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Florence61 Report 31 Oct 2021 16:36

Oh Ann poor you.No wonder you havent slept for worrying.

Just a thought, is there a notice in the car park that says, "all cars parked at owners risk"? because if there is, not sure insurance will be anygood as i thought, it only covers you when you are driving on the High Road?
I may be wrong here but i know in both the coop & Tescos, there are signs which means, if anyone damages your car, then yes you would have to sort it out privately between you and not through insurance.

Maybe someone else can comment of this that knows perhaps.

But you did the decent thing and went to local police and have posted on local site too.

When i was driving, I stopped using Tescos car park as that too was so narow and i know many people who had there cars damaged and so prefer to park on the main road and walk back with their trolley.

Hope you can polish the scrape out, sometimes it does work.

Dreary day here and rain on again and getting darker by the minute. I can hear the wind picking up too.

Doubt if there will be any trick ort reating either as weather is not favourable and also its on a Sunday!!

Florence in the hebrides


Andysmum Report 1 Nov 2021 12:15

Florence, I think the "owner's risk" bit only applies to the shop in question. The same notice is in my Co-op car-park, and if I get hit by someone I can't sue the Co-op for damages.

Some years back I saw a car thar was backing out scrape the car next to it quite badly, and drive off without stopping. I took his number and I and another customer who had also seen what happened put a note on the windscreen with our details in case a witness was required.

Some time later I had a letter from the owner's insurance company with a form to fill in, as proof that they were telling the truth. I don't know the outcome, but in that case the insurance was definitely not invalidated.


Florence61 Report 1 Nov 2021 18:15

Ah ty Andys mum for clarifying that. I knew there was something just couldnt remember how it affected your insurance. But yes it means the shop wont take responsibility.

Had to cringe just now when President Joe Biden said Glasgow on the tv.He wrongly pronounced it Glasssgow as in an "ow" at the end, that hurt ow! If you get me. Couldn't someone have given him the thumbs up on how to pronounce Glasgow properly?

Another blustery, rainy day and the blooming vent in my kitchen makes a howling noise all day when the wind is from the north. Like a hoover that drones!

Awful flooding over the weekend.Hope everyone ok.

Florence in the hebrides


Florence61 Report 1 Nov 2021 22:12

Well its my blue bin day tomorrow so i have put one of my rose plant pots on top to keep it from"running up the road" like last time!

Thought the wind died down but its picked up again grrr another sleepless night!

Florence in the hebrides


Amokavid Report 1 Nov 2021 22:42

Our bins have to stay at the bottom of our house road / track, which is some distance from the house, it's a nightmare having to have them moved out of their spot (so the bin men see them as when the wind gets up nothing stops the bins from blowing over!

Our daughter puts them out & puts away again when she passes, but if the bins have blown over the bin men don't pick up the spillage, our daughter has to!
Being elderly now we can't walk the bins up & down the steep road anymore, much too long.

I hope you manage to get some sleep tonight Florence, not easy when the wind is blowing a gale.



AnninGlos Report 2 Nov 2021 07:34

Good morning all, 3 degrees out there and frost on the roof tops this morning. Slept for 6 hours last night before laying from 0515 drowsing until 0630 when I put the light om and read for a bit. Washing in the washing machine so an early start today. Not that I am going anywhere. garden bin day so that will be empty. One or two things to be finished out there if it warms up a bit and maybe look at the car scratches, although it is frosted at the moment. Present wrapping maybe, still plenty of that to be done. and being past the end of the month, the monthly bank check to do too.

with regard to insurance, I wouldn't know the situation in that car park, it is not an enclosed car park it is a long type of layby across the front of the shopes so that cars are side by side all along the length and back out onto the busy road that runs along behind. It is though a private car park and when it was badly in need of repair nobody could do anything about it until the private landlords (who also own the shops) had the surface done. I expect insurance would work. But so far I have not heard anything.

It is our garden bin, and general waste bin and food bin collection day today so the road is full of bins but luckily they are collected from outside our houses.


ZZzzz Report 3 Nov 2021 13:56

Hello everyone, I just thought this might make some of you chuckle.
One of my Aunts has a saying that she is blind in one eye, which she is and can't see out of the other one but she can. I say I'm deaf in one ear and can't hear with the other one but really I'm just hard of hearing in both ears.


Florence61 Report 4 Nov 2021 00:55

ZZzzzz that is quite funny. My grandad who was deaf in left ear would always put the phone to his left ear and place his finger over his good right ear and then say, you will have to speak up as i cant hear you! Grandma would remind him, other ear dear before he would swap them over!!

