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Florence61 Report 29 Jan 2022 22:31

We have just had a violent storm warming for tom afternoon with winds of 90mph!!!
Initially it was going to hit the east coast but now will hit us instead.

So Joan, I hope you & hubby will be ok and anyone else where its bad.
Stay safe and take good care if you are having to drive anywhere.

Florence in the hebrides


AnninGlos Report 30 Jan 2022 12:39

It is sunny and still here and 7 degrees.
I just spent half an hour in the garden, cut a few more bits down and tidied up a couple of tubs to get dead leaves of the emerging bulbs. Lots of bulbs coming up in tubs but four yellow narcissus in flower actually in the garden border. It is the same clump that flowers early every year. I had not noticed them until today.
It was a bit cold on my hands but I didn't need a coat on


AnninGlos Report 30 Jan 2022 14:18

Snowdrop leaves are through Joan but not very high and no flowers yet.


Florence61 Report 30 Jan 2022 17:47

Hi all just a fleeting visit. Been windy all day and then very windy but all of a sudden the wind is now roaring and has picked up speed!! Im on my own but safely tucked indoors. Torch in my pocket.
Joan hope when it reaches yourway its not too bad.

Taje care all

Florence in the hebrides


Florence61 Report 31 Jan 2022 13:31

Well good afternoon all.
Last night a minute after i posted the lights went out. The wind had gone from breezy to almost hurricane in 10 mins! 105 mph was recorded on a local weather station in town . No damage here but various trees blocked some roads last night.

All is much calmer now just breezy.
Joan, I hope all is ok with you & hubby. 'm sure you will post when you can.

My neighbour moved out today elsewhere due to a personal situation elsewhere so now wonder who the next neighbour will be. He was so quiet, I hope we are lucky enough to get another good neighbour soon!

Been busy, stripped my bed, did a load of washing and hoovered throughout. Bin lorry came and am glad the wind had died down by that time!

My next project is to sand down my kitchen chairs and varnish them just like I did the table 2 years ago. Have to do 1 at a time and let the varnish dry properly before starting another. Was thinking they are looking a bit tired now and need a revamp.

Hope everyone else having a good day.

Florence in the hebrides


AnninGlos Report 31 Jan 2022 14:36

Florence good to see that you survived with no damage, I did think of you and Joan when I heard the weather report on the news.
Joan I hope you are OK and no damage for you.
It is dry here, cloudy, occasional sun and windy but not a strong wind, a cold one though, Just walked to the post box and my face was really cold. Hope the wind doesn't get up here as the bins have to be out for tomorrow morning.


Florence61 Report 31 Jan 2022 15:43

Oh good to know you are ok Joan. Hopefully tonight you will have a good nights sleep. Its horrid lying in bed hearing the roar of the wind wondering whats going on but the upside is, less people are out in the night so less casualties.
If this storm had been during the day, there would have been mulitple accidents im sure!

Im sitting now as feeling my back. I did quite a bit earlier but tired now. Anyway glad I popped on and saw that all is well. Shall look in later on.

Florence in the hebrides


Florence61 Report 31 Jan 2022 22:04

Wow Joan, thats amazingly quick delivery! So glad you like it. Its just not too heavy to carry and also not too big to store when not using.

Dad says if you havent used it in 3 months then plug in and recharge.

Just been resting all evening and am tired but not going to bed before 11 otherwise i shall be up at 3am.
The wind is howling again here around 50 mph, cant believe it ,wish it would just do one lol

Stay safe and goodnight

Florence in the hebrides


Florence61 Report 1 Feb 2022 21:44

Good evening peeps
I never slept much either Joan, its actually just now i realised I cant hear the wind howling through the vent in the air conditioning unit. Hallelujah!!! Finally the droning has was driving me mad just like you Joan round the bend.

Not had a great day and have been so upset all afternoon. I received today my appointments for the Brain MRI and the lumbar Puncture. Its on the 16th Feb and I shall be admitted to the ward overnight, going out on the 17th Feb.

