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Florence61 Report 3 Jun 2022 14:10

Well good afternoon peeps from a very sunny village. This has to be the longest spell of sunny and dry weather for ages, this year even. It really is quite warm too about 16-17 degrees so very pleasant.

Yesterday morning, i wasnt so well. Had a bad migraine upon wakening and later after lunch was sick twice and then had the auras. My sinuses have been pretty bad all week so no surprise i got a migraine. Anyway later on I was feeling hungry so to settle my stomach I thought I would make an ice cream cone with some strawberry sauce.
I couldnt face anything cooked.

Well what a disaster!!! The ice cream was very hard in the tub, so had to wait until it softened to scoop it out. I then opened a new bottle of the sauce and turned it upside down as its sometimes difficult to squeeze it out.

Eventually put a large scoop of ice cream on the cone and pressed it firmly. Opened the bottle of strawberry juice and before I knew what was happening, the sticky juice had run down over the cone, down to my hands and wrists. Was all over sleeve of cardigan (clean on yesterday!) and then even worse as i leant to try and lick the ice cream to stop any further drips, my hair was in it too!!!!

Oh jolly dash it, I said lol what a blooming sticky mess I was in. It was all over the work surface and also on the floor.So I demolished the cone quickly and then washed hands etc and then set to clean up the units etc.

Hair was all matted together but wasnt going to wash it . Oh my and all in the name of a headache cure....what next. However I did decide to make some oven scones as they are good for when the stomach is upset and i enjoyed them with a cuppa.

So feel better today although migraine not quite away, lurking still in the shadows. But I showered and washed hair thoroughly and all back to normal.

I have stripped my bed and laundry on now. Daughter coming back later so hopefully can get the bedding outside on the line to dry. Got to make the most of the free"wind" and save the electric when we can.

Have a good weekend all

Florence in the hebrides


LindainHerriotCountry Report 3 Jun 2022 15:36

Oh dear Florence, you did have a day yesterday.

Our peaceful week is over as they are on the way back now :-(

Tomorrow we are having a jubilee party in one of the gardens opposite. I am making a couple of quiches, some potato salad, rice salad and a green salad. I will also make a big batch of scones tomorrow. Everyone is supposed to bring something, but some people don’t seem to have got the idea, one woman said she was going to bring some crisps and biscuits :-0. A couple of us are bulking it up, I don’t mind because anything uneaten will come home.

The only problem I had when I went shopping this morning was that I couldn’t get everything in one supermarket, I ended up going to all three before I could get any clotted cream.

I realised this morning that I only have one flan dish as I had to throw one away last time I used them because the crack it had for a long time finally got all the way across. I thought Tesco would have one, but they didn’t, so I have just had a walk around the market square. The only shop which would probably sell them was closed today, but luckily I thought to look in the charity shops. The Heart Foundation shop has a 50p table and on it was an ideal Pyrex flan dish. I thought I couldn’t just give them 50p, so I paid a whole pound.

I also bought a few more plants for the tubs, so I will go and put them in now as the sun has finally come out.


Florence61 Report 3 Jun 2022 16:19

Hi Linda,
Hope you have a lovely party. What a good find in the charity shop and a bargain for £1 as Pyrex is expensive. Yes some people seem to think a few crisps and biscuits is ok!!

We used to do a staff buffet at the end of each term. I would do a fruit crumble in a huge rectangular dish, tuna pasta plus cheeses and dips. Some just bought a bit of fruit and some juice!

Anyway hope the sun stays shining. Daughter on her way now so my peace and tidy house will be shattered with 5 minutes of her arrival lol but i have missed human interaction. I havent seen or spoken to anyone since last weekend except parents on phone and that always is a one way conversation these days, they talk and i listen...thats how it is now.


Florence in the hebrides


Florence61 Report 5 Jun 2022 12:20

Well the sun is still shining :-D

The plants are drinking the water so quickly that we are watering twice a day just now but the display of flowers is lovely.
My purple dwarf geranium showed it first bloom yesterday and plenty more about to open.

Made a buffet yesterday and plenty left over for today so no cooking...yay..its too warm anyway for a cooked dinner.

Tomorrow nurses are coming to give me an MOT and getting bloods done.

Bin day too so shall have to get up before 8am and be organised..

Hope everyone elses weather is holding out as heard thunder & lightening down south somewhere!

