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Florence61 Report 22 Jan 2024 14:26

Good to see you posting Joan and you didn't lose power but yes its frightening at night just hearing the wind gust. I'm amazed we never lost power although it did flicker around 6pm.

I have just looked at the SSE power track map and can see hundreds without power including further south from here!
I just got my prescription delivered and when i opened the door.....oh my the wind, it is still storm force!

I am going to fill another flask as I feel, its just as bad now as it was at teatime yesterday.

Glad everyone on here is safe and ok but just take care.

Florence in the hebrides


LindainHerriotCountry Report 22 Jan 2024 16:37

Oops, sorry Florence, I will look at a map of Scotland to get my bearings. I am pleased that you managed to keep the electricity on.
My neighbour said that both ours and their recycling bins had blown over in the night, but only a few bits had come out, so he picked them up first thing. OH had tried to jam ours in the hedge, so maybe that stopped it all from spilling out.
The wind is really picking up again now and it is raining hard.

Oh dear Joan, how on earth did you manage to sit in a stool all night? I would have snuggled down in bed with the quilt over my ears I hope you manage to sleep tonight, although the next storm is on its way.


Florence61 Report 22 Jan 2024 19:09

Well we managed to get our evening meal all cooked although at times the gusts were so bad, thought we would lose power.

Storm Jocelyn is now heading our way and its looking worse for us on the west coast :-( :-(

Joan, wrap yourself under the duvet as sitting on a stool all night is not comfy and will give you backache! What about sleeping in your sitting room? maybe quieter than upstairs. Take your duvet downstairs, get comfy on the sofa with tv on and stay there all night. i have done that before and slept quite well and was warmer too.

I boiled cauliflower florets, baton carrots and sliced onion. Placed in a rectangular dish. Then melted 2 pots of cream cheese with peppercorns. Poured over the entire dish and covered in breadcrumbs. Popped in the oven for about 30 minutes, By golly it was tasty and enough left for tomorrow. :-D

Off for a coffee before settling infront of tv as a few programmes to watch tonight.

Take care everyone

Florence in the hebrides


LindainHerriotCountry Report 23 Jan 2024 11:23

I hope everyone up in Scotland had a more restful night, although it sounds as if Joycelyn is on its way. The wind has died down here, it is just raining and very dark.

I sat down this morning and filled up my monthly pill box, that is a very fiddly thing to do. I have a separate little box for each day with an am and pm section. I have two tiny pills to take first thing at least half an hour before I have anything to eat or drink. They are too fiddly to get out of the packets when I am still half asleep and J end up dropping them, so it is far better to decant them into the pill box. I have another tablet to take on an evening and I also take a multivitamin and a lutein tablet for my eyes . Again it is better to sit down for half an hour every month and put them into the pill box.
I know that the chemist can make up bubble packs, but they wouldn’t include my non prescription vitamins and lutein, so as long as I am capable, it is easier for me to do it myself. As the individual boxes have the date on them, it stops me wondering if I have taken them that day.


Florence61 Report 23 Jan 2024 11:47

Morning all looking in.

Well I slept last night as I really was so tired after being awake the night before.
The wind is howling here and rain lashing on my windows. Thank goodness I haven't any of my appointments today.

We are on an Amber warning for stronger winds later eeeek so we shall wait & see how bad Storm Jocelyn is.

Linda, my daughter has to put all her pills like you into these boxes as she has so many, its better this way and then she wont forget to take some.

Joan if you are looking in, hope you are ok and that you slept better last night. There are still people without power but we are still ok thankfully.

I have got the washing machine on a quick wash as want to get the load dried asap as to have wet washing lying around would be dreadful.

Got an email from sol yesterday saying that the Freeholder of mums property charges for completing their questionnaire to the tune of £180 which we have to pay the Freeholder direct!!Not to the solicitor. Considering its almost identical to the one I completed its outrageous. However I paid straightaway as don't want any delays.

Right I'm off now to finish my chores and refill the flask plus the house needs a good vacuum.

