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AuntySherlock Report 16 Jan 2010 23:34

Who do I prefer as eye candy. Let me see going back over several decades of potential leer candidates.
My brain is not as nimble as it used to be and I am discounting the fly by night pretty boys.

Robert Lansing - Twelve O'clock high
Michael Praed - BBC Robin Hood Series
Tommy Lee Jones - took me a long time to appreciate him

and I suppose I'd better add Elvis, Gerard Butler, Orlando Bloom, George Clooney, Antonio Banderas and Val Kilmer.

Fickle fan aren't I!!


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 16 Jan 2010 23:57

RMS is getting tangled up with a thread about Hartnells in Somerset - she took your advice Aunty!

George Cluney fancies himself too much, but I'd go along with Tommy Lee Jones. Had to ask Beta Male about Orlando Bloom. He's young enough to be a child, so off the list.

(BM thinks this is hilarious!!!)


RockyMountainShy Report 17 Jan 2010 00:03

Well, of course I took he advice! But it does help if you know who you're looking for! The Hartnells of Somerset are very hhhhm how can I put this ..........................

George Clooney was good when he first started on the show ER


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 17 Jan 2010 00:16

Some relatives just don't want to be found - lol!

Have you looked at Freereg? They are transcribed PR. Lots of Hartnells in Somerset, but they need to be sifted as it were.

George Cluney was good in ER, but..... :-(

edit off to bed now at 0024. Too tired even to dream. Talk to you later.


AuntySherlock Report 17 Jan 2010 00:27

About relatives not wanting to be found. You can say that again. Try this one. Marriage certificate for grandfather. Name of father Ernest William Hill, full maiden name of mother, " (orphaned early name not known)"

Now really. I thought a child had to lose both parents to be an orphan. When grandfather was married if he knew the name of his father, why did he not know his mother's name. Surely at sometime in his life his father would have said her name. Then again it does not say when his father died and if that was early in his life as well the father's name may well have been supposition. Grrrrrrrrr!!! Oh and let's get the birth certificate. Excuse me GRO I'd like a birth certificate for Frederick William Hill born sometime between 1887 and 1889 because the date on his CCD Merchant Navy form doesn't match his dob on his marriage certificate. His father may have been Ernest William Hill and I don't know his mother's name and oh yes he was born in London.

Oh look there's lumps on my head from bashing it against the wall.


Mazfromnorf Report 17 Jan 2010 07:45

morning Aunty got your pm thanks
my rellies all go into Hiding but a few are showing their colours as I wait patiently
its cold here ice rink style


LaGooner Report 17 Jan 2010 09:13

Morning all, sun is out here so we are off out to make the most of it. Got to be back by mid afternoon to watch the match LOL. Have a good day one and all,catch you later. x


YG Report 17 Jan 2010 09:47

Morning everyone. Blue sky, sunshine and moderate temperature! Must get the washing out quick before it changes it's mind!

A reasonably lazy day ahead and favourite programmes tonight. What more could a girl ask for!!

Three cheers for Bolton Wanderers!!

White with a splash of navy and orange. Lovely colours!!

Runs off to hide >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 17 Jan 2010 10:18

Morning - hope you enjoy your day out LG, although its a bit too wet and chilly to sit on the grass with a picnic - lol

Don't know when OH will surface as I kept him awake with a series of coughing fits, and as I hogged the PC yesterday, I expect he will want it today. Hey Ho.


AuntySherlock Report 17 Jan 2010 10:31

Well that was a very productive day.

I've killed RMS's Hartnell thread. Well I was just trying to help.

I've found Maz some info and not found her some info.

I've learned how to make the GR search thingy work, thanks DET.

I've given another researcher a headache.

Nope I've given two other researchers headaches.

I have sent for another death certificate.

I am still in my PJs and dressing gown.

Well it was my rest day today. I can do whatever I like and I did. All day. Now I have to go wash the tea dishes and tidy up out there.

Are you OK DET. Is it the ciggies or just an allergy to research that has you coughing.

It's OK YG, Her Maj is in Arsenal mode and nothing that's not red and white will penetrate into the subconscious for a while.

What's Bolton Wanderers, are they some sort of orienteering group trying to find their way across the UK moors.

Sorry it's Bolton not Bristol. My rellies come from Bristol!!


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 17 Jan 2010 11:07

*Still* in your PJ's?? Not worth getting dressed now, is it - lol! But if it stops you from rushing around, then all for the good.

OH calls it my Winter Cough. I get a cold in the autumn and can't shake off a cough until it gets warm and drier. Smoking doesn't help. It doesn't bother me during the day, but laying down aggravates it. We both should cut down/give up, but as your OH and someone else here knows, its not as easy as non smokers may think.

I did an impression of a Gas suppliers advert last night, one where someone clicks their fingers and a flame appears on their thumb. Some lighter fluid got on my thumb and lit when I checked that the lighter worked after refilling it! It didn't hurt but did look funny.


AuntySherlock Report 17 Jan 2010 11:18

Just as well YG has the firemen back under her control. Nothing more worrisome than someone who sets fire to her thumb!!

Anyone want a sabre-tooth tiger. I can categorically state he has the cleanest teeth in all of doggydom.

Found him lying on the lounge room carpet clutching a plastic tube of doggy crisp chews between his paws. The beef hide ones that clean doggy teeth.

Sprung him before he had time to hide the evidence. Well it was an almost full pack which is now almost empty. And it was in the pantry, and yes I might just have left the door open just a teeny little bit. Either that or he's worked out how to open it himself. No not even Spot is that clever. Oh well clean teeth are good. I will laugh at him if he has a sore tummy in the morning.

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 17 Jan 2010 14:12

DET, you could be on the telly with a trick like that, I'm sure the gas company would hire you.

Spot could be in an advert for clean healthy teeth.


Mazfromnorf Report 17 Jan 2010 14:36

Hi folks its almost spring like here ,Aunty is getting a headache from my rellie may be


Mazfromnorf Report 17 Jan 2010 17:19

ooo its my throne all are awol pets and people are not here ,mm its warm too


YG Report 17 Jan 2010 18:02

Budge up Maz!! I need to sit down and eat my dinner. I'll try hard not to spill any gravy on the upholstery, but I'm sure some of the CPs would be happy to 'lick' up!!


Mazfromnorf Report 17 Jan 2010 19:09

ok ok there is room for two hmm smells nice


YG Report 17 Jan 2010 19:20

Lamb Pie with mustard and cheese thatch!!


Mazfromnorf Report 17 Jan 2010 19:41

lovely well its much warmer today here thank goodness there is still ice on the pavements though


AuntySherlock Report 17 Jan 2010 19:43

Look like we all had an early night/busy day. I'm off to work this morning. First task will be to find my desk. It has probably collapsed under the weight of papers I left on it on Friday. Might take a box of matches with me. Or a lighter!! Catch you all later.