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Mazfromnorf Report 3 Oct 2010 08:31

morning all dont come north Gizmo hunts the crawly things and brings them in legs all wriggling its pouring here
Froggy should be in the new pad by tonight we have been together a year now ,I will treat him at mums , we are going to my cousins about three times so wont be in hastings much and i have some decorating for mum to do


LaGooner Report 3 Oct 2010 10:00

Morning all, 'orrible here, cold and damp which is not good for the joints !!!. Still in my case what is ? LOL

My word Maz a whole year... Fascinators soon methinks girls LOL


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 3 Oct 2010 10:00

Congratulations to Maz and Frog. Hope that you both have a long happy relationship.

My best friend's father started a relationship after his wife died when he was about 65. At 85 they are still companions but have never lived together and my friend hasn't enquired if it was ever physical. But everyone is happy, which is the main thing.

So do you think the London Meet is on or not? You sound as if you may be too busy to fit us in!


LaGooner Report 3 Oct 2010 10:01

Snap DET. How's that for brilliant timing LOL


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 3 Oct 2010 10:11

Absolutely! Morning LG.

OH is expecting a call from an Employment Agent shortly, something about an position which needs to be filled urgently. Don't think he is all that keen, having experienced 2 years of 'early retirement', but he may go for it just to keep me quiet for another few months - lol


LaGooner Report 3 Oct 2010 10:17

LOL DET. You could have some ME time then. I am wondering if LOndon meet will still be on too. Sounds like Maz is going to be otherwise occupied.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 3 Oct 2010 10:21

Well, if it doesn't happen, we'll have to do our 'own thing'!

Luckily, OH and I do have a lot of individual 'me' time, so it hasn't been too bad. And he's quite well house trained
lol We've been practising for the real thing, even to the extent of thinking about joining the local active retirement association!


LaGooner Report 3 Oct 2010 10:26

OH and I are like that DET, he with his stockcar racing and me with the Guiding it gives us both our own space and helps keep the peace LOL.

We could still meet up for a day out DET to get us out of the 4 walls !


LaGooner Report 3 Oct 2010 10:35

Right I must away and get the laundry started. I will hopefully catch you later. Have a good day all x


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 3 Oct 2010 10:37


Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 3 Oct 2010 11:44

Hi everybody, it's raining heavy (back home), never stopped all morning.

DET, there are a few tales as to why the folk of Newcastle are called Geordies (Geordie being a northern word for George). The main one is because of their allegiance to King George, they shut their gates during the Jacobite rebellion in the 18th century. Another theory is because the Newcastle miners used the safety lamp designed by George Stephenson (Geordie lamp), while other miners used the one designed by Humphry Davy (Davy lamp). Another theory is because the eldest son in most families (including my dad's) was called George (like the Irish get called Paddy and the Scottish get called Jock). None of the theories have been proven because nobody knows how long Newcastle people have been called Geordies.

I know why the Sunderland folk are called Mackems as well...........I'm full of useless information.


Mazfromnorf Report 3 Oct 2010 12:57

I think i may have to miss the london meet but that does not stop you meeting again we could do another day perhaps another time february half term i usually am bored but the weather is usually a challenge then lol


LaGooner Report 3 Oct 2010 17:26

LOL Pauline what a little swot you are !!!


Mazfromnorf Report 3 Oct 2010 18:03

lol here is one for you Pauline where does the monkey thing come from for Hartlepoole the phrase is Who hung the monkey ?


YG Report 3 Oct 2010 19:06

I know, but then I've been cheating lol!!


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 3 Oct 2010 19:08

Go on then Pauline. Why Mackems?

If we had enough notice, perhaps we could meet half way Maz, unless you were thinking of visiting your Mum again?


YG Report 3 Oct 2010 22:30

Where is LG? Oooh dear! Not a good result!

I'll just settle myself down as I have got the title >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

I'm the Killer Queen


LaGooner Report 3 Oct 2010 23:10

I am about just busy LOL. The result could have been better but hey ho we were beaten fair and square.


LaGooner Report 3 Oct 2010 23:10

Afterthought. no you are not YG that is me !!! LOL


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 3 Oct 2010 23:13

Shove up, you two - The night owl is here!!