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Florence61 Report 19 Jan 2024 17:40

:-D :-D :-D @names def not :-P :-P :-P Cant stand to watch that dreadful programme, makes me feel sick first time I ever saw it!

Fav pizza, big fat chips for me, soup and half a pizza for her,

We still have loads of sweets from xmas, quality street, after eights, maltesas etc Im just fed up with them ,oh and a 24 tray of Ferrero Rocher.


ArgyllGran Report 19 Jan 2024 17:52

I have a lot of Christmas sweets, too, Florence, and don't know what to do with them, as I very seldom eat sweets, and don't want to start.

I might donate them to the local foodbank - though not exactly nourishing for their clients!

No Ferrero Rocher, thank goodness - my least favourite.


Florence61 Report 19 Jan 2024 18:10

If I eat too much chocolate, it makes me wheezy so have to restrict to like 2-3 squares of chocolate or 2 say milk tray. It's because of my asthma.

I just fancy a nice boiled fruit sweet like Foxes fruits but I haven't got any and couldn't see them on Tesco either. Infact there wasn't a great choice of fruity boiled sweets.
I cant really donate any of mine as they are all open with a few missing from each box ;-)


LindainHerriotCountry Report 19 Jan 2024 21:50

I am glad that you have your water back Joan. I hope that the electrical problem isn’t too bad and you neighbour can sort it out for you.

You are all very naughty tempting me with chocolates. That won’t do my weight any good :-0


AnninGlos Report 20 Jan 2024 08:44

Good morning all. 4 degrees here so a lot warmer.
Joan what a performance with the water, thank goodness for your friend, hope he can get it sorted for you.
Florence good that the snow has disappeared and you are now stocked up a bit more again.
Linda, it must be frustrating not knowing when you will be moving, hope it all goes through soon so that you have some sort of date to work with.
Chocolates, Hmm! yes three boxes for Christmas and I am slowly eating them before getting back on the low carb diet as I put on weight over Christmas.


Florence61 Report 20 Jan 2024 12:48

Morning all

its cold here as a very windy NE wind and getting stronger. Storm Isha will make its mark later and so just now we have emptied the bins, secured them and shifted a few small flower pots into shelter.

I had a moving around morning and so shifted various vases etc. It now looks more streamlined in the lounge & hallway and less cluttered.

Postie just left me something I ordered but oh my!!! A pair of soft trousers, elasticated and loose fitting/wide leg. But they are at least 33 in side leg or more and look like they would fit someone who was a size 24 !!

So another thing to send back. I really despair when I order anything these days as clothes never seem to fit properly.

Here's hoping in Mar when I go for a hospital check up, I shall get to the big shopping centre and go on a spree then lol.

Joan hope your water supply is fully working today and the young man found the fault.

AnnIn Gloucs, I will probably end up throwing some of the chocs away. i had a box of the Shell chocs. Belgium ones but not a fan of them. The milk Tray dont even taste the same either. Oh well I lost 2lbs this week so onwards and upwards.

Hope everyone keeping warm and staying safe

Florence in the hebrides


Amokavid Report 20 Jan 2024 13:35


Well the temperature has rsen a wee bit, enough for the snow & ice to get away.
It started shifting yesterday, quite quickly considering how much we had, the sun helped.
No sun today so the thaw has slowed down, the snow is slushy & wet & the house road is difficult, worse today than when it was just fresh snow, but daughter managed to get to the hose with care.
It looks awful outside, slush, wet & sooo mucky.

The water situation had changed this morning, after flushing the loo it started to re-fill but not properly, just slow plopping, the bath & sink taps were running a bit slow, anyway daughter coame over & checked the holding tank again & it was still full, so it looked like there was an air lock.

Opening up the water presure pump then opening the 2 bathroom taps, & waiting for the spitting & fa__ing to stop all was well again.
Our friend hasn't started to look for the break in the wiring yet, it's not safe for him to have to use the ladders in this weather, I would rather he waits until this mucky slushy weather has gone.
I don't want him to have any accidents with the ladder, the holding tank is big so I should be ok for water for a good while & daughter will check on it to make sure it's topped up.

re Chocolate.....I'm not a big chocolate fan but I do like the Thorntons Classic selection, I can eat almost all of them, just 2 types that I'm not keen on, but only because my teeth couldn't manage them, LOL.

Not looking forward to the forthcoming storm Florence.