Take care all

Florence in the hebrides


Amokavid Report 23 Jan 2024 11:56

Floence I tried every room but the noise was just horrendous where ever i went, the lannding though still noisy was the quietest place to be.
Our house is situated at the top of a hill (hence our address!) it is all on it's own with just the open fields all around us, so when we have gales/storms the house gets full force.

I thought I would be fine last night & went to bed only to hear the wind catching the corner of the roof, scary, the bedrooms at the front are situated in the roof space ( not a dormer) the bedroom windows are bays that jut out, I managed to stay in the bedroom but couldn't sleep, the wind didn't last long thank goodness, just the last throws of ISHA.

Not looking forward to the next lot that's coming, I just wish it wasn't through the night in the dark. & if we lose power it's even worse, no telly !!
It's a bit windy here just now & now it's raining, a little "warmer" but dismal & dark.



Andysmum Report 23 Jan 2024 15:45

We have survived storm Isha without any major damage and were lucky that we didn't lose power, or the phone line, which has a habit of blowing down! The waves were crashing over the top of the bus shelter opposite which was quite impressive.

The wind is mostly on the front of the house and as our bedrooms are at the back, they are usually pretty quiet.

This morning I drove into the local town for my weekly shop. On the way I pass the nuclear submarine base, which has a 15' fence round it. The top section is electric, so the general public are OK, but people (like the local CND) who try to break in will have an unpleasant shock - literally! This morning there were traffic lights along a section of road and a large police presence, as a tree had fallen on to the top of the fence. I imagine the power had to be turned off while it was removed. When I drove home, a couple of hours later, only the trunk remained.

Shopping was largely spent paddling and I was wishing I had put my wellies on. Now I am home and don't intend to go anywhere until the weather improves. The torrential rain has eased, but the wind is picking up again.

Stay safe, everyone. :-)


LindainHerriotCountry Report 23 Jan 2024 20:20

Paddling doesn’t sound like it will have done your shoes any good Andy’s mum, but at least you got your groceries.
You will have to sleep at some stage Joan, so hopefully you can manage that tonight.
It has never stopped raining all day here. My daughter is away for two nights, so we are having to stay to help son in law with the girls. We arrived mid afternoon, because she had arranged for a Morrisons delivery and I knew he would never put things away when it arrived. Esme’s school bus dropped her off at 3.40pm, so I have been playing non stop since then and cooking dinner at the same time. She is now in bed, but still awake, but daddy is in charge now. She could do with her light putting out and her sleep routine starting, but he is too busy on his computer, so no doubt she will be awake very late.

Our house sale seems to be progressing quickly. My estate agent phoned during the day to say that our buyers had received the survey and searches from our previous buyers and everything was fine. They had asked a couple of questions. We had actually answered everything on Friday, so I chivied our.conveyancer and she admittedthat she hadn’t sent them the replies yet, but she will do in the morning. All of the legal work for us buying our new house is complete, so as soon as our new buyers complete their side, we can all agree a date and move.
We have arranged to visit the new house on Friday morning to measure up. Our buyers wanted to come to us again during the week, but as we are away, they will have to wait until the weekend


LindainHerriotCountry Report 24 Jan 2024 09:30

Well that was a noisy night, the wind was incredibly loud. We are staying at our daughter’s house as she is away for a couple of days. I think that I was more aware of the noise because it was a different house, you get used to your own surroundings. I woke up quite a few times during the night, so I am very tired today. At least the girls have gone off to school, so it is quiet in the house.
I hope everyone survived with no damage to fences etc.


Florence61 Report 24 Jan 2024 10:14

Morning all
Just popped on to say we are safe up here but really, the wind they predicted for here didnt happen!! They said 75+ mph but in all honesty, was only about 50-60. Not that I am complaining Joan said awhile ago, they do seem to scaremonger sometimes!

Its still very windy but this is the January gales, we have them every year and this year is no different. I have experienced 100 mph winds here at xmas, new year etc and once had no power for 4 days and I had a baby of 4 months old!

I hope everyone else is safe as there seems to be a lot of flooding too which i think is worse in a way.

Anyway, I have a lot of chores to do today as will be out next few days with appointments so need to get laundry all sorted and ironed plus beds need stripping as well.

