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Christian Thread

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JustJohn Report 1 Jul 2013 08:50

Well, I sang Bless this House this morning. Quite a good rendition in the shower, actually. :-)

Beautiful morning down here in the valleys. One prayer in my old chapel in Northants used to be "thankyou for placing us in this special acre of your beautiful vineyard".

And I rather think most of us feel very fortunate in that respect. Gone are the coal mines, the dark satanic mills, the grinding poverty of 80 years ago. Most live in comfortable and warm houses or flats (or cool if in Oz) and can easily access the most beautiful scenery on their doorstep :-D

Praise God - from whom all blessings flow.


'Emma' Report 1 Jul 2013 10:26

Morning Cynthia and all,

I remember Harry singing this so well but can't
think of who else did, no doubt someone will know.

Emma :-)


JustJohn Report 1 Jul 2013 10:29

I would tell. But his first name is an alcoholic drink, and not suitable for this thread ;-) Second name is a lake in Europe, if that helps.


Cynthia Report 1 Jul 2013 12:59

I googled it because I wondered what on earth the name was..........

I was imagining all sorts of first names.......Beer? Vodka? Whisky? Nah.....

It was Perry Como..........

This is not a tee total thread John :-)


'Emma' Report 1 Jul 2013 13:01

Ah the lovely Perry Como, another wonderful singer :-)


JustJohn Report 2 Jul 2013 01:43

It is the funeral of Sandie today and noticed these words called "An Indian Prayer" which seem to suit this day:

Do Not Stand At My Grave And Weep
I am not there, I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow;
I am the diamond glints on snow;
I am the sunlight on ripened grain;
I am the gentle Autumn's rain.

When you waken in the morning's hush;
I am the swift uplifting rush of quiet birds in circled flight;
I am the soft star that shines at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry;
I am not there, I did not die.


Susan10146857 Report 2 Jul 2013 02:24

Good Morning

Cynthia, Perry Como Sang it....Vera Lynn sang was written by an Englishwoman named Helen by an Australian......I googled :-D


Cynthia Report 2 Jul 2013 08:33

Thank you for that always brings back childhood memories :-)

Famous words indeed John and very popular at funerals.

As so many people will be thinking of Sandie and her family today, I thought I would use the following - hope it is helpful.

She Is Gone

You can shed tears that she is gone
Or you can smile because she has lived

You can close your eyes and pray that she will come back
Or you can open your eyes and see all that she has left

Your heart can be empty because you can’t see her
Or you can be full of the love that you shared

You can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday
Or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday

You can remember her and only that she is gone
Or you can cherish her memory and let it live on

You can cry and close your mind, be empty and turn your back
Or you can do what she would want: smile, open your eyes, love and go on.

- David Harkins.

Cx <3


Cynthia Report 3 Jul 2013 08:35

Good morning..... :-)

Another lovely, inspirational verse from Helen Steiner Rice.

It's true that the great, generous Saviour
forgives our transgressions each day
And patiently waits for lost sheep
who constantly seem to stray.

But moments of prayer once omitted
in the busy rush of the day,
Can never again be recaptured
for they silently slip away.

Strength is gained in the morning
to endure the trials of the day
When we visit with God in person
in a quiet unhurried way.

For only through prayer that's unhurried
can the needs of the day be met
And only in prayer said at evening
can we sleep without fears or regret.

For all of our errors and failures,
that we made through the course of the day,
Are freely forgiven at night time
when we kneel down and earnestly pray.

So seek the Lord in the morning
and never forget him at night
For prayer is an unfailing blessing
that makes every burden seem light.

Cx :-)


'Emma' Report 3 Jul 2013 13:56

Cynthia that is so beautiful and it brought a
lump to the throat and tear to the eye.

Silly old fool that I am :-) Some verses just touch you.

Emma :-)


Cynthia Report 4 Jul 2013 08:31

Emma :-)

Most of us have so much to be grateful for..............

Thanksgiving Blessing

O God,
We thank you for this earth, our home; for the wide sky and the blessed sun, for the ocean and streams, for the towering hills and the whispering wind, for the trees and green grass.

We thank you for our senses by which we hear the songs of birds, and see the splendour of fields of golden wheat, and taste autumn's fruit, rejoice in the feel of snow, and smell the breath of spring flowers.

Grant us a heart opened wide to all this beauty; and save us from being so blind that we pass unseeing when even the common thornbush is aflame with your glory.

