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Cynthia Report 31 May 2013 11:03

Apologies for my later arrival due to circumstances beyond my control, and the possibility of a computer being thrown through a window!! :-D

I was so sorry to read your post Joy, I haven't even seen the news yet today. I've always liked Archbishop John Sentamu as he always seems so joyful.

I've chosen this prayer for today.....

Bless the hands
that bring wholeness
to lives blighted by sickness.

Bless the saints who
in sad and desperate places
bring a sense of hopefulness.

Bless the Christians
facing daily opposition
showing a faithful witness.

Bless the generosity
of the rich and powerful
for the gift of thoughtfulness.

Bless the peacemakers
working in conditions
that are often hazardous.

Bless the politicians
whether good or bad
for decisions affecting all of us.

Bless our words and actions
as we carry your light
into places shrouded in darkness.

Bless your children
whoever they might be
with the warmth of your love and grace.

I hope it touches someone today.......Cx :-)


'Emma' Report 31 May 2013 12:21

Joy and Cynthia thank you.

Cynthia my laptop will be following yours. :-D

Emma :-)


Cynthia Report 1 Jun 2013 08:34

Laptop behaving itself today......well, so far anyway..... :-D

It's a beautiful morning and I send my love to you all.....

Lead Me to Peace

Lead me from death to life,
from falsehood to truth.

Lead me from despair to hope,
from fear to trust.

Lead me from hate to love,
from war to peace.

Let peace fill my heart,
my world, my universe.


Cx :-)


JustJohn Report 1 Jun 2013 09:21

Beautiful day. The grandmother of a lady who used to sibehind me in chapel in Northants went to a lady's Sunday School in Northern Ireland.

It was Mrs Alexander, and she wrote a song to help the children. It was called "All Things Bright and Beautiful". :-) :-) And, as I look across at purple headed mountains, my morning looks bright and beautiful. Hope your does too. :-) :-)

Prayers for Archbishop Sentamu this morning. Entrust him to God's healing care after his serious operation. It reminds me what a wealth of great talent flooded into Britain after the disastrous reign of Idi Amin. These dictators may destroy their own countries, but how they enrich the host country :-) :-)


'Emma' Report 1 Jun 2013 09:29

:-) :-)


Cynthia Report 2 Jun 2013 08:29

This prayer has been specially written by Westminster Abbey to celebrate the 60th Anniversary of the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II. It has been commended to be used by the Church of England and other denominations at this special time.

Almighty God,
at the hands of priests and prophets
you anoint your chosen servants with the oil of gladness
and strengthen them with the gifts of your Holy Spirit:
accept our joyful praise as with united voice
we give thanks for the long and glorious reign
of our Sovereign Lady Queen Elizabeth.

Renewing your blessings, pour on her your choicest gifts,
and on all your people the spirit of humility and mutual service
shown in the life and death of him who is the anointed King of all,
our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.


We thank God for Her Majesty; for her loyalty, integrity and commitment to duty over 60 long years. May He bless her, now and always.

Back later with this week's 'happenings' at church..... :-)


Joy Report 2 Jun 2013 08:31

As Cynthia posted, thank you.

The Dean of Westminster, the Very Reverend Dr John Hall, said: ‘This prayer expresses our thanks to God for The Queen’s long and duteous reign and for Her Majesty’s example of faithful and committed service to the nation and Commonwealth.”


Cynthia Report 2 Jun 2013 16:40

A good morning. We had special prayers for the Queen, sang 'I vow to thee my country', and the National Anthem was played at the end of the service. We have a superb organist who really gave it 'his all' and it sounded so triumphant and uplifting. :-)

Lots of little ones and parents in today.....some in full voice - children I mean :-D

There were also a family who were remembering the anniversary of the death of a loved one who had been a loyal and much loved member of the church. It is 12 months since her death and, although she was a tiny lady with a quiet manner, I remember that the church was packed to standing room only at her funeral.

She had got on very well with our vicar and, on occasions, he used to pull her leg no end, which always delighted her. A lovely lady.

Anyway, when that service was over, we welcomed 6 babies for baptism......where is that lollipop lady when you need her? :-D

Came home and found that the Coronation Service was on in its entirety, so my daughter put it on her Ipad for me and I watched it whilst cooking lunch. Really enjoyed it - but what a long day it must have been for everyone.

Cx :-)


Joy Report 2 Jun 2013 19:07



JustJohn Report 2 Jun 2013 20:32

Cynthia :-D :-D Not sure if Coronation programme was same one I watched but loved the bit where Mr Fisher placed the crown on the head of ...........
Lavinia, Duchess of Norfolk. I was watching the dress rehearsal :-D :-D

Your service sounds fantastic. Very patriotic. And all these baptisms again. Must be a secret ingredient in the local water :-)

I have been out twice today. First service was over in the Rhymney Valley - about 34 miles from home. English service, well attended, finished with that great Wesley hymn "And can it be?".

Tonight it was a Welsh service in an Independent chapel and there were only 7 there and I thought it would be a real struggle. Took Isaiah 53 verse 5 as my text, concentrating on "by his stripes we are healed".

Sometimes you absolutely know the Holy Spirit is present, and this was one of those nights. I had my notes prepared, but you suddenly find words coming out of your mouth that are well off script. I could see from the reaction and the faces as I shook hands afterwards that the message had struck home.

What a great priviledge it is to attend any church these days and worship with Christians. Gone are the days in most chapels when there are elderly people judging your behaviour. We just all want to benefit from our worship and encourage more to join us.:-) :-)


Cynthia Report 3 Jun 2013 08:50

On such a beautiful morning...... :-)

Thank You for This Earth

O God,

We thank you for this earth, our home;
for the wide sky and the blessed sun, for the ocean and streams,
for the towering hills and the whispering wind, for the trees and green grass.

