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'Emma' Report 22 Apr 2013 11:36

Cynthia your choice if you stay on this thread or start
one of your own, I will still read your input whatever
you decide.



Cynthia Report 22 Apr 2013 13:33


The problem lies in the fact that members see you as one person on here and as a completely different person on other threads, which is very confusing. Which one do we believe is really you? It's as though you have a dual personality and, personally, I find that very unsettling as it leads me to doubt your sincerity on here.

Lyndi.....yes, I love my church - it isn't perfect of course, no church is, but it's the place where we feel 'at home' and where we can be of service.

When we retired, we moved home and looked around for a new place of worship. We went to several anglican churches in the area but it was really difficult to find one where we felt 'right' - if that makes sense.

We realised that, after going back to this church quite a few times, that is where we would stay. :-)

Kitty, thank you. If there is anymore unpleasantness after this latest episode then I will start a fresh one.

Lily.........hope you feel better soon ;-) :-D


PollyinBrum Report 22 Apr 2013 13:52

Good afternoon Cynthia. I would like to say how much I enjoy reading your posts, your church sounds wonderful. Personally I do not like the way so many threads turn nasty, and I am often left bewildered by some of the comments. I would never choose to get drawn into some of the arguments, but at the same time, I think there are a number of people who seem to deliberately set out to create friction and confrontation. The Christan thread has mixed reviews, however, mainly due to your contribution will continue to read.


Joy Report 22 Apr 2013 14:21

I find this interesting:



Cynthia Report 22 Apr 2013 15:20

All Anglican clergy work with a lectionary.

A lectionary is a table of psalms and readings from Holy Scripture authorized for use in public worship of the Church of England. It gives guidance as to which readings, psalms etc., are authorised for use within the seasons of the church's year and for festivals, holy days etc.

This is the link for the official C. of E. lectionary.


LilyL Report 22 Apr 2013 15:51

I'm sorry Cynthia, I shouldn't have posted that! particularly as I am a practising Anglican, warts and all! but I do try and keep my religeous beliefs to myself unless somebody particularly asks me, and 'not go on about it'. I just find certain comments santimonious and frankly yuk! Incidentally my favorite service is Evensong, a restful and beautiful service - no preaching!!!


Cynthia Report 22 Apr 2013 17:06

Not to worry Lily.......I'm like you......happy to talk about my beliefs when the time is appropriate but do not want to come over as tends to put people 'off' rather than interest them. :-)


AnninGlos Report 22 Apr 2013 17:53

I think it would be a pity for this thread to be deleted, mostly it has been harmonious and informing. I always like to read about Cynthia's views and her church, and I also find some of John's posts interesting when he doesn't have his preachy hat too firmly on.
The shame is on people who come on the thread to either wind up or ridicule, not sure what. OK John aggravates some people, not unusual for that to happen but keeping it off this thread is the best thing.


Kay???? Report 22 Apr 2013 18:16

I think this thread has gelled along ok in parts ,,,,,if those that arent of a religious nature leave it to those that are and tolerate each othe.......Cynthia and John have a common ground,

Neither could be churchgoers,but both come across as very sincere in their beliefs.


JustJohn Report 22 Apr 2013 20:28

Kay. I can assure you Cynthia and I are both churchgoers. I would settle in her church very well, and she would settle into mine. Mind you, I think Cynthia would be an asset anywhere :-D

We both hold office as well, so are very committed. We are on the same journey, just that I am a long way behind up till now.

Methodism grew out of Church of England, and very many of our traditions (and the Lectionary) are the same. That is why I think it would be very nice if one of two churchgoers from other denominations said a little about their services as well.


Susan10146857 Report 22 Apr 2013 20:34

I agree with Kitty although it would be a pity to lose this thread I feel that more people would add to it if it belonged to offence John :-)


Joy Report 22 Apr 2013 20:48

Just under four weeks to Pentecost. I have just learned about the sixth year of Pentecost Festival


Kay???? Report 22 Apr 2013 20:52

well my church is in the league of none belivers,

we are not burdened by commitment,not burdened by a troubled mind for something we did or didnt do,we are free from a timetable,,,,,and are free from having to to peform any ritual ....... :-D :-D :-D :-D.


but we are free to show humanity,kindness,have good thoughts,be moral and live for our own good. ;-)

do you wanna join John........ :-D :-D :-D :-D.


