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Cynthia Report 14 Apr 2013 14:43

....but not from me lilybids.. :-D

Just enjoying a sit down and some toffee icecream after a hectic morning.

A very lively service with the youngsters from our music group leading the music and then taking part in the presentation which was about the history and importance of music in worship.

We have some very talented youngsters on a variety of instruments and the drummer is a young Christian man from the Phillipines who has moved here with his wife and young twin daughters.

Although we are a basically 'traditional' church, we have this lively type of worship once a month and hopefully, we encourage both the young people and satisfy our older folk too. It's hard to please everyone.

When they played something from Sister Act, I was very tempted to impersonate Whoopi Goldberg...........

As that service ended, the people for the baptism poured in..... whew! When I left, there was standing room only.

I would love to stay for the half hour baptism service but, because my OH needs his meds and is starting to wilt, I take him home instead. I make sure that I say 'hello' to the parents and the babies though........ :-)

Lilybids, not many Anglican churches have an evensong service these died out quite a while ago. Interestingly, there are claims that it was the showing of of The Forsythe Saga on Sunday evenings all those years ago, which caused it's demise........ :-S

Thank you for the good wishes re my granddaughter - we're going up later to see her. :-)


SuffolkVera Report 14 Apr 2013 15:04

Cynthia, thank you for your posts - you are a great calming influence. I haven't posted here as I haven't felt I had a lot to contribute, being still unsure of my own beliefs. However I do regularly read the thread with interest.

I was concerned yesterday that the thread might become as sniping and unpleasant as some others on here. I am pleased that discussion hasn't yet deteriorated into argument. Let's please keep it friendly.

Happy birthday to your granddaughter Cynthia.


Cynthia Report 14 Apr 2013 15:36

Thank you Vera, and you're very welcome to post on here - belief or no belief.

I'm very happy to natter with people about their stumbling blocks - without judging and without arguments...... :-)


'Emma' Report 14 Apr 2013 15:40

If one thing could tempt me back to church it
would be a service like Sister Act Cynthia. :-)



Cynthia Report 14 Apr 2013 16:26

Loved that film GoldenGirl1 ....... I would think there are quite a few Gospel singer type churches in various parts of the country who can still raise the roof...... :-)


'Emma' Report 14 Apr 2013 16:45

Hallelujah to that Cynthia. :-D

Years ago I went along to a hall where the service was
different from anything I had been to before, cheerful songs
of praise and all new to me, I must say I enjoyed it.

Emma :-)


AnninGlos Report 14 Apr 2013 16:48

Did anybody watch Britain's got talent last night, there was the most wonderful Gospel choir on, really good.


'Emma' Report 14 Apr 2013 17:07

Don't watch it Ann sorry.


lilybids Report 14 Apr 2013 17:38

No I didn't mean from you Cynthia sorry
Thank-you for letting me know about evensong


JustJohn Report 14 Apr 2013 19:29

I fibbed a bit about time of service. Get a little bit neurotic about people getting a bit too keen on exactly when I do things. Quite happy to give you exact time and place I am appearing if you would really like to attend one of my services - but by pm.

Service was at 3pm actually and it went really well. Had a bad morning - computer failed just as I was printing off order of service. So I had to write it out four times for organist, churchwarden etc.

Then I decided to open with that lovely Welsh hymn Calon Lan, but we could not find enough Welsh hymn books so we had to sing it from memory and without any accompaniment. No problem though.

Shared service with a young preacher (mid 20's) just starting his training. There are three on our circuit who all decided at same time to undergo the two years plus of study and practical training . No money, lots of commitment every Sunday. I am called his "mentor" but he teaches me far more than I could ever teach him :-)

Strange that Errol asked about a lap top this morning when he was teasing me, because that is what he used. Also a couple of lovely modern hymns or songs that roused us. But I was really delighted by his "application" of Acts Chapter 1 verse 5 "ye shall be baptised by the Holy Spirit not many days hence". It was from the heart and a real challenge.


Cynthia Report 14 Apr 2013 22:11

Didn't see BGT Ann but the choir sounds wonderful. I must admit that I find gospel choirs very uplifting and the music is so contagious...... :-D

My daughter watched the programme and was captivated by something to do with silhouettes?

Our vicar called round this evening - he's a good visitor and often pops in - sort of keeps an eye on my OH.

We are holding a Wedding Fayre later in the year so we had a natter about that. Apart from all the usual type of things you see at these events, I am hoping to put up a display on the history of marriage and, in particular, marriages at our church.