Cant seem to sleep so popped on here for 5 minutes to see if it makes my eyes tired lol. The wind is still blooming howling like a hoover that has been on for days! Home alone until Friday as daughter elsewhere. She left me a huge pile of washing to keep me busy...well wouldnt want me to get bored she said..cheeky mare.

Well better shut this computer down now and go to bed as its soo late.

Goodnight peeps

florence in the hebrides


AnninGlos Report 4 Nov 2021 07:29

Trouble with the computer is that it gets your brain working even while making your eyes tired so I hope you got to sleep.

Good morning all, I slept reasonably well so got up at 0700. Now having a ginger tee while looking in on here. Do you remember the days when you would log in in the morning and the boards had been moving furiously all night and you struggled to keep up? Those were the days when we were all excited by the possibilities of the internet.

A light frost this morning but a lovely pale blue and pink sky and so far quite bright.


Florence61 Report 4 Nov 2021 14:09

Good afternoon peeps.
Well I slept til 9am so eventually got off to sleep. Yes the computer does keep the mind active Ann but was just a distraction from laying wide awake!

The wind has finally gone down...again but the forecast for Fri/sat looks awful.Gale force winds for Sat eve so dont think too many fireworks will be going off. Not many shops here still selling them actually so less of a worry for pet owners etc...

Was trying to finish off wrapping last few gifts but now i have every spare drawer full with little piles of parcels mainly for daughter as havent bought one big gift this year but many smaller gifts as i know she appreciates this more.

Just washed kitchen floor so on here waiting for it to dry.

Ann yes i do remember how fast the threads use to go, was hard to keep up sometimes. Do you remember the conga thread at christmas? So many people long gone now that were characters.

Well got a couple of letters to reply to so better get my typing fingers on.

Florence in the hebrides


AnninGlos Report 4 Nov 2021 15:15

Florence yes, we used to make the most of Christmas on here back then didn't we, I loved the pantomimes and remember one with BC as the old woman who lived in a shoe, and Allan was on that thread and Barbra, it was so funny I was in hysterics. We seem to lack a sense of humour on here now but maybe that is because we are all older.

As it is the 5th tomorrow (Friday), maybe some people will change their parties from Saturday to then or is it going to be wild then too.

I always buy several small presents for my daughter, have done for years and she does for me as well, When I add them up after buying them it would quite honestly be cheaper to buy one present but not as much fun. :-D


Florence61 Report 5 Nov 2021 13:18

Well all is still calm....for now. Advisory of winds up to 80 mph coming this way later and tomorrow. Daughter decided to stay elsewhere until tomorrow as the high cases of covid are scaring her and thinks the town will be emptier tomorrow in a gale!

Anyway, im use to it. have plenty of xmas battery lit ornaments, torches and hundreds of candles. Talking of candles, we have smoke & heat detectors in every room so if i light a candle, or 2 will that set off the alarm? Dont want to try as i know all the alarms are inter connected and if the candle did set say the lounge one off, all the others would go off and i cant reach or climb a chair to reset them. It would make a terrible unnecessary noise.

So Ive done most of the drying of the clothes washed yesterday, made 2 fruit loaves which turned out great. I have eaten 1/2 of one already lol.
Gonna make a sweet & sour chicken dish in a bit for later and then all sorted if the electric does go off. Got flasks too for hot water to make coffee.

Ann when daughter was little, she wouldnt care if she had 20 little parcels with a matchbox containing 10p, it was the excitement of seeing lots of gifts to open.
As she has become so anxious and very down, i have bought her, paints, brushes & sketch pad as think this will be calming & therapeutic for her.
Also Mrs Hinch's journal is also very helpful too.

Mini fun jigsaws of Pringles & a fish & chip supper. These will keep her busy and look fun too.

Hope everyone else keeping well and staying safe.

Florence in the hebrides


AnninGlos Report 5 Nov 2021 15:07

It was very dull here this morning. the sun has been in and out this afternoon and it is 12 degrees so not to bad. I have been doing all admin jobs indoors, I wanted to give the lawn a final cut but it is too wet. There was a slight frost last night. Now I am about to go and wrap some presents.


Florence61 Report 6 Nov 2021 13:41

So been busy making food ahaead of the storm. Its alreadfy blowing a hooley and has been lashing down in frequwnt showers.
So pan of lentil & veg soup all done. A pan of sweet & sour chicken now ready, naan bread on a tray and basmati rice in a pan. I filled the new flask for the first time and so glad daughter bought it as think we made be needing it later.

Got all the washing & drying done so all up to date.

Now my legs are aching for standing so long, so gonna sit on comp for awhile until daughter returns about 5pm. Wish she would get back sooner but she cant..buses on saturdays are much reduced here!

