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Christian Thread

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Joeva Report 15 Dec 2012 20:57

Lovely link Cynthia :-) Thank you.

There must have been many of different faiths in the onlookers, non believers too but each and everyone of them stood and watched in either joy or amazement at this 'flash'
performance. No anger, no protest - just a peaceful group of people.

Jo :-)


LilyL Report 15 Dec 2012 21:06

I think that I like Christmas Eve almost better than Christmas Day. At home years and years ago there was always such a feeling of expectation, my Granny coming to stay, togther with my younger Uncle, my mother putting finishing touches to the tree, helping with veg, my stepfather coming in with this and that and catching my mother under the mistletoe!, looking out the stocking, an orange for santa placed by the chimney. Midnight for young grownups, church on Xmas morning for my Granny and me, until one year I was old enough to join the midnighters. So many happy memories.


GRMarilyn Report 15 Dec 2012 21:12

I agree with AnninGloss I love Christmas too,

I'm no way offended by any religious thread , I respect everyone's beliefs ....
but what I cant understand is WHY do folk condone a thread that is pleasing to some ?

Its just plain nastiness ...

Nobody has asked those who don't approve to READ this thread .....its nonsenses !!

Cant understand some of you ......

John its a lovely gesture to nudge us about the Christian aspect of Christmas...Thank you !



kandj Report 15 Dec 2012 21:28

Couldn't resist the sing-a-long Cynthia,very enjoyable, many thanks for sharing this link.


Cynthia Report 15 Dec 2012 21:52

It was a good link wasn't it?

When I was little, I can just remember going shopping for the turkey at the market and so many of them hanging up and, when we brought them home, my mum did the plucking and pulling out of the giblets etc.....ugh.

My grandparents came from 'down south' to 'up north' and that made it very special.

My mum's brother lived in Canada so, for some obscure reason, our present opening was delayed until the afternoon because it would coincide with the Canadian relatives open theirs! It was quite a ritual.

Just before that, my grandfather would dress up as Father Christmas and I would be his fairy and do a dance for everyone. How they kept their faces straight, I do not know.

I can remember telling my mum and grandmother off for talking whilst I was dancing to 'Wonderful, Wonderful, Copenhagen .......dear oh dear....... :-D :-D

I guess we went to church but I really can't remember.........ooooooer!


LadyScozz Report 15 Dec 2012 22:01

I'm not "churchy" at all.

But!!! I don't understand why those who are not interested in religion add their views to this post!

The subject line said what it was.

Each to their own :-)


GinN Report 15 Dec 2012 22:32

I don't follow any Christian religion, but I respect it.
Our own personal beliefs should be kept private .
Whatever gives you comfort is your own affair, and shouldn't be laid open to ridicule.
I love the Christmas season, or Yuletide, and hope everyone enjoys this time in their own way. :-)


Dermot Report 15 Dec 2012 22:38

'Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen'.

Happy Christmas!


JustJohn Report 15 Dec 2012 22:44

A favourite hymn or song in churches today is:

"God's spirit is in my heart;
He has called me and set me apart.
This is what I have to do-
What I have to do:

He sent me to give the good news to the poor,
Tell prisoners that they are prisoners no more,
Tell blind people that they can see,
And set the down-trodden free.
And go tell everyone
The news that God's kingdom has come."

I agree that there are times and places for that - Cynthia's link was an example, nativity plays and Christmas Eve mass, carol singing in public places, Joy with her Sally Army friends are other examples. But we do try and tell people why we feel so wonderful :-D


Cynthia Report 16 Dec 2012 08:28

Thanks Merlin - you know your King James bible - it's from Hebrews 11.1

I must admit that we never use the King James version at church - so haven't heard that translation for ages :-D

I actually like the translation from the New Living Bible :

"Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see."

It's one of those quotes which needs someone with knowledge to explain. I find
the verse from somewhere in Corinthians helpful in understanding it.....

"We live by faith, not by sight".

As Scozz says......Each to their own :-D

ps. I'm reading at church this morning so I'll try and remember to check which version we use.


JustJohn Report 16 Dec 2012 08:41

Cynthia. It was Dermot, not Merlin.

I think it is an absolutely lovely sentiment, whichever version it comes from.