People are already bringing me photos and albums of past weddings which I am scanning and returning.

I had the idea of finding out who were the first couple married in our church and seeing if they had any descendents still in the area. Fortunately, I have a copy of the parish registers from the beginning and the first marriage took place in 1866. Un - fortunately, the couple were both older and widowed.. Never mind, will look at the 2nd and 3rd...... :-D

Anyway, it's been a very long day but would like to say how nice it has been to hear from those who have popped in today. :-)


AnninGlos Report 14 Apr 2013 22:17

Cynthia's those silhouette dancers were fantastic, beautiful I have never seen anything like it, even all four judges were mesmerised. Can't explain it but the dancers made themselves into things like an arch which framed the two main dancers, you would never have known the stones were people, so clever.


Cynthia Report 15 Apr 2013 08:35

Thanks Ann.....they sound wonderful and very, very, clever.

I received an email from a friend this morning which I felt I must share with you. I think it is brilliant :-D :-D


PASTOR: "Praise the Lord!"

CONGREGATION: "Hallelujah!"

PASTOR: "Can we please turn on our tablet, PC, iPad, smart phone, and Kindle Bibles to 1 Cor 13:13.

And please switch on your Bluetooth to download the sermon."


"Now, Let us pray committing this week into God's hands. Open your Apps, BBM, Twitter and Facebook, and chat with God"


"As we take our Sunday tithes and offerings, please have your credit and debit cards ready.

You can log on to the church wi-fi using the password 'Lord909887'.

The ushers will circulate mobile card swipe machines among the worshippers:

Those who prefer to make electronic fund transfers are directed to computers and laptops at the rear of the church.

Those who prefer to use iPads can open them. Those who prefer telephone banking, take out your cellphones to transfer your contributions to the church account."

The holy atmosphere of the Church becomes truly electrified as ALL the smart phones, iPads, PCs and laptops beep and flicker!

Final Blessing and Closing Announcements...

"This week's ministry cell meetings will be held on the various Facebook group pages where the usual group chatting takes place. Please log in and don't miss out.

Thursday's Bible study will be held live on Skype at 1900hrs GMT. Please don't miss out.

You can follow your Pastor on Twitter this weekend for counselling and prayers.

God bless you and have a nice day".

:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D


'Emma' Report 15 Apr 2013 12:39

:-D :-D :-D, Cynthia love it.

Emma :-)


AnninGlos Report 15 Apr 2013 16:27

:-D :-D Nightmare Cynthia.

Re the shadow dancers, I think they are Hungarian. Not sure how that confirms that Britains got talent though.


JustJohn Report 15 Apr 2013 21:34

Shocking scenes at the end of the Boston Marathon. Many casualties from two bomb explosions.

Our hearts go out to the casualties and all their families and friends. All our fervent prayers will be needed.


Cynthia Report 15 Apr 2013 22:29

Yes indeed John......I've only just caught it on the news.

Like everyone else, I am dismayed at what has happened and simply do not understand .............apart from the fact that I know there is so much sin in the world.

Just thought I would post the prayer which will be said by thousands, if not millions of people during the next few may help us to focus our thoughts a little....

THE LORD'S PRAYER - in the traditional version

Our Father, which art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy Name.
Thy Kingdom come.
Thy will be done in earth,
As it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
As we forgive them that trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
The power, and the glory,
For ever and ever.


Cynthia Report 17 Apr 2013 07:59

Today I'm praying......

...for the ceremonies taking place in London today...

.. that there will be no violent incidents...

...that respect for both the deceased and the mourners will be shown...

...that everyone returns safely to their homes...

...that, despite all differences, we endeavour to love one another.


JustJohn Report 17 Apr 2013 08:39

Had a quick look at the music chosen for today, and it looks as if Baroness Thatcher chose some wonderful hymns to go out on.

There should be plenty of emotion when the congregation sing "Love divine, all loves excelling" and " I vow to thee my country". The service will stay with her family and friends - particularly her two young grandchildren - for ever.

I echo the prayers of Cynthia. I am confident it will not be a day with too many protests. And I pray the day will be dominated by "Our Joy of Heaven to Earth Come Down".

Because, if our Love Divine had not come into this cruel world and defeated pain and death, there would be no chance whatsoever of Lady T ascending to heaven. Or any of us either.

"Changed from glory into glory,
Till in heaven we take our place
Till we cast our crowns before thee
Lost in wonder, love and praise" :-)


AnninGlos Report 17 Apr 2013 09:11

Can I echo what Cynthia has said please as she says it so much more eloquently than me. :-)