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AnninGlos Report 31 Jan 2013 14:20

So nice to know that chivalry isn't dead isn't it. And how fortuitous that they came to collect their car when you needed their hlp.

Pleased that you got to church and got the 'lift' you needed. :-)


Cynthia Report 3 Feb 2013 19:24

Thanks Ann. I don't mind a bit of chivalry now and again :-D

No weather problems today thank goodness.

The school led the worship this morning and it was lovely to see so many mums and dad supporting them. Hectic but nice........and there were some good little readers too.

The main doors open onto a major crossroads and, quite often, there is a queue of traffic waiting for the lights to change. I love to glance out and see the faces of those in the cars as people of all ages spill out of the building. You can almost 'hear' them saying....."Look at that! I didn't know people went to church these days"....... :-D :-D

It's so nice to go home with a spring in your step and a lift in your heart.........


Wend Report 3 Feb 2013 19:47

Cynthia, I do appreciate your posts - they're so . . . well, genuine, caring and interesting. I won't comment about my religious beliefs, because they're very personal, but I always know when my God is with me.

Enter, stage left . . . . . :-(


JustJohn Report 3 Feb 2013 20:18

Lovely posts. Wend and Cynthia.

I note today was Candlemas. Not a particularly significant day in my "low" church but it seems to be very important in various Christian churches throughout the world.

It is from the Gospel of Luke (Luke 2:22–40) and is called - depending on where in the world you worship:
Hypapante ("Meeting" in Greek)
Feast of the Purification of the Virgin
Meeting of the Lord
Presentation of Christ in the Temple.

I would love to go to one of these Candlemas services and would be very interested if anyone went to one today. I will diarise the date for next year :-D


Cynthia Report 3 Feb 2013 20:44

Thank you Wend. I'm always a bit worried that I may 'witter' on a bit but, I love my faith and my churchgoing and am always willing to share my thoughts with others. :-D


JustJohn Report 3 Feb 2013 21:07

"It's so nice to go home with a spring in your step and a lift in your heart........."

Just been thinking about lovely posts and those words you wrote, Cynthia.

Each Sunday is the start of the week and is a wonderful way to re-charge your batteries. In the years (about three) when I went to church fairly regularly before I became committed, born again, however we say it, I used to love that feeling.

Even though you thought the service was a bit long, the sermon a bit boring and repetitive and you didn't know all the tunes and words of the hymns - you loved the feeling that it was "good" place to be and you were among "good" people. People who would not foist religion on you but would give you the opportunity to grow at your own pace.

And, yes, you left for home as you did when you had your first successful date - with a spring in your step and new warmth in your heart. And that feeling grows and grows with each passing year:-D :-D


JustJohn Report 4 Feb 2013 16:22

Here's a short quiz

Something to amuse Christians as we prepare our stomachs for Lent :-)


JustJohn Report 8 Feb 2013 11:04

It is the job of Christians to try and encourage others to see the merits of Jesus - to bring them to the foot of the Cross and realise that Jesus was cruelly put to death not for something He had done wrong but for things you have done wrong.

An old farmer where I used to live had two sons who both went into Christian ministry. Both successful (one in Knighton near Leicester and other in Harrold near Bedford). Both sons were retired and in 70's when I heard them preach in 1990's, but I would include them both in my top ten preachers. They were so different. Sidney had been an army officer and had trained through Methodist training at Cliff College. Very gentle style, very well spoken. Charles had been a Methodist lay (unpaid) worker and remained in farming till 50, when he suddenly moved his family 40 miles away with no income and no house to set up an independent cause in Harrold . He spoke in a very rural west Northamptonshire accent.

Apparently the old father had been asked which son made him prouder. He replied "Both on em. Sid woos folk to heaven, Charly kicks em in" :-D


Cynthia Report 8 Feb 2013 19:01

:-D :-D :-D - John

It's not even Sunday and this thread is out and about......

I'm out and about tonight to a meeting about the children's work which goes on in our church. Hope everyone turns up.

I don't do much really but I do help with baptism preparations, liaise with the creche and look after the play bags which the pre-schoolers are given when they come into church. I also make sure that the church maintains it's 'Child Friendly Church' status, for which it has an award.