Shall look in later on

Florence in the hebrides


ArgyllGran Report 24 Jan 2024 11:42

Blue sky and sunshine (well, in between showers!) here today, after a very wild night, with some thunder, and extremely strong gusts - don't know what speed it actually was.
No damage to house or garden.

We lost power just after 8pm, but fortunately it came on again about 9.30pm.
Off again for just a few seconds at 1am, but it's been OK since then, thank goodness.

Storm Isha blew my daughter's neighbour's fence down on Monday night.

I hope you've managed to catch up on sleep now, Joan.
Storms always sound worse at night, when you can't see what's happening.

I'm glad to see you have some definite progress on your house/flat sales, Florence and Linda.


Amokavid Report 24 Jan 2024 12:24

Afternoon to all.
I can't believe I am able to use the computer, another serious storm & the power has stayed on, so far at least.
Some really strong winds again BUT they didn't start until early this morning.

I went to bed very early around 7-30 pm whilst it was soo quiet & calm, I slept until around 11-30pm & it was still very quiet, I went back to sleep quite quickly, woke again at around 2-00ish is & still calm, couldn't believe it after what the weather forcasts had bee saying.

I was a while getting back to sleep but I was woken just before 6-00am by the wind banging against the corner of the house/bedroom, Jocelyn had arrived, so that was my cue to get up.
I have been sat in the L room all morning listening to & worrying about the wind, I could hear something hitting the window but couldn't see what it was as it was still dark, eventually I could see it was the cable from the SKY dish, it had come away fom the wall & the wind kept slapping it against the glass.

The wind is slowly dying down but still gusting, & about 1/2 an hour ago whilst there was a bit of a lull I managed to tie it back to the drainpipe, I was glad to get back inside.



Florence61 Report 24 Jan 2024 12:50

Well the sun is shining :-D

Its still very windy but the day is getting better as it goes on.

Glad you are ok Joan. You were brave to venture outside but good you secured the wire so your tv will still work and it wont be banging on the glass.

AG, glad you are ok too and your power wasnt off for long. Fences never stay up. Even my mums fence came down many times even though it was put back up but its a nuisance. Hope your daughter gets its fixed quickly.

No thunder here thank goodness, thats one thing that scares me!!

Well beds stripped, 2 loads washed, one dried, hoovered all through and tidied the kitchen units etc so am now sitting a bit as quite tired and my legs are sore.

Off to make some lunch now

Take care all

Florence in the hebrides


Florence61 Report 24 Jan 2024 15:55

Phew! Thats it, ironed all except the duvet cover and am not doing anything else today but its good to get ahead with things.

Had some heavy showers here but the sun peeked through and so brightened up the sky.

Anyone watch Corrie last night? Thought it was hilarious the campervan breaking down and getting stuck in a field. Typical Corrie even though the storyline line is hard just now.

Not decided what to make for tea tonight as feeling too tired to make a dinner so something quick will do me, beans on toast with grated cheese is inviting.

Hope everyone keeping safe.


ArgyllGran Report 24 Jan 2024 16:32

The campervan incident was full of holes!
How did Paul get into it, or out of it?
The toilet wasn't working, so what did he do about that?

All conveniently ignored .

I know I'm being picky!


Florence61 Report 24 Jan 2024 16:56

AG, I know, I wondered that. No you're not being picky as I always notice the "finer details." What i found hard to get my head around was the welcome home party in the pub!! Dear god, she hadn't been away on holiday as such lol but committed a crime so did the time!

I guess Corrie has its lighter moments compared to others. Emmerdale has got quite serious recently whereas it always had humour?

Eastenders.....well hard to keep up with all that goes on there and never a dull moment. Wish I had a safe with 50k stashed in it behind a picture lol I have a few pictures to put a safe behind but nothing of value to put in the safe!

The wind it would seem has suddenly got back up very quickly and is now sounding pretty gusty. Im off to make some food incase we lose power.


Florence61 Report 25 Jan 2024 17:49

Afternoon all

Well I was given a terrible shock earlier today by the Optician. he said my eyesight in the left eye was so bad because the cataract since last visit 2 1/2 years ago has ripened and so , he has immediately referred me to the surgeon.

