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AuntySherlock Report 19 Feb 2010 09:24

LG You have got it correct again. Can see why they call you Her Maj. I try to keep out of the kitchen as much as possible because everything that goes wrong in there "is all my fault".


AuntySherlock Report 19 Feb 2010 09:29

Whoo hoo I am treeless. Forever to be known as Me Me born c0000 Off Planet.

No more watering, digging, pruming, grafting, trimming, cultivating, fertilising, no more nothing.

I have decided I need to concentrate on dates of demise for my research. Don't seem to have all that many with the end date entered.


Mazfromnorf Report 19 Feb 2010 09:35

lol aunty to get stuff done they have to find the kitchen or at least be concious a girl just cant survive with the IV drip of caffiene lol
i dont like the tree on here and looking at someone who has a large tree its really annoyin as you cant see the plan easy


AuntySherlock Report 19 Feb 2010 09:47

Perfectionism isn't a bad trait. It just means pretending one is perfect. And knowing you aint ever going to live up to your own expectations.

Before my last Gedcom my tree was essentially neat and tidy. There was one sticky out bit that should have been connected.

I downloaded the new lot of rellies about a week ago and have just looked at it in depth, ie before I zapped it. There were trailing bits everywhere and dead ends, and I don't mean demised bottoms.

Quite truthfully I haven't found a tree I really like. My off line one is not too bad, the Big A one drives me batty and that's about all I've tried. Might do some experimenting and see what else is on offer out there in cyber space.


Mazfromnorf Report 19 Feb 2010 10:16

there we go we always attain higher but that breeds the best we can do and not a bad thing as my ex was well it will do its better than nothing attitude but that is costing me loads of money to get it all organised .
and i guess trees are no different there are a couple on here that copied stuff off mine but it was wrong lol


Mazfromnorf Report 19 Feb 2010 10:18

a lot of my stuff is on paper as its easier to add notes to

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 19 Feb 2010 12:03

LOL, DET, is your smoke alarm still a dinner gong, or have you improved since the kids were little?

I had to take my smoke alarm out of the kitchen, got sick of it going off.

I've been working on my tree this morning and it's driving me potty, why does every family member of generation give their kids the same names? I'm going to have to give each generation a different colour so I don't get them mixed up.

Thank you for all the info Aunty.


LaGooner Report 19 Feb 2010 13:51

One branch of my family all neatly on index cards now. Better get the rest sorted LOL. the ones I dread Groan!!!!!!!!!!

DINNER GONG!!!!!!!!!!! thats about right round here too LOL


YG Report 19 Feb 2010 19:02

Where is everyone hiding!! Are you all sitting upon your respective thrones in Nut Lodge!!


LaGooner Report 19 Feb 2010 19:31

I am lurking LOL.


AuntySherlock Report 19 Feb 2010 19:50

Smoke alarm. That is so funny. In this kitchen whenever the smoke alarm goes off it is the job of the person not doing the cooking to stand under the alarm and frantically wave a tea towel in its general direction.

Depending on the state of the burnt offering this may have to be repeated two or three times. When the action is so exhausting the tea towel waver climbs onto a chair, disconnects the alarm and places it on the table.

While this is happenning the brave sabre tooth tiger hides under the bed with his paws over his ears.

25C here this morning heading for 37!!

Had to laugh at my hot matches this morning. I now have hundred of them listed but when I click on them it just says there aren't any and there doesn't seem to be anyway of deleting them anymore.


LaGooner Report 19 Feb 2010 19:56

Hi Aunty,just tearing my hair out again. Any idea how I can find a spouse for a marriage I know was March 1909. But freebmd cannot give me lady's name, Grrrrrrrrrrrr. They list the groom but due to transcriptor not being able to read page entry which I have worked out, they have not listed bride.


AuntySherlock Report 19 Feb 2010 20:30

Have you tried the parish registers. In google put in the county name followed by "parish register".

Did you say you have worked out the bride? Do it from the other direction. Put the bride's name into a search and trace the groom. You have already done that haven't you??? It is the bride you can not find.

Is the marriage covered by the alternative searches on Ancestry, ie in the London and surrounding areas.

Have you tried taking the page and vol number for the groom and just putting that into the FreeBDM search, nothing else. Well maybe the county and date.


LaGooner Report 19 Feb 2010 20:33

Tried all of those except parish records I will take a look now but I am not holding out much hope.


AuntySherlock Report 19 Feb 2010 20:33

Sorry about the double posting. Dunno what happened.


AuntySherlock Report 19 Feb 2010 20:37

If you know the page and vol number and you use that it should bring up the match. I did it the other day. You need to provide a bit more info to narrow the search but no names whatsoever.

When did the records start providing the spouse's name for marriages. I thought by 1909 they were available, or is it later than that.


Mazfromnorf Report 19 Feb 2010 20:39

hi folks well i am getting fed up here my mobile has broken and i cant get through to anyone to talk to on orange i did at least speak to frog so he knows


LaGooner Report 19 Feb 2010 20:43

It should have name on there but due to an error it is not there


AuntySherlock Report 19 Feb 2010 20:57

Morning Maz. Chuck the mobile in the bin!! Horrible things should be banned. Why are you talking on an orange, that sounds really strange. We eat oranges over here. At least they aren't as expensive as mobile phones.

LG we may be going around in circles, but can you look at the original image for the groom? Does that give you the numbers you need?

Just thinking if the problem is with the transcription of the original image you are going to have to look elsewhere for the records. Unless someone else has looked at the same image and worked it out. As most transcribed records have come from the same source I don't like your chances of find it suddenly appearing elsewhere. The idea of parish records seems to be the best bet.


LaGooner Report 19 Feb 2010 21:03

Ok Aunty some good soul on records has helped me out as marriage was 1909 and they looked up 1911 census. Now why did I not think of that. And another found surname for me somewhere else. Now to get it written down before I lose it LOL