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Hazel Olley born 1926

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Loraine Report 24 Aug 2015 09:27

Looking for relatives of Hazel Olley born in 1926. Mother was Elizabeth Ann Olley. They lived in or around Kilshaw Street in Liverpool.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 24 Aug 2015 10:06

Welcome to the boards Loraine.

For the record, she is/was Hazel M Olley.

Was she adopted out, or live with family? If you have previously been in contact with her, how long ago was that?

What is your connection to this person please? There is a probable marriage in 1952 (not using middle initial) to Mr Braithwaite and entry on the ER to 2012. He remains at the address for the current 2014-15 year.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 24 Aug 2015 10:15

I'm confused -do you know the child born in 1955? %3A-S

Did Hazel disappear in 2012/13 or is this the wrong marriage?


ArgyllGran Report 24 Aug 2015 10:26

??? Mother's death:-

Elizabeth A Olley
in the England & Wales, Death Index, 1916-2007
Name: Elizabeth A Olley
Birth Date: abt 1886
Date of Registration: Dec 1960
Age at Death: 74
Registration district: Liverpool North
Inferred County:
Volume: 10d
Page: 437


Loraine Report 24 Aug 2015 14:36

Hi Hazel Olley was my mother her married name was Braithwaite. She passed away in 2014. Her mother was Elizabeth Ann Olley. My mother was born 1926 then adopted in 1927. Trying to find if my mother has any brothers or sisters or any family who can tell me more.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 24 Aug 2015 15:34

It would have helped if you'd explained that in your opening post. Never mind.

Do you have her mothers DC, or would Hazel have been the informant? Assuming it is the correct one and not reg by Hazel, it does imply she was a single woman. The informant might have been Family.

Other than looking for birth registrations Olley mothers maiden name Olley in the Liverpool reg district & purchasing the Certs to check the mother is correct, we may have to go back a generation to look for descendents of her own siblings.

Have you searched all members Tree, top left under search? If anyone has Elizabeth or Hazel listed, they may be related. Send a message asking how and explaining your own.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 24 Aug 2015 15:42

The only other OlleyOlley/ birth in Lanc from 1911 to 1940 is

Births Jun 1914   (>99%)
Olley  Edward  Olley  Rochdale  8e 105   

Before Sep 1911, the mothers maiden name is not recorded on the index.

TBH, if she was born c1886 , she'd be approx 40 when Hazel was born. Do we have the correct death for her?


Rambling Report 24 Aug 2015 15:52

? Going from the birthdate on the death reg previously posted...and not seeing an Elizabeth Ann Olley birth to match date?

Name: Elizabeth Olley
Age in 1911: 24
Estimated birth year: abt 1887
Relation to Head: Wife
Gender: Female
Birth Place: Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Civil Parish: Everton

County/Island: Lancashire
Country: England
Street address: 5 Reynolds Place
Marital Status: Married
Registration district: West Derby
Registration District Number: 455
Sub-registration district: South Everton
ED, institution, or vessel: 26
Piece: 22539
Household Members:
Name Age
Richard Olley 32
Elizabeth Olley 24
Elizabeth Olley 7
Richard Henry Olley 6
Thomas Olley 4
William Olley 2


Rambling Report 24 Aug 2015 15:54


Marriages Sep 1903 (>99%)

Olley Richard Liverpool 8b 24
RAWSTHORNE Elizabeth Annie Liverpool 8b 24


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 24 Aug 2015 15:54

Hmm... I'd spotted that too. Although I've just closed the tab, the marriage was to a (deleted cos the name from memory was wrong)

You do have Hazels BC, don't you? What exactly does it say?


Rambling Report 24 Aug 2015 16:02

There are several trees on Ancestry for this family. Giving Richard's death as 1940, there were 10 children, youngest born 1924....


Loraine Report 24 Aug 2015 16:48

Hi I only have my mother's BC and states her mother's name Elizabeth Ann Olley and no partners name. Her address then was Kilshaw Street Liverpool.She gave her occupation as fish seller. Mothers full name Hazel May Olley.


Loraine Report 24 Aug 2015 16:56

As far as I know my mother Hazel could not remember her mother or never met her after she was adopted in 1927 by May and Jack Dean.


Loraine Report 24 Aug 2015 16:57

Hi I only have my mother's BC and states her mother's name Elizabeth Ann Olley and no partners name. Her address then was Kilshaw Street Liverpool.She gave her occupation as fish seller. Mothers full name Hazel May Olley.


Loraine Report 24 Aug 2015 16:57

Hi I only have my mother's BC and states her mother's name Elizabeth Ann Olley and no partners name. Her address then was Kilshaw Street Liverpool.She gave her occupation as fish seller. Mothers full name Hazel May Olley.


