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YG Report 20 Jan 2010 22:56

Is it the CPs or the Hartnell's that are driving you to borrowing a gun!! Or is it for target practice with red & white shirts lol!!

With that comment I am running off to hide!!


RockyMountainShy Report 20 Jan 2010 23:01

A bit of both.

It's all my Grandfathers fault if he hadn't married a Hartnell everything would be peachy keen.

All the CPs have escaped except now they are hiding in the basement afraid to move.

Sure go hide in your bedroom! I will find you. Your attack dogs will not help.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 20 Jan 2010 23:48

Lol @ RMS!

Did pop my head round the door earlier , then had to retreat to sort out the chicken soup - yes, truely! It did work out rather well, with Beta Male asking for seconds. solved the colour issue by adding onion skins while boiling the carcass, took Maz's suggestion of rinsing out a curry sauce jar (the rest of the meat was chicken curry yesterday), and adding flour to the veggies today. Worked a treat when liquidised!

Fingers crossed for FB. OH was looking at a job ad in Crewe which he might apply for, but he doesn't 'do'RF design. No, I don't know what it means either!!!!

OK next do you get Yorkshire puds to rise? For the last 30 years, mine have been flat, despite advice from mother in law.


AuntySherlock Report 21 Jan 2010 00:03

Yorkshire puddings. Please tell me you are using self raising flour?? You are not using plain flour are you. Am I correct, self raising flour and there's something else about the dripping in the pan.

And this advice comes from a person who has made yorkshire pudding once in her entire life, but can make steamed dumplings to die for!!

Hi There RMS, I'm about to pay a visit to your thread. It had better be "ship shape and Somerset fashion" to put a new slant on an old pommy phrase.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 21 Jan 2010 00:05

No. Plain flour. SR flour makes them flat and stodgy......just like mine are any way!

Off tto bed now - early start at school.



Mazfromnorf Report 21 Jan 2010 06:52

yorkie puds
hot fat not oil lard or dripping till it smokes , 1 egg to 50g of plain flour ,seasoning ,about 250 mls of water and milk mix well leave to stand should be about beaten egg consistency ,
Hot oven do not dsiturb ,my trick is an extra egg .
YG is the expert i suspect though
my soup is whatever is in the house ,within reason ,
has anyone ever tried claffouti which is a sweet toad in the hole delicious
morning all
sons car passed the MOT but still heating up so now needs a thermostat lol


AuntySherlock Report 21 Jan 2010 07:53

Hmm Yorkshire Pudding. Plain flour, you are correct, should have consulted THE cookery book to start with.

OK quoting from the CWA Cookery Book and Household Hints. CWA. Country Women's Association. Which as any Australian will tell you is the book for country culinary consultations.
This book published around 1936. My copy is the thirtieth edition 1975. So it's fairly new!!

Yorkshire Pudding.

200 gr (½ lb) flour
2 eggs
500 ml (1pint) milk
pinch salt.

Sift the flour and add salt. Make a hole in the middle of flour, break in the eggs, and stir into them very gradually as much flour as they will take up. When they begin to get stiff add the milk, a little at a time, and mix well. When half the milk is used, all the flour should be stirred in, and the batter should be well beaten till bubbles rise. Add the remainder of the milk and allow to stand for at least half an hour before cooking. Pour round the roast beef half an hour before it is to be served.


AuntySherlock Report 21 Jan 2010 07:58

Does anyone know what happened to David's thread with the question about computer memory. I have an answer for him and now I can't find the thread.


AuntySherlock Report 21 Jan 2010 08:14

Hey RMS. Would you like to join me in the Nut Lodge padded cell for a session of mutual misery?????

I have just waited three weeks, because of Christmas etc, for a transcription of a NSW marriage. What do I receive Waaaaaaaahhhh!!!

Date of marriage
Place married
Groom's Name
Conjugal status
usual residence
Bride's Name
Conjugal Status
Usual residence

And that's it. Every other part of the certificate says "not listed" No birthplace, no age, no parents for either person, no occupation for father.

And no it is not the transcription agent's fault. They do an absolutely wonderful job with these and are far, far less expensive than the official BDM charges.

1890 is not like it is back in the olden days. I wonder how they managed to get away with not giving their informatiion.


LaGooner Report 21 Jan 2010 09:29

Morning all this thread is getting far too serious have to liven it up a bit. Can't you tell I have not been about much LOL.

Just going for a circuit on the Broomstick and zapping a few throne stealers ( on minimum power of course) now where have I put those damn keys MUTTER MUTTER. Haven't used them for so long hmm yes I remember they are safe in the custard vat. Right out with the fishing rod and see if I can't catch them


AuntySherlock Report 21 Jan 2010 09:38

Oh dear. I have just deleted one post. It was supposed to go on RMS 'orrible thread. How the heavens did it end up in Nut Lodge.

No your worshipfulness. This thread is not becoming too serious. Right now it is a shambles. however, there is a lovely mix of cooking, painting, researching, sport, weather and senior's moments all on the one thread.

Not to mentions threats of shooting, locking in padded cells and selling persons to the eskimos.


LaGooner Report 21 Jan 2010 09:51

I can thaink of a couple of folk I would like to sell to the Eskimos LOL.

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 21 Jan 2010 09:53

Can I come out of the corner now?

I didn't make Yorkshire pud last night but I'm making it tonight. I'll go straight back in the corner afterwards though.

I make mine the same way that Maz does and they always rise.


AuntySherlock Report 21 Jan 2010 10:16

My OH assures me I am not worth selling to anyone. So save your time. Now I need to go do some "homework", a distinct from "housework". I really don't feel terribly enthusiastic about it, but I don't think enthusiasm is a requirement for the task. If you're interested it is "check everything in this folder has been signed take it out of this folder and put it in that folder".

If RMS calls just let her know I went mad and took off in Dr Who's Tardis for places unknown.

Unfortunately I will probably return.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 21 Jan 2010 11:54

Is the padded cell vacant? After this mornings invigilation session, it's needed. Sob sob, boo hoo, the little s*d* don't know how to behave and seemed to think it was all a game. Poor me dot com.

On a seperate note - LG (or anyone else who fancies a trip darn sowf) do you fancy going to the WDYTYA show 26 Feb - 28 Feb @ Olympia? Tickets £24 inc booking fee for 2. Answers on a postcard please.


Mazfromnorf Report 21 Jan 2010 14:50

afternoon all i am late we had an inspection lol we have to do everything in slow motion ,we did ok though
nutlodge magazine could soon be on the cards then recipes ,sports page ,stories ,

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 21 Jan 2010 16:53

Right, the padded cell is ready for use now, I've just finished cleaning it..........form a queue.

I've polished the straps on that white jacket type thing, the one with no buttons.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 21 Jan 2010 16:57

Barges Aunty out the first!


YG Report 21 Jan 2010 17:08

Pour round the roast beef!!! What is this world coming to!!! You don't pour it round the roast beef!!! Heavens to Betsy, my poor Mum will be turning in her grave!!

Where is that white jacket Pauline. Aunty needs it!! And I now need to lay down to recover from the thought of ruining a beautiful Yorkshire Pudding!!!

Mutter, mutter, pour round the roast beef! Ooooh my poor head is hurting again!

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 21 Jan 2010 17:12

They're a strange lot those people down under aren't they?

Wonder if anybody actually believed that was the way to do it.

Please stop fighting over the jacket - we've only got one, it's first come, first served.