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Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 19 Dec 2009 13:42

Yes DET, it looks like we have a lot more snow to come. I've just googled a 5 day forecast for my post code and it seems that Tuesday will be the only day it won't snow.

Think I need to buy some large bags of salt!


Mazfromnorf Report 19 Dec 2009 16:44

there is no salt left in the shops here cant get any at all we are on a skating rink here very bad the main roads are now clear ,but the side roads are horrendous cat litter is fullers earth mine is so it would mush but also make a mess too


YG Report 19 Dec 2009 17:15

You are forgiven the pun about the botty Aunty!! BUT only because it''s the season of goodwill!!!

Town again tomorrow morning to finish off a few bits and pieces and then joy, oh joy, hours spent wrapping and labelling!! Why do I always leave them all to do at once!

Uniform dating agency DET!!!! You're getting me all of a dither again!!!


Mazfromnorf Report 19 Dec 2009 18:11

we are in a blizzard here its virtually a wipe out ,we went to asda that is as far as i have got today lol


Mazfromnorf Report 19 Dec 2009 19:06

love to i will try to walk to church but may stay and get stuck in with jobs etc


RockyMountainShy Report 19 Dec 2009 19:26

If it was a real blizzard she wouldn't be going anywhere!

Chain are outlawed (cause they break up the roads) here but there is a law that says you need to have good winter tires on.

People NEVER remember how to drive here until after the first couple of snowfalls so there are people sliding off the roads all over the place. Only here it can be very dangerous, rocks on one side lake on there other, or if you're really "lucky" you'll hit the car coming towards you.

"they" don't like you using salt so sand or cat litter works or dirt, gravel(small)


AuntySherlock Report 19 Dec 2009 19:56

Oh heavens and I thought you lot were very fortunate to have white Christmases. We whinge when the roads become sticky from the heat.

And what do "they" do to get about the place. Is it a foregone conclusion that you will all stay home like good little citizens. DET says it only lasts a couple of days. How about you RMS. I'm picturing you whishing around the place on your snow shoes or yelling mush! to your trusty team of sled dogs.

Well, don't laugh. You lot think kangaroos hop down the main streets of our cities (well they do if they're lost) and feral koalas fall out of gum trees. And we can fry eggs on the footpath (well you can if it's hot enough).


AuntySherlock Report 20 Dec 2009 00:05

Oh yes, we have sharks and jellyfish. And snakes, in your back garden in the summer time if you live anywhere near the bush. And then there are the trapdoor and redback spiders.

You have your vicious creatures as well don't you. Hedgehogs, badgers and those Arsenal supporters.


RockyMountainShy Report 20 Dec 2009 05:08

And black widow spiders, bears, coyotes, deer, dogs, attack cats, etc.

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 20 Dec 2009 07:32

Well it's snowed all night here in the north, it's quite deep. The temperature dropped to -6 (I know that's mild compared to Canada), the snow is now frozen solid.

I've got a small amount of grit left so I might be able to clear a path for my son's wheelchair tomorrow. He doesn't break up until Wednesday so I need to get some more grit.

The only beasties we have running around are foxes, and they only attack cats, well, one of them ate my pet duck!


AuntySherlock Report 20 Dec 2009 08:12

How very unsporting of the fox to eat your pet duck. It makes fox hunting sound like a very sporting proposition.

Isn't I weird how we run around like headless chooks spouting about how we have to save the environment and mother nature does the dirty on us and makes our lives miserable and more difficult.

I'll boomerang you over a whole truckload of grit Pauline. Just to make your life easier. No sense using the catapult it is frozen solid. Hopefully the icy weather won't last more than a few days. Start looking forward to spring.

On second thoughts maybe not. That's when the cyber pets breed. We'll have another forty or so boakins and a half dozen nessiemodo dragons tripping around the place.