Now DO try and behave yourself John - I don't want to come back and find that you have been winding people up again. Dear oh dear.......... ;-)



JustJohn Report 8 Feb 2013 19:13

:-D :-D @Cynthia

Hope you have a lovely evening, and this thread doesn't go native by time you return :-D

My favourite preacher ever was Charly who "kicks em in". That was Rev Charles Lawrence of Banbury. He was the most Godly old boy I knew, but what a rough old wotsit he could be. Towards the end of his Ministry (he died about 1994 aged 84) he could no longer stand to preach and got very tired. He would often ask me to lead the congregation (usually about 50) in prayer. I felt so very proud.

And we would both have tears in our eyes as we led worship together. And, if he had preached against the Devil, he would be totally exhausted all Monday. And I find the same thing happens to me. As Charles might have said, "Old Nick. Ee don't like it up im, you know"

Doesn't stop me tweaking the tail, though :-D ;-)


Cynthia Report 8 Feb 2013 21:44

Are you Baptist or Methodist John?

Just back from the meeting.

We reckoned that we have about 250 under 18's who are attached to our church. This includes the uniformed organisations, choir, bellringers, creche, Sunday School, music group etc.

This sounds wonderful and it is and we are looking at how we can do more for them BUT the main stumbling block is leadership. So many people are just not willing to commit to leading or helping with groups these days.

I know that all the CRB checking and red tape stuff that has to be done tends to put people off, so it's sad that we have all these youngsters we would love to help but can't get volunteers to help. Apparently, the brownies can only have a certain number - maximum of around 28 I think......they have a waiting list of over 60!!

Never mind, we don't give up easily and will be putting some feelers out soon :-D


JustJohn Report 8 Feb 2013 22:45

Methodist, Cynthia. Though my Methodist Chapel when I lived in Northamptonshire in 1990's broke away, formed an Independent Evangelical Church, bought both their chapels, appointed a Strict Baptist Pastor. Very successful (and still is) but I felt more at home in Methodism and went back about 1999 with tail between legs. I actually learned a lot more in the eight years as an Independent than in 17 years I have been a Methodist. Wonderful Bible preaching week after week (2 services Sunday plus excellent midweeks) :-D

That is a huge number of young people. I have noticed myself how keen so many are to come to church. And, of course, there is a whole generation missing. It is up to people in their 60's and 70's to look after them. And the courses we have to do now to make sure we understand how to deal with youngsters and vulnerable people can put people off. Last one day course I went on we had a simple test - and I could see that was worrying a number of worship leaders and youth workers.

I am full of confidence for the future. One little chapel near me has two young brothers. Both with slight learning difficulties. Yet one is absolutely full of the Lord and his brother is getting there quickly. They are a tonic for us all, and they read the Bible in service as if they had written it themselves. So full of authoirity and enthusiasm for every word. :-D


Cynthia Report 9 Feb 2013 12:59

Thought you may be a Methodist.... ;-)

The local methodist church always seems to be a hive of activity. It is a multi purpose building and is very well used.

Some Saturday mornings I think they must have a men's breakfast or something similar because cars are parked there quite early.

When I drive past on a Sunday, there are always loads of cars parked and young families going inside.

Even the week, it is unusual to see it empty. Something is obviously attracting them..... :-D


Muffyxx Report 9 Feb 2013 15:17

I had a saturday job in Budgens when I was a teenager...

and I have actually worked at Tescos....when we had our first house and we needed the extra pennies......


JustJohn Report 9 Feb 2013 15:17

:-D :-D :-D

Silly Sausage

Silly Sausage Report 9 Feb 2013 15:19

Sylvia :-D

Wasnt it a lovely book and well reserched, there is a follow up the girls of Bournville Green its about the second generation Rubys grown up daughters.


AnnCardiff Report 9 Feb 2013 15:20

I fancy some chocolate too - not too struck on Cadbury's though - prefer the Swiss ones and Thornton's

Silly Sausage

Silly Sausage Report 9 Feb 2013 15:22

I have just finished off Itsmytellys birthday chocs because he left them unattended means he doesnt want them right? :-P


aivlyS Report 9 Feb 2013 15:23

Yes Ann have to agree , had a big box of Thorntons at Xmas .. delicious ..


Muffyxx Report 9 Feb 2013 15:23

I'm not much mithered about chocolate..but i've just made a batch of cinnamon biscuits..not enough cinnamon though for my tastes...will have to remember to adjust the recipe and put in an extra spoon for next time :-(