full blast! However, I miss her company sometimes and it's actually good to share a meal with someone.

So glad it's not bin day today as I feel the gale is more severe just now!

Hope everyone looking in is ok

Florence in the Hebrides


Andysmum Report 27 Sep 2022 15:31

Our village shop sells Graham's milk and I have just looked at the label. It says it comes from farms all over Scotland to the dairy at Bridge of Allan, which is near Stirling. I don't buy it very often - there's nothing wrong with the milk but it comes in litre bottles, unlike the supermarkets which are mostly in pints. A litre is smaller than my usual 2 pint bottle, so it doesn't last as long as my brain thinks it should! :-(


Florence61 Report 27 Sep 2022 16:07

:-D :-D :-D Andy's mum, I only think in pints lol

I still have scales that have ounces and grammes but still work in Imperial measures!
But daughter doesn't understand my recipes as shes young and was trained at school in grammes. If the grammes were an exact conversion of ounces I wouldnt have a problem but they are not.

For a 1/2 pound of butter, where the markers were for 2oz, it was easy but the equivalent is 453 .59 g so divide that by 4 to get the 2 ounce equivalent is 113.39 grammes. What a palava!!

Florence in the hebrides


Florence61 Report 28 Sep 2022 15:25

Afternoon all
Oh, my what a horrid day here. Raining, damp and foggy all at once! It's chilly too.
Last night I put the heating on for 4 hours including the bathroom and bedrooms and those rooms haven't been heated since April just to give them some warmth as don't want any dampness to develop.

Well daughter came last night and went off again today for appointment or something elsewhere so not back until tomorrow.

Ironed my super Kingsize duvet plus Kingsize fitted valence sheet and crikey it took me ages. The backs of my knees were so sore. But all done now and chilling on here sitting down.

I'm so excited as on Friday early evening, I am going out with daughter and a neighbour to a charity bingo evening. I so can't wait to get dressed up and put on me lippy. I was at one before and it was a lovely evening and met some people too hadn't seen for yonks. The neighbour is taking and bringing us home so no taxi fayres in sight although, I want to give her £10 towards the petrol as think that's the least I can do for offering to be the driver.

As I looked round, I just got the fright of my life. neighbours' cat is sitting on my windowsill outside the lounge eeek! He thinks this is his house and had formed a friendship with me...bless him He's mewing away looking at me and wanting in as it's raining, aw <3

Watched a very interesting programme last night on BBC! Scotland about the CalMac ferries. It was suggested that the contract to Fergusons shipyard had been rigged! I did enjoy watching John Swinney (dept 1ist minister) squirming in his seat when the evidence was out to him lol We shall see what comes out of it.

Well feeling tired so not doing anything else this afternoon that requires using energy lo except making a coffee :-D

Hope everyone is ok

Florence in the hebrides