For a brief moment, I was delighted and true to his word, the dr said within the month.
But on that same day, daughter has 2 important hospital appointments herself and cannot change them again as they have been changed twice already. Also I rang patient travel and they said I would get up to £50 towards a hotel for my escort. I asked if my daughter could stay in the hospital with me as she cannot stay on her own.
Ended up having a heated discussion about if she is not able bodied then she shouldnt be coming with me even as a day patient! I explained, she is fine but is deaf in both ears and a type 1 diabetic. She looks after me perfectly well but cannot be on her own.

So have been texting various friends to ask if they could escort me but its half term week and they are all away with their families. I asked another lady and she said sorry no can do.

I have been sobbing all afternoon and never felt so lonely as now. I have to have these scans no matter what, but as I need a wheelchair and someone with me at all times, I dont know what to do.

Have 2 people who havent come back to me so just maybe fingers crossed they will tomorrow and can come.
When you have no family to help in times of need nearby and those that were once your friends when you were married now ignore you, its a very sad day indeed.

Florence in the hebrides :-(


AnninGlos Report 2 Feb 2022 08:35

Florence do you have any sort of patient help at your local surgery. They may have a list of volunteers who would asct as escort for you. Ask reception at the doctors.


Florence61 Report 2 Feb 2022 17:29

Afternoon folks.
Well after a sleepless night worrying, I eventually got hold of a friend who has managed to change her shifts to come with me to hospital. She herself wasnt well recently but our children were at school together and even though I dont see her often, she always said if I needed her and she could help she would.

I am sooo relieved, I cried tears of joy!! Has been so stressful worrying. I shall now sort out the travel arrangements and flights tomorrow. her daughter stays fairly near so she can stay there overnight. Hopefully I will sleep well tonight.

Oh Joan, it made me smile reading what was stuck up the tree etc. At least you were able to get outside and have a good look around. Its been flat calm but wet, misty and damp. I did poke my head out the door but shot it back in fairly swiftly.

I did notice my pot of tulips though. Crikey they have shot up loads, isnt it a bit early for them?? New shoots on my hydrangea plant I bought end of last summer so thats good.

I made a casserole of a sort yesterday with lots of chunky veg, 2 chicken breasts chopped, tin of chopped tomatoes and a can of minestrone soup. I shoved some herbs and black pepper in too. Left in oven for 2 hours and was very tasty. Made 2 small loaves of bread with a packet mix i found out of date Jan this year. So tonight enjoying the leftovers with the rest of the bread.

Daughter back tomorrow and i expect within 10 mins, house will be upside down and the washing machine full...usual carry on!

Ann they used to have a volunteers service but think it was got rid of years ago. I did ask the boss of the actual Volunteer Centre as she is a friend but she was busy elsewhere.

Right enjoy your tea ladies, Im off to have mine. Stress levels coming down now!

Florence in the hebrides


Florence61 Report 3 Feb 2022 13:23

Good afternoon peeps.
Well its a horrid day weatherwise. Torrential rain and we are on flood alert! Booked the travel Lodge for my escort...slight change of plans there as she was originally going to stay with a relative, but decided better to be nearer the hospital incase something changed.

A couple of days ago, I ordered some A3 and A4 paper from a company on the mainland. Today a box arrived completely torn open, soppy wet and the paper inside was damp and unusable.. I took photos and have emailed them, but they cancelled the A3 order as they said they couldnt deliver it to this area???

So I asked them why not seeing as I ordered a steel filing cabinet without a problem so how come a packet of A3 paper is a problem!!
Honestly I dont understand it. I suggested also I wanted a replacement and as its
A4 paper, maybe a plastic or waterproof bag might be more appropriate.

Waiting with bated breath for a reply in my emails!

Daughter coming soon so I have put on the heating in her room as it feels very cold and not had the heating on in there since she went over 10 days ago.

Think quick easy tea tonight. Pizza with chips and peas and lots of mushrooms on the top.

