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Cynthia Report 22 Jul 2013 08:16

Yes Emma, he certainly is!! :-D

Some thoughts for a new working week.....

How often we wish for another chance
to make a fresh beginning.
A chance to blot out our mistakes
And change failure into winning.
It does not take a new day
To make a brand new start,
It only takes a deep desire
To try with all our heart.
To live a little better
And to always be forgiving
And to add a little sunshine
To the world in which we're living.
So never give up in despair
And think that you are through,
For there's always a tomorrow
And the hope of starting new.

- Helen Steiner Rice

Cx :-)


kandj Report 22 Jul 2013 09:40

John, thank you for sharing your prayerful thoughts. When I have been in a place where it is obvious everyone is expected to pray out loud then I tend to get in first and it doesn't sound good. I sit and listen to others and think "Oh, I should have said that"..... but it's not easy when under pressure or when the words don't come naturally.

Cynthia, thank you for these profound words which are wonderful to read at the beginning of a new day/week.


AnnCardiff Report 22 Jul 2013 22:47

well I've spent most of the day at the funeral of my friend's husband, Kenny Smiles - comedian/singer/cruise liner entertainer - hundreds attended - a wonderful service conducted by Rev Lionel Fanthorpe - Lionel Blue of TV and radio fame - wonderful man and wonderful service

lots of tears and lots of laughter for a man who touched so many people with his kindness, his wit, his generosity - his fund raising for Multiple Sclerosis - he will be missed big time - a privilege to have been able to call him my friend


Cynthia Report 23 Jul 2013 08:25

Ann, it sounds like a fitting tribute to a man who has obviously touched so many people over the years and in so many ways. He must have been a very gifted man indeed.

I know you are close to his wife, so I guess she was more than grateful for your support on what must have been such a sad day for her. It's good that you were able to be there for her and she would really have appreciated all that you have done for her. Hopefully, she will be able to move slowly forward soon - with your help of course. May he rest in peace.

Many of us were all agog at the news last night and, personally, I am absolutely delighted with the birth of the new prince.

I dithered about with what sort of prayer I could post today and, finally, came up with this one, which is different but, so very apt given the future facing this child who may one day be King. Hope you like it...

Here I am, Daddy and Mama, a gift from the Lord up above,
To brighten your days with joy untold, and fill our home with love.
I’m tiny, precious and fragile, but made miraculously,
To fulfill God’s plan for my life and be what He wants me to be.

Some say I look like you, Mum, other say more like Dad.
But I have distinct traits from both of you, whether that’s good or bad.
I love it when you hold me securely in your strong arms,
You let me know you’re my protector in this world with all it’s harm.

Please teach me about my Creator, of all His amazing acts.
Show me the awe and wonder, not just the basic facts.
Tell me He loved me, even before I was born,
So much that He sent HIS Baby, to bear unspoken scorn.

And how He watched as His Child was put on a tree to die.
How sad it must have made Him, Mum and Dad, did He cry?
He must really love me, for my salvation He bought then,
To make sure I could go to heaven, and be forgiven of my

Welcome to the world little Prince. I pray that you will have a long, healthy and happy life.

Cx :-)


JustJohn Report 23 Jul 2013 08:39

Many thanks for posting about funeral of Kenny Smiles, AnnC. It sounds like a very moving and meaningful service.

And what a lovely prayer for our new Prince, Cynthia. :-) :-)


AnnCardiff Report 23 Jul 2013 10:03

lovely prayer Cynthia - most touching

Thanks Cynthia and John - Lorraine is going to find it strange to come to terms with the fact that he's gone - she was so used to him being away, sometimes for months, so I'ts going to take a long time for reality to kick in - how long we have no idea - it's her birthday next Monday so that will be a sharp reminder to begin with


Cynthia Report 23 Jul 2013 11:33

Ouch! Yes it will be a poignant day indeed Ann. No doubt you will be on hand to help her through having been through the same sad scenario your self. You're a good friend indeed... :-)


Cynthia Report 24 Jul 2013 08:24

Good morning all. I have a manic couple of days ahead of me, so I won't be around very much till the evening.

I hope you find this prayer helpful. I do.

Prayers Can't Be Answered -Unless They Are Prayed

Life without purpose
is barren indeed
There can't be a harvest
unless you plant seed.

There can't be attainment
unless there's a goal,
And man's but a robot
unless there's a soul.

If we send no ships out,
no ships will come in,
And unless there's a contest,
nobody can win.

For games can't be won
unless they are played,
and prayers can't be answered
unless they are prayed.

So whatever is wrong
with your life today,
You'll find a solution
if you kneel down and pray -

Not just for pleasure,
enjoyment and health,
Not just for honours
and prestige and wealth.

But pray for a purpose
to make life worth living,
And pray for the joy
of unselfish giving -

For great is your gladness
and rich your reward
When you make your life's purpose
the choice of the Lord.

- Helen Steiner Rice

Cx :-)


AnnCardiff Report 24 Jul 2013 08:57

lovely - just lovely :-) :-)


'Emma' Report 24 Jul 2013 10:05

Thank you as always Cynthia.

Emma :-)


kandj Report 24 Jul 2013 11:10

Cynthia, the Helen Steiner Rice words are always a joy to read.

I will say a quiet little prayer to help you cope with your "manic couple of days ahead" Take care and thank you.


