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LaGooner Report 3 Oct 2010 23:14

Oh what a Hoot...... PMSL. Hi DET. Just looking in quick to see what has been going on.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 3 Oct 2010 23:21

Twit, Twoooooo.........

Evening. Does one assume there was a football match on? What a silly question, of course there was lol

So what do you think about meeting in Town all on our lonesome, or are you all of a dither about terrorist outrages? Old hands like us circa IRA and Animal liberation firebombs in the 70's should be able to cope, shouldn't we?


LaGooner Report 3 Oct 2010 23:23

Meet sounds good to me. No terrorist threats don't worry me. This comes from one who was in the thick of the Mods and Rocker battles on Brighton Beach. LOL. My goodness that shows my age !!!


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 3 Oct 2010 23:27

Lol - thought you were younger than me, and I can't remember them except on the tele....or perhaps I led a sheltered life. Certainly wouldn't have considered going, even if I was 'allowed'...


LaGooner Report 3 Oct 2010 23:31

Oh I wasn't allowed but what parents didn't know didn't hurt them was the attitude I had then. I was about 16 if I remember right and one of the Rocker crowd kitted out in leather and chains. Oh what a little rebel I was LOL. Thinking about it I'm still a bit of a rebel now in some ways but a little more safety conscious


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 3 Oct 2010 23:36

As an only child of older parents, I was never one to break out of the mould (needing lifts to stations etc might have had something to do with it - lol) But me a queue at the Ladies portable loos at out side events, and I'll show you the way to the Gents pdq. :o)


LaGooner Report 3 Oct 2010 23:42

I was more or less an only child as my sister is 15 years older than me. My parents had me in their later years Mum was 37 and Dad 39.Dad always showed a lot of trust in me not to get into bother and in actual fact I never did though I did take a few risks LOL. I was never ever in trouble with the police as I would have really copped it then as my Uncle Tom was in charge of our local police station !! I never got mixed in with the sixties drugs scene either as I was and still am totally against it.


LaGooner Report 3 Oct 2010 23:49

Oh well enough of those memories I outgrew most of them LOL. Except the love of high speed motorbikes oh how I wish I had the guts to get on and do a ton like I used to do !! LOL. Didn't get caught by the police I was too fast for them.

Anyway must away to bed now but hope to catch you tomorrow. Nite nite, sleep well.

PS. We will have to decide where we will meet.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 3 Oct 2010 23:50

Your sister must have broken your parents in for you then. They say that the eldest has it hardest, and parents have mellowed with no 2, 3, 4 etc! Mind you, Uncle Tom must have been a great deterent if you even considered something they might not have approved of.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 3 Oct 2010 23:51

Ok. Night night - sleep well

twit, twoooooo


LaGooner Report 3 Oct 2010 23:52

My sister was and is a goody two shoes. Never did anything wrong that is probably one of the reasons I rebelled as mother always harped on how marvelous she was. I had much the same when I went to school as the headteacher thought the sun shone out of her ***. LOL

LOL I'm a twit too.... Nite,nite x


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 3 Oct 2010 23:55

Well, it takes all sorts and you've probably had a more interesting life than she has! That's the trouble with us conventional ones...Boring!....But that's life and every one is their own person, shaped by their experiences.


Mazfromnorf Report 4 Oct 2010 06:57

Morning all well so far its dry so will hang the few bits of washing out before work its to stay dry for a while

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 4 Oct 2010 10:53

LOL at LG being a bad girl in leather and chains - riding a motorbike.

I was a mod!! I was never involved in any fights though........I was a good girl.

Hartlepool is an easy one Maz, the poolies hung the monkey because they though it was a French spy. Poor little thing was a ship's pet but when the ship sank (near the Hartlepool coast) it was the only surviver. It was dressed the same way as the men (apparently) so the poolies thought it was a Frenchman. I don't think the poolies get embarrassed about it any more though.

The word Mackem, was a derogatory term given to Sunderland shipbuilders by Newcastle shipbuilders. The Sunderland shipyard men would make the ships ('make them' pronounced as 'mak em' by Sunderland men). The Sunderland men would say "We mak-em and they tak-em". The Geordies scoffed the men for the way they spoke and started calling all Sunderland shipbuilders 'mak-ems'. Instead of being insulted, the Sunderland people took the name and used it themselves. Then the football supporters used it .............and everybody knows the rest.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 4 Oct 2010 11:07

Thank you for taking the time out from prepartions for the 3 legged race, Pauline. Did you have a good view of HRH yesterday?
You ought to write a pamphlet about these nicknames - it's really interesting.

We have a more boring Kentish Man (or Maid) born West of the River Medway, or Man of Kent born to the East. And of course Chavs who were supposed to have originated in Chatham!

*Unfortunately, it appears that the Men of Kent resisted William the Conqueror more stoutly than the Kentish Men, who weakly surrendered. Afterwards, according to Alan Major in A New Discovery of Kent Dialect, the bravery of the Men of Kent made them proud while Kentish Men were believed to be weak-minded, and so a keen rivalry developed.*

As I wasn't born in rural Kent, I don't think I qualify for either - lol

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 4 Oct 2010 11:17

LOL DET, I did see HRH yesterday, tried to have a chat with him but he couldn't understand my accent.

Does the Kent accent sound different on either side of the river? In Sunderland, the accent is slightly different on the north side of the Wear to the south side.

Edit: When the police were looking for the man who sent the tapes about the ripper murders, they said they'd pinpointed the accent to a small area on the north side of the river. When they finally caught the man, he lived on the south side of the river and had done all of his life. Don't think he'd even been on the north side............shows how good the experts are.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 4 Oct 2010 11:31

Not sure about the accent. lol
Mind you, those in the Medway Towns (Chatham, Gillingham, Rochester) have an EastEnd type of accent. I've been told that a large number of people from London were resettled in that area after they were bombed out in WW2, which may account for it.


Mazfromnorf Report 4 Oct 2010 16:51

hi folks well its been lovely today I have whizzed over the garden with a high setting on the mower its not too bad lol
Have been busy tidying up


LaGooner Report 4 Oct 2010 20:03

Evening all, You are lucky it was lovely for you today Maz. It has been awful here.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 4 Oct 2010 23:05


Been busy in the garden as well.......planting up indoor hyacinths, and scrubbing up the plant pots the diseased tomatoes were in. Great fun - not.