Only heard a couple of bangs last night as hardly any displays and dont think you can buy fireworks here in the shops now.

Heres hoping electric doesnt go off but if im not on for a day or two, you know why.
Stay safe everyone

Florence in the hebrides


Florence61 Report 7 Nov 2021 16:10

Good afternoon to anyone looking in today. Made it through the storm and although around midnight it was about 60-70mph was not as bad as it has been in the past.
Daughter checked around the house this morning and all bins still in the place as well as all my flower pots thank goodness.

Having a cleaning day today of things one doesnt do everyday.

Very overcast and quite dark looking so have had the lights on nearly all day but at least the wind has died down.

I have to finish my online Tesco order today and then one less thing to worry about. I put on it stamps for xmas cards and a xmas pudding incase they sell out!
Xmas isn't xmas without the pudding, thats the best bit for me.

Joan, hope its not too stormy with you as i think it was moving your way today. Take care and dont go clearing leaves else you will be blown away!

Stay safe everyone

Florence in the hebrides


Florence61 Report 10 Nov 2021 16:25

Well, sad day for me indeed.
Put the car up for sale yesterday, a guy rang about it. He called today and bought it. Came back 2 hours later with the cash and now its away :-(

Im struggling with the fact, i shall never be well enough to drive ever again as the dizzy spells are random and cannot be cured.

No word of brain MRI yet, so until then ,Im stuck indoors and going a tiny bit mad!!!

Florence in the hebrides


Amokavid Report 11 Nov 2021 13:25

Hello to all.
Another pleasant day here, not as bright & sunny as it was yesterday but nice all the same.

It was VERY windy here on Sunday night & it continued all through Monday, leaving a huge load of leaves everywhere!
Most of the leaves had bypassed the different parts of the garden but had banked up like snowdrifts all around the edges, it was very hard work trying to clear them.

The front path was lost in a sea of leaves as was the drive at the back of the house, spent Tuesday & Wednesday continually filling up my 2 pop up garden sacks & then scattering the leaves in my "wild life" area between trees.
Some went onto my bonfire as well.

The last of them were cleared away today but there are still a lot waiting to come down from the trees so I will be kept busy for a while yet!
I will be glad to see them all down & away.

The weekly shop done this morning, managed to get what I was needing except for some crisps, not much to choose from in my Morrisons or Asda again today.

Planted up some planters yesterday with Primroses, they look lovely.
My next planting job is to plant up 4 old car tyres that I rescued,going to fill the inners with some bulbs, Bluebells in one, Snowdrops in another, Grape Hyacinths in a 3rd & some Woodland Hyacinths in the 4th one.

I recently planted up my old Floral patterned wellies with some Primroses, they look really attractive sitting outside the back porch.
I have got my eyes on hubbys old wellies now, LOL.



Florence61 Report 11 Nov 2021 17:00

Good afternoon peeps from a very dark village. Feels like the middle of the night already.
Oh my Joan, some job you have sweeping the leaves with the gales blowing them all down.
Your wellies that you planted primroses in sound lovely and once I had an old tyre. We turned it inside out and painted it white. Then we put lots of small bedding plants around the outside and put bigger plants in the middle. They look amazing once the flowers bloom.

Poor hubby, he had better hide them from you lol.

I had a busy day really indoors. Lots of washing & drying plus 2 dozen mince pies and 2 dozen vegan cupcakes.

Have to say dont think much of the coop shortcrust pastry or their mincemeat! Robertsons is far tastier and Jul roll frozen pastry is far better quality. Anyway next time i shall buy the better stuff.

Tomorrow, think i shall be ironing for Scotland lol, its piling up..
Hope all is well with everyone else.

Florence in the hebrides


Florence61 Report 15 Nov 2021 11:11

Good morning all from a very sunny and bright place for a change. A lovely Autumnal day.
Was going to make my berry jam today as got Tesco delivery on Saturday but not feeling great as ben coughing all weekend.
Daughter returned from elsewhere and gave me this dreaded cough she brought from "afar".
So sleepless weekend and feeling quite weak but it will pass Im sure. Drinking lots of iced water.

Hope everyone else well

Florence in the hebrides


Amokavid Report 15 Nov 2021 12:12

Good afternoon to all. sorry to hear you are feeling under the weather, coughs are so disturbing, I hope you are rid of it soon.

Beautiful day here, lovely sunshine,no wind & warm. I have been outside again this morning & cleared some leaves, it's never ending at the moment, & it must have rained during th enight as the leaves are soaking, not easy to sweep them when they are sooo wet.
I will be very glad when the last leaf falls!!

Hope everyone is well, be sure to take care.