Hope all is well with everyone

Florence in the hebrides


Florence61 Report 4 Feb 2022 11:59

Well what a night, what a day!!
The sound of hailstones hammering my bedroom window at 3am was not welcome and disturbed me from what was a deep sleep grrrr.
It is blowing a hooley with hail & snow showers coming from all directions today. The hills infront of my house have a dusting of snow and more is forecast tomorrow.

it is really freezing cold and daughter went off on the bus to town to get milk etc. Felt sorry for her waiting in the wind. Just put a load of her washing on so the dryer will get a bashing today!

Salmon fillets for tea with new pots and peas today. Havent had any salmon for awhile so looking forward to it later.

I ordered 2 60ltr bags of compost and they arrived with the postman today. So getting things ready to plant indoors seeds etc ready for the spring.

Hope everyone else ok and have a good weekend.

Florence in the hebrides


AnninGlos Report 4 Feb 2022 14:17

Good afternoon all, bright sunshine here but a very cold wind. I managed about 5 to 10 minutes weeding and sorting a few pots on the patio then came in as it was too cold.

Joan the snowdrops are strange this year, they are sort of stunted the leaves just peeped above the ground and the flowers are out or in bud at ground level. One small patch are ok and some further down the garden are barely up. I must be the weather and maybe the lack of rain. January was very dry.


Florence61 Report 4 Feb 2022 14:42

Oh Joan! And all because of a lamp eh...well i guess things that needed dusting etc wouldnt have had a clean if you hadnt had to move out the settee but I know what you mean.My daughter has a terrible habit too of piling up things on her side of the sofa and im sure half could go in the bin!

I also noticed then when the Dr or nurse tel, its a private number but if its the receptionist then it comes up with the surgery number. I wonder if this is because they use their own mobiles and dont want the number exposed? However I sometimes have missed a call and of course you cant tel back as you have no number to return the call which is daft! Surely a simple blood test isnt difficult to organise, they do make hard work of the most simplist of things sometimes.

Daughter put a picture of the 2 of us at my 60th birthday onto a small canvas. It needed hanging on the wall. It came with nails and fittings but....I measured the shelf above to get it exactly in the middle and marked a dot with a pencil.
Couldnt find a very small screwdriver in usual place as daughter had completely sorted bottom drawer out and nothing where it was!

I put the 2 screws in and a nail in the wall and hung the picture only to notice it was slightly lopsided grrrr One screw was off so had to unscrew and start again. My kitchen unit had all the boxes and toolkit all over the place trying to find a "tiny" screwdriver..

Eventually found my glasses one and picture is on the wall and now put all the tools away. Like you should have been a 10 min job but actually took me nearly an hour! But it was worth it ,picture sits just above my computer and looks lovely.

My finger joints are quite sore now, thats how they are lately. Think its beg of arthritis but will just have to get on with it.

Ann lucky you got to go outside as the hailstones and snowflakes in the howling wind would of had you running back indoors asap lol.

Saw 2 cars next door earlier on and wondered if they are to be the new neighbours although i didnt catch a glimpse of the people .All will become clear im sure in the coming week.

Off for a cuppa now and then last load of washing to dry off. Plenty of ironing to do tomorrow.

Stay safe all
Florence in the hebrides


JustGinnie Report 4 Feb 2022 17:11

Hello all, everyone seems to have the cleaning bug. I stripped the beds and vacuumed the bedrooms yesterday, managed to get a line full out and although not completely dry it's nice to have the sheets etc blowing in the fresh air for a change.

Shopping delivered this morning with 3 subs but they were ok just a brand change.

Football on tv tonight so OH will be talking to the tv again. lol.
I have a book to read.
I have kindle on my laptop and got a box set for 99p from Amazon, new authors to me but not bad reads. I still prefer an actual book but it's not a lot to lose if I don't like them.
Have a pleasant evening all



Florence61 Report 5 Feb 2022 10:39

Morning all.
What type of books do you read JustGinnie? I like crime detectives like Peter James as they are all set around my home town in the south east.

Well not a good day! Last night discovered that the heating wasnt working. The smart meter display wasnt communicating either. On inspecting the boiler room where the control panels are, i saw an error code and a reset button. I duly pressed these but nothing much happened.

