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Cynthia Report 19 May 2013 16:24

Another busy Sunday morning. It was Parade service, so there were a lot of children and parents in church today. This is also the Sunday where we welcome those who have been baptised in the past month, so those families were in too. :-)

The youth group played for some of the hymns this morning and I have to say, we have some very musically talented youngsters. The loud music has the youngsters bopping up and down all over the church...... :-D

Each Parade Service, a different church organisation leads the presentation for the day. Today it was the turn of the Servers - those who help at the Holy communion Service and carry the candles etc.

The young woman (complete with bright pink streak in her hair) who led the service, told us the Dr. Seuss story of Horton the Elephant who hatched an egg and was very committed in all that he did. She used a PowerPoint to illustrate the fact that, at this time of Pentecost we should remember God's faithfulness to us.

She finished with some adapted words from the book......

"I meant what I said and I said what I meant, that our God is faithful, one hundred per cent!"

After the main service, there were two baptisms and so, as one crowd left, another entered. During these comings and goings, the Vicar passed by and said "Fun and games this morning".....I agreed, but then he went on to say that he meant that one of our lay readers - an elderly lady - had been chatting in the meeting room and decided to perch on the end of a card table - which had promptly collapsed, taking her with it. I expressed my concern and asked if she was okay........"well", he said, with a twinkle in his eye..... "she is, but the card table certainly isn't!!!"


'Emma' Report 19 May 2013 16:28

:-D just love your Vicar.
Thanks all.

Emma :-)


Dermot Report 19 May 2013 16:31

Is it a foolish idea to vote for UKIP based on their promises to stop continuous attacks on Christianity; to abolish any idea of same-sex marriage & to stop teaching school children about homosexuality?


Cynthia Report 19 May 2013 16:42

Oooh Dermot, I don't 'do' haven't a clue as what UKIP have promised.....but I can't see how you can shield children from that subject. To my mind, it's a matter of how it is discussed which is important.. As for continuous attacks on Christianity, I don't know how that will be stopped, because there will always be those who don't agree with the faith - we have to learn to deal with it and move on.


JustJohn Report 19 May 2013 18:45

Dermot :-D :-D I love politics. But have never yet found a party or a candidate that I can 100% agree with. What I think is important is to go to hustings and ask them these questions that bother you.

You hopefully will get an idea of what each of them believes. You may decide to vote for one who is diammetrically opposed to you on certain things.

For example, I agree with Leanne Wood (Plaid Cymru) on almost everything. But disagree with her on one major thing - she is a Republican and I am a Royalist. And I am not likely to change her mind, and she is not likely to change mine. So I will vote for her because I like most of what she thinks and she tells the truth and doesn't lie for political advancement like most politicians.

I think Jesus would just encourage politicians to answer questions truthfully. And he would encourage us voters to think prayerfully about their answers - rather than going off on one because their answer does not 100% agree with our answer. :-)


Elizabethofseasons Report 19 May 2013 23:24

Dear Joy


Hope you are okay.

Your two posts provided a great synposis about Pentecost and that
each person, if they wish, can carry out a little of what they learn
or promise on a Sunday.

Equally, the church should be reaching out to all the people
in the community in practical ways to help.

All should be welcomed in a place of worship.

Take gentle care
Very best wishes


Cynthia Report 20 May 2013 08:47

Good morning all and thank you for your words Elizabeth.... :-)

The worship that pleases you is not simply with our words, but with our lives and hearts.

The worship that pleases you is to see love and justice where there is oppression; healing and compassion wherever there is need.

The worship that we offer falls short of your ideal.

Forgive us when our lives do not reflect the faith we profess.

Give us a heart for your people whoever they might be, and a willingness to serve them, that your name might be glorified. Amen.

I hope everyone has a good day. Cx :-)


'Emma' Report 20 May 2013 10:16

Good morning all and I hope your day goes well.

Emma :-)


Joy Report 20 May 2013 18:58

Thank you, Elizabeth, Emma, Cynthia.


Eternal God,
who gave us this day,
and who now at evening time are taking it back to Yourself,
forgive us for all which today we did not do.

Forgive us for any word of comfort, of praise, of thanks,
which we might have spoken, and did not speak.

Forgive us for any help we might have given to someone in need, and did not give

Forgive us if today we have made things more difficult for anyone.

Forgive us if by word or action we have set a bad example to anyone,
and have made it easier for another to wrong.

Forgive us if today we have been disloyal to any friend,
or if we have hurt the hearts of those whom above all we ought to cherish.

