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LaGooner Report 20 Feb 2010 22:04

I'm not asleep either but internet is so slow I think it's asleep LOL.


LaGooner Report 20 Feb 2010 23:20

Oh boy DET that is quite a sovenier to have. It will be worth a good bit on ebay before long LOL. I will be in touch with final meet time(FRI) very soon


LaGooner Report 21 Feb 2010 00:35

Nite one and all,sleep well


LaGooner Report 21 Feb 2010 08:43

oh look
the Killer Queen,
gelignite and gelatine
dynamite with her laser beam.
guaranted to blow your mind!!!

taking up permanent residence on the throne wearing a beautiful crown LOL


Mazfromnorf Report 21 Feb 2010 09:13

morning all well i am pleased with the company but why cant anyone do dishes or clearing of cups glasses etc lol
does anyone use lost cousins site at all i joined recently on recomendation from a work mate ,the news letter talks about the take over of this site interesting


YG Report 21 Feb 2010 09:36

Woken up to a white world again this morning. Expected?? NOT!!
Three inches fallen overnight but not a sign of it when I snuggled under the duvet!! And it's still coming thick and fast!

Mmm, wonder if that is a good excuse for not going into work tomorrow lol!! All the children will be back at school after half term too, so the traffic will be horrendous! I am sooooooooooooooo happy!!


Mazfromnorf Report 21 Feb 2010 09:48

it is just starting here YG naomi is supposed to go back tomorrow too


YG Report 21 Feb 2010 10:02

We are supposed to be getting more on either Tuesday or Wednesday. I hope Naomi makes it home safely Maz.

Just been looking at the Lost Cousins website. It looks good. I think I need to start on my research again. I am just trying to export my tree from here at the moment.


Mazfromnorf Report 21 Feb 2010 10:27

she may not make it as she has a toe that may need lancing so may not be able to drive .she also has to get too the castle for an appointment later it is set in here the snow about an inch in 30mins so far
there are a few olivers around mine were originally from fairlight ,how ever there were some gallops who died and the kids came to live with my lot before 1900 who i need to trace parents and history ,
got my phone sorted last night it arrived by courier and adam got it set up for me again
you might have jamie oliver yet then in you line DET lol
that lost cousins is taliking about a site called internet archive any experience of that one ?


YG Report 21 Feb 2010 10:30

I used to have a crush on someone with the surname Oliver!! Don't know what happened to him over the years!! It's just reminded me lol!!


Mazfromnorf Report 21 Feb 2010 10:34

ooo er he wern,t naked then lol YG


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 21 Feb 2010 10:35

Think I've heard of Lost Cousins - thought it was mainly American records? Never heard of the other one.

Hope your daughter can get sorted out - wouldn't it be better if she sought treatment once she got 'home'? At least without the commuter traffic, the Gritters have a fair chance of getting around.

edit - morning YG. Hope the snow is stopping. At least with no fence, it can't be knocked down again if someone goes for a slide - lol

Anyone seen Aunty? - last heard of going out for the morning ie last night

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 21 Feb 2010 10:38

Hi all, it's absolutely freezing here. Just been out to the freezer in the garage and I think it was warmer in there than it was outside.

The snow is still here from yesterday, I was hoping it would thaw but no such luck.


Mazfromnorf Report 21 Feb 2010 10:41

she needs to get the dressing done every few days so they are doing thet here it was treated at home but its very sore to drive with
well I must get the dinner going so spuds to bash lol


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 21 Feb 2010 10:48

Hope you can get son out of the house in the morning, Pauline! I suppose with the snow over the New Year, we've managed to forget that we normally have it in Feb.

It was lovely on Wednesday; as if spring was here - now it's cold and wet. Yuk.


YG Report 21 Feb 2010 10:49

Morning DET snd Pauline. You're right about the fence lol!! The council are quoting two months, but will try and bring it forward. Not so sure they should bother. Best wait till the roads are safe!!

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 21 Feb 2010 11:09

Best wait another couple of months YG, I think this weather will last a while yet. Not much point putting it up to get it knocked down again.

The snow isn't that deep this time DET (I'm tempting fate there), I should go out and clear it now but it's too cold, and it's frozen. YUK


YG Report 21 Feb 2010 11:27

The snow here is melting slowly. Sliding off the cars and the trees, but the roads are awful. I hope it's clear tomorrow!!


Mazfromnorf Report 21 Feb 2010 11:55

its getting deep here very cold still managed to clean the rabbit out earlier as it started so pleased about that
.I began stripping wallpaper of the loo at the moment so will need to keep going later its very addictive doing it .


AuntySherlock Report 21 Feb 2010 19:50

I'm here!! You have snow again. Oh you poor cold souls. And I went out to breakfast yesterday morning with the family and ended up at Melba's chocolate factory.

No I didn't buy chocolate.

But I never said nothing about lollies. Oh well I can go back on the diet the day after tomorrow.

Been playing on the Borwnie thread. Good recipes and some unusual posts which are a bit.....unusual.

Maz I never thought of you as being related to Jamie. That must explain why he can cook as well. And fancy you being related to DET.

You must be all smiles see Arsenal managed to win a game LG. You see I told you that magnificant boakins chant would work .

I spent some time on Saturday being "not very happy". I have two fitness classes a week at one place. 9.30am Saturday and 6.00 pm Monday. They have changed the times to 12.00 midday on Saturday and 8.00 pm Monday. Not happy at all let me tell you. Yes I have complained.

Must go need to get ready for work. Bye