For each new dawn is filled with infinite possibilities for new beginnings and new discoveries. Life is constantly changing and renewing itself. In this new day of new beginnings with God, all things are possible. We are restored and renewed in a joyous awakening to the wonder that our lives are and, yet, can be.


- Walter Rauschenbusch

Hope everyone has a day in which they are both happy and thankful.

Cx :-)


JustJohn Report 4 Jul 2013 10:04

Cynthia :-D :-D Many thanks for those thoughts this morning. How often in the rush of life do we forget to pause and look at all the wonders of nature.

I shall try to pause a couple of times today - even if only a humble thornbush :-)


Cynthia Report 5 Jul 2013 08:32

Good morning friends..........whoever and wherever you are...... :-)

Many of us have friends and family who live away from us............

~ Haven Of The Heart ~

Our father, who art in heaven,
hear this little prayer
and reach across the miles today
that stretch from here to there,
so I may feel much closer
to those I am fondest of,
and they may know I think of them
with thankfulness and love.
and help all people everywhere
who must often dwell apart
to know that they are together
in the haven of the heart.

- Helen Steiner Rice.

Looks as though Summer is here.......well, for a few days anyway! Take care.

Cx :-)


SuffolkVera Report 5 Jul 2013 11:27

Thank you Cynthia., I will copy this for a friend whose daughter and grandchildren live in New Zealand.


Cynthia Report 5 Jul 2013 14:55

You're very welcome Vera. :-)


Cynthia Report 6 Jul 2013 08:33

Another beautiful day and I hope everyone is keeping well - I thought I would share this with you today......

~ Help Yourself To Happiness ~

Everybody, everywhere
seeks happiness, it's true,
But finding it and keeping it
seem difficult to do.
Difficult because we think
that happiness is found
Only in the places where
wealth and fame abound.
And so we go on searching
in palaces of pleasure
Seeking recognition
and monetary treasure,
Unaware that happiness
is just a state of mind
Within the reach of everyone
who takes time to be kind.
For in making others happy
we will be happy, too.
For the happiness you give away
returns to shine on you.

- Helen Steiner Rice

Cx :-)


JustJohn Report 6 Jul 2013 08:48

What lovely thoughts to start our beautiful and sunny Saturday and end week on a high note, Cynthia.

Not quite the lovely thoughts of Helen Steiner Rice. My thoughts are a bit "X" Cert so do not read if squeamish.

He was horribly disfigured for you. From the crown of his head to the soles of his feet, he was only wounds, bruises and putrifying sores (Isaiah Chapter 1 verse 6). He was horribly mutilated, he had a crown of thorns, was flayed alive, his hands and feet were pierced by cruel nails, a sword was plunged into his side.

Why? Because we all, like sheep, go astray and pursue the popularity, the wonders and wealth of this world.

Why? To show us a pearl without price. To give us that real peace that passes all human understanding.

Why? Because he loves each one of us - good or bad as we might be - with an unreserved love. Our names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life.

Why? Because truly knowing his love and the love of the indwelling Holy Spirit is a foretaste of heaven and the only way to achieve any real and lasting happiness in this world and the next. :-)


'Emma' Report 6 Jul 2013 10:10

Thank you Cynthia and John.
Today my thoughts are with families and friends of
the Piper Alpha disaster may they rest in peace the
167men who lost their lives.



JustJohn Report 6 Jul 2013 10:13

What a lovely thread you have put up about Piper Alpha, Emma. 25 years ago today!!!

And all those families still so affected by their loss. We must pray for all those families today :-)


Cynthia Report 7 Jul 2013 08:12

Thank you for your thoughts Emma....... :-)

John, a few years ago at a Good Friday afternoon service, I remember a vividly graphic reading of the effects of crucifixion on the body - a blow by blow account shall I say! It wasn't easy to listen to but it brought home the physical suffering of Christ.

Later, someone complained that the reading was too detailed and gory and shouldn't have been done. It made me think of how often we tend to 'sanitize' or 'play down' the actual agonies of the Cross so that we aren't 'offended' by His sufferings.

It's a funny old world at times!! :-)

Anyway, the prayer for today............from a Baptist Church in Nottingham....

A Prayer for Sunday

Lord, today is special.

It’s your day.

Help me to worship you in a worthy way.

Help me to keep you in view,

to meditate on your word,

to hear your voice.

Lead me into the week

assured that you are with me,

and to know that with you

Each day is special.


Better get my skates on..........have a good day. Cx :-)