LindainHerriotCountry Report 20 Jan 2024 14:14

It is supposedly warmer here, but we have been out and it was still very cold. My daughter came with Esme and we went to the nearby town. She had ordered a sheet of Perspex for a project in the new house. It was cheaper to pick it up from here than order it in line.
We went shopping as Esme wanted some “perfume” of her own. Eve uses perfumed body spray and Esme has been coveting it. So we had a trip to Suoerdrug, so she could buy some. She also had her feet measured, but they hadn’t changed. The sale was on, so she bought a pair of very sparkly trainers with flashing lights on the sole. They were half price, so that was a bonus.

We then went to the garden centre and had a very nice lunch. Eve was supposed to be coming, but she stayed behind with her daddy. He was supposed to be doing his tax return, but I bet neither of them actually did anything.

I need to venture out to Tesco now as we are very low on fruit and we eat lots of it.

I am pleased that your snow is melting up north. I hope the storm doesn’t cause damage.


AnninGlos Report 20 Jan 2024 16:37

Despite eating chocs Florence I managed to lose a pound this week.
I am very naughty Linda I don't eat enough fruit. I would eat bananas but they are not good for a low carb diet (strangely a lot of fruit seem to fall into that category) I do like and eat berries and Kiwi fruit when I can remember to get them.
Joan glad you sorted the latest water problem.


LindainHerriotCountry Report 20 Jan 2024 18:14

It was freezing when I went to Tescos . There were massive gaps on the shelves, they didn’t have any bananas at all and a very poor selection of apples, no Granny Smiths for instance. Luckily Lidl is just over the road and they had plenty of bananas there. I also got some dishwasher salt which Tesco’s didn’t have. Everything must be stuck on ships having to come the long way to avoid Yemen.


Amokavid Report 21 Jan 2024 09:20

Good morning.
A nice sunny, calm morning at the moment, & I'm happy to say that the snow has almost gone, there is still some on the house road & around the edges of the fields.

I thought the storm had started early for us last night, around 8-00pm the wind got up & carried on for a couple of hours then nothing (i was glad about that) but the weather folk are ot in force today scaring folk like me to death with how serious the coming storm is going to be.
I really don't need that.

I hope all is well with everyone.



AnninGlos Report 21 Jan 2024 09:34

joan do you mean on TV or radio. I find it easier not to listen or watch the weather and news sometimes.

good morning all, 10 degrees here and dry but dull and rain promised later.


Amokavid Report 21 Jan 2024 09:45

Morning Ann.

I mean on TV, I watch GBNEWS channel a lot, unfortunately they show the weather forecast every 1/2 an hour & it's far too often IMO.
They scare the living daylights out of me when they tell us about coming storms & show the UK map with all those scary symbols swirling around, we might need to now things like that but there are oldies out there like me who live on thir own & get very worried about forecasts like that.



Florence61 Report 21 Jan 2024 11:47

Morning all

Joan last night we had what we call here the "pre gales" . It was very stormy and a local power cut affected a village several miles away but not us. It is now sunny and calm but its later tonight, the wind is supposed to strengthen. Here the local website give out extreme warnings etc every time but we are so use to it, i dont take much notice as quite often it is scaremongering and it doesn't happen!!

All I do is take sensible precautions like secure the bins and small flower pots by moving the pots into a sheltered spot. I have always a good supply of batteries for the torches and now a flask which i may fill again later on.

The problem with the news channel is, is that they do repeat every 1/2 hour. I prefer to have the radio on, at least news and weather is only every hour.

I have my friend and neighbour popping in later for coffee and a catch up so looking forward to that. I think she's quite happy to escape her hubby for an hour on sun afternoon as he watches a lot of sky sports and she cant stand it lol.
Tesco cancelled her order yesterday afternoon so she had to drive 60 mile round trip to buy her own things!

Call the midwife tonight and Vera(last one) so good viewing.

Stay safe everyone

Florence in the hebrides


Florence61 Report 21 Jan 2024 11:53

Linda, forgot to say, at least you have a choice of supermarkets!

Where you are moving to, are the shops as close as they are now and is there a lot of choice?I think as you get older, having a few shops within 5-10 mins walking distance is good as you can get a daily exercise and make a trip 2-3 times a week rather than drive for one big shop.

Home deliveries are good for me being immobile but if I could use the bus i would as it gets you out of the house and you see people. The downside of only getting home deliveries is that you are isolated if you live on your own and you dont get out to socialise.

For some doing a small shop in the supermarket is good for mental wellbeing .