After the consultation, I shall be on the waiting list which is around 8-9 months, After that surgery, he said by that time the right eye will be needing done as well :-( :-(

I wasn't expecting that and am still in shock tbh. I knew my left eye is sticky in the morning and before I can open it, I have to massage it but he said that's due to the Blepharitis.

So just one more thing to deal with!! I mean goodness haven't I been through enough already in recent years? So a waiting game now for my appointment but the good news is, it can be done in my local hospital as a day thing :-D

Anyway, it is once again very stormy here and heavy showers too.

But I took my pal for lunch, had a good natter then off to the supermarket with plenty time to look around as she wasnt in a hurry. Found a couple of bargains too so that was good.

Salmon fillets for tea and rice which is nearly ready.

Hope everyone looking is is ok and with power!

Take care
Florence in the hebrides


LindainHerriotCountry Report 25 Jan 2024 19:35

That is a nuisance Florence, but two and a half years is a long time to go without an eye check. I have one every year, they have been telling me that I have stage cataracts for a few years now, but they don’t seem to be progressing. My prescription hasn’t changed according to them, but to me my eyesight isn’t good these days.

We are still at our daughters. Son in law was going to Amsterdam for a boys weekend tomorrow, but his flight was cancelled this afternoon due to expected high winds tomorrow. He managed to get a flight this afternoon, so OH took him to the airport while I waited here to get Esme off her school bus. It was a good job we were here. My daughter should have been back by now, but her train broke down-(. OH has just gone to pick her up from the station. Esme is in bed waiting for her, I will be delighted when she is back as Esme has been very tired and grouchy today because SIL was too busy playing on his computer last night to get her to sleep in good time :-|
Normally we would go home tonight, but we are staying because we are going to see the new house in the morning to measure for curtains etc.


JustGinnie Report 26 Jan 2024 10:32

Good morning all, it is a sunny bright day so I am putting the washing out today as although cold there is a good breeze . Noticed when I was outside that our neighbour has 3 fence panels down.

Hope everyone is ok after all the storms we didn't have it as bad as some of you but the wind was awful some of the time.

The house sales seem to be going ahead well I hope they continue to do so. My relatives are selling their house and buying another due to now working in a different area. The sales are done differently in NZ .but just as stressful.

Made a mistake on my shopping order , I clicked on bananas and the found a smaller bunch so clicked on those but forgot to unclick the large bunch so now have 12 bananas and I only wanted 5. Any one want a banana lol.

Well having a coffee now then must dust and put the vac round.

Take care all.



Florence61 Report 26 Jan 2024 19:15

Evening all
JustGinnie, had to chuckle at the banana scenario as yesterday, I bought a bag of 6 small bananas and today daughter went off to town and came back with another £40 worth of shopping including another 7 bananas so between us plenty going free lol

Well I got my jags for my knees but the day didnt go too well. By 10.15 I was on the phone to the travel people asking where they were. Eventually they turned up at 10.35 and my appointment was at 11am! We arrived 10 mins late and he called my name within seconds so straight in but he rushed everything through, no chat or anything and said, I probably wont get them in 6 months as new guidelines about the side effects so I shall have to manage my pain a different way. I explained I cant take painkillers at all and he shrugged his shoulders and said oh well sorry I cant help you!! grrr

So in and out but then an hours wait for my transport to come back for me plus 2 other people. Sat in the reception area like a spare part.

So i then asked about my other appointment on Monday and will they wait for me as its a mobile unit and cant stay on it waiting an hour to be collected. Was told, no cant wait & so busy cant predict when we will collect you.

After a tel call with a lovely lady on the mainland explaining my predicament, I decided to cancel it as it was too stressy wondering what will happen on the day.
So if i want the screening done, I shall have to go to a mainland hospital.

Im glad im at home just chilling now as the last 2 days have sent my BP sky high.

So another storm hitting here on Sunday but not sure if anyone else will get it.

Linda, eye tests here are 2 yrly until you reach 70 then its yearly but im only 62 so next check up will be in 2026 although by then I will have had both eyes done hopefully.

Off for a coffee now.

Florence in the hebrides

Hope everyone else looking in is well.

Hope Joan's ok and hubby.