Florence in the hebrides


LindainHerriotCountry Report 5 Jun 2022 12:39

It isnt warm here today Florence, it is cloudy and windy. Luckily the sun came out yesterday afternoon just in time for our street garden party. It went very well and there was lots of food. Everything I made was eaten thank goodness. The only thing that was left over was some of the rice salad, but we have just eaten that for lunch with a ham joint I cooked this morning
Eve and I watched the concert on tv after we came home. She enjoyed it, but was almost asleep by the end


JustGinnie Report 5 Jun 2022 19:10

Hello all,
Well it hasn't been a good weekend weather wise here and today has been rain and more rain not very warm either. The Jubilee picnic in the local park had to be cancelled :-( shame for the children.

Been catching up with some tv that I recorded as tv is boring atm.

Take care all.


Florence61 Report 6 Jun 2022 17:09

Afternoon folks
Wow another beautiful day and still plenty of sunshine. After the sunset last night, it never got dark and was still daylight after midnight. Just a huge blaze of orange right across the sky over the sea...was lovely.

I got up early as nurses were coming today. Was showered and dressed before 9am. Then I waited and waited. The grass cutters came, the bin lorry came but no sign of the nurses.

So about 2pm, I tel the surgery. Got fobbed off and told to phone a different number! The nurse said we dont cover your area, you need the other number. Oh my was sent on a wild goose chase and said nurse promised to tel me back.
Within 20 mins, a nurse was parked outside, how very strange me thought.

She said it had been one of those days. Hmmm However my BP was awful 170/105...boy it was unusually high. Anyway she did bloods, peak flow and asked a few questions then rechecked BP.

It had gone down to 160/90. It was probably high due to the excitement of getting a visitor lol as I hardly get any!

So off she went. I now have to wait until 21 Jun to get my results...a long time worrying!

So by the time she went after 3pm, I didnt feel like doing much so have just pottered on the PC. Daughter went to town and not home so no idea whats for tea.

Hope everyone else ok who looks in.

If your weather is like ours Joan, Im sure you will have been busy in the garden

Florence in the hebrides


Florence61 Report 7 Jun 2022 15:24

Afternoon all.
Just back from the hospital and am pleased to say, my bone man was very sympathetic towards me today and agreed to give me the steroid injections into both knees. It was quite painful but you just have to grit your teeth for a couple of minutes.

He said could take up to 2 weeks but if after that you feel no relief, then it wont have worked. So we shall see in a few days if any difference to my pain levels.

Another beautiful sunny day, a little breezy and a change on the way. The back end of a hurricane apparently. Def more clouds about today. i shall have to move the little pots and tuck them in the corner to protect them. Blooming typical as some are just blooming now!!

My Joan, you dont do things by halves do you? Glad your grand daughter helped with the painting though, that was good of her.

Quick tea tonight, pizza, chips & salad as too tired to make a proper dinner, shall have something more substantial tom evening.

Hope all's well with everyone else looking in.

Florence in the hebrides


Florence61 Report 8 Jun 2022 21:49

Evening folks.
Oh Joan what a day you had. I could manage without electric for a short time but not without water. So glad your daughter was able to get her friend to come and sort it out. What a lovely chappy he sounds.

Had to chuckle at your Yorkshire pudding. It must have risen very well and must have been huge lol Anyway as long as you both enjoyed it and your oven wasnt too messy then all's well.

Still another beautiful day here but clouds are changing and Friday a gale is coming through until Saturday.I have moved around the smaller flowerpots into the shelter so they wont get blown away.

The steroids are def in my system as didint sleep much last night due to me feeling hot & flushed most of the night which is quite normal for a few days after. But my cheeks are so rosy, I look like I have Im sure it will settle down in a few days. But also, left knee isnt as painful when standing up from sitting down so maybe steroids are working already.

We had a tidy up day today, hoovered every room and dusted plus a load of washing. Just had a jacket potato with a nice bowl of salad tonight, a nice light tea.

Hope everyone else is well and ok.

Florence in the hebrides


Florence61 Report 9 Jun 2022 12:09

Good afternoon peeps
Well the weather is def on the change as the wind is getting windier and the clouds are greying over just as the forecast said it would.

Daughter made a quick dash to town to get rid of 2 parcels and then back on 2.30 bus. That gave me peace and quiet to have a shower without her needing the

Can't decide what to make for evening meal tonight, fancied using chicken breasts maybe in a tomato stew or maybe bolognaise not sure yet.

Open reach outside the house looking in the manhole so wondering what they are doing???? As long as my internet doesnt go off, that will be ok.

Seen a couple next door this morning. She has bright red hair and he was wearing a football shirt. Both look about 40. Not judging but....we shall see. As long as they dont bother me, have parties with loud music or noisy yappy dogs, Im fine.

Hope everyone else looking in is well and ok.