ArgyllGran Report 24 Aug 2015 18:21

An interesting aside -

if the 1911 census record posted by RR is the correct family, the daughter Elizabeth (Elizabeth Eleanor) seems to have married the same person twice:

Marriages Jun 1925 (>99%)
Blenkinsop Charles P Olley W. Derby 8b 1047
Olley Elizabeth E Blenkinsop W. Derby 8b 1047

Marriages Sep 1926 (>99%)
Blenkinsop Charles P Olley West Derby 8b 706
Olley Elizabeth E Blenkinsop W. Derby 8b 706


ArgyllGran Report 24 Aug 2015 18:35

Don't know if relevant:

In 1911 there was a Mr Rawsthorn living at 44 Kilshaw Street,ina household of 2 males and 5 females. I can't see them on the full census records, though.

Rawsthorn Mr
in the 1911 England Census Summary Books
Name: Rawsthorn Mr
Number of Males: 2
Number of Females: 5
Household schedule number: 140
Street address: 44 Kilshaw Street
Civil Parish: Everton
Ecclesiastical parish: Everton Emmanuel
County/Island: Lancashire
Country: England
Residence Year: 1911
Registration district: West Derby
Registration District Number: 455
Sub-registration district: South Everton
Sub-Registration District Number: 8
ED, institution, or vessel: 37
Neighbors: View others on page
Piece: 1325


ArgyllGran Report 24 Aug 2015 18:39

Oh, yes, here they are:

Richard Henry Rawsthorne

in the 1911 England Census
Name: Richard Henry Rawsthorne
Age in 1911: 28 (48 on image)
Estimated birth year: abt 1883 (c1863)
Relation to Head: Head
Gender: Male
Birth Place: Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Civil Parish: Everton
Search Photos: Search for 'Everton' in the UK City, Town and Village Photos collection
Country: England
Street address: 44 Kilshaw St
Marital Status: Married
Occupation: Beef Carrier
Registration district: West Derby
Registration District Number: 455
Sub-registration district: South Everton
ED, institution, or vessel: 37
Piece: 22550
Household Members:
Name Age
Richard Henry Rawsthorne 28 (actually 48)
Elizabeth Ann Rawsthorne 46
Margaret Rawsthorne 18
William Rawsthorne 11
Jane Rawsthorne 9
Maud Rawsthorne 4
Catherine Rawsthorne 5

Marriages Dec 1883 (>99%)
GREEN Elizabeth Annie Toxteth Park 8b 462
RAWSTHORNE Richard Henry Toxteth Park 8b 462


ArgyllGran Report 24 Aug 2015 18:47

This is the family in 1891, with a daughter Elizabeth born c 1886:

Elizabeth Blinkhorn

in the 1891 England Census

Name: Elizabeth Blinkhorn
[Elizabeth Rawrthorn]
[Elizabeth Rawsthorne]
[Elizabeth Rawthorn]
[Elizabeth Green]
Age: 25
Estimated birth year: abt 1866
Relation: Wife
Spouse's Name: Richard Rawrthorne
Father's name: William Green
Gender: Female
Where born: Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Civil Parish: West Derby
Ecclesiastical parish: St Jude
County/Island: Lancashire
Country: England
Street address: 19 Binney Street
Registration district: West Derby
Sub registration district: West Derby (Municipal)
ED, institution, or vessel: 6a
Neighbors: View others on page
Piece: 2988
Folio: 52
Page Number: 37
Household Members:
Name Age
Richard Rawrthorne 26
Elizabeth Blinkhorn 25
Richard Blinkhorn 7
Elizabeth Blinkhorn 5
Ada Blinkhorn 3
William Green 61
Alfred Green 23
George E Green 14


ArgyllGran Report 24 Aug 2015 18:53

And 1901:

Richard Rausthorne
in the 1901 England Census

Name: Richard Rausthorne
Age: 39
Estimated birth year: abt 1862
Relation to Head: Head
Gender: Male
Spouse: Elizabeth Rausthorne
Birth Place: Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Civil Parish: Everton
Search Photos: Search for 'Everton' in the UK City, Town and Village Photos collection
Ecclesiastical parish: Emmanuel
Country: England
Street address: 49 Herbert Street
Registration district: West Derby
Sub-registration district: South Everton
ED, institution, or vessel: 40
Neighbors: View others on page
Piece: 3485
Folio: 62
Page Number: 8
Household schedule number: 51
Household Members:
Name Age
Richard Rausthorne 39
Elizabeth Rausthorne 37
Richard Rausthorne 16
Elizabeth Rausthorne 14
Ada Rausthorne 12
Margaret Rausthorne 8
William Rausthorne 7/12