It introduces one of my most favourite chapters in the Bible (Hebrews Chapter 11). Linking these Old Testament saints to all of us. Saying that neither they nor us will be complete in heaven without them.

It gives me the sure and certain hope that Abraham and Moses are waiting for all of us one day. They are not complete without ME. Or any of us who have been picked or will be picked. We in 2012 can know a lot about Jesus through the New Testament writers. These saints of the Old Testament believed - yet had few of our advantages. :-D :-D


Dermot Report 16 Dec 2012 08:59

Apart from the gun laws in America, faith is also being scrutinised there right now.

A disillusioned, exploited & a gun-wearied nation is glad to believe & hope again. The hope of Heaven is a vital need to counter the balance of the wicked & the misfortunes of the dead school children.


LilyL Report 16 Dec 2012 09:03

I think that perhaps the late Dave Allen had the right idea when, at the end of his programmes he wished everyone goodnight and 'May your God go with you'. That sentiment would, I think, cover everyone of any faith.

♥†۩ Carol   Paine ۩†♥

♥†۩ Carol Paine ۩†♥ Report 16 Dec 2012 12:10

We all believe in different ways & in different things & our faith is our own.
I was brought up with the adage ‘Do as you would be done by, defend others as you would hope they would defend you’. Though at times I have been disappointed by people I loved &/or respected, this has resulted it many firm friendships.
There have been times in my life when my faith in others has proved to be wrong, my faith in a god tested to the limit, but that belief remains.
All over the world there are people with strong beliefs, these religions differ in many ways like our languages, but whatever we may call these beings I believe they are the same one. Whether you believe we are reincarnated to improve ourselves, join the ones who have gone before us/pass into a third dimension, or are taken back into Mother Earth, it comes down to a belief that there is a future after death.
There will always be ‘Doubting Thomas’s’, after all it took our ancestors many years to believe that the world was not flat & you could not fall off of the edges!
The future will tell, at the end we will all know the truth, but I know that that end will be easier believing that I go to join the rest of my family.


JustJohn Report 16 Dec 2012 13:00

Carol Wherever you are preaching next, I want to be in the congregation. :-D :-D

Not being sarky at all. I think that was an absolutely lovely post and addresses all of us - wherever we think we stand with God this Christmas time. :-D


maggiewinchester Report 16 Dec 2012 13:18

I don't mean to be contentious, but can't really let this piece of mis-information go by unchallenged.
I refer to your post on page 1 where you state:

"I do think the modern Christmas is very inclusive. It brings together Eid and Divali and Hannukah and lots of old pagan images as well".

That statement is a bit presumptious, and assumes every other religion wants to be included!!

What (in reality) happens is, that occasionally Divali & Eid are around about Christmas time (Eid was last year). This is pure coincidence, as they don't follow the same calender as the Christian church, and these celebrations are moveable..
This year Divali was in November, Eid in October Hannukah started on December 6th, and ends today. Not exactly at Christmas time, were they?


LilyL Report 16 Dec 2012 13:31

I totally agree with your last sentance Carol. I KNOW that my end will be much easier in the belief that I will once again be with those that I have loved and who have loved me. I remember that my Granny believed this totally, and that it gave her immense comfort at the end of her life, and to feel that she was comforted at a rather difficult end gave us all enormous comfort and strength too, so I don't care what anyone says, that has to be a good thing.


JustJohn Report 16 Dec 2012 13:38

Maggie (Edit). Christmas Time is Advent from 2nd Dec till 24th. Then I would say it included the next 12 days of Christmas till Epiphany. I would not agree with Tesco that it starts in September and ends in February.

I agree with what you are saying, but am contrasting that with what is seen on the link from Cynthia - which shows almost everybody joining in with lots of smiles everywhere.

The nearest Muslim festival this year sees to be Ashura on 24 Nov. And Hannukah is from 8th Dec to 16th Dec, I believe. So finishes today, though Jewish friends will now be extending that till 6th January to empathise with Christian friends.

Missed out on my lovely Eid and Divali snacks this year. Too late now :-( :-( :-(


Leni Report 16 Dec 2012 13:57

Thanks for the thread John.

I wish everyone many blessings at this holy time.



ChrisofWessex Report 16 Dec 2012 13:58

I believe you have addressed last post to wrong person.

You really should be careful of all that you type.