Have a nice afternoon

Florence in the hebrides


Florence61 Report 9 Jun 2022 18:45

Being nosy as one does when new neighbours are back & forth, I spied through the blinds a couple in a hi lux that were here yesterday. They were both wearing baseball caps.Hmmmm I thought, don't think they are going to be my kind of people lol

Aside from that, the awful weather is taking hold. wild, wet and very unseasonal but we were expecting it anyway. Glad I got all the washing up straight and dried yesterday.

A police car flew past here this afternoon doing about 80mph with siren and flashing lights. Dont see that very often so quite worrying. As of yet havent heard anything untoward so hope it wasnt anything too serious!

Dishes all done so ready to chill with the tv tonight. Catch up with the soaps and my fav later Question Time.

Hope everyone ok

Florence in the hebrides


Florence61 Report 10 Jun 2022 15:53

Afternoon all.
Joan lucky you as its pouring and gale force winds here just as they predicted. Oh well we had a good run of it for 6 days and the flower pots need a good water. Our lawns are bare in places and brown so need a good soaking.

Im feeling very well today and Just smelling my perfume, tasting my food and hardly using any tissues for my nose is a real pleasure. The effects of the steroids last about 4-5 months so will make the most of it. Of course I dont tell the consultant about my smell etc as they are not given for that problem.(thats an added bonus)

I am on my feet more and in less pain so Im quite happy. When the gale passes, I may try with daughter's support to go down the back door step and then back up it and see how I will be a start.

My Joan you have been busy again today. Hope you get the pump connected tomorrow and all will be working again. Fish & chips sounds delightful. I found a salmon en croute in the freezer and made a bowl of salad to go with it later.

New neighbours have been back and forth with a van and now look like they have finished moving in. So hope they are quiet people!.

Enjoy your weekend folks whatever you are up to.

Florence in the hebrides


Florence61 Report 10 Jun 2022 20:57

Oh Joan, thats always the way isnt it?

Still awful here and like winter grrrr

Florence in the hebrides


LindainHerriotCountry Report 11 Jun 2022 11:36

After quite a nice day yesterday, it is overcast and cloudy today. Typical as we are going to see the Knaresborough bed race today.

I hope your new neighbours will be OK Florence, baseball caps sound a bit chavvy

After waiting ages for private appointments, I finally had them arranged. I had a hearing test booked for Monday, then was pencilled in to see the consultant next Friday. On Thursday morning a letter arrived from the NHS telling me that I had been referred to the ENT clinic. Hmm yes, I had an appointment mid July which had then been cancelled with no new appointment in its place. I don’t know if this letter was trying to rearrange that, or if it was a result of my GP being chivied by Specsavers audiologist after she had mended my broken hearing aid last week. She couldn’t believe that they weren’t treating me given the problem.
The letter said if I hadn’t heard anything by 16th June, I should ring up. Obviously I didn’t expect to hear anything, so was amazed to get a phone call from the hospital asking me to go for a hearing test yesterday afternoon and see the consultant on Monday morning. So I felt very awkward, but I cancelled the private appointments. It is their fault because if they had been more organised, they could have had my money ages ago.

I went for the hearing test yesterday and the audiologist didn’t think much of my hearing in my bad ear, he asked if it had always been like that :-( So I will have to see what the consultant says on Monday


Florence61 Report 11 Jun 2022 13:56

Afternoon folks.
What a day! Still blowing a gale and pouring hard. Poor daughter went away on the bus and got soaked waiting for 5 minutes!

I decided after my chores, I would start again on my friends huge family tree as i have rather neglected it in recent weeks. I have been doing quite well and completed a branch with 7 children, their marriages and further children. So thats a branch completed.

Havent eaten yet so time for a break now.

Oh Linda what a palaver you had. My appointment to get my jags was rearranged 4 times!! Does nothing to keep my BP normal.

I hope you get some answers on Monday. Its the knock on effect when the appointment is cancelled isnt it. I had to change my Patient Travel and its a hassle trying to get through.

I rather suspect it is Specsavers who chased up...good for them doing that.

My consultant never apologized for all the changing etc not once but i got what i wanted in the end so it ended well.

My mother is very confused just now so have to keep the conversation rather simple like the weather or whats she watching on tv. I had hoped to discuss the rebate thing but shall have to leave that for now. My aunt her sister has gone down hill very recently and cant write to me any more. Been in hospital twice for infections. She is 87 mum 85. Guess its to ne expected as they age but difficult to deal with being far away!