Mazfromnorf Report 20 Dec 2009 08:12

morning all it is deep crisp and even here very pretty ,but will have to rely on these young ones helping today i have several local cards to deliver and ,hope they will ,the snow has frog and i well apart lol he is snowed in ,our main roads will be OK it is all the side areas like our road they forget about ,


Mazfromnorf Report 20 Dec 2009 08:15

morning aunty
you can keep your snakes do not like them at all ,I used to get adders in the garden at home nasty things and they are only tiny lol
RMS the boy racers love this weather they are the hazzards in this area


AuntySherlock Report 20 Dec 2009 19:50

Good morning. Is it my imagination or has the number count on this thread gone down somewhat. Nah that's silly, must be dreaming. Still half asleep. Well today is my shopping day. Christmas shopping. Today I hop into my trusty little car and drive the short distance to the shops, slowly make my way into crowded commercial establishments, buy exactly what I need from my list, and scurry home, after playing parking bingo with other motorists.

Parking bingo?? Well it goes like this. You have a load of shopping you decide to take out to your car. As soon as you open the boot there are four other cars queued around you, engines racing, waiting for you to pull out from your parking spot. Verrrry slowly you put your things in the car, then shut the boot, turn around give them all a collective sweet smile and walk back into the shops. Ohhhh I do so love Christmas shopping.

Edit. Just checked my copy. Some posts have been deleted. Not a problem, can understand that not everyone wishes to be associated with nut cases.


Mazfromnorf Report 20 Dec 2009 21:13

hello cards are still on the table will attempt to do them tomorrow ,i have signed off the cafe and laundry shift for today lol


YG Report 20 Dec 2009 22:43

Evening everyone!!

Christmas!!! Arrrggghhhh!!!!

Been to town to finish off, more or less! What a marathon!!!

Couldn't go through trying to find a parking space so decided to use my bus pass. Checked the timetable, set of five minutes before and stood there for half an hour. Nothing!! Man came over the road and said 'don't think you'll get a bus love, they've closed the road off down by the cemetery as a house roof has collapsed and buses have been diverted!! Oh joy!! Frozen feet, frozen hands and frozen other bits!!

Went home, called a taxi. Road reopened two minutes after we left!!

Spent four hours wrapping tonight! Mutter, mutter. I hate Christmas!!
Still more to do tomorrow night.

Roads like skating rinks - can I get to work in one piece tomorrow, or rather, can I get the car to work in one piece!!!


RockyMountainShy Report 20 Dec 2009 23:51

I am trying very hard not to laugh to loud, it might wake you all up and that just wouldn't do at all.

Our driveway is just ice right now. As my parents are in their 80's and aren't to steady on their feet, and I'm not much better, the driveway was being ignored which is a no no, but just as my Mum went out to shovel what she could Our next door neighbour came over and did it

YEAH for John.


AuntySherlock Report 21 Dec 2009 03:06

Congratulate me. I have just done my Christmas shopping. I have bought a selection of "things to play with" for the grandbabies. One card for each person into which will go my Christmas wishes and a financial contribution. For those who have said no presents, they will receive their financial contribution after Christmas. Spot has a squeaky toy to unwrap.

OH has ventured out and purchased the major items for the luncheon on Christmas Day. We have taken a leaf out of DET's cookery book. We are going to cook on Thursday. Meat, and the unravelling of the pudding. On Friday all I will need to do is the vegetables. Oh yes I do take note.

I have spoken to each of the participants to ensure I have something suitable for the culinary tastes of each person.

Now I have three days left to sort out the house., tidy the back verandah and wrap the little 'uns bits and pieces.


AuntySherlock Report 21 Dec 2009 10:09

DET Sometimes your ideas border on the miraculous. What an absolutely excellent idea. Ship all the Cyber Pets over to RMS. Won't they have a ball. They can go sledding, skiing, toboganning, and hunting wild bears. And they can make snowmen and have snow ball fights. Or they can just hang around the Winter Olympics as guides or kitchen staff.

If sure RMS won't mind having them to visit for a couple of months. Just until Christmas is over. We could send them over on the Ark and RMS could meet them somewhere along the St Lawrence, providing of course it is not frozen over.

That will give the us all a rest from the darling little critters. The dragons might even be able to breathe gently on the frozen roads and melt the ice. The British Government should pick up the tab for the cost of their voyage.


Mazfromnorf Report 21 Dec 2009 11:24

here its a chaotic household Daughter has been sorting out her gear ,so gone down to a charity shop ,am fighting a loosing battle with the kitchen floor .etc it is very icy still, frog is still stranded the estates are horrendous main roads are fine
am waiting for a service on heating boiler there will be a phone call one hour before hand
have made chicken soup .