Cynthia Report 22 Apr 2013 21:48

Hang on a mo John........

I am not at all sure we would settle into each other's churches. Whilst the theology is the same, I think you would feel restricted by the 'due rites and ceremonies' which I enjoy, and I would not be happy in your 'free for all' atmosphere.

I have experienced free church worship but much prefer the Anglican way of worship.

Methodism goes very much with the Service of the Word whereas, Anglicanism is much more sacramental.

As for the lectionary which each church uses.....they may be similar but not the same.

Also, I am not an office holder in any way shape or form - just a willing servant.

Joy - that link doesn't work for me but I found the event any way........looks like a great idea...... :-D

Kay......... :-D All I can say is, that some of us don't actually find commitment or ritual a burden.....more of a blessing really. Hopefully, we all also show kindness, take our morals from the example of the Ten Commandments and live for the good of others........ :-D


eRRolSheep Report 22 Apr 2013 21:59

I must admit I did find it somewhat presumptuous and inaccurate.

Different denominations can often be a gulf apart.


Kay???? Report 22 Apr 2013 22:23

There ya are Cyn,,,,,,we have one common ground,,,

mind I dont know about all ten,,,,maybe 6/10 aint bad,,,,, ;-) :-D :-D :-D.


JustJohn Report 22 Apr 2013 22:30

Not so long ago there was a working party trying to find a way of the Methodists and Church of England joining together and eventually forming one denomination. Haven't heard much of that since I moved down to S Wales 6 years ago, but they were very keen on it in parts of Northants where I previously worshipped. In Silverstone, we would have joint evening services and Methodist local preachers and our Minister would preach to Anglicans and the Canon would preach to us Methodists. Some weeks we would be in the parish church, others in the Methodist chapel 200 yards up the road. We gelled very well with Anglicans there. Mind, both the Canon and her husband had been Methodists in their early life.

Anglican priests are often trained in Methodist theological colleges and Methodist Ministers are often trained in Anglican colleges. Both churches accept the training of the other.

It has been said that the Methodist Church has taken all the best bits of the Church of England. The annual Covenant Service in January, for example, was something that John Wesley discovered was introduced by Rev Alleyn in 17th century and ditched by the Anglican Church a century or so later.


Joy Report 22 Apr 2013 22:44

Glad you found the site, Cynthia, even though the link went awry. :)

John, re

(1) there was a working party trying to find a way of the Methodists and Church of England joining together and eventually forming one denomination.

I understand that discussions are ongoing.

(2) Anglican priests are often trained in Methodist theological colleges and Methodist Ministers are often trained in Anglican colleges. Both churches accept the training of the other.

Concerning training for clergy:
Sarum College, Salisbury is where my husband trained for the NSM (non-stipendiary) URC (United Reformed Church) ministry; at the time of his training, his fellow students were URC, Anglican and Methodists.


AnninGlos Report 22 Apr 2013 22:46

My daughter in law goes to a church in M Keynes which is ecumenical. I believe the denominations that worship there are Anglican, Baptist, what I still know as Congregational (But I know they have changed their name) and not sure about Methodist. I have been to services there and it is a lovely friendly, relaxed church which seems to maintain the elements of all the churches.


JustJohn Report 22 Apr 2013 23:02

Found the link. Ann, I also remember that church in Central M Keynes - near M & S. and Library.

Have just been digging through some of the 74pp of a working document to bring Methodists back into the Anglican fold (we were kicked out of communion about 1800 - don't want to rake over old ground :-)). The writer ( a leading Anglican) said it was disgrace that St Paul had spent so much time and effort to stop the churches in Rome, Corinth, Thessalonica and Ephesus dividing and we split over a gnat's breath. Wesley always wanted Methodists to attend parish church in the morning and Methodist chapels and house groups in afternoon (so as not to clash with services in parish church).

I love Methodism. I breathe it. But I also love other denominations almost as much. And in India they did away with all these denominations and came together in CSI and CNI (Church of Southern India and Church of Northern India). All Protestant denominations worship together - Baptist pastors and Methodist Ministers were accepted as Anglican priests, local lay preachers were accepted as lay readers. And it seems to work well - churches are really bulging everywhere. :-) :-)