The water had gone cold before when daughter was showering but then after the reset an hour later the water was on again but...not the heating .

I put the bathroom heating on as its lino and small room, the light was on the thermostat but even after an hour, the floor was cold.

Im not used to the workings of underfloor heating but used to oil and radiators. There are none in the house!! Anyway i have tel the emergency weekend number and they have contacted a contractor so waiting to hear.

Its very dark here, gale force winds with sleety heavy showers and snow forecast this afternoon...eeeek hope we dont lose power!!!

Just trying to dry off a load of washing as quick as i can and not doing anymore washing til monday.

Hope all ok with everyone else looking in.
Take care
Florence in the hebrides


JustGinnie Report 5 Feb 2022 13:55

Hello all,

Florence I also read mainly crime fiction, I think have read some P James books in the past. I don't think I have a favourite author at the moment but the last 3 I have read were by Andy Maslen and they were an ok read.

I used to read a lot of Jeffrey Deaver and Stephen King books but tastes change over time. Bit like films I used to watch horror films but prefer crime/detective films now.

I hope you get your heating fixed soon.

Our weather is hit and miss today sun popping out one minute and showers the next. Still it is still winter I keep saying. lol.

Hope you all have a good weekend.



Florence61 Report 5 Feb 2022 14:43

Well, the engineer came and was here for about 2 hours. The pressure was low and think there was air in the system. He explained the things on the display which shows when water is on, the temp and the symbols beside it. Same for the heating so at least i know now what to look for.

The only drawback though is it takes about an hour for the underfloor pipes to heat up. At present the bathroom lino is just luke warm after 45 mins!.

Anyway its all working again, thats the main thing. Still stormy and hailstones blowing hard. So glad me & daughter are safe inside as I feel sorry for anyone out in this weather!

A new author I discovered at xmas is Marion Todd. Her first book See Them Run was really good. Set in St Andrews, Scotland, its about a female detective and the stories are based around there, Dundee, Coupar. She has only 5 books, so i ordered the 5 but have only read the first one so far.

With Peter James, its the Inspector Grace series I'm reading. New hardback out in April but have to wait for the paperback until Oct grrr. Its all paperback I have as hardback too big for my bookshelf! His first book in the series was Dead Simple.

Not feeling great today as had a very painful dose of cramp in right calf at 8am this morning and still cant put foot flat down so hobbling with stick and on tip toe. Had this many times and always in right calf but no sure why. I felt sick with pain and lightheaded as it was sooo sore. Don't want another dose anytime soon.

Better crack on with the next Tesco order which I shall go over with a fine tooth comb before heading to checkout!!

Florence in the hebrides


Florence61 Report 7 Feb 2022 17:13

Good afternoon peeps from a very cold, wet & windy place. We did have a dusting of snow and sleet over the weekend but the rain today has got rid of all that.
My "carriage" turned up at 10am to take me to xray today for my knees. I arrived very early at 10.35 but they were not busy and so I got seen at 10.45.

As it was my knees, I did not have to undress into a gown for which I was thankful for. Takes me ages to dress & undress now and the cubicles are so tiny!
Anyway stood with trouser leg rolled up and she took 6 xrays at different angles of left. Then took just 1 of the right.
Results will be with GP in 2 days!! Its usually 10 days. I rather think there is something wrong as the number of pics she took is way more than usual.

I am in excruciating pain anyway so hopefully will get to the bottom of it soon. I rather think there is wear & tear and i need a knee replacement.

I bought some pointed knitting needles which arrived today and now trying to knit a headband which daughter says are all the fashion. Took me awhile to learn how to knit each needle as you have 5 in all so you have a square with 4 and then 1 to work with. Who knows what it will turn out like but its different!

Hope everyone else is ok. Joan your bench sounds wonderful, bet you cant wait until the spring is here and you can sit out.

Well off to make something for tea, not very hungry today so toast and Nuttella me thinks and hot chocolate mmmn.

Florence in the hebrides