AnnCardiff Report 25 Jul 2013 08:16

off to church this evening - me and my pal - our vicar is holding a service to thank those parishioners who helped him most when he first moved to the parish about thirteen years ago - this was his first parish as he'd been more of an academic prior to coming to us and was a little stiff and unapproachable at first but slowly he came round - I think his chaplaincy at our local psychiatric hospital, where my pal and I both worked [she's still there in fact] helped him a lot to become more "human" and now everyone thinks the world of him - you don't always get a lot of respect off psychiatric patients!!! - brought him down to earth I think :-D


Cynthia Report 25 Jul 2013 08:40

What a lovely gesture from your vicar Ann, it sounds as though he thinks as much of his parishioners as they do of him. I hope it is a lovely evening for all concerned. Let us know how it goes please... :-)

I thought of Emma the other night. Apparently, on Sunday morning when the young people on the drums and guitars were really 'going for it', our vicar, as he processed solemnly up the aisle, leant over and whispered to one of the older ladies present, "I'm ordering Anadin for next time". :-D :-D

Anyway, I mustn't dally around - I want to get some housework done and then pick my daughter up. We're going to a funeral at 1pm and then on to pick up my friend who has mobility problems. Yesterday, I did nothing but walk and drive, walk and drive......phew......

Here is today's prayer from me - one with a Celtic tradition

A New day

As I wake from sleep, rouse me,
As I wash, cleanse me,
As I dress, gird me with your power,
As I eat, energise me,
As I journey, protect me,
As I relax, calm me,
As I sleep, surround me.

- Jenny Child.

Hope everyone has a good day. Cx :-)


'Emma' Report 25 Jul 2013 12:08

Lovely as always Cynthia. I hope I am not flashing
into your thoughts every time your lovely vicar comes
up with a funny remark Cynthia ;-)
What a character he is, thank you for sharing his smiles
around, I'm defo his No1 fan :-D :-D

Emma :-)


kandj Report 25 Jul 2013 21:08

Cynthia, I love the New Day prayer. Short but very very sweet. Thank you.


Cynthia Report 26 Jul 2013 08:34

Good morning all........Ann, how did it go last night? :-)

My two manic days are over thank goodness - thank you for your thoughts. :-)

We have lunch at church on Fridays - Emma would love to see my vicar with his apron on, cutting the pie into sections or teasing one of the helpers because they can't count..... :-D

A thought for today:

Among the great and glorious gifts
Our Heavenly Father sends
Is the Gift of Understanding,
That we find in loving friends....

For in this world of trouble
That is filled with anxious care
Everybody needs a friend
In whom they’re free to share...

The little secret heartaches
That lay heavy on their mind,
Not just a mere acquaintance
But someone who’s “Just Our Kind".

For, somehow, in the generous heart
Of loving, faithful friends
The good God in His charity
And wisdom always sends...

A sense of understanding
And the power of perception
And mixes these fine qualities
With kindness and affection.

So when we need some sympathy
Or a friendly hand to touch,
Or an ear that listens tenderly
And speaks words that mean so much...

We seek our true and trusted friend
In the knowledge that we’ll find
A heart that’s sympathetic
And an understanding mind…

And often just without a word
There seems to be a union
Of thoughts and kindred feelings
For GOD gives TRUE FRIENDS communion.

- Helen Steiner Rice

Cx :-)


JustJohn Report 26 Jul 2013 09:09

Many thanks for starting day right as usual, Cynthia :-) :-) :-) So many of us love your thoughts. And, like you, I am hoping AnnC's service last night was uplifting. Some of the clergy do come through the school and university system to ordination and have had little contact with what we call the "real world". And it must come as a shock to them sometimes, just as the many Christians that have had little experience of our world come as a bit of a shock to us.

I am thinking of nuns and monks in closed orders. But also simple Christians who have been brought up in a Christian home all their lives and have never sworn, never gossiped and have a group of like-minded friends who seem to spend their lives being unselfish and helping others. I am aware that they don't need to be Christians - they can be of other faiths or none. I only mention those who are Christians because of the thread title.

Also, can we remember those poor families in Spain following the horrendous train crash. They so need our prayers.


AnnCardiff Report 26 Jul 2013 09:33

well it was such a lovely service - great to see St Mary's full to bursting :-)

It was John Rowland's 40th anniversary of ordainment into the priesthood - ordained at St David's Cathedral in Pembrokeshire - a lovely, lovely cathedral

It was also the Feast of St James yesterday - the sermon was given by a former curate of St Mary's - the Revd.Dr Trystan Owain Hughes, Anglican Chaplain for Cardiff University and a very entertaining sermon it was with lots of laughter along the way

Refreshments in the church hall afterwards - a lovely evening out - and quite a change


Wend Report 26 Jul 2013 09:59

Lovely prayer to-day Cynthia. Good friends are precious. :-)


Cynthia Report 26 Jul 2013 10:45

Hello John - I quite agree with you about clergy who are ordained straight from college etc. I do wonder if that's why so many of the younger ones seem to struggle a bit.

There is a tide of opinion at the moment, that many of those who are newly ordained, tend to treat the priesthood as a 'job' rather than a vocation. They can be difficult to contact and want to work 9-5 hours. Many of us, I'm sure, can remember the days when the vicar was available almost 24/7. Times, they are a'changing.... :-S

Fortunately, my vicar and probably Ann's, are 'old school' and we all benefit from it

So pleased you had a good night Ann and yes, it does make a pleasant change to go to something like that.

Thanks Wend.....