We thank you for our senses by which we hear the songs of birds,
and see the splendor of fields of golden wheat, and taste autumn's fruit,
rejoice in the feel of snow, and smell the breath of spring flowers.

Grant us a heart opened wide to all this beauty;
and save us from being so blind that we pass unseeing when even the common thornbush is aflame with your glory.

For each new dawn is filled with infinite possibilities for new beginnings
and new discoveries.
Life is constantly changing and renewing itself.
In this new day of new beginnings with God, all things are possible.
We are restored and renewed in a joyous awakening to the wonder that our lives are and, yet, can be.


Cx :-)


'Emma' Report 3 Jun 2013 12:51

Amen. Cynthia it is a beautiful morning. :-D

Emma :-)

Edit.....I was thinking the same thing this morning with OH, dog
and myself walking along our beach promenade..(well I was in
my mobility scooter) what a joy :-)


Cynthia Report 4 Jun 2013 08:31

Good morning - and another beautiful day... :-)

This world
Your creation
Rolled into a sphere
Packaged in sunshine
Gift-wrapped in love
Given to us
Thank you

- John Birch.


JustJohn Report 4 Jun 2013 10:13

:-) :-) @ Cynthia

Was just looking through the names of Jesus in the Bible.

Picked out a few:

Sun of Righteousness (Malachi Ch 4 verse 2)
Bright and Morning Star (Revelation Ch 22 v 16)
Cornerstone (Psalm 118 v 22)
Dayspring (Luke Chapter 1 v 78)
Light of the World (John Ch 8 v 12)
Rose of Sharon (Song of Songs Ch 2 v 1)

And: Queen of the South (Matthew Ch 12 v 42).

Over 200 other identified names in Scripture. And as we enjoy the sunshine and the warmth this week, let us think about who created all this wonder. For me. For you - for you personally. And how much each of us are loved - even though we may have a low opinion of ourselves and feel deserted and bereft at times in our lives.


Cynthia Report 4 Jun 2013 22:20

Reminds me of those wonderful words at Christmas John........

.....and He shall be called Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.. :-)

The other day, I was googling for news on Archbishop Sentamu when I came across the following link. It reminded me of all the times we have heard people say that "no-one goes to church these days - it's old hat etc.etc.".

Some super pics and I am hoping that someone will add one from our church soon......... :-)



JustJohn Report 4 Jun 2013 22:51

:-) :-)

Just loved those pictures. Such a range of different worship.

Numbers are not that important, of course. I had 7 in a Welsh chapel on Sunday night and it was really special. It would have been equally special if only 2 or 3 were gathered.

I was amazed by India. I worshipped in the Anglican church in Trivandrum. Across the road was the RC Church. They both had 4 or 5 services every Sunday - in Malalayam (local language), Tamil and English. And the church (about 800 seats) was full each time - and for two Malalayam services there were several hundred outside listening through speakers.

You get a flavour in these photos


Cynthia Report 5 Jun 2013 08:52

Good morning my friends....... :-)

Happiness seems to be the message in many of the photographs on both sites, and it's good to remind people that Christianity is still alive and kicking!

A famous prayer for today - one which does not lose it's essence despite the fact it was written so long ago. Faith which has stood the test o time........

Prayer of St. Richard of Chichester

Thanks be to thee, my Lord Jesus Christ,
For all the benefits thou hast won for me,
For all the pains and insults thou hast borne for me.
O most merciful Redeemer, Friend, and Brother,
May I know thee more clearly,
Love thee more dearly,
And follow thee more nearly:
For ever and ever.

--St. Richard Chichester (1197-1253)

Keep smiling my friends........ :-)


'Emma' Report 5 Jun 2013 10:29

:-) :-) :-)
Thank you Cynthia........


Cynthia Report 6 Jun 2013 08:20

Yesterday, I went to an informal meeting to discuss how child-friendly our church is.

The Church of England has an award scheme, whereby, if certain criteria are met, the church is allowed to display a certificate stating that they are, indeed, child-friendly.

We gained the award three years ago, and it is now time for us to be re-assessed.

Many areas are covered, including the many Child Protection issues; what facilities are available - toilets/first aid etc. ; what activities/clubs, groups there are for all ages ; how the children are included in worship ; what resources are used, and so it goes on.

Last time, we were given a glowing report, so we have been careful not to become too complacent. We looked through everything again, picked up on one or two things and now wait to see what happens. Someone will come out in a few weeks to check things in person. Hopefully, they will be pleased with our efforts.

It's very exhausting being 'child-friendly'. :-D

If any of you have ever watched Blue Bloods (don't ask me which channel) starring Tom Selleck, you can't fail to notice how, in each episode, the family meet around the table for a meal and a prayer of thanks is given.

In our home, we say 'grace' at every meal so, today I thought I would post a Breakfast Prayer........just to get the day off to a flying start...... :-

Breakfast Prayer

Father, we thank thee for the night,
And for the pleasant morning light.
For rest and food and loving care,
And all that makes the day so fair.
Help us to do the thing we should,
To be to others kind and good,
In all we do, in all we say,
To grow more loving every day.

- Amen.

Now, off to do some housework....... :-)


JustJohn Report 6 Jun 2013 08:52

How lovely you say grace before meals, Cynthia. Very few seem to do that these days. In fact, it is rare for families to sit round as families today and thank the Lord for anything in my experience.

My family tends to say grace on high days and holidays unfortunately. I have always tried to think of God at start of meals, but very rare it is a spoken prayer. I am the only committed Christian in my immediate family, and only a couple of others in my extended family of over 100:-( Family days are hardest for me as they tend to be on the day they are all doing very little ie Sunday. And usually my busiest day, of course.

Prayers do get everything off on the right foot. :-) :-)