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YG Report 13 Dec 2009 16:46

Wow, that's a brilliant tree Pauline!! Just what we needed to brighten the thread!

DET, Maz ensnared him and put him in the boot till she got home so that she could send him to me!!!

An early Christmas pressie!!


Mazfromnorf Report 13 Dec 2009 17:28

evening everyone
i am running out of time have not stopped today
went to church ,set up for the carol service on tuesday night ,
now writing the cards out and the decorations are downstairs ,also shopped and writing cards


Mazfromnorf Report 13 Dec 2009 19:24

have been taking several lol and coffee breaks one more set and leave the rest until tomorrow


RockyMountainShy Report 13 Dec 2009 19:28

Ok why are you cooking the turkey NOW, you still have over a week to go !!!!!!!! Silly people.

I also finally got the nerve to phone my 2nd cousin in Bristol and I got the answering machine GGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRR now it'll take me another two years to try again. GGRR


AuntySherlock Report 13 Dec 2009 19:51

I am a little echo. DET why do you cook the turkey now. Do you cut it up and freeze it and have it bit by bit or were you asleep when you typed that.

Beautiful Christmas tree, thank you Pauline. We really do have a very special thread.

My tree is out in the shed, resting, the cards didn't get done. I did some work, work instead so I can have the end of this week off. Also planning a trip out yonder with OH and Spot of the Shaven Paws. Waiting for a reply from a little coastal village to see if we can stay for a few days first week in January.

I've filled in my first family history card so only about 526 to go. If I do a card each time I add a person to the tree and then one more for those already on the tree it should only take me about ten years to finish them all.


RockyMountainShy Report 14 Dec 2009 00:48

Jane & I found each other though this site about 3 years ago! WOW.

Between us we have found a whole branch of the family plus other things :_)) Every now and then she has a cry of why don't I phone you. Will I know she doesn't have a lot of money soo I phoned her weelllllll SHE WASN'T HOME !

Hopefully my nerve will last till tomorrow morning.

Fir trees are very nice and they don't loss their needles unless you forget to water them


AuntySherlock Report 14 Dec 2009 01:39

Last posting date. Oh ha ha. Our postieshave gone on strike. People are posting letters without stamps because the rumour is the post office won't be bothered checking. (No I'm not an unstamping person, looks at bottom where stamp is fading as the botty spreads).

Announcement. I just ate one chocolate. First since 1 Nov 09. Yes I'm dribbling and hoping I don't find any more lying around. Well I had to eat it. Last one in the box I've been handing around trying to get rid of.

Had to ask the cleaner to crawl into the industrial waste bin this morning to retrieve my rubbish bag from Friday's wastepaper bin. Threw out some banking papers didn't I. Oh heavens my brain is not controlled this time of the year.

My tree. It is an artificial tree. I think I wrote the story about my adventures with pine trees somewhere on these boards. I'll retrieve it and you will understand why it is artificial.

I shall return. Go back to sleep.


AuntySherlock Report 14 Dec 2009 01:51

I actually found it. Posted somewhere on 6 Nov 09. Aunty Sherlocks's true Christmas Tree story.....

Oh that question so brings back memories of "the great Christmas tree hunt".

Many, many years ago when I was a new mother and for many years after, this family had a tradition of going out to the bush finding the perfect tree and bringing it home.

About a week before Christmas off we'd set in the family car. Mum, Dad, and two kids, and Dad's little axe. Out into the Australian bush. Well as far out as you could drive without a cut lunch and a thermos.

Oh look, there's a possibility. Out of the car, then the inspection. Too tall, too wide, not symmetrical, not quite right. Back in the car, drive, drive, drive. That one, over there. Oh too bad, missed it. There's one, looks good. Out of the car. Damn barbed wire fence. Back in the car. Drive, drive. Mum I'm thirsty. Will we be there soon.

That one looks OK. Where, over there. I'm not walking half a mile to chop down that tree and drag it back to the car. Well why didn't you just buy one from the shop. Because you wanted a proper one. Alright the next proper pine tree we come to that is the right size, that's it.

Drive, drive, drive. There, look, it's perfect. Yes that will just about fit. Chop, chop, chop. OK put it into the boot. It won't fit. Yes it will, I'll make it fit. Leave that bit hanging out.

Drive, drive drive. Home. Drag tree out of car boot into house. Put tree in bucket with water and sand. Decorate tree. Ahhhhhhh. Five days later the lounge room carpet is covered with pine needles. Drag tree outside.

