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Moore b Ecclesall Bierlow

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nameslessone Report 22 Jan 2025 18:31

You are not clear if you believe you are connected to the family referred to in this thread.
, which is 10 years old.

Both John & Teresa are still members so you can send them a pm by clicking on their names. If they have kept their contact details up to date Genes will send them a notification

You can look at Search/ search all members trees to see if anyone else has your family in their tree. If you are not connected to John & Teresa then you could start your own thread giving more information.

Added : I see you have started a thread on the Smart family.


Diana Report 22 Jan 2025 17:32

I am looking for my relatives, Saunders/Edwards who went to North Island, New Zealand.

My mother was a Saunders now we are Smart
Rugeley Staffs


John Report 11 Aug 2015 23:26

Teresa. I have sent a private message to you. Certainly his birth date correct


Teresa Report 11 Aug 2015 13:57

Hi John, Brian Moore was my Mums first husband, sadly he died some years ago but I have sent you a private message with as many details as I can remember, we had no idea he had a sister. He was indeed fostered out. Drop me a private message and we can swap info. cheers Teresa


JoonieCloonie Report 14 Jul 2015 22:13

and on reading it, I see that this is yet another extension of your previous threads ...

and I am no clearer than I ever was as to exactly what you are looking for I'm afraid

You know who Brian Moore's mother and sister were/are (you are in close contact with his sister's family), so you're not looking for 'any relatives', you are looking for him or his children/grandchildren?

I won't post any of what you put in your PM (which didn't include Brian's date of birth ...) but if you would just post that information, concisely and without disclosing other personal info, well, that is what you should have done in the first place

the part I don't understand is where you refer to his sister 'long before he was born', except he was born before her, no?

you have essentially confirmed who his (and his sister's) mother was now so once that is finalized, if you want to know more about her PLEASE put the query in this thread and don't start another one!!!!!


John Report 14 Jul 2015 21:16

Have sent a private message Joonie


JoonieCloonie Report 14 Jul 2015 00:38

it is indeed a very sad story John

are you searching on behalf of his sister who became part of your family, or perhaps her children?

as Jacqueline mentioned the date of birth can be useful for finding a death, if a person has died by 2007 (the cutoff date for online access)

if there were no Brian Moore death with that exact birthdate, there would be a tedious but possibly fruitful exercise of seeing whether any male name in the deaths with that date of birth is not accounted for in birth records, which could indicate a change of name

and of course if he is still living, which could not be known if his name was changed, that search would be of no use

there does not seem to be a Brian Moore with a matching birthdate in the index except for one possibility

Name: Brian Moore
Birth Date: 4 Jun 1934 (if not registered until July)
Date of Registration: Jun 1990
Age at Death: 56
Registration district: Milton Keynes
Inferred County: Buckinghamshire
Volume: 19
Page: 1239

there is a birth in Lambeth that may be a better match for that person

you seem to be up late - if you see this I will be around for a little bit if you want to send me the birthdate privately and I'll try a quick check


John Report 14 Jul 2015 00:21

Mary Teresa did not know her mother, she was in a Manchester workhouse at 1 yr , (father unknown) with her mother then taken from her at about 3 yrs old and admitted to Holly Mount RC Convent school until the age of abt 15 yrs old , contact with the children in there was discouraged, hence on her death cert, parents unknown. From info I have managed to find about her life she spent most of it in Institutions, so must have had a very unhappy one, then to have 2 children that she couldn't keep must have been devastating for her

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 13 Jul 2015 10:22

What about her family ? Did she have siblings that may know of the circumstances

Edit. I see the death record and there's no age or birth year shown so the informant couldn't have had that info .very sad


John Report 12 Jul 2015 23:10

Mothers name was Mary Teresa Moore. There were circumstances that made her have to give her children up., no she did no marry. His sister was taken in by my family but unsure where Brian went, I always thought he was adopted but I think someone took him in as a baby. Their mother died in an institution in 1970, a tragic death.

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 11 Jul 2015 06:42

What was his mums name ? Have you followed up on her ? Did she marry ? Did she look after the children or were they fostered out or put in to home ?


Jacqueline Report 10 Jul 2015 22:30

The exact DOB isn't likely to help unless you're looking for a death, but, as you don't know if he was adopted, what name would you look for?

I hope you've looked in search trees..............for his birth name


John Report 10 Jul 2015 22:25

I did put a date of birth on here for Brian Moore but was told I was not allowed to, so where do I stand.

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 9 Jul 2015 16:12

can you give us some info??

you have certs but we dont know what info they give so any searches are blind

If you are asking for help then you need to give ALL the info you have please :-)


John Report 9 Jul 2015 16:02

PS ---- I have birth certificates for both the births and same mother albeit 9 yrs apart


John Report 9 Jul 2015 16:00

I shall have to look in to that but I am only aware of 2 children to the mother Moore. Many thanks Shirley

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 9 Jul 2015 15:07

there are two possible siblings Moore mmn Moore

After 1935 Ecclesall was incorporated into Sheffield reg district

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 9 Jul 2015 15:03

sorry had to do lunch etc

this looks like his birth and his mum seems to be unmarried

Births Sep 1934
Moore Brian Moore Ecclesall B. 9c 594

you would need his cert to see the details of his mums name etc


John Report 9 Jul 2015 13:52

Oh OK Shirley, no I have not looked in the marriages and unsure if he was adopted. I know he had a sibling but unsure if he knew

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 9 Jul 2015 13:47

its unlikely anyone will just say its me !

Have you looked to see if he married and had children or looked on the GRO records to see if he had siblings etc

FreeBMD is the best site to start looking for info on Births etc

You could also look in Search Members Trees to see if anyone has him in their tree