Grant us this night Your gift of sleep;
and grant us grace that tomorrow we may walk more close to You;

through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Evening Prayer - William Barclay


Cynthia Report 20 May 2013 19:20

Thank you Joy........ :-)


Susan10146857 Report 21 May 2013 01:27

I like that Joy :-)

Up until a few years ago, when the children were still at home, Before I went to sleep each night I used to look back on my day and think about how I could make the next day better. That prayer reminded me of that.....perhaps it is time for me to continue with the habit....can't do any harm :-)


JustJohn Report 21 May 2013 07:48

So many lives lost in the tornado in Moore, Oklahoma.

Father. Our hearts are so saddened by the many lives ripped apart in Moore. We pray for the survivors there, we pray for the injured, we pray for the families who have been bereaved.

And we pray for the brave rescue teams. And that all the necessary resources of money, people, equipment and skill pour into Moore and the surrounding area. If we can help in any way, please show us how.

Father, in your mercy, hear our prayer. Amen


Cynthia Report 21 May 2013 08:29

I haven't seen the news yet John - I need to catch up. Thank you for that prayer.

Last night, I watched the programme on the HIllsborough disaster - so many dead - so many grieving - so much blame and guilt.

Maybe today, we should focus on those whose lives have been changed forever by tragedy, both past and present.

Lord of all compassion, we pray for all of those caught up in the midst of tragedy or disaster.

For those who have lost life and those working to save life
For those who are worried for people they love
For those who will see their loved ones no longer
Lord Have Mercy.

For those in need of the peace that passes all understanding
For all who turn to you in the midst of turmoil
For those who cry out to you in fear and in love
Lord Have Mercy.

For those in confusion and those in despair
For those whose tears are yet to dry
For those in need of your unending love
Lord Have Mercy



'Emma' Report 21 May 2013 13:00

:-) <3


Cynthia Report 22 May 2013 08:42

Good morning everyone..... :-)

I hope this helps someone along the Christian path today.......

O Lord Jesus Christ, give us in all our life the discipline which will enable us to walk in your footsteps, and which all your true followers should show.

Help us to discipline our passions and desires, that we may never in an unguarded moment do that which we would afterwards regret.

Help us to discipline our appetites, that greed and gluttony and self-indulgence may have no part in our lives.

Help us to discipline our speech, that no false or untrue word, no soiled or impure word, no bitter or angry word may ever pass our lips.

Help us to discipline ourselves in our work, that slackness, idleness, laziness and carelessness may find no place in our lives, that we may not try to find how quickly we can do a thing but how well we can do it, that we may be more concerned with how much we can put into a task than with how much we can get out of it.

Help us to discipline ourselves in our pleasure, that no pleasure may ever so master us that it takes away the will-power to resist it.

Help us to discipline ourselves in our devotion, that we may faithfully share in the public worship of your people, and that no day may ever pass when in the silence we do not speak and listen to you.

Help us to discipline even our thoughts, that they may never move in any forbidden pathways or linger on any forbidden thing, so that we too may be pure in heart and so see you.

This we ask for your love’s sake. Amen.

- William Barclay

With love to you all. Cx


JustJohn Report 22 May 2013 08:53

:-D :-D Thankyou Cynthia and William Barclay. My late father used to say that it doesn't matter what job you do, strive to be the best at it. And the prayer this morning says we must think about what we put into a task, not what we get from it :-)

Have not seen a lot of the footage from Moore in Oklahoma last night or this morning. It has been terrible devastation, but the death toll seems to be mercilessly less than was thought and there are many wonderful human stories of survival and resilience. And love.

I am sure we will hold those dear people up in our prayers for some time :-) :-)


Cynthia Report 23 May 2013 08:15

Good morning friends....... :-)

Some thoughts for today....

O God, Our Father, we know our own weaknesses,

Our minds are darkened, and by ourselves we cannot find and know the truth.

Our wills are weak, and by ourselves we cannot resist temptation, or bring to its completion that which we resolved to do.

Our hearts are fickle, and by ourselves we cannot give to you the loyalty which is your due.

Our steps are faltering, and by ourselves we cannot walk in your straight way.

So this day we ask you,

To enlighten us,

To strengthen us,

To guide us,

that we may know you, and love you, and follow you all the days of our life. Amen.

- William Barclay.

Enjoy your day..... :-)


'Emma' Report 23 May 2013 12:09

:-) <3


'Emma' Report 23 May 2013 12:56

My relative now home from her operation and singing
the praises of the doctors and nurses, a prayer for them.

Sanctify, O Lord, those whom you have called to the study
and practice of the arts of healing,and to the prevention of
disease and pain. Strengthen them by your life-giving Spirit,
that by their ministries the health of the community may be
promoted and your creation glorified, through Jesus Christ
our Lord. Amen


Cynthia Report 23 May 2013 13:31

So pleased for her Emma. Thank you for the apt prayer. :-)