Do you know it took ten years of this annual expedition for me to buy an artificial tree. But just before that decision was made I bought a pine tree planted in a container. A living Christmas tree. We used that for about two years, until it became too large to drag inside the house. About twelve months ago the tree, which we replanted into the garden had reached a height of about 20 feet. The tree man had to remove it because it was digging up the foundations.

I still have my artificial tree.


Mazfromnorf Report 14 Dec 2009 06:27

morning all it has taken a while to get on here i keep getting a blank page saying I have no threads lol


LaGooner Report 14 Dec 2009 09:03

Morning all, what a weekend !!!!!!! I am exhausted.
Aunty I have index cards for my rellies too. Made a good start by entering all the Derbyshire lot by name. Have never got all their deatils on yet so not a lot of good. One Day !!!! Sigh. Then of course I have got the Wiltshire and Yorkshire lot. Oh heck they are a prolific lot and could fill 6 boxes on their own LOL.

Oh Maz no firemen for me !!!! Hangs head and bawls loudly. :-(((


AuntySherlock Report 14 Dec 2009 10:55

DET. This is a warning!!

Ah ha I see I have your attention.

What was I going to say. Oh yes. Gee I'm hungry. Must go and forage for some food. Be back in a minute.

Let me see where was I. Oh yes warning.

Do Not Let Your Memory Stick Become Full. You know how to check how much space is left on it don't you?? Right mouse click, properties.

If you fill it up you will not be able to access what is on it. And don't ask me why, or how long is a piece of string, or when it happens. All I know is that we have had a few at work which when filled up will not work at all.

There you go. Aunty's No 27 handy hint to save going crazy because your flash drive/memory stick/thumb drive/ thingy won't work.


AuntySherlock Report 14 Dec 2009 11:28

Oh, I do apologise. We haven't had a weather update for quite a while.

Let me see. About 10 ish at night. Current temperature 25.8 degrees C. Maximum today was 30 degrees, hmmm bit on the coolish side.

Minimum tonight will be 19 degrees C. Definitely will need the flannelette PJs.

Tomorrow aaaahhhhh. Tomorrow a delightful 36 degrees C.

Runs away very fast!!! Whoo hoo hoooooooo!!

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 14 Dec 2009 11:47

Cold, wet and dark here!!

I didn't know that about a memory stick. I've got them lying all over the place but I don't think any of them are full. Better make sure none of them get full.


Mazfromnorf Report 14 Dec 2009 14:10

LG i sent you some too but the picture wouldnt go i tried all the way back ,I am sure frog thinks i am a nutter lol trying to explain why I had to get the pictures lol
wet dark here too off to maths class later but might get a lift from frog before he goes home from work


YG Report 14 Dec 2009 18:26

Snow forecast for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday!! I'm going into hiding!!


YG Report 14 Dec 2009 18:33

Don't tell Aunty everyone, cos she'll be sooooooo disappointed, but that flight we all arranged to spend Christmas with her is off ...........................

BA cabin crew are going on strike!!

Is the ark ready, and could we get there in time for the Christmas turkey!!


AuntySherlock Report 14 Dec 2009 19:39

You can probably thank your lucky stars you aren't able to travel this week. There would be four little melted puddles on the ground and I'd have to explain your disappearance. However, don't forget there is always the catapult. We have our Christmas lunch in the backyard so I don't need to bother with open windows. Just watch the big tree when you arrive.

I hope someone followed YGs request and sent DET the message. Personally I have no idea what you are talking about. I always clean my little mouse.

Thinking we might need to take the Ark out for a cruise right after Christmas. It will give the CPs something to do, and I haven't been fishing for a while.


YG Report 14 Dec 2009 19:51

Are you trying to tell us it is hot over there Aunty!!!

Ok, we can live with that!! You can't build snowmen!!


AuntySherlock Report 14 Dec 2009 20:36

Oh and PS

You northern hemispherians have a lot to answer for.

It is 7.00 am about 26 degrees and there is some idiot, on the radio, singing about it being, "lovely weather for a sleigh ride together".

Now really, I would like to see them try!!

And as for snowmen...

I made myself a snowman as perfect as could be
I thought I'd keep it as a pet and let it sleep with me
I made it some pajamas and a pillow for it's head
Then, last night it ran away
But first -- it wet the bed.

Groan. I know it's an oldie.


Mazfromnorf Report 14 Dec 2009 20:43

its wet here lol very wet but is still 6 degrees here