Hope everyone else enjoying their weekend. Back to the Greek yoghurt for tea with fruit tonight as diet has been led astray lol :-D

Florence in the hebrides


AnninGlos Report 12 Jun 2022 12:58

Good afternoon all. Back to what passes as normal now. Daughter and son in law went home this morning, they stayed an extra day after the holiday to do a few jobs. I was up early as they left here at 0730 so have got quite a lot done since they left. Their bedding washed and dried and the bed re-made. their towels washed and almost finished drying. Kitchen partly cleaned (floor, work surfaces and sink unit etc.
the a bit of gardening, planting up four pots of flowers bought yesterday, still got a couple to do. One hanging basket that is not looking very healthy sorted out. and quite a few weeds pulled up. Have to go out with the cutters after lunch.

Linda I hope that you can get your hearing problem sorted now. I can empathise, not being able to hear properly (with aids if necessary) is horrible and isolating. <3


Florence61 Report 12 Jun 2022 14:11

Afternoon all
Well you have been busy Ann. Hope you are having wee breaks and a cuppa!

Daughter has gone elsewhere today instead of Tuesday until a week Tuesday so am on my own for 9 days. Im doing ok and a bit more mobile around the house.

My neighbour popped in yesterday afternoon for 2 hours as we havent had a catch up for weeks. She is going to the local school pool 3 times a week and asked me if i would like to join her? So next wed if there are spaces(its not that busy) I am going for a swim. They have a hoist to put me in the pool so thats good. Its only 5 mins down the rd and she has a car.

Really looking forward to it and getting some well needed exercise to try and shift a few pounds.

Last night my mother was struggling to breathe. She somehow had injured herself, probably a pulled muscle and then had a panic attack. Fam member facetimed me to ask for advice! So got her to take some paracetamol and 2 puffs of her inhaler. Managed to calm her with some breathing exercises.

It was quite distressing seeing her like that but at least she focussed on me and manged to get her breathing slowed down. Tel earlier today and she is better but still sore. Shes away to drs on Tuesday for a review so am glad for that too.

Weatherwise still blowing hard and heavy showers here so not much improvement.

Have tidied up after daughter left and house looks respectable now lol.

Gonna make a coffee and horse on with some research.

Hope everyone else looking in ok

Florence in the hebrides


Florence61 Report 16 Jun 2022 12:47

Afternoon to anyone looking in.
Having been completely on my own since Sunday, I have felt at times very isolated!

My 2 friends work daily in education and so havent seen them. No phone calls from anyone either. Always is me phoning them so for a change thought i would leave to see how long before anyone phones me. So 2 weeks since any friend has phoned.
Really gets you down!

Anyway what can i do ,but last night i was delighted when my neighbour offered to take me down to the school pool for 45 mins of swimming :-D

There were just the 2 of us so was lovely. Havent been in 5 years so just took it gentle at first, then managed 1/2 length. I eventually did 2 lengths in all but my heart was racing and i was a bit breathless.

They used a hoist to lift me in and out of the water with no bother. " lassies I used to teach all grown up now, lovely girls.

It was just brilliant to get out of the house for an hour. Not much chatting as my friend swam up and down for 30 mins but did boost me up.

Was looking forward to Tesco tomorrow only to find daughter cancelled the order as she didnt think we needed much with only me here!!!! God I was so angry with her and now cant get another slot. So eating toast and yoghurts.

Dont you just hate it when others make your decisions? i may be physically disabled but there is nothing wrong with my brain !

Ok rant over...just had to let off some steam but i'm ok now.

We must be the only part of the uk that doesn't have heat or sun. Misty, murky, 13 degrees and noooo sun, so please peeps send it here for a week at least to cheer us all up.

Hope everyone ok today

Florence in the hebrides


Florence61 Report 17 Jun 2022 12:15

Afternoon folks

Worrying about my mum just now as she tel an hour ago struggling to breathe.

Made her tel surgery and demand a dr tel her and thankfully she got through very quickly and dr on his way.
Shes been like this for a week now but so stubborn and she is 85!

Her legs are so swollen she cant get anything on her feet and shes coughing badly, she also has COPD.

So i am worried and think she will end up in hospital as she needs medical attention. Ive rang round the other family members and let them know and SIL will go up if necessary to help her pack a bag if she goes in. She can walk in 15 minutes to mums.

Waiting game now to see what happens, fingers crossed nothing serious.

Florence in the hebrides


JustGinnie Report 17 Jun 2022 13:24

Oh Florence so sorry to hear about your mum being unwell it is such a worry when you are a distance away. I hope the GP can sort things out for her.

Lovely that you were able to enjoy your swim. Bet you felt better after for just being out of the house for a while.

Isn't it annoying when people think they know what you want but I suppose your daughter did it for the best, hope you get a shop sorted soon.

Hope the weather pick up for you soon as well.

Take care all and enjoy the sun if you have it.