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YG Report 4 Dec 2009 18:17


We have a flag!!

That was pretty quick Pauline!!!

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 4 Dec 2009 18:31

Pretty quick!!

I've been on for ages doing


YG Report 4 Dec 2009 19:17

Hi Rita!!

DET, they were absolutely scrumptious!!! Was one short, cos the cat caught it!! Can you send me another please!!


YG Report 4 Dec 2009 19:31

Thank you so much!!


AuntySherlock Report 4 Dec 2009 19:51

Well then. I see the new thread is buzzing. For those who wish I will send a copy of the temporary deleted thread. Perhaps it might be easier if I just restore it onto the board for a few hours. That will need to be later. I have to retrieve it from where it is.

What a lovely flag Pauline. I knew you would be the one to figure out that little problem. Now you need to describe it for us. It needs to have a story and colours (psst, don't forget there needs to be a little red and white somewhere, wink!, wink!).

Where was I?? Still half asleep. Nope no further reply from GR. I think we need a good vibrations cone of protection over our thread. That will stop any malicious dabbler from having access.

To bring us back to the mundane. This is the educational component of the new thread. Where we talk about family history.

I have just received a birth certificate which proves that the child was not the daughter of one woman, but the daughter of that woman's daughter. I was suspicious of the date of birth relative to the other siblings. There is no father named on the certificate and the mother of the child did not marry (and this is the connection to my tree) for another 13 years. I have found a marriage for that child and the birth of her daughter.

The problem in all this is that on the 1891 census it places the original child as the daughter of her grandmother, so anyone who is researching this family and has used that census information as correct has their tree incorrect.

Which emphasises the need to follow the more than one source (from different places) recommendatiion.


AuntySherlock Report 4 Dec 2009 19:55

And what are these biscuits about which you speak so highly. Being off biscuits and other associated junk foods I will just have to mentally taste them and dribble and drool accordingly.


AuntySherlock Report 4 Dec 2009 20:12

I understand Florentine biscuits because I have a very old recipe in my book of gathered recipes. And I have baked the normal single Florentines before. Perhaps they are in the line of biscuits that make tim tams. I'll have a look while shopping this morning. They sound delicious.

Only in the cause of market research and investigation you understand!!


AuntySherlock Report 4 Dec 2009 20:31

Question for LG. Have you see the World Cup 2010 draw. It has been posted on Chat.

Understanding my complete disinterest in anything called soccer.... What is your opinion of Australia's grouping. Now you need to speak in a language I can understand with very small words!!!


AuntySherlock Report 4 Dec 2009 20:37

And greetings Jeni Wren and Rita, who I think visits from the Friendly Thread.

Have you had your bottoms stamped. I will see if Maz can arrange for one of the cyber pets to stamp all the new bottoms around the place.

By the way query for the BS committee. What will we have on the bottom stamp this time and do we all need to be re-stamped. Of course that means another party, doesn't it she said hopefully!!


YG Report 4 Dec 2009 20:46

Ooooh yes, more botty stamping. Can a fireman do it for me please Aunty!! I would so look forward to it if you approve!!


YG Report 4 Dec 2009 20:50

If Australia beat Germany and England get through they will be playing each other. I think!!!

Oooh I can see another war of the worlds starting on here lol!!


Jeniwren Report 4 Dec 2009 21:33

Hello Aunty Sherlock and everyone, [ no I haven't had my bottom
stamped,] has anyone found out where the other thread went and why?
Are you all ready for Christmas yet.
I like the flag, how do you do that.
Jean xx


YG Report 4 Dec 2009 21:41

Hello JeniWren. Everyone has gone awol tonight.

You must get in the queue to get your botty stamped. It really is quite painless .................................... well, almost !!

You will need to ask Pauline about the flag as she is the artist amongst us.

Aunty and LG are still waiting for a reply from GR about the whooshed thread. Don't hold your breath! It's disappeared into cyber space.


Mazfromnorf Report 4 Dec 2009 21:54

line up bottoms at the ready stamp ,stamp ,stamp , nellie has offered her foot is rather large lol


YG Report 4 Dec 2009 22:29

Must leave you now little thread, but I suspect you will grow bigger and stronger and be undefeatable.

Nite nite to all Nut Lodgers!!


LaGooner Report 5 Dec 2009 04:01

Morning all, I keep coughing so much I can't sleep so I sit here updating visitors book and seeing what you lot have been up to while I am in my sickbed snoozing LOL.
Greetings Pauline,Crystal Tips,Rita and of course the rest of you rabble LOL.

Lovely flag Pauline but I can't see and sign of my requested shield.
Thanks to Nellie for doing stamping duties LOL.
Emily sounds to be getting on well Crystal Tips. My Emily is now almost 3 weeks old,doesn'a time fly.


CrystalTips Report 5 Dec 2009 06:39

good morning LG, I can sympathise with you on the disturbed night's sleep due to coughing. I had just got back to sleep when Emily woke up (she is here overnight as her mum and dad are both ill too) She was fed and changed, went back to sleep, and I've done exactly the same as when my two were babies - stayed up and started pottering about doing things. Can't make too much noise though 'cause other daughter who tends to be nocturnal fell asleep on the settee about 6 o' clock.

Time has flown by, it certainly doesn't seem like three weeks since your Emily was born!


LaGooner Report 5 Dec 2009 07:33

I have not had our E overnight yet but often had A They are both great little girls A goes off to bed at 7.30pm and gets up at 8.30 am and E only wakes up for 1 feed at about 2am and then nothing until about 7.30. Boy is my daughter lucky.
Lot of illness about at the moment,just ready for Xmas of course LOL. I am going to start pottering in a minute but need caffeinne fix first.


LaGooner Report 5 Dec 2009 08:12

LOL Rita, I don't believe it is bigger than mine. Good morning and welcome

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 5 Dec 2009 08:47

Morning all.

I think we need to have a hospital wing on the lodge for all these sick people. It's hard to type while holding a mask over my face in case I catch any germs.

LOL Rita, that flag doesn't look anything like you, it looks a bit like Spot (Aunty's cyber pet) though.

LG, I could have sworn I put a shield on it, must have fell off, or Spot ate it.

Jean, you need to put your number lock on and use the Alt key to get some of the symbols.

Alt key and 168 = ¿