Hope you get word soon from you solicitor


LindainHerriotCountry Report 21 Jan 2024 15:22

Good afternoon, the wind is starting to get up here, so the storm is on its way.
Someone came this afternoon and collected the dining table and chairs. I think she didn’t realise how big the table was, but that is her problem now, It is gone ,so that is good for us. I deleted the add and have made a new one with the dresser and corner cupboard on it. We don’t really want to take them, but it wouldn’t be the end of the world if we did as it will probably be a couple of months before the new kitchen and dining room cupboards will be ready. At least, I could use the current cabinets in the meantime.
We have a round metal patio table and chairs, so we have brought it into the dining room to use until we move and buy a new dining set. . The table has tubular metal legs and OH had to turn it on its side to carry it in. It has left a trail of black drops all over the floor which look like oil, bur will just be years worth of dirty water. Thankfully the downstairs flooring is wood not carpets, so I was able to just wipe it up.

We do have a selection of supermarkets to choose from here. There is a small Co- op just four or five minutes walk away in the town square, but that is expensive, so I only get the odd thing from there. Tesco and Lidl are just a ten minute walk away I sometimes walk there with my trolley, but usually I would be doing a bigger shop, so I take the car. We also have an Aldi a ten minute drive away.
The new house isn’t as convenient, it will probably take me about twenty five minutes to walk to the town centre, but there aren’t any supermarkets there. It will be a ten minute drive to an Aldi or fifteen minute drive to a large Morrisons . Twenty minutes would get me to an absolutely massive Sainsbury’s. I could get deliveries, but while I can drive, I prefer to go myself, or I could get a taxi easily


LindainHerriotCountry Report 22 Jan 2024 11:44

I hope everyone is OK, I read that lots of electricity is off on Shetland, so I hope Florence isn’t affected.
It was very windy last night and this morning, I saw that a recycling bin over the road had blown over and though they had picked it up, there was litter all down the road. So I have just been out and done a litter pick of the area and got a large bag full .. The wind seems to be picking up again after having died down, so I will stay in apart from popping next door for a coffee this afternoon


ArgyllGran Report 22 Jan 2024 12:47

Here in northern Argyll we seem to have got off lightly compared with some other places.
It was certainly a very wild night, and some items were blown around in my garden, but nothing damaged, and all now retrieved. The wind is back to a more normal level now, though still with occasional strong gusts.
Our electricity stayed on, thank goodness.

Are you OK, Florence?
From Google, I can see that the wind is still about 50-60mph in your area, and there's a yellow warning for wind until Wednesday, because of the approach of Storm Jocelyn.


Florence61 Report 22 Jan 2024 12:51

Afternoon all

Well we are ok and no loss of power. The wind fairly picked up mid evening but by 11pm seemed to have abated. However around 3am, the wind was howling stronger than before and lashing rain so I never slept a wink for the rest of the night.

Linda, I'm not in Shetland, that is over in the East, I'm in the west of Scotland in the outer Hebrides but Joan is in the East somewhere. Not sure if she lost power but think they had it more severe than us as many areas are without power in her area.

We are set to have this wild stormy weather all week and just typical as i have a Tesco delivery for Thursday!! Fingers crossed but no ferries for now.

Not up to much today as im really tired so gentle pottering and some paperwork followed by family tree work.

Its a real nuisance when a neighbours bin moves and spills and we have had that here several times. We have secure bungees around all 4 bins attached to the fence plus large stones on top and they rarely move but other people are not so "organised" and we end up with rubbish strewn over our garden too which we have to pick up!

Hope anyone else looking in is safe and ok. I think Ireland and wales lost power to thousands of homes.

Shall be back later

Florence in the hebrides


Amokavid Report 22 Jan 2024 13:59

Afternoon to you all.
Well what a night that was, I went to bed around 10-00 pm after watching Vera only to have to get up again within an hour as the wind was starting to pick up & I couldn't get to sleep.
I sat up in bed for the next 1/2 an hour but was starting to worry as the noise of the wind was scaring me.

Went to the bathroom which is at the back of the house & the noise of the wind banging against the window was really bad, by now it was about 11-30 & the wind was really serious & I was by now absolutely terrified.
I ened up sitting on a stool on the landing & even though the noise was terrible it was the "quietist" place in the house. I sat there until just before 6-00AM, covering my ears when the gusting wind rolled in.

I was praying that the power wouldn't go off as it had been flickering, it did go off at one point but only for a moment, I couldn't believe it when it came back on so quickly & actually stayed on for the rest of the night.

By this time the wind had died down a lot & I returned to my bed, slept for an hour then I had to get up again as I could hear the wind again, it's still windy today & so I'm hoping it won't get any worse, I couldn't stand another night like last night so soon.

I can't see anything amiss when looking out of the windows, I just hope all is well with the house itself, as it's still windy I am not going outside to check.

I hope everyone is ok & all is well where you are.
