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AuntySherlock Report 5 Dec 2009 09:15

Hi All. Let me see.

Can not find your biscuits over here. Spent quite a while traipsing up and down the biccy aisle peering carefully at all on offer. Nope nothing fits the description.

GR has not replied and I really don't expect them to much before Tuesday. It is a really important investigation and they need to take great care with the detail and .........and why are you all laughing, stop it!! Stamps foot.

Oh I thought that was a Nutter on the flag. Sort of a caricature of all of us. Not Spot he's fiercer than that, even on three legs.

I have put my Christmas Pudding on Crispen's Christmas Pudding thread. They were bemoaning the fact they couldn't find a good pudding so I decided to share. Well my pudding is the best so what else was I to do!!!!!

DET. I have the temporary thread. No don't ask. It is another long story which required an out of hours trip to work, again.

I will put it back up on General Topics for a day or two. That way we can have another party when we whoosh it again. What a brilliant idea.

Whoops nearly forgot, botty stamping. What do we have on the stamp. "Nut Lodge Approved" or " Resident of Nut Lodge" etc etc.


LaGooner Report 5 Dec 2009 09:29

How about Nutty as a fruitcake for stamp LOL. I am and proud of it.

Morning all


Mazfromnorf Report 5 Dec 2009 09:38

lol the stamp says sucker lol
morning all am getting my act together slowly washing, animals, put all my cards and lists on dining table to begin today
frog is over later he is helping me sort out cables scart leads etc because gizmo keeps pulling them out ,he has broke my old tv stand and have a new one to make too so that is todays work


AuntySherlock Report 5 Dec 2009 09:43

OK Temporary Thread is restored to General Topics. Should cause a bit of a stir.

Let me know when you have had a read and I will whoosh it again. Yes with my mouth crammed full of virtual chocolates and washed down with virtual champagne.

Botty stamping wording could be flexible. Not sure if I want sucker stamped on my bot. Something more refined like "HRH resident of Nut Lodge, sweetest place in all virtuality" suits me better. But if it says sucker, then sucker it is!!


Jeniwren Report 5 Dec 2009 09:48

Morning all, some of you seem to have been up very early, makes me feel rather lazy. Hope you all have a great weekend, I'm off to Wetherby to the races.
Jean xx

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 5 Dec 2009 10:02

Hope it doesn't rain Jean, have a good day and don't lose all you money.

I've read it now Aunty, I've caught up now thank you.

Not too keen on the word sucker being on the stamp, someone might think it's instructions!

Aunty I thought the colours for the flag had already been picked, I'll let someone else paint them on.

If Maz is still with the same frog next month I'd better get started on a wedding cake.


AuntySherlock Report 5 Dec 2009 10:19

Colours for the flag. Don't think it has been discussed. Shoooosh LG. Don't need anything green or red or white. That takes care of Christmas and Arsenal. We could do a rainbow. That way we'd all have the colour we liked best.


YG Report 5 Dec 2009 10:28

Good idea Aunty! I like rainbows.

Pauline, get that wedding cake started. LG and I are busy designing our outfits and planning our overnight accommodation (preferably somewhere near a fire station lol!!)

LG it's time you shook off those germs, but please do not send them up norf!!

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 5 Dec 2009 11:08

..........|| .Arsenal ..||
..........||..═(☼)══ ||
...........\\ .ʎ...........//

Does that look anything like a cannon in the middle LG?

Couldn't get the shape of the badge right.

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 5 Dec 2009 11:11

YG, I hope Maz isn't in a hurry for the cake.


Angie2017 Report 5 Dec 2009 11:50

*Peeks round the door*.............

Ohh, Luv what you've done with the place, so more upmarket than the last one - somebodies been to Ikea, I see, very tasteful!

Angie xx

(hope your all well, sorry i haven't popped round for a while, will try to make more time for you all)

Yeah I heard you groaning, NO point in hiding, you know I'll find you!!!! lol


Mazfromnorf Report 5 Dec 2009 13:40

lol Pauline you can make a cake i love fruit cake lol
Sucker could be change nut lodge inmate lol


GRMarilyn Report 5 Dec 2009 15:50

EXCUSE ME.......!!

I think I have some of my bestest friends have joined up here !

I'm just being rather nosey ,as I have been looking for them all day.......

I've already got a stamp on my botty ,been sat on a wicker chair on the balcony ...does that count ?...LOL

Might do a Omlette cant deal with Pink Custard or Rissotto's...
I'm on a DIET !!

Hi to everyone else ..........


AuntySherlock Report 5 Dec 2009 20:10

Greetings to all the newcomers from wherever you commeth. You need to think quickly, keep your tongue firmly in cheek and make certain you curtsey with great reverence whenever Her KQ Maj is in the vicinity. Then you can tip her off her broomstick and escape.

I am hoping the Nut Lodge accommodaton team are able to cope with the influx of visitors.

How many boakins can we spare from the cyber pets compound to help with the dishes. Actually boakins are very bad at dishes. One has to hold the plate in its mouth while the other wipes it dry.

I glad we made Nut Lodge virtual. That way we can add rooms on as we require them.

Message for her esteemed Thread Killer Majesty on broomstick singing Killer Queen and brandishing laser gun. Does you Majesty believe that a rainbow coloured flag with a Nutter in the centre and a small shield containing a poxy looking canon, WITHOUT the word Arsenal, or they will think we are trying to take over the team, would suffice to be flown outside of Nut Lodge.

Oh boy I am h aving trouble with those ads bouncing all over the place again this morning. Cursor speed is zilch and I like typing fast.

Grab your champers and choccies and we will hie over to the temporary thread and zap it again. Then we might complain to GR that our temporary thread which was amazingly restored has been whoosed again and do they know what happened to it, because we are giggle, giggle perplexed to say the least!!!


LaGooner Report 5 Dec 2009 20:14

Pauline the shield is brilliant !!!!!!!!!!

We are the champions LOl WE WON YAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! up into third place

NA NA NA NANA Chelsea, you lost. Whoops no offence Rita.

will now add new guests to the thread, welcome one and all please make yourselves comfy here. But not on my throne please.


LaGooner Report 5 Dec 2009 20:19

Not Rainbows on the flag I see enough of them on Tuesdays LOL


AuntySherlock Report 5 Dec 2009 20:19

DET. Would you have any idea who has been catapulting mushroom rissotto and omelettes into the Nut Lodge kitchen.

Ummmm could we ask them to open the windows before they let fly. Neckie and Sweetpea have been trying to clean the windows and they are all covered in gunk again. I heard sweetpea say something about fixing their little wagons, so I'm a bit concerned.


LaGooner Report 5 Dec 2009 20:22

Wasn't me Aunty my elastic in the catapult is far too stretched. I'll clean it off though a good blast with the laser should do the trick.


AuntySherlock Report 5 Dec 2009 20:22

So we don't want rainbows. Didn't think about it from that perspective, but makes sence. Could we have a black and white jolly roger skull and crossbones pirate flag with a nutter in the middle.

Come on you lot, think, flag, colours, .............

Or we could have Spice Girls or Hannah Montana, or even a Barbie flag.

Ah ha that should make them think!!!

Runs away because OH says pig, pig. pig, breakfast is ready!!


LaGooner Report 5 Dec 2009 20:34

How about Tigger on a red